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(F1-R3 Merchant) Corrupted Commissions (Under Renovation)

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Despite the name, Corrupted Commissions is a very respectable looking store. The shop consists of two stories, a small living area on the top floor, while the bottom floor consists of two rooms, a back room for appraisals and storage, and the front room which has elegant varnished mahogany walls and red and gold carpets on the floor. The counter is a glass display with red velvet coverings on the bottoms and stands showcasing the available items.


Rank 3 Appraiser

EXP: 448

Identifications a Day: 7/7     |     Resets at 12:01 am CST

Rerolls: 4 Per item

Custom Ambition Tool


A lot has changed I'm working on updating all this

(Customer price is listed + 10%.(Will type out soon below) Guildies pay list price. (but it might take a while)





  • [T1] Rare (320 Col)
  • [T1] Perfect (640 Col)
  • [T1] Demonic (960 Col)
  • [T2] Rare (800 Col)
  • [T2] Perfect (1,200 Col)
  • [T2] Demonic (2,000 Col)
  • [T3] Rare (1,440 Col)
  • [T3] Perfect (2,000 Col)
  • [T3] Demonic (3,120 Col)
  • [T4] Rare (2,080 Col)
  • [T4] Perfect (3,040 Col)
  • [T4] Demonic (4,320 Col)


  • [T1] Uncommon (80 Col)
  • [T1] Rare (160 Col)
  • [T1] Perfect (320 Col)
  • [T2] Uncommon (240 Col)
  • [T2] Rare (400 Col)
  • [T2] Perfect (600 Col)
  • [T3] Uncommon (480 Col)
  • [T3] Rare (720 Col)
  • [T3] Perfect (800 Col)
  • [T4] Uncommon (800 Col)
  • [T4] Rare (1,120 Col)
  • [T4] Perfect (1,440 Col)




1st Reroll - 1,000 Col
2nd Reroll - 2,000 Col
3rd Reroll - 4,000 Col
4th Reroll - 8,000 Col
5th Reroll - 16,000 Col
6th Reroll - 32,000 Col
7th Reroll - 64,000 Col
8th Reroll - 128,000 Col
9th Reroll - 256,000 Col
10th Reroll - 512,000 Col
11th Reroll - 1,024,000 Col

Junk Sale (Merchant Keeps 10%): 




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  • 1 month later...

Hakai glanced around her shop, noting the fact that she really had no items to appraise for experience. Luckily, as a merchant, she could order from her own stock. She pulled out one thousand five hundred col and deposited it in her cash register before pulling fifteen good quality armors off the shelf and carrying them to the back of her shop. She set them down on the table, one by one, neatly sorting them into columns. She would be appraising them soon and would hopefully find some interesting little secrets about them. She glanced around her shop and pulled a magnifying glass off of her shelf before walking back over to the tables and setting it down. She glanced around once again and finally grabbed a silk cloth as well. Now she was all set to appraise.

Ordering 8 tier 2 good quality armor: -800 Col

Steel Gauntlet: Heavy armor, 0 Enhancements

Steel Gauntlet: Heavy armor, 0 Enhancements

Steel Gauntlet: Heavy armor, 0 Enhancements

Steel Gauntlet: Heavy armor, 0 Enhancements

Steel Gauntlet: Heavy armor, 0 Enhancements

Steel Chestplate: Heavy armor, 0 Enhancements

Steel Chestplate: Heavy armor, 0 Enhancements

Steel Chestplate: Heavy armor, 0 Enhancements

+8 EXP

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Hakai got to work. She had never done this before, but thanks to the quest she had taken to get her shop she knew how. She looked at the first armor, and immediately found a slot of regen. She tried again and got nothing, so she tried once more and the armor locked. She sighed and moved on. The next two armors locked immediately, and the third she went at for quite a while before finally getting three slots of enhancements on it. She moved onto the last one, a white armored gauntlet with golden designs on it. She appraised it and was astonished to find a demonic enhancement. She had known that it was possibly, but she had doubted that she would get it. She set the glove to the side and appraised another armor, hoping that her luck would hold. She wasnt about to risk locking the glove. The new piece of armor locked and she set them all to the side, inspecting the glove again. She would save this for someone important, as it really didnt fit with her build.

