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Sylvia Strauss [WIP]

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Username: Syl
Real name: Sylvia Strauss
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5

Profession: none yet






-Social: Sylvia was blessed by the gods with the ability to easily talk to anyone. She is far from shy, and always enjoys a lovely little chat once in a while. Mostly because it makes her learn more about people, and makes her gain their trust, which makes manipulating them easier.

-Loyal: A trait that really seems to be out of place, yet is still true. If she happens to really like someone and not have any interest in messing with them, Sylvia might befriend that person for real. If she does, she'll be loyal and won't leave that person behind. This doesn't happen very often though.

-confident: Though she often acts like she's scared of everything, Sylvia actually isn't easily frightened. She is quite confident about her capabilities, so isn't scared of a fight (Though she prefers letting others do things like that for her). Sylvia also is really confident about her appearance, which is one of the reason's why she's good at seducing people.

-Manipulative: Her signature trait. Sylvia loves messing with people's emotions and relationships. Ruining someone's time is often really exciting for the lovely psycho girl! She also tends to use her manipulation skills to make other people to her dirty work, which makes her life a lot easier.

-Trickster: Though others would call her a liar, Sylvia prefers the term trickster as it sounds better. One of the things Sylvia is really good at is lying. Often weaker people become the victims of her countless lies.

-Seducer: Seducing is another thing that Sylvia considers herself to be pretty good at. Seduction makes using people a whole lot easier, so why not use it? Sylvia often uses her seduction skills on guys, but girls sometimes also are a victim~


Edited by Syl
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[SP USED: 5/5]




Weapon skills:
»Rapier Mastery [5/50][Rank 1/5]



1] Basic rapier [Good item]

2]Cute starting outfit [Good item]

Description: Green skirt, light green shirt, and a brown jacket. Does it protect the wearer? Not at all!



-10 Bread

-15 Water


» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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