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[PP-F4] Why does it have to be so cold? (Avilon)

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Cygnus shivered in the freezing wind as he left the inn he had stayed the night in. The inn had a fire going, so it wasn't so bad inside, but in the early morning, it was freezing cold and a light snow was falling. Cygnus always despised the cold. He wasn't a fan of blistering hot climates either, but he almost felt like he could handle those better than he could handle this. "Damn this snow..." he mumbled, trying to think about what he was going to do today. Hunting mobs seemed to be the easiest option, but he hadn't been on this floor long and didn't even know what mobs were here. He didn't feel comfortable jumping into a situation he may very well be ill-equipped to handle. He grumbled and thought about heading back into the inn until he had a concrete plan, but decided to wait here until he met a player who knew more about this floor than he did. He was sorely in need of information.

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Avilon was dressed in what almost looked like a parka as she shuffled through the snow, a soft little hum escaping her lips as she smiled hopping back and forth till she now stopped in her tracks. Glancing back behind she watched as her footprints were covered once more leaving the pristine white canvas once more in her once chaotic snow shuffle. She smiled and flopped down in the snow as she giggled feeling giddy as a school girl as floor four when she was in a good mood always managed to get her this way. Her arms and legs now sliding about in the snow as she purred happily as Xion had been so sweet to her so far and she honestly never would have guessed that she could find a guy online in a game like this no less. After making a snow angel for a few minutes seh hopped back up and shuffled once more forward till she noticed there was a guy a few meters in front of her, "Oh, hello mister what are you doing out here dressed like that?"

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The brunette warrior's gaze shifted to the girl that had greeted him. He eyes her for a moment, wondering if she knew anything about this floor. He decided to strike up a conversation with her and hopefully bring up a question or two about it. Her question confused him, though. He looked down at himself to see how he was dressed. He was in his armor, the shiny back-tinted metal reflecting the light of the morning sun that was also reflecting off of the snow. It wasn't... warm, necessarily. But it kept him protected. He had a heavy jacket he could probably put on, but this felt safer. He smiled at her and responded to her question. "I'm looking to go out and hunt mobs soon. Don't know much about the types of mobs that spawn here though." He yawned and scratched his head. "I'll admit, you are better dressed for the weather than I." 

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*She raised a finger toward her lip, gently nibbling at the end of it as she continued to stare at him rather puzzled contemplating what type of monsters really did spawn here. "I don't actually know what spawns here to be honest I haven't really fought any monsters just roaming about," she laughed feeling rather silly now as she already was level nineteen thanks to some help from other players. She had gotten through a lot of quests and was now more effective as a tank then she had ever been. "Umm, oh wait, wait!" she clapped her gloved hands together and the pointed out. "There were some wolves that attacked me over there once they weren't that scary as they died to my thorns active but I'm sure they will be fun for you? Err how high of level are you exactly?" Not wanting him to hurt himself as she new that to some it could be life ending.

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Cygnus listened as Avilon spoke of encountering a few wolves some time ago. He wondered what her level was if she was able to take them out so easily.As he wondered this, Avilon asked him what level he was. He hesitated for just a second. She was clearly of a higher level than him, so maybe it wouldn't be smart to tell her that he wasn't even level 10 yet. He felt bad for being suspicious, though. She seemed perfectly nice. Besides, they were in a safe zone at the moment. Deciding to take a chance, he spoke. "I'm only level 9. This is the highest floor i've gone to by myself. I've been higher, but that's usually when I have people with me." He chuckled nervously. They were engaged in conversation, so Cygnus figured it would be rude not to introduce himself. "I am Cygnus, by the way. A pleasure to meet you. miss."

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Avilon smiled and clapped her hands, "Yaya I never have been higher then someone else I have met before." Squealing giddily before bouncing about in the snow rather childishly till she squeaked tripping and disappearing into a puff of powdered snow. Laying face down  she mewled softly prying her face out of the snow before shivering and wiping the dusty ice particles off her face before laughing off her klutzy mistake. "Sorry, I always forget to introduce myself I am the 'Good Holy Knight' Avilon!" She spoke majestically before then sheepishly poking her fingers together, "Or at least that is what I would like to be if I ever get strong enough to fight on the front lines. Otherwise you can just call me Avi that's what everyone else calls me."

