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Ather (Creation still in progress.)

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Username: Āther

Real name: Ketsueki Shou

Nicknames: "Giraffe, Longneck"

Appearance: Character Image

Age: Twenty-four

Gender: Male

Nationality: Japanese

Height: 5' 8" / 172.72 cm


As is with most stories you hear about how another person had it when growing up, they are either dealt a bad hand from birth, or they find their reasons for sorrow not much later in life. A fact that ever so few are able to escape during their existence, and even in doing so, are still bearing minor scars upon their release from the known realm. Shou's story is no different from the masses who have a burden that they must carry with them and overcome. He is also one of those who has still not made it passed his particular problems, and has continued to nurture a majority of the negative emotions he keeps inside. As everyone knows, if the habit of doing so is kept going for too long within someone without a person to talk to, the harboring can make a mind rather... unstable with resentment. Once hitting this step in the process, the personality and specific demons that trouble a person can manifest into their persisting mental issue(s), of which, can only be tamed through correcting the emotions troubling the individual by a way of coping. Shou appears to cope through observation of his calm and inquisitive demeanor, but fails to show his weaknesses and a need for professional intervention in more common situations and circumstances. The truth only comes out when someone spends a large enough amount of time with him to notice the danger he can be to himself and others. A stranger can never really notice because of how much he creeps anyone out when discussing his views and opinions in everyday discussion, which, in turn, results in them steering clear of him as much as they can. This creates a social confinement that prevents him from making new friends, or learning more about them. And then, at home, his father cannot manage to keep much conversation going with his son when all Shou does is stay locked away in his room, only coming out for necessary reasons, including his job. During the times in which they can get any kind of back and forth going, Shou refuses to budge past certain subjects and limits, shutting himself down verbally with meager replies that can end their talks quickly.



(Insert Virtue here. Must be 3 sentences minimum.)

(Insert Virtue here. Must be 3 sentences minimum.)

(Insert Virtue here. Must be 3 sentences minimum.)

Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html
(Insert Flaw here. Must be 3 sentences minimum.)

(Insert Flaw here. Must be 3 sentences minimum.)

(Insert Flaw here. Must be 3 sentences minimum.)

Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)






»Heavy Armor:

5 Ranks


Effect: The effectiveness with which a player can use Heavy Armor Equipment.



»Two-Handed Straight Sword:

5 Ranks


The effectiveness with which a player can use two-handed type long swords. (Example: Claymore, Broadsword)




» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

Relationships (optional)

Story Thus Far (optional)


Edited by Ather
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