 ID# 67177 results:

 Craft: 12 Success! = Regen Armor: 1 Slot Regen

LD: 8


 ID# 67178 results:

 Craft: 8 Retry


 ID# 67179 results:

 Craft: 1 Locked! Regen armor: (Tier 2) 18 Regen <<Locked>>


 ID# 67180 results:

 Craft: 4 Locked! Armor: <<Locked>>


 ID# 67181 results:

 Craft: 1 Locked! Armor: <<Locked>>


 ID# 67182 results:

 Craft: 5 Retry!


 ID# 67183 results:

 Craft: 7 Retry!


 ID# 67184 results:

 Craft: 7 Retry!


 ID# 67185 results:

 Craft: 10 Success!

 Loot: 16 Thorns Armor: (Tier 2) 14 Thorns (1 Slot)


 ID# 67186 results:

 Battle: 4

 Craft: 6 Retry!


 ID# 67187 results:

 Battle: 6

 Craft: 12 Success!

LD: 8 Thorns Armor: (tier 2) 18 Regen, 14 Thorns


 ID# 67189 results:

 Craft: 12 Success!

LD: 12  Thorns Armor: (Tier 2) 18 Regen, 14 Thorns, 2 Heavy Momentum


 ID# 67190 results:

 Craft: 8 Retry

 ID# 67192 results:

 Battle: 10


 Loot: 10

Healers Touch: (Tier 2) 10 Lifemend

Description: A white steel plated glove with golden designs engraved on it. 


 ID# 67195 results:

 Battle: 9

 Craft: 3 Locked

-15 Mats

+60 EXP

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  • 2 months later...

Aikoh smiled innocently as she entered the merchants shop. She looked up at the woman at the counter. "Hello Ms. Hakai?" She said in a tentaive voice, wringing her little hands and looking down nervously, just being a naturally shy child. She opened her inventory and sent her forty materials. "Thank you for the loan, but i've been giving the cooking a break recently, so i dont have a use for these anymore." She stated before sending an additional ten thousand col. "Heres a thank you for loaning me those ten materials that I used." She said smiling and looking up at Hakai and blushing a tiny bit before walking out of the shop. She hoped that she hadn't interrupted Ms. Hakai from what she had been doing. She looked up to the older woman, especially the icy calmness that pervaded the air around her. Aikoh always felt really safe when she was around her. Everything just seemed slow and calm when she was near Hakai.

-40 Mats

-10,000 col

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Hakai glanced up for the menu she had been navigating to see the young cook she had donated some materials to quite a while ago. She smiled to the child and accepted the trade. "Its no problem sweetie. Just send me a message if you ever need any advice or help with anything, i'll always answer." She said with a wink to her before returning to what she had been doing. She typed in an order for ten basic heavy armors to be sent to her as well as ten basic katanas. She planned to appraise until they were all locked or she ran out of materials. She smiled to herself. It would be a long night, but she would get something done at least, and likely rank up once. That was what she really wanted. She needed col and selling materials was probably the best way to get it. Once she reached rank five she would be able to sell them, but it was a long road to that rank.

Ordering 10 basic heavy armor: -1000 Col

Ordering 10 Basic Katanas: -1000 Col

Total: -2000 Col

+20 EXP

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Hakai took the armor and weapons into the back of her shop and laid them all out carefully, preparing to work her magic on them. With any luck she would be able to get a demonic enhancement or two. She smirked to herself, glancing over the items. This was definitely going to take forever and be a nightmare to organize once she was done, but she was confident that she would be able to do it. It would just be a bit painful and time consuming. She glanced around her shop, wishing not for the first time that she had taken the time to order a crafting bonus item. She sighed, wondering if she should maybe wait and buy one or just continue and hope that she got lucky. She frowned again before deciding to just continue anyway. By the time she got that item she probably wouldn't feel like crafting anymore, which would negate the whole point of getting that item. She was a very fickle person who changed her mind all the time, and she wanted to do this while she felt she could.



Katana 1

 ID# 71020 results:

 Craft: 10

 Loot: 2 Keen enhancement added


 ID# 71021 results:

 Craft: 10

 Loot: 7 Accuracy added


 ID# 71022 results:

 Craft: 6 Retry


 ID# 71023 results:

 Craft: 7 Retry


 ID# 71024 results:

 Craft: 8 Retry


 ID# 71025 results:

 Craft: 9

 Loot: 12 Paralyze added

Katana, 1 Keen, 1 Accuracy, 1 Paralyze


Katana 2:

 ID# 71026 results:

 Craft: 9

 Loot: 11 Paralyze added


 ID# 71027 results:

 Craft: 10

 Loot: 10 Paralyze added

 ID# 71028 results:

 Craft: 5 Retry


 ID# 71030 results:

 Craft: 9

 Loot: 9 PARALYZE? Items cant have 3 slots of paralyze

Katana, 3 Paralyze????????


