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[SP-F2] << Earning A Living >> Ultraviolence << COMPLETE >>

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A humanoid, monstrous bull stands in its battle stance as it grips its greataxe, preparing to strike its foe. It dons only a few pieces of metal armor, and it is tattooed at the arms and legs, perhaps of tribal significance. The minotaur sports a pair of horns that are as large as antlers, thus making them very effective in piercing the hearts of its enemies.

It emits a loud unusual 'mooing', as the sound is a mix of an angry bull and a man. It starts rushing towards its target as it wants to gorge on his flesh.

The target notices his presence and draws out his black sword and his new tower shield, preparing for the fight. In an attempt to bash the shield away, the minotaur charges with its horns pointing towards the item, snorting angrily. 

Meanwhile, the swordsman takes cover behind his tower shield as he braces for impact. Today is the day when his taste for ultraviolence resurfaces, and he comes to this forest to butcher up some fresh meat.

Gotz: HP 80/80

Minotaur: HP 7/15

ID: 68501

BD: 7

MD: 1

Energy: 5/8

Used Snake Bite!

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The minotaur collides against the tower shield with a loud clang, now pushing the armor in an attempt to attack the swordsman behind it. The player, however, takes the risk of exposing himself from the shield. His sword shifts to a green, glowing color as he unleashes his Sword Art, slashing its forehead and its face violently. As the final strike of the Snake Bite, the swordsman drives the blackened blade into the nostrils of the minotaur and kicks it away in the groin. 

The minotaur steps back as it grits its big, ugly teeth. Its red eyes glares into the eyes of the swordsman as it tries to think of a new way to flank and attack its foe. In the middle of its planning, it notices the human already rushing towards it, the tower shield is up and the sword is pointed forward like a Spartan spear. 


Gotz: HP 80/80

Minotaur: HP 7/15

ID: 68527

BD: 1

MD: 5

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The swordsman ducks his head behind the tower shield as it is knocked by the pommel of the minotaur's greataxe. Taking a step back, he spends the next minute blocking the strikes of the the giant blade as the minotaur grunts at every clash against the shield. The armor is designed to withstand as many blows as possible, and the swordsman is very confident that this personal armor will help him throughout his travels. Soon, the axe lands harshly onto the top edge of the shield, and the player kneels down behind the large hunk of steel. 

The minotaur grins as it stops attacking and jumps over the swordsman like a frog, much to the latter's shock. He quickly gets up and turns his shield around hastily as the minotaur is already landing and lifting his axe up in the air.

"See you in hell, warrior!" shouts the minotaur in a raspy voice.

Gotz: HP 80/80

Minotaur: HP 0/15

ID: 68529

BD: 6

LD: 16

Energy: 0/8

Used Snake Bite!

Obtained 1 Material!

Obtained 75 COL!

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The black sword manages to block the axe's downwards strike with its own blade, its owner struggles greatly to push the axe away from him. In an unexplained fit of rage, the swordsman run towards the minotaur as he drags the blade along its arm before stabbing the creature in the chest. Again, he uses his Sword Art and severe the upper half of the minotaur as it gurgles its own blood, struggling to get some oxygen. As soon as the cut is made, the swordsman repetitively stomps the minotaur's face for several times before finally slaughtering it like cattle. The spraying blood from its sliced neck squirts onto the half of his face.

Dying from the fatal attacks of the human, the minotaur drops a good amount of COL and a steel ore as it slowly disintegrates from the battle site. The human stands up, panting like a grunt as he sets the tower shield down and sits onto its surface, staring blankly into space.

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I am depressed...and...mad...especially after the humiliating incident in Eshter's shop. Never thought she would be a consented slave...I should have stay away from her own personal business...sigh..what's the use of complaning? The damage was already done...great job, Gotz. You f**ked up your first encounter with a fellow Aincrad inhabitant. why can't you keep your mouth shut, huh?

All of these thoughts are running around my mind like bullet trains, and my need for violence grows within me. The blood of the minotaur still retains on the half of my face, and I stare at the sun with a thousand-yard stare, for my mind is also void of desires and pleasant thoughts...

...the tower shield works very well so far, I can easily block and attack the dwelling minotaurs in the forest...on second thought, a dungeon won't be so bad...if I ever have the desire to find one...

Just..give me a break...the mood to monologue is not very strong today...

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Waking up from a short nap is quite refreshing, for I wasn't be able to have a good sleep last night. The tower shield serves as an effective headrest for me, so basically I suffer no discomfort throughout my nap. I get onto my feet slowly and keep the tower shield in the inventory as I am ready to proceed.

