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Detarame's journal

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Username: Detarame
Real name: Guro Sutikku
Age: 14
Gender: male
Height: 5,4

About: Guro was born in a small part of Japan. When Guro was six, his older brother, Fuyu, ran away. Guro's personality changed drastically, he became unresponsive and angry. After about a week of therapy, the therapist said he was going through a form of grief. It didn't take but a year for him to get over it, but he'll ponder on it every now and then. To take his mind off it, his friend introduced him to video games. Guro was obsessed, beating all the story lines, getting all the achievements. He was super excited about the new game Sword Art Online, but we all know how that ended. Now he's trying to find his way out by finding some friends to form a guild.


 Guro is actually very smart for someone his age, he has an IQ of 140. He's able to calculate two-step equations and map out coordinates in his mind.                                                              Guro is also able to predict things pretty well if he has enough information on the subject.

 Guro actually studied the players guide once the game was available for everyone to play. He remembered battle tips,                                                                                                               where to get food, and where he can practice and battle.

Guro has very high balancing skills. In 8th grade, he was in gymnastics and specialized in the balance beam. So now with
the help of that, he can keep his gyroscopic balance in situations that need it, like on a balance beam or a 

Since he's a nerd, he can be pushed around pretty easily. In school he was like the pet of the group.                                                                                                                                            So imagine Guro being in a group of people that could easily over-power him.

Guro has the potential to jump ahead of things if he can't calculate, but most of the times he'll jump in too early and get hurt really bad.                                                                                      So now he has to become very careful and precaution about what will happen.

Guro is dependent on a lot of things. If he manages to lose of those things, he can shut down and become completely  
unresponsive. So imagine how he felt being in SAO for two years. Trying to survive without his parents.

Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)




Weapon skills:


» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

Relationships (optional)

Story Thus Far (optional)

Logged in, realized he was trapped, looks for guild so he can depend on something


Edited by Guro Sutikku
Had a thing that was against the rules, but it's fixed now, let me know if there's anything else wrong with it.
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