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[PP-F1] Cruel? Or strong? -Adhae, Mason, Keres and myself-

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Domarus walked along the streets of the town of beginnings.  He was almost done here, making his presence known.  It wasn't time yet though.  Not time to reveal his intentions.  For now he needed to set the foundation, to make a 'friend' or two.  It wasn't long before he had found his one and only friend from the real world here in the town but they were separated after the teleportation.  He had found her eventually but she was still lost for a while.  She had nothing to worry about so long as she was in the town of course.  And besides, any beating other players would do to her she would probably enjoy.  Still.  He hated the thought of anyone but himself hitting her.  He kept from letting his fist tighten as it would ruin his nice and gentle appearance.  He smiled and waved to an npc as he made his way to the city gates.  Unfortunately all the players here were wimps so if he was going to get some players to fight mobs with, he'd need to move somewhere else.  Figures that he'd be left with all the pathetic scrubs.  As he walked he couldn't help but notice the look a certain young player, perhaps six, seven years old, gave him.  A look of fear.  It was understandable that a confused child would be fearful of a six foot six man with a two handed battle ax, but that was what he desired.  When he heard about the death sentence he didn't cower or become afraid.  he grinned.  Pleased that fear could exist in the video game as well.  And fear was a very powerful manipulation tool.  However he was in no position to manipulate anyone until he had gained strength, and trust from other players.  As he closed in on the city gate he thought about his servant and wondered how she would fare in this game.

Edited by Domarus
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  • 2 weeks later...

 Adhae kneeled beside the gates to the Town of Beginnings, her little friend next to her and staring attentively up at her. She was telling him exactly what she wanted him to do when they exited the town. "You will stay close to me? There are bad things out there that could REALLY hurt you. You could die. It's not fun, but we can find some good items out there if we stay safe and just look. Is that okay?" She looked into his little face and smiled. The boy really was a cute one, and Adhae had felt a strong maternal instinct when she found him. Her one desire was to protect him at the moment. He could make her life a lot more interesting, too, if he stayed around. And he would until either his parents found him, if somehow they were in the game, or they got out of Aincrad. Someone so young couldn't be out alone with all the big mobs, even on the first floor. Most of them could kill him in one shot. Even thinking about this poor child dying was not something she even wanted to consider. She plastered a wide smile on her face, convincing herself and him that they would be okay.

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 Mason nodded his head as Adhae told him what to do. He knew pretty well what they needed to do to be safe, and was afraid enough of the mobs outside of the walls to want to listen to Adhae. He smiled at her. "Yes, Adhae. I will stay close to you. Now let's go, I want to pick berries." He then bounded out of the city walls, running fast and laughing. "You can't catch meee!" He yelled over his shoulder, wanting Adhae to play with him. He wanted to have fun while they were looking for materials.

 Not far down the road, he found a big bush. He stopped in his tracks, skidding on his heels. He licked his lollipop and reached deep into the bush, trying to find something he could pick. His arm got scratched as he dove in the first time, and he pulled it out. That always seemed to happen to him. These bushes were really prickly. Looking at the bush again, he circled around it and tried to find his best point of attack. He spotted a place underneath the bush that had an opening, and got down onto his hands and knees to look under it. His butt stuck up in the air as he searched for any sort of fruit or vegetable to pick off of the shrub.

ID: #67911  LD: 14 (so close!)

 He flipped over onto his back and looked up through the slender branches. He had no idea what this bush was, but searched for something in it anyway. He thought he saw a few different kinds of berries, but no luck. He couldn't see very well.

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As domarus reached the front gates he he paused and observed two figures.  One of them was crouching but seemed to be around the same height as himself.  Odd he thought as it was highly unusual for a female to be this tall.  He then noticed the little boy in front of her and let out a grunt.  What were these kids thinking jumping into an MMO like this?  Did their parent's realize that they would be eaten alive by online players or what?  Either way the more he thought about it the more he realized that if the woman was a strong player, she could make an excellent general.  If she was a tank that would be even better as he seemed to have two potential dps generals already.  If he could find a healer as a general as well as a scout, then he'd have the set and would simply need to collect followers.  And he knew that if he could sway this child, he'd sway the woman as she seemed to be very attached to him.  Suddenly the boy dashed off into the forest and the woman chased after him.  Domarus shook his head at the kid's stupidity.  He gave the kid three days tops before he ran into a monster and was eaten alive.  Sighing he realized that he'd need to defend the child to keep his potential general close.  He kept up his gentle appearance and broad smile and walked out of the gate, a new goal in mind.  He approached the two players and saw the boy try and fail to pick berries.  So the kid was as good as Domarus was eh?

"Awful brave to run out like that kid!  Might want to be a little more careful!"  