There is a visible trial that contains little white mushrooms on either side. It is just located at my front, and I can already see the mushrooms 'pointing' at one general direction. Perhaps this trial will lead me to a herd of minotaurs, or even a ruined building if I am lucky. I start to follow the trial on foot, obviously heading in the direction that the mushrooms are leaning on the grassy ground. I draw out my sword and my tower shield, looking out for any kind of hostility that I can gleefully slaughter.

As minutes have passed, I happen to reach a small bridge of some sort, but it is guarded by a minotaur...that one is also armed with a giant axe, and, like the others, sports a large pair of sharp horns.

I don't know what the minotaur is guarding, but my violent instinct returns as I bang my sword against my shield loudly to attract his attention.

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The minotaur snaps his attention and leaps up in the air, landing in front of me. He snorts out some sort of steam as he growls in anger. I have probably offended him somehow with my presence, because he does not seem too please. The minotaur slams the axe's pommel against the ground as he stands guard.

"Walk away or you will be executed, traveller!" He snarls, gripping the shaft tightly. What a lame line, can't he even think of a better line? He is such a f**king waste of space that I am already prepared to gut him like a fish. Look at the size of that axe. I'm very sure that he uses it just to compensate for his tiny, flaccid, di--

"Are you listening?! Go back to where you come from, scoundrel!" The minotaur yells out as he is now holding his weapon with both of his hands.

Mockingly, I nod at his decision. But instead of turning back, I abrutly thrust my sword forward towards his crotch.

Gotz: HP 80/80

Minotaur: HP 7/15

ID: 68544

BD: 8

MD: 5

Energy: 5/8

Used Snake Bite!

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The minotaur doesn't get to react to my attack as my sword is driven through the flesh of his hips, which is then further severed by my Sword Art. The blade makes a messy horizontal cut as it painfully cuts off part of his flesh. His bellow can be probably heard throughout the forest, as the pain is too great to bear. He gets onto one knee as he holds his injury, trying to stop the rapid bleeding of his hips.

Withdrawing myself away from him briefly, I proceed to sprint towards him as I swing my blade violently, aiming for his abdomen. The minotaur sees this and puts his hands up in a pathetic attempt to defend himself from his imminent death.

No mercy shall ever be provided to my foes. All of them must die, no matter how much they are trying to bribe me or beg me for forgiveness. I want living beings like them to cease from existing in this world, and they shall instead find their own place in limbo or even hell. I want everyone I hate to suffer in my hands, and to die while having their corpses rendered unrecognizable. That is my principle of a fight or murder, and with this principle, I can always sleep in peace.

Gotz: HP 79/80

Minotaur: HP 7/15

ID: 68548

BD: 1

MD: 10

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My attack unfortunately fails as he manages to grab my blade with his bare hands. He moos with a demonic sound as he launches his horns towards me, bumping against my tower shield. The knockback of the attack hurts my arm a little, but at least I can still hold up my shield like a Spartan. I try to pull my sword away from the minotaur's grasp, but to no avail, as attempting to do so is like pulling a sword that has its blade stuck in obsidian grounds. 

Many times I have block his headbutt, and he doesn't seem to show any signs of stopping. This is bad...if I am out of focus, he would find an opening and aim for my vulnerable body. 

"Come on, expose yourself! You are wasting my time!" yells the minotaur as his headbanging is getting harsher. At this point, the knockback effect is gradually more effective as I am having trouble of maintaining my balance.

Gah...the banging noise is so deafening! 

Gotz: HP 79/80

Minotaur: HP 0/15

ID: 68550

BD: 9

LD: 9

Energy: 0/8

Used Snake Bite!

Obtained 1 Material!

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Using all of my strength, I manage to bash the minotaur's head as he is going all out at the time. The bashing leaves his head sore, and as he rubs his head with his free hand, I quickly push my sword's blade against his face. With the combination of my Sword Art, I slash off most of his facial features, save for some parts of his lower mouth. I drop my tower shield as I grab his hair and violently saw off his head as the active nerves of his body cause it to thrash around like a headless snake. 

I pin his shoulder with my foot as I angrily grab his horns and pull off the now-loose head. I hold it up to the air as if I am declaring the minotaur's severed head as a trophy for my house, screaming like a madman. The corpse later disappears and drops a steel ore, which I immediately pick up along with my tower shield.

The journey continues with my passing over the small bridge. But now I am thirsty for more fighting, and more violence. I think my normie mask is about to slip...

