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[OP-F16-NK] Fall beach fest

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Itzal had explored a small portion of this floor once before, after talking with Calrex, and another when he scouted for areas without monsters so that he and Kasier could enjoy themselves together.  Now he was scouting again, only this time for any dungeons or places of interest he could mark down on a map so he could visit them later.  He also needed some materials for his shop.  However the more he scanned the area the more he realized that there must have been multiple players who came through before and picked the area clean.  Sighing he continued on when he detected a player walking in the distance.  He looked over and saw where the player was walking from.  The beach?  He couldn't see it from here but he had this part of the floor memorized.  He turned and saw a group of players talking with each other and he also saw Kasier.  He smiled.  He was hoping to go out Kasier today and this provided the perfect chance.  He made his way down to see if she'd be interested in doing anything that day.

ID#  71800  LD:  2+8

Edited by Itzal
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Bhairyuu nodded to Khrys indicating that he would call on him then waved goodbye to Khrys and then after spending some more time studying the various people still lingering at the fest, he decided it was time that he excused himself

"Okay, that's enough fun for one day...I need to get back and get some rest so that I can be ready for whatever that group will be doing in the way of crimes in this world too..."

With that in mind, he got up, dusted himself off and after downing the last of the "Sherry" he had in his goblet, he set it at the counter and headed up to @Zandra. Once there, he bowed to her slightly and then excused himself

"Thank you very much for the invite, Ms. Zandra. I enjoyed myself here quite a lot. If you ever decided to do something lke this again, then please feel free to send me an invite too. Well then, I really must be heading out now. Have a nice rest of the day, mademoiselle Zandra."

After that, he waved a short goodbye to her and then headed off in the direction of the teleport gate as well and then vanished off to Floor 1 once more.

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