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OOC - Apologies for the delay. I'm currently in 9 -- scratch that, 10 -- threads. T.T

 Adhae laughed softly as Mason bolted outside of the town, following him obediently. She sighed softly. The boy certainly was a character; he had a lot of personality, but was a really nice boy at heart. He acted young, but that was to be expected, as he was eleven years old. She shook her head softly. That young was really too young to be in a place like this. She couldn't get over that; it was a ridiculous situation that Mason was stuck in at the moment. It was her own assigned responsibility to make sure that he got out of here alive, and she would put ALL of her power into keeping that promise. Nothing would come in the way of that as long as she could help it. With her focus being mitigation, she figured she could get the both of them out of a tough spot if she needed to. Maybe it was time for Mason to try fighting some mobs along with gathering materials. That's why he joined the game, right? To play a MMORPG? She shouldn't take that away from him by being an overprotective motherly figure. Coming to this conclusion, she easily found him under the bush and smiled. "Now what are you doing underneath there, Mason? Looking for berries? Hmm, I should join you." She leaned over the bush, trying to find a berry or two.

ID: #67968  LD: 19

 After combing through some leaves for a moment, she found a few hidden blackberries clinging to branches. She plucked them and stored them in her inventory. "Haha, I found some before youuu--" she was cut off by a voice coming from her right. She turned to look, felt the initial reaction of shock to having someone approach her, and replaced it by awe when she realized his height. He was taller than her. Taller than her. She had only met two people in her life that were taller than her; and this would make a third. She realized her jaw was hanging slightly open and shut it quickly, putting on a wide smile. "Oh, he's alright."

+1 Material

Edited by Adhaerere
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 Mason moved his head out of the bush to look up at Adhae. He'd gotten distracted from running from the woman, and the game was renewed as she found him underneath the brush. He giggled gleefully and scooted completely into the bush, looking up and out of it to try to see if Adhae had watched him go and would try to pursue him. As he did, he looked up through the thin branches and looked again to see if he could find some berries.

ID: #67972  LD: 9

 He didn't spot anything. And now, to distract him, he heard a voice from outside of the bush. Giving up on his hiding, overtaken by curiosity, he crawled out to see Domarus standing-- no, towering above him. Mason's jaw fell open as he saw the huge man. He was almost as tall as Adhae. Maybe even taller! His eyes darted from between the both of them, trying to see who was taller. Then he remembered that the new guy had said he was brave. He smiled wide, his little mouth pulled as far back from his teeth as he could. "I am brave!" he said, puffing out his tiny chest proudly. He wore a silly-looking expression on his face.

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Domarus watched with a pleased feeling as the woman turned to him and reacted with total shock.  Good.  He had a strong impression on her.  She seemed to be one of the few who had an impression on his size thus far.  There were a few others but not many.  He heard her tell Domarus that the kid was alright but he was not.  Then the kid spoke up.  This child was hopeless.  Domarus shook his head with a chuckle while restraining himself from tapping the boy on his head and correcting his stupidity.  This kid won't last.  He'll die at some point.  However this woman might actually succeed in protecting him.  However he'll need to learn a lesson when it came to danger first.  And either way if the woman was a suitable follower then the kid would be an extremely essential gateway to her.

"You may be brave kid but you need to be brave with a good dose of caution."  He let out a light laugh after this even though he was dying inside having to deal with children now.  Esther was innocent enough but this kid.  He mentally shook his head as he couldn't bare to imagine just how stupid or ignorant this player was, if he could even be called that.  Domarus doubted the kid knew the first thing about any video game other than the power button or running around aimlessly.  What he was truly interested was the woman's skills.  She looked like she was fit for combat rather than material gathering.  He turned to the woman.

"You do this often?  Walk outside each day with the kid and help pick berries?  Or do you fight as well?"  Domarus was now itching for a fight, now that another player was with him.  He wasn't that high a level unfortunately, and he didn't have any armor, but his weapon allowed him to deal decent damage with what energy he had.  He needed to level up swiftly though so energy wouldn't be a problem.  However he couldn't level up without training.  And he couldn't train properly without armor.  He couldn't get armor without collecting materials as he needed every.  Solitary.  Piece of col he could gather.  There was something coming he was told, and it was deathly expensive.  So he needed to rack up the efforts and get going, or find a very generous donor. 

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 She smiled affectionately at Mason, leaving him to respond to Domarus's comments. He could handle his own conversations with strangers and was bound to charm the man with his innocence anyways. He had that ability about him. His face was just... So sweet. It was impossible to love the child. Adhae didn't have any children of her own, but if she did, she would want them to be like Mason. His little quirks and childish actions were exactly what made Adhae happy. Especially if she got to train him and watch him grow as a person. That would be the best thing for her. 

 "Actually, I just met Mason," she gestured to the boy, "recently. He hasn't gone outside of the Town of Beginnings yet, except for before it was announced that we are trapped here. He said he wants to do a lot of material gathering and I can't say I don't like that. My cooking profession needs the materials for me to keep my business going. As for fighting, yeah, I do fight. But only when I have another there to fight with me. My build is a tank build." 

 Pulling up her menu, she selected her pieces of armour and equipped them, leaving her battleaxe in her inventory as to not scare Mason. She didn't know how he'd react to a huge weapon like that. Her chestplate and helmet shone with a dull gleam as she turned slightly, showing it off. 

 "This is what I have to work with, plus a two-handed battleaxe. It's got some decent mitigation. I also have the skill Fighting Spirit, which attracts mobs to me. I can handle most blows," she said, smiling softly.

 While she spoke, she cast a glance over the bush again. She might as well look for materials while she talked to the stranger. 

ID: #68453
   LD: 2

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