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(SP-F6) The Worst Mirror [Gemini]

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Jonathan traveled on the sixth floor. He was talking to some NPC's and players, trying to figure out some good places to earn some quick levels. He wanted to be ready for the next boss or so. For that though, he would need to be at least level forty. He had heard that many of the guild members were participating, but they did not have to tank it. If