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[PP-F2] I have it all planned. (Cygnus)

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A stretch, a yawn and then it was time to get strong. Luke had spent hours to meticulously plan his day. It was to start with a hunt for some quest that he could complete, possibly an easy on, on just floor one or two, something about medicine in some forest had caught his attention, but he hadn't fixed his mind on anything yet. After finishing one, he was then going to look out for an other quests that he might be able to clear on the same floor. If all went well, he had saved up a little time to go gather some more sharpening stones for weapons, some special ore for hardening shields and even some hard oak as add on for thorns and things. The boy had figured out the things that worked well in order to improve the gear that people owned. Having stalked up, he had now opened a shop, after much deliberation he'd chosen to start his start-up on floor one, which was the most populated and was the usual starting point for many...

Edited by Victor
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Cygnus had been exploring the city of Urbus this morning, trying to get more familiar with the layout. But as the afternoon approached, he was beginning to grow bored. He wanted to actually go out and do something. Maybe take out some golems like he did with Emblem. He thought of Victor at that point. It had been awhile since they saw each other and much had changed in that time. He pulled up his friends list and sent a quick message to Victor. 


"Hey. I'm thinking of hunting some mobs on the second floor. Would you be interested in joining me?"


He stood around outside the inn, waiting for a response from Victor.

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Vic had fashioned a sort of attic room for himself, it was about a half a floor that was attached to a staircase that ran up from his shop. There was enough room for him to make a decently large bed, in the corner there was a washroom, which was perfect. It felt safe, it was also in the middle of a the town of beginnings, which meant it probably was safe. The boy stretched out some more and then descended the wooden stairs. It was painful to see his shop was deserted, but then it was still fairly early in the day. Just as he was about to set out, he received a message. It was from Cygnus, it didn't take Luke too much time to place that name with a face. It was the man he'd found crying about his daughter because he missed her birthday. They had cleared mobs together that day, it wasn't the worst time of Vic's life. The boy knew he was low on allies, in order to maintain relationships, he'd have to swallow his personal agendas and learn to adapt. Reluctantly he agreed and shot a message back saying that, also added a question about where exactly they should meet. With that he soon made his way to the teleportation gate and found himself in Urbus.

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Cygnus got a reply from Victor fairly quickly. He was interested, but wondering where they should meet. The inn he was outside of was near the teleportation plaza, which was where Victor was likely to enter from. He figured it would be the best meeting point. He opened his messenger, the action of flipping through the menus becoming instinctual at this point, and sent Victor another message with their meeting place.


"I'm at the inn near the teleport plaza. I'll be waiting outside. I look forward to it!"


Cygnus closed his menu and crossed his arms, watching the players and NPC's pass him by on their way to doing whatever it was they were going to do. Cygnus enjoyed crowd watching. It was a very relaxing, mindless activity.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The walk to the destination was rather eventless. He witnessed a small argument between some players in the main area of the town. Something over some equipment, Vic passed them by without a backward glance, his chocolate brown eyes rolling. Initially, he had found such events amusing and worth the time he spent, observing them. Now to stop by, seemed tedious and unrewarding. It was always the same things; My equipment is better... I'm of higher level... Come duel me, how dare you steal my col... Topics along those lines are what caused a rift between players. A lot of the people here seemed to be on a trip to prove themselves better than the other, Victor didn't care for such things. The brown haired boy, did want to climb higher, but only because he was aware of tactics that escaped the notice of even the most seasoned gamers. He had learned early in life, that you need to obtain a certain status, before your ideas are valued, and the boy needed others to listen. In the time he had spent doing his research in the game, he had begun to understand Kayaba's psychology, which he believed was the key to finishing this game. He shuffled past players and NPCs alike to finally spot his acquaintance by the inn. He walked up to him and placed his palm on the man's shoulder. "Cygnus." he said with a nod. "Its been a while.

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Cygnus had been waiting around for a good while when he felt a hand on his shoulder; The warrior flinched with the sudden contact, but calmed himself when he turned around and saw that it was his old friend, Victor. He smiled, offering Victor a handshake. "Good day, Victor. Good to see you again. It certainly has been awhile hasn't it?" Cygnus's level and gear certainly attested to that. When last they met, the brunette had advanced only a few levels and he still had all of the beginner items, not even having armor. Now, he was clad in Perfect quality gear and level 15. He had certainly come a long way. "So, are you ready to go? We can stop at a shop and resupply first if you'd prefer. Failing that, we can just shoot the breeze on the way to hunt some mobs."

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Upon reaching his friend, Victor sighed. He had taken a small break to set up his shop which also served as his home here on SAO, which meant he needed it to be somewhat perfect. Apart from that, he also needed it to be cost effective. Since his business had not really kicked off, it didn't make sense to spend on furniture before he had earned his profits. Painstakingly, the boy had spent time talking to NPC after NPC, to see if they could do him some personal favours. He had learned that this itself was a high price, he had to wrought many lies to get what he wanted... In any case, in all this time, Cygnus hadn't only caught on, but probably surpassed Victor in level. "I have decent gear, so we won't need to make any stops on the way, what do you have in mind that we could do? I've heard of some unique quests with simple tasks, not too dangerous, probably worth a shot..." Victor said shrugging.  

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Cygnus honestly didn't think about the difference in level they probably were now. Even though Cygnus had likely surpassed him by now, this fact went over the head of the player. To him, Victor was still a higher level player showing him the ropes, and so the warrior would treat him with respect and defer to his judgement. "I'm not too familiar with all of the quests, though I have done quite a few. Do you have any quests in mind specifically? I'm up for anything, personally." He smilled and stretched with a yawn. He hadn't yet fully woken up this morning. "Beyond quests, we could also go hunting. Get some Col and materials. Up to you though. Like I mentioned, i'm up for anything." Cygnus smiled, happy he could hang out with Victor again. It had been far too long, that was for sure. 

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