Katana 3:

 ID# 71031 results:

 Craft: 10

 Loot: 17 Damage added


 ID# 71032 results:

 Craft: 6 Retry


 ID# 71033 results:

 Craft: 1 Locked

Katana, 1 DMG


Katana 4:

 ID# 71034 results:

 Craft: 4 Locked


Katana 5:

 ID# 71035 results:

 Craft: 4 Locked


Katana 6:

 ID# 71036 results:

 Craft: 8 Retry


 ID# 71037 results:

 Craft: 11

 Loot: 15 Bleed Added


 ID# 71038 results:

 Craft: 3 Locked

Katana, 1 Bleed


Katana 7:

 ID# 71039 results:

 Craft: 1 Locked


Katana 8:

 ID# 71040 results:

 Craft: 1 Locked


Katana 9:

 ID# 71041 results:

 Craft: 3 Locked


Katana 10:

 ID# 71042 results:

 Craft: 8 Retry


 ID# 71043 results:

 Craft: 5 Retry


 ID# 71044 results:

 Craft: 9 Retry


 ID# 71045 results:

 Craft: 2 Locked


Heavy Armor 1:

 ID# 71046 results:

 Craft: 6 Retry


 ID# 71047 results:

 Craft: 2 Locked


Heavy Armor 2:

 ID# 71048 results:

 Craft: 1 Locked


Heavy Armor 3

 ID# 71049 results:

 Craft: 6 Retry


 ID# 71050 results:

 Craft: 1 Locked


Heavy Armor 4:

 ID# 71051 results:

 Craft: 11

 Loot: 19 Mitigation added


 ID# 71052 results:

 Craft: 5 Retry


 ID# 71053 results:

 Craft: 8 Retry


 ID# 71054 results:

 Craft: 12

 Loot: 1 Recovery Added


 ID# 71055 results:

 Craft: 6 Retry


 ID# 71056 results:

 Craft: 2 Locked

Heavy Armor, 1 Recovery, 1 mit


Heavy Armor 5:

 ID# 71057 results:

 Craft: 4 Locked


Heavy Armor 6:

 ID# 71058 results:

 Craft: 1 Locked


Heavy Armor 7:

 ID# 71059 results:

 Craft: 10

 Loot: 4 Recovery added


 ID# 71060 results:

 Craft: 7 Retry


 ID# 71061 results:

 Craft: 5 Retry


 ID# 71062 results:

 Craft: 5 Retry


 ID# 71063 results:

 Craft: 7 Retry


 ID# 71064 results:

 Craft: 5 Retry


 ID# 71065 results:

 Craft: 10

 Loot: 8 Regen Added


 ID# 71066 results:

 Craft: 4 Locked

Heavy Armor, 1 recovery



Final Count:

-47 Materials

+195 EXP

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  • Hakai changed the title to (F1-R3 Merchant) Corrupted Commissions (Under Renovation)

Another day, another col. Hakai unlocked and opened the door to her shop. She hadn't been around in a while, having been busy with other things. She was ready to start making some serious money now though, and the first step was to attempt to identify some decent gear for herself. Her last hunt had ended with meh loot, but enough for her to get started. Four perfect cloth armors, all set for her to identify. She went through them one by one, inspectin each one carefully, revealing their secrets. And... A bunch of trash. They were all terrible enhancements, and three out of the four had no chance of being salvageable. She used her interface to junk them, returning a small amount of the col she had spent on them. Unfortunately she was now out of armors to identify, and she didnt really need a new weapon? But maybe she would attempt next time anyway.



3040 - 1900 = 1140 Col

Perfect Cloth Armor: Junk Sold

ID: 243030 | LD: 10 | Light Momentum

ID: 243031 | LD: 16 | Loot Dice

ID: 243032 | LD: 15 | Recovery

3040 - 1900 = 1140 Col

Perfect Cloth Armor: Junk Sold

ID: 243033 | LD: 8 | Light Momentum

ID: 243034 | LD: 8 | Light Momentum

ID: 243038 | LD: 20 | Loot Die

3040 col

Perfect Cloth Armor:

ID: 243039 | LD: 5 | Evasion

ID: 243040 | LD: 10 | Light Momentum

ID: 243041 | LD: 10 | Light Momentum

3040-1900 = 1140 col

Perfect Cloth Armor: Junk Sold

ID: 243042 | LD: 8 | Light Momentum

ID: 243043 | LD: 10 | Light Momentum

ID: 243044 | LD: 19 | Loot Dice

1140 * 3 = 3420 + 3040 = 6460 col

+36 EXP

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Hakai walked into the back of her shop, opening a cabinet and pulling out the only armor she had kept from the day before, as well as the four unidentified items she had looted from her last trip. Her goal for the day was to appraise a decent piece of cloth armor and some kind of katana without bleed which she could use instead of her main weapon. She frowned, looking over the padded jacket she had managed to appraise the day before. She loved how it looked, but the enhancements sucked. She carefully rerolled one slot, landing on the stat that she had wanted in the first place. Okay, this wasn't a lost cause. It would be very expensive, but she might be able to get the enhancements she wanted without having to wait for another crafter to complete her order, a task which they all seemed to struggle to do in a timely manner. It took another two attempts but she managed to get the enhancements she wanted. It was probably not worth the thirteen thousand col she had spent to get it, but still, now she had it. With her remaining time she appraised the rest of the weapons, getting lucky with her final one and scoring a decent replacement weapon for her current katana.



Perfect Cloth Armor:

ID: 243039 | LD: 5 | Evasion

ID: 243040 | LD: 10 | Light Momentum Rerolling | ID: 243073 | LD: 2 | Evasion!

ID: 243041 | LD: 10 | Light Momentum Rerolling | ID: 243074 | LD: 20 | Loot DIe! | Rerolling: ID: 243075 | LD: 5 | Evasion

3 rerolls: 7,000 col



Perfect Weapon:

ID: 243078 | LD: 1 | Keen

ID: 243079 | LD: 19 | Accuracy

ID: 243080 | LD: 7 | Bleed


Perfect Weapon:

ID: 243081 | LD: 2 | Keen

ID: 243082 | LD: 16 | Accuracy

ID: 243083 | LD: 16 | Accuracy


Perfect Weapon:

ID: 243084 | LD: 3 | Keen

ID: 243085 | LD: 8 | Bleed

ID: 243086 | LD:  7 | Paralyze


Perfect Weapon:

ID: 243087 | LD: 16 | Accuracy

ID: 243088 | LD: 15 | Accuracy

ID: 243089 | LD: 20 | Accuracy


1140 * 3 = 3420 + 3040 = 6460 col

36 + 15 = 51 EXP

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Placeholder for identifications:

Item Fusions:


4 Rare Trinkets -> 2 Perfect Trinkets



Perfect Trinket:

ID: 243178 | LD: 5 | Loot Die

ID: 243179 | LD: 1 | Loot Die

ID: 243180 | LD: 9 | Recovery Rerolled ID: 243189 | LD: 17 | Accuracy |

-3040(Appraisal) - 1000(Reroll) = -4040 col + 1900 (Junk Sale) = -2140 col


Perfect Trinket:

ID: 243181 | LD: 8 | Recovery

ID: 243182 | LD: 14 | Accuracy

ID: 243183 | LD: 8 | Recovery

-3040 + 1900 (Junk Sold) = -1140 col


Perfect Trinket:

ID: 243184 | LD: 15 | Accuracy

ID: 243185 | LD: 9 | Recovery

ID: 243186 | LD: 20 | Accuracy

-3040 + 1900 (Junk Sold) = -1140 col

Total (so far): -4420 col


Perfect Trinket:

ID: 243190 | LD: 10 | Recovery

ID: 243191 | LD: 8 | Recovery

243192 | LD: 10 | Taunt

-3040 + 1900 (Junk Sale) = 1140 col


Perfect Trinket:

ID: 243193 | LD: 6 | Recovery

ID: 243194 | LD: 18 | Accuracy

ID: 243196 | LD: 4 | Quality

-3040 + 1900 (Junk Sale) = 1140 col

Total (so far): -6700 col


Perfect Trinket:

ID: 243198 | LD: 8 | Recovery

ID: 243199 | LD: 8 | Recovery

ID: 243200 | LD: 17 | Evasion

3040 + 1900 (Junk Sale) = 1140

Total: 7840 col

+59 EXP (+19 EXP Ambition Tool)

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