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Cygnus chuckled when Avilon had a mini celebration about being a higher level than him that resulted in her falling into the snow. He moved to help her up, but she had already picked herself up off the ground. He understood her excitement. It put in perspective how far you had come when you see someone who has not made it quite so far. He bowed respectfully when Avilon introduced herself. "A pleasure, Sir Avilon." He said, addressing her like one would a knight. He hoped that would help with her sheepishness. The warrior then straightened his posture. He wanted to chuckle at the name she gave herself. It spoke to her personality, or so he hoped. He wanted to be something similar himself. Give hope to the hopeless, strength to the weak, comfort to those in despair, and all that. He started to think a little about his own fancy title but decided to save that for later. This girl was... interesting. Her childlike demeanor caught him off-guard at first, but now it served to comfort him. Strangely, he wasn't even aware he needed comfort. "So, uh... Avi, do you come here often?" He asked her. The brunette man cursed himself for stumbling over his words. He never really used nicknames before, being trained up since he was a child to be a perfect, respectful, high society gentleman. 

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She then stopped and began to nibble her fingertip of her left hand once more as she was asked a tough question which always caused her to slow down a bit now chewing on the nail as she wondered. "Umm well I know I met a few people here, oh and over there is a lake that you don't want to walk over as I sorta fell into the ice that is how I met Xion." She smiled and spun about before realizing that she probably seemed a bit crazy dreaming over her boyfriend when he wasn't even here. "Umm, anyway I don't really know how often I have been here I guess it all starts to just mesh together over time." Rubbing her head and giggling as she tried to act a bit more normal without any success as she could be anything, but normal. "Oh you must be chilly!" she quickly tapped her fingers about and traded him a winter coat, grant it when he got it he would realize that it was a bright pink and quite fluffy as she normally tried to keep an extra on her.

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Cygnus looked over at the lake as Avilon mentioned it. He shivered at the thought of falling in there himself and gave Avilon a "Thank you for letting me know" in response to the useful information. When she offered him a coat, he thanked her for that too and took it with a grateful bow, but once he opened his menu and equipped the item, he realized then that... it wasn't his style, to put it mildly. Still, he wouldn't turn it down. She seemed pretty concerned about how cold he must be and even though they just met, he didn't like people worrying about him. It was true, his armor provided no protection from the elements, and after awhile, he felt like it almost made him colder. He pulled the fluffy pink coat around him, the warmth it gave him finally starting to kick in. He smiled at Avilon. "Thank you. I appreciate it greatly. The cold isn't nearly as bad now." He casually looked around to make sure no one saw him.

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Avilon smiled and hopped from one foot to the other, her mood cheering up quite nicely as the cold wasn't even effecting her at this point because she felt so warm inside now. Seeing him in the pink coat she quickly clapped her arms around him and nuzzle into her pink coat normally not use to being able to fell it from this side. "These coats are so soft," after laying there a while she nearly fell over before catching herself and standing back up. "Right, umm where would you like to go as I'm certain I could help you out with the fighting of a few meager level spawns on this floor." As she said that she tapped out and her armor now spawned under her coat along with a giant crucifix. Her tower shield now at the ready as she smiled. "Off to see the wizard?"

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Cygnus was taken aback as Avilon wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling her face into the coat, and by extension, him. His face turned a bright red. He could only stand there, unable to move or speak or do anything. Every time he tried to speak to her, his voice would get caught in his throat and it only came out as a strange low-pitched squeak. When she almost fell over and was forced to let go of him, Cygnus finally felt like he could breathe again. He did so, taking a few deep breaths until the blush on his cheeks settled back down. He was so shy after that, he couldn't turn her down or say he didn't want to waste her time when she offered to help him hunt a few mobs. He would simply nod, trying his best to sound calm and collected. "Y-Yes! Capital! That sounds like a capital idea!" He was very clearly failing in that regard. His voice dripped with nervousness and he couldn't look Avilon directly in the eye. "O-Okay, let's go!" He stepped back to let her take the lead.

Edited by Cygnus
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