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Later on, I actually reach the end of the trial...and I am half right regarding to the possibility of the existence of a building here. The thing turns out to be an abandoned, small armory. Judging by the sign that depicts an anvil, this must be a former home of a blacksmith. I step into the armory carefully and look around. Almost every furniture and utilities are in ruins. The furnace lacks any kind of coal, possibly for many years. An lone anvil is sitting at the center of the armory, its surface is very cold to the touch. Old tools are scattered everywhere, save for a tong that is still hanging on the wall.

I have a feeling that this place might still have some ores left behind. I walk around the armory as I think of my shop, which never receive any customers so far...I am okay with it. The shop not only serves as a place to sell my crafts, it is a sanctuary for a blacksmith like myself.

ID: 68551

LD: 4

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Swordaria is a haven from all of the dangers in Aincrad. I always find myself peaceful whenever I am forging something. The whole process feels very relaxing...starting from the smelting of an ore to the finishing touches of a blade. Aside from the shaping of the metal and producing sparks, I found polishing and sharpening the blade to be also relaxing. Heh...I cannot understand why I keep monologuing about my profession. Maybe because it is the only thing I can think of at this moment, it always brings me in a good mood. It is, after all, my hobby.

No ores are found here...I guess combat is a better way to obtain such materials. I sit onto the anvil to ponder about myself, and notice that it isn't really dark inside this armory, thanks to the sunlight. The building is a little further from the trees, hence the explanation of how I was able to see it from a distance at the end of the trial.

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Suddenly, I hear a loud, raspy voice outside the armory. The voice is accompanied with a loud, single metallic thud on the ground.

"Where are you, traveller?! Come out and fight me!" shouts the voice. At this instant, it doesn't take a genius to find out the owner of the raspy voice. The minotaur must have sensed that his comrades are brutally killed. And with their absence, he knows the answer to their whereabouts.

I stand up and equip my black sword and tower shield, standing near the anvil as I am prepare to face the bull man. He soon enters the shop and catches me in his sights with an angry frown, bearing his teeth.

"You shall pay dearly for ruining our stroll, scumbag!" The minotaur shouts as he draws out a large, oversized machete (+1 Bleed). He lets out a roar as he sprints towards me and my shield is now facing the front, myself taking cover behind it.

Gotz: HP 80/80

Minotaur: HP 12/20

ID: 68554

BD: 7

MD: 1

Energy: 5/8

Used Snake Bite!

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I wait until he is close enough to swing his giant machete at me, then as quickly as I could, I step forward and stab the wrist of his sword arm. I make a big cut along his arm and unleashed my Sword Art against his chest, slashing the flesh in three quick successions. The minotaur roars in pain as he steps back, moving his blade close to my tower shield. I madly slam my own weapon against my personal armor, inviting him to deliver a blow here. 

"Your taunts are nothing but useless, traveller! Useless, useless, useless!" The minotaur bellows as he uses his horns to strike me, or at least he tries to, because one of his horns clashes with the hard, steel surface of the shield. Annoyed by this failed attempt, he snarls at me as he spins his machete in circles.

"If my friends were here, they would be entertained." says the minotaur. "My technique, 'Giant Fan', will--"

Gah! Shut the f**k up and fight will you?! Suffer!

Gotz: HP 80/80

Minotaur: HP 2/20

ID: 68555

BD: 10

MD: 2

Energy: 2/8

Used Snake Bite!

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"W..what?! How dare y--guh!"

If he hadn't been talking, he would have continue fighting. What a f**king waste of space he is. I grit my teeth as I drive my sword into his neck, then I start cutting with my Sword Art. Keep cutting, I think to myself as the strikes of my sword are becoming rapid. Why can't I strike him harder? My sword should have penetrated all the way through his neck! My panting becomes louder as I cut the minotaur's flesh down to his stomach, and then comes the disemboweling action.

Blood spurts onto my face once more as I harshly pull out his intestines, making the minotaur falling onto his knees in the process. He wheezes at every few seconds as he struggles to catch his breath while trying to stuff his digestive systems back into his stomach, but the pieces just keep falling out of the bloody crevice. 

I stop his attempt by bashing his head with my tower shield, and slowly, I raise my sword up to the air, now aiming for his face.

Gotz: HP 80/80

Minotaur: HP 0/20

ID: 68556

BD: 8

LD: 4

Obtained 1 Material!

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"Mercy!" The minotaur pleads as he holds up his palm, shaking his head slightly as he looks at me with a fearful look. I grin at his helplessness as I respond with "All out of mercy, f**knut. Now sleep!"

In a split second, I plunge my sword down onto his head and cut off big chunks of flesh from it. To make sure he will never get up, I split his brain vertically by slamming down the blade onto the designated part repetitively until it is completely cut in half. The mutilation ends when the corpse suddenly disappears from the armory, dropping another steel ore. 

My arms are burning from swinging and bashing with my sword and shield respectively, but I do not care, for they are not a problem that would effectively stop my ultra-violent shenanigans. I can feel so much blood on my face now, I wonder how red my face is...it may take some time to wash off the entire blood when I get back to the village in Floor 2.

ID: 68557

LD: 11

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The sky starts to get covered by clouds, blocking the sun as the presence of sunlight becomes less obvious to the world. The fields, however, look gloomy with the absence of sunlight. It is as if they are showing signs of the lack of wildlife and imminent hopelessness, which ironically, was what we would have felt during the appearance of Kayaba Akihiko, creator of Aincrad. I remember seeing the look of everybody's faces, all varied in the personalities of people. Most of them were shocked at the fact that this is their new life, and death is permanent as in the former reality.

Some of them were very angry, and some were suicidal. Fewer people, like me, had already embraced this new reality beforehand. We were probably smiling in secret, though I am sure I was the only one doing so openly.

Many inhabitants had already rushed to the front lines as soon as possible, but a lot of these dumbasses died too quickly. Who the f**k sprints forward to an enemy without ever knowing it? What the hell were they rushing for..? 

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Just several weeks after the 'Dark Day' of Aincrad, everybody is already used to their new lives. The most prevalent part of their lifestyles are monster slaying and advancing to the upper floors. Some warriors dedicate their lives in dungeon crawling for a variety of reasons. While most of them venture into sub-dungeons for loot, I like to think that they want more than that. Monsters are always stronger and badass looking than the typical mobs that wander around the floors, unless there are special zones which are likely populated by monsters with extraordinary stats or properties.

So what will one get from fighting strong mobs? Fat loot, satisfaction of an inner animal, or maybe he gets to finally impress a female companion whom he perceives as his personal b**ch. Tch.

Getting back to the lifestyles of Aincrad inhabitants, some like Esther, choose to be a total pacifist and dedicate their living to making whatever objects they fancy. Potions, crystals, weapons... Hell, at the same time, they make money off their crafts, though I still have no idea if this alone is lucrative enough to support oneself. 

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....what the hell am I looking at....

I was just strolling casually, thinking about what to forge in my shop. The village isn't very far, and I can tell because I can see the entrance to the city from, let's see, about six miles away. Then all of a sudden, I heard footsteps, but they neither belong to me nor a minotaur. Recognizing these human steps, I turned around slowly, expecting to see another player while hoping that they harbor no ill intentions. Instead, I see...this hooded, red eyed humanoid creature staring right at me.

It is dressed in ragged clothes that are accompanied with minimal leather armor. The hood obscures the view of its face, so I cannot have a good look on its facial features, save for the red eyes. It is armed with a bandit dagger (+1 Bleed) and a target shield (+3 Damage Mitigation). 

I do not know if it is capable of speech like the minotaurs, so I tell him: "You are either brave or stupid enough to face someone that wields an oxidized sword and a tower shield. Piss off."

The creature barely moves from its position, as instead of doing so, it actually speaks in a masculine voice. "Whatever arsenal they are equipped with matters less to me. All I can focus on is to bleed them to death and pillage their bodies."

"...well, what are we waiting for?"

"That would be the question I should have asked to you. I had noticed what you did to the minotaurs. ...you are a bloodthirst type--?"

"Just shut the f**k up and swing your dagger already. I want to go home."

"...As you wish."

Gotz: HP 80/80

Thief: HP 18/23

ID: 68602

BD: 8

MD: 1

Energy: 5/8

Used Snake Bite!

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The thief raises up his shield as he sprints towards me, then he leaps forward before he brings his dagger to my chest. This attempt is backfired, as I kick him in the gut and send him flying backwards with a single, stabbing attack. The tip of my sword catches his shield, but due to its small size, it doesn't really do its job very well. I take cover behind my tower shield as I wait for him to get up and try another attack.

"Is that the best you can do, scumbag?" says the creature.

"..There is more than sword techniques, thief.."

With that statement, I advance forward while banging my sword against my shield, taunting him to land a successful hit. This is getting interesting, as this is the first time I am fighting a humanoid, hostile creature. To me, this is the closest to fighting another player, and I like it.

Gotz: HP 79/80

Thief: HP 18/23

ID: 68603

BD: 1

MD: 6

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