Morgenstern 1 Posted August 21, 2016 #1 Share Posted August 21, 2016 Jonathan stood on the fourth floor. He for some reason was really starting to like the cold. In about a week, they would be starting the guild, and Jonathan really wanted to get to knowhis players more. Through combat, and just plain old talking. He wanted to know what troubled the girl, and where she stood now. As far as Itzal was concerned she perferred the darkness. Jonathan really thought it was something else. He opened up his menu and sent the woman a message. Quote To: Kasier From: Morgenstern Subject: Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to get to know each other better before we started the guild, anyway, I want to party up with you at least for the day, to just get to know you alone... Meet me by the frozen fountain on the fourth floor, snowfrost town. He sent the message and closed his menu. He moved to Frosty's and got the girl her favorite icecream, and headed to the fountain. He sat on a bench and awaited the black haired girl to arrive. If she did not arrive, he would eat her icecream. Link to post Share on other sites
Kasier 0 Posted August 22, 2016 #2 Share Posted August 22, 2016 Kasier had found herself in yet another situation. She had found herself laying on her bed within the darkness of the morning sky. She had just awoken from a good night’s sleep but once more; she was considering what she should do for the rest of the day. She had found that finding things in this game had become quite challenging already and, well, she really disliked the fact that such an advanced video game really didn’t provide players with quality content that keeps them going. Sure, she should be gathering materials and crafting so she can be a contribution to the escape of this virtual prison. However, the motivation is simply not there. Everyday, she found herself struggling to come up with something to do and it truly bothered her. Kasier’s black hair flew up along with her when she heard a private message. The notification signaled that she had received a private message. With a sigh, she flipped up her bed sheets and looked at the message. It was from Jonathan, asking her to join him for the day. Honestly, the message had been creepy, especially since the man had added the word ‘alone’, which shouldn’t be included in a PM to a girl. Despite that, she would meet up with the man anyway. Kasier headed up to the fourth floor after changing into her starter clothes. Her red amber eyes looked around and there, she spotted Jonathan on a bench next to the fountain. She really didn’t like this floor that much because of the cold that it gave her. Nevertheless, she was sure that this floor is heaven compared to the higher floors. Kasier smirked as she walked over to the man before sitting down next to him. “So, why did you invite me here? Anything that you want to talk about?” She asked, setting her back against the back of the bench. Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted August 22, 2016 Author #3 Share Posted August 22, 2016 Jonathan watched with satisfaction as he seen Kasier walking toward him. He smiled at the woman and listened to her as she asked why he had invited her. Jonathan rolled his eyes and said, Does there have to be a reason for everything? Jonathan waited a second and found no answer. Well, I ust wanted to get to know you better since we will be working side by side, maybe warm up a bit, and not have our attitudes toward each other as cold as this floor. Jonathan's eyes moved back to the ice cream and he said, Oh, andI got you a little something.... Jonathan handed her the icecream and sat in silence. And maybe find out what turned her into a poison Link to post Share on other sites
Kasier 0 Posted August 22, 2016 #4 Share Posted August 22, 2016 Kasier smiled as she grabbed the ice cream that Jonathan had decided to offer her. Of course, she will not pass up on an opportunity for free ice cream when she is offered such a food item. With a nod of gratitude, she relaxed and began to lick on the ice cream immediately. She had always loved ice cream and food items that were as sweat because she has always had a sweet tooth. However, she knew that Jonathan had invited her out here for some reason. In fact, if one doesn’t do everything with purpose, than that someone might as well not exist because they don’t ever get anything done. “Does there have to be a reason for everything?” Kasier heard Jonathan say and looked over at the right moment to see the eye roll. “Well, yeah. A reason for someone to do something is what drives people to do things right? If you don’t complete things for a reason, for a purpose, then you might as well not complete such a thing and get to other things that can actually be beneficial to you especially in this game, this virtual prison. Effort equals products, which means strength and then everyone might actually escape this world.” Kasier replied and immediately after, Jonathan said his purpose. “So, you want to develop team chemistry? Well, that is a purpose for inviting me here right? Plus, maybe you think our attitudes to each other are as cold as ice on this floor and I have no idea what I did to make you think that but I don’t think badly of you at all.” She explained, her amber red eyes staring at the ice cream that Jonathan had bought her. “Well, thanks for the ice cream. Sure, I wouldn’t mind hanging out for the day.” She said. Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted August 23, 2016 Author #5 Share Posted August 23, 2016 Jonathan listened as he was corrected by Kasier. He shrugged. She was right. There had to be a reason for everything. I was being... Sarcastic? He said looking for the right word. She also told him, her attitude was not as cold as ice toward him... Well, actually not that, but we will get to it later... Jonathan watched the girl devour her icecream. Well, I am sorry to say but, you have always been better at knowing what to do then I do... YOu have always been the one to know when we got off track, so what do you want to do? He said. Girl in general had always been the best planners. Link to post Share on other sites
Kasier 0 Posted August 23, 2016 #6 Share Posted August 23, 2016 Kasier sighed as she felt a drop of snow land on her face. The sky had been clear, something that was rarely the case on this floor early on in the morning but it appeared that once more, the features of the fourth floor would take over again. With a shiver, she felt a drop of snow land on her face. She disliked this floor because of the last time that she had come here. She remembered the experience clearly. She had been fighting the boss in <<Essence of Steel>> with Teayre, a player killer. Her eyes had been filled with murderous intent and her hair mess with the smell of blood. However, Kasier liked the woman. She could detect that there was something about her that she doesn’t realize herself. There was definitely something good about the woman. “Well, I am sorry to say but you have always been better at knowing what to do then I do... You have always been the one to know when we got off track, so what do you want to do?” Kasier heard Jonathan ask as she slowly finished off the rest of her ice cream. She had appreciated the ice cream and to her, it tasted fantastic. However, since Jonathan had been the person that invited her out here, she decided that surely, the man would be the person who came up with the events for the day. Nevertheless, since the man had asked her to come up with something to do, she will indeed come up with something to do if the man is incapable of doing so, “I wouldn’t mind a bit of material gathering.” She said. Of course, despite the fact that she had said this, she hated visiting the outsides of the safe zone for material gathering because of how boring it was all to her. “Or maybe we can visit the attractions of this floor.” She offered. Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted August 23, 2016 Author #7 Share Posted August 23, 2016 (edited) Jonathan listened as Kasier spoke. She offered material gathering but something was strange about it. She did not seem to like the idea though. Jonathan was not particulary keen on the idea of it either. Then she asked if they might just look at attractions in the floor. Jonathan shrugged and looked at the black haired girl and said, "I would like to go and look at the attractions, maybe get to know you a bit better on the way... Jonathan smiled as snow flaked his golden blond hair. He did not really know of any attractions here in the frozen floor, but he mostly just farmed down here. Edited August 23, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Kasier 0 Posted August 24, 2016 #8 Share Posted August 24, 2016 Kasier nodded as the man decided to go with the option that Kasier would’ve liked. However, it was as if the man had managed to read her thoughts despite the fact that she had tried really hard not to favor one choice or another. Perhaps the man knew the arts of mindreading because he was able to answer her question without a hesitation. Maybe she was just thinking too much. Soon, Kasier finished up the ice cream that Jonathan had kindly gotten for her. The taste had been good, but not of perfect quality. Still, she needed to be satisfied with the kindness of others despite the quality. Despite the fact that she had said this, it wasn’t as if the ice cream wasn’t good or anything. “Excellent. Let’s go to Frostbite Lake. Believe it or not, I have actually been to this floor a few times already. Even though I don’t like this floor for its temperature, the scenery is astonishing. There are a few attractions that I haven’t visited yet. Let’s go to the frostbite lake. I don’t really want to Starglade because it’s a night place… And I would like to go there with someone more special.” She finished, standing up and clearing some hair from her face. Her red amber eyes staring straight ahead and she began to walk. Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted August 25, 2016 Author #9 Share Posted August 25, 2016 Jonathan looked away, at the scenery around him. Snow covered the ground, and the fountain was frozen. Snow had glittered him and Kasier. The air he vreathed condensed, and so did Kasier's as she spoke. She thought it might be good to go to FrostBite lake. She also said something about Starglade. That was something that Jonathan had heard of before. Kasier did not want to go with him though. Jonathan shrugged. He did understand that it was a pretty romantic place. He did not really feel any affection for Kasier. Jonathan nodded, and turned to look at the girl's crimson eyes. They seemed to be filled with determination, and a bit of thirst of power. Jonathan watched as the woman stood and watched her begin to walk away toward the lake. Jonathan sighed and stood. He opened his menu and equipped his white zip up Jacket and sword. He began to walk trailing the girl. She seems to know exactly what she wants. She kind of scares me with that much determination and seriousness in those eyes. He looked at the footsteps made by Kasier, and then noticed how he made some to. Jonathan stopped and heard two pairs of footsteps. One behind, the other from Kasier in front of him. Jonathan peered back, and did not see anything. Jonathan shrugged but was ready. He moved to catch up with Kasier. So, what do you do with most of your freetime... I mean, do you solo the floors? Jonathan pulled up his hood and staared at the lake that was getting bigger every step. Link to post Share on other sites
Kasier 0 Posted August 26, 2016 #10 Share Posted August 26, 2016 “So, what do you do with most of your free time, I mean, do you solo the floors?” Kasier heard Jonathan as they slowly approached the area that they wanted to reach for the day. This was a very bad misinterpretation of Kasier’s personality. Kasier, for someone that couldn’t deal damage nor absorb damage was naturally unable to solo anything. If she did attempt to reach higher floors with the power of herself, she would surely die to a stronger mob. Besides, she had no intention of switching to a DPS role anytime soon. She had been sure that Jonathan knew that she was a healer, naturally, through common sense, a healer cannot fight, hence she cannot solo the floors. “Nope. I’m a healer. Can’t do anything of the sorts.” She replied simply and she picked up the pace. She had developed the habit of walking faster than usual in real life because back then, everything was so rushed, so busy. However, here, the situation was completely different. Indeed, this place was just like a prison, things were lazy and uneventful and it drains the soul out of Kasier, killing her on her inside. It appeared that her habit was still here, carried over from the real world. Soon, Kasier watched as the Frostbite Lake arrived in her sight. Upon arriving, she knew instantly that the frozen lake was indeed the renowned Frostbite Lake that she had heard so much about. Kasier’s eyes glittered from the reflection of the sunlight. She would have preferred being here at nighttime, as she was sure that the view then would be so much better than right now. Despite her saying this, the view certainly wasn’t terrible. “So, ice skating or ice fishing?” She asked. Honestly, she had no preference as to what to do. Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted August 27, 2016 Author #11 Share Posted August 27, 2016 Jonathan listened to Kasier as she plainly stated she could not solo due to the fact she was a healer. Jonathan nodded. Healers were meant to be support characters so they spend all of their skill points into healing skills or other things to support other players. They were not to deal damage or have a lot of mitigation. Kasier sped up her pace as they arrived closer to the lake. Jonathan kept the same pace. He looked at the lake. It was painfully beautiful. He faintly heard Kasier ask another question. Fishing or Skating. Jonathn rubbed the back of his head. Fishing was something he was terrible at in the real world. Skating? Jonathan picked up some snow and wanted to know her reaction. He grabbed the snow ball and chucked it at the girl, hitting the back of er head. Link to post Share on other sites
Kasier 0 Posted August 29, 2016 #12 Share Posted August 29, 2016 Kasier nodded when the man stated that ice-skating was probably something that he would want to do. However, as soon as she turned around, she felt a round shape striking her right in the back of her head. Immediately, she knew that Jonathan had struck her head with a snowball. She turned around to face the man as the melting snowball trickled from her head into her heavy armor. Feeling the cold on her back, she sighed in annoyance. Despite this, Kasier was not someone who would pass up on a challenge. Her red amber eyes staring at the man as she quickly bent down and grabbed onto the snow, forming a snowball in her hands. Without a second of hesitation, she stood right back up and flung the snowball at Morgenstern playfully before turning around once more and walking to the Frostbite Lake where there would be NPCs renting out ice skates for players to skate. Brings back memories from when I used to skate. She thought, trudging along the snow, which held her down. “Come on,” She said, “We’re going ice skating. I’m going to catch a cold at this point." Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted August 29, 2016 Author #13 Share Posted August 29, 2016 Jonathan laughed as Kasier turned, and chucked a snow ball in return to his. It hit him square in the chest. Jonathan smiled and dusted the snow off of his jacket. He watched as the girl turned and left to the skating place where they could rent skates. Jonathan smiled. He had actually seen Kasier smile. HE had known the old her was still down in there. Somewhere. He caught up to the girl and removed the snow from her dark hair. The arrived at the Skate Renting and Jonathan grabbed two and handed one of the pairs to Kasier. I have not tried skating before so don't laugh... Jonathan put on the skates and scooted on to the ice. Jonathan slid along, making a trail with his skates. Is it just like roller blading? He began to push his lags forward, he was an amateur but at least not falling. He turned to look at the dark haired girl. Coming? Link to post Share on other sites
Kasier 0 Posted August 30, 2016 #14 Share Posted August 30, 2016 Kasier felt a tug on her head and soon realized that it was Jonathan attempting to remove the snow from her head. She had forgotten that she had been struck by the power of a snowball just a couple of seconds ago and honestly, the impact had been minimal, so minimal that she had forgotten all about it all ready. Despite the fact that she appreciated Jonathan removing snow from her hair, she would definitely appreciate it if he didn’t touch her head suddenly like that. The hair of a girl is precious to her, almost as important as the rest of her body. A female’s hair is not to be touched by someone that is not her lover. Kasier sighed and moved away just a little to motion that she had no intentions of allowing the man to touch her hair like that without permission. Her red amber eyes stared straight ahead until they finally reached the skating rink, or more commonly known as the frostbite lake. She had heard about it, but the lake was even greater than she had first heard. NPCs had told her that the lake was gigantic and able to hold lots and lots of people, but this was far from her imagination, so much that it stunned her. Kasier smiled as she followed Jonathan, perhaps the day wasn’t going to be as boring as she first expected it? Soon enough, Jonathan grabbed onto two skating shoes and handed her one before walking and beginning to skate in the cold. The sky was unusually clear and after adjusting her shoes and equipping the skating shoes, she flew onto the rink. Sure, it took a few minutes to adjust to the virtual skating technique but soon enough, she was able to skate regularly. “Yeah, I’m here. This sure brings back memories.” She said, looking at the sky as she glided along Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted August 31, 2016 Author #15 Share Posted August 31, 2016 OOC-- Sorry did not have internet... Jonathan watched as Kssier came onto the Ice, and rode around like she owned the sport. He smiled and stared in awe as she skated around. I am going to take a hint you have done this before. He watched as she passed him. He thought for a second. I really wonder what she is thinking... Her crimson eyes are intimidating and always seem to be thinking... Jonathan gazed over the area. The frozen lake seemed to sparkle. He smiled and turned his attention to Kasier. Her black hair glided behind her as she looked up at the sky, seeming to be thinking of something. A memory possibly? Jonathan had wondered what his friends outside lives were. Itzal apparently just sat inside his room and played games, only coming out for food and water. Jonathan skated faster to catch up with Kasier. What are ya thinking about? You seem lost, in your own mind. Link to post Share on other sites
Kasier 0 Posted September 3, 2016 #16 Share Posted September 3, 2016 Her palms were sweaty, her mind were blank and down went her body, right into the slippery ice. Her hands would’ve been bleeding; her legs would’ve broken. But no, that wasn’t how this game works. There was no sort of pain such as this. This game wouldn’t let you break your arm, or your leg. All you would feel is a bit of virtual pain and that was it. This game is just a dream, something that doesn’t exist within the reality. Kasier serves only one purpose here in this world, and that is to escape it. Her existence here is to escape her own existence. And she will not fail. As she stood up and continued to skate, she began to answer the questions that Jonathan had asked her prior to her falling. “I have done this before. But I’m not exactly good at it.” She explained but decided not to talk about it too much. Her history was for her to know about, not for the others who shouldn’t be involved with her personal life. Kasier’s black hair flew in the air, dancing to the chilly, cold wind as she danced in the moonlight, or at least imagined herself dancing, like a pigeon, struggling to escape a cage. “I guess I am sort of locked in my mind. Recently, I have discovered some of the things about my mind that I haven’t known before. My purpose in this world is to escape it, and my mind is a world that is bigger than this world could possibly be. I’m not intelligent in terms of facts and knowledge, but you’d be surprised with what my mind is capable of when it comes to improvement and creating entertainment in this dull world. Perhaps that, too, is the purpose that I serve in this dull world. My mind is a maze, once you enter it, you can’t escape. Maybe you’d like to try? Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted September 4, 2016 Author #17 Share Posted September 4, 2016 Jonathan watched as the crimson eyed girl fell straight down, and onto the ice. She stood like nothing had ever happened. Jonathan sighed. Something was not mentally right, she was lost in her head. Had two personalities not to the degree of Itzal but she seemed bipolar. Jonathan listened as she began to talk about her mind, and entertainment in this dull world. Hmmm? Try what? Entertain this dull world? Or enter the maze of your mind? I am not sure about picking through your head, but I have always been good at dancing. Or making a fool of myself, but I don't even have to try with that. Jonathan took a breath. He adjusted himself, and balanced himself. He began to spin and move life a not so professional. Dancing at the ice was something he needed to better at. Jonathan sped up, and crouched. He sprung upward, and into the air. He took ahold of his sword and activated a sword art. Blue rays of energy twirled in a tornado motion around, him, and Jonathan completed his somersault. He landed on the ground in a crouched position. He sword was held in a reverse grip, that was stuck into the ice. Oops. Ice began to crack around the hole. What do I do? He said casually. Why does this always happen to me? Link to post Share on other sites
Kasier 0 Posted September 5, 2016 #18 Share Posted September 5, 2016 (edited) Kasier shrugged. The man had misinterpreted her passage of speech but she guessed it was only natural. It wasn’t everyday that someone asked another person to dig through the secrets of one’s mind. And with Jonathan’s mental capacity, she didn’t think that it would be possible for him to do anything either. It was only natural that he would just start dancing for no reason. Kasier’s black hair flew into the sky as she once began to skate on the ice, trying hard not to fall and make a fool of herself when she realized that Jonathan was in the sky, using a sword art. Immediately, Kasier knew that it was a mistake. It took an expert to fall down on the ice without falling, especially after using a sword art since it took a few seconds for the effect to activate and relinquish. It surprised Kasier when Jonathan managed to land without slipping for falling to his face. However, his sword had been stuck into the ice and when cracks began to form, Kasier knew what was going to happen next. Indeed, what would happen next is inevitable. “Get out of the ice, now.” Kasier said, already skating to the land, “Unless, you want to fall into a pool of ice water and get yourself all wet.” She finished. Edited September 5, 2016 by Kasier Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted September 5, 2016 Author #19 Share Posted September 5, 2016 Jonathan listened to Kasier, but she said the obvious. Get out of the water. Jonathan began to skate off, but the crack traveled at a faster rate. Jonathan sighed but moved faster. He felt cold water, reach his feet. He reached land but drenched up to his knees. He sighed and looked at Kasier. Well, jump on in the water is fine... Jonathan stood. Hopefully there wasn't a damage meter if you get too cold. So. What would you like to do now? Is running from the NPC's that are heading this way on your list? Jonathan watched the group of NPC's that looked angry and were heading this way. Link to post Share on other sites
Kasier 0 Posted September 9, 2016 #20 Share Posted September 9, 2016 Kasier looked as the man ran pathetically on ice, trying not to slip but also trying not to fall into the water, which was slowly reaching him. However, it was obvious that his progress wasn’t great at all. Soon enough, the water reached his leg and immediately, Kasier knew that the man was in trouble. This was one of the most well known places in Aincrad and Jonathan had gone ahead and ruined the place completely. It didn’t exactly bid well for a player if they literally destroyed of the most beautiful landscapes in the entirety of Aincrad. Right away, Kasier knew that Jonathan was going to be hunted by either players nearby or NPCs and soon enough, her predictions proved to be correct. “So. What would you like to do now? Is running from the NPC's that are heading this way on your list?” Kasier heard Jonathan say in his deep, tired voice before smirking. “Not really,” she responded, “NPCs don’t bother me, besides, it’s not me who destroyed the lake completely. However, running now should probably be on the list for you. Me? I’m just going to lay here and enjoy the snow as it falls onto my face.” Kasier finished, lying down in the snow as she watched Jonathan run off into the distance. (A bit of god modding there but just to end the thread, hope you don’t mind.) Kasier then lied there, watching as snow slowly drifted down. And her eyes were closed as she entered a new world. With that, her day was over, And it ended with a smile. Link to post Share on other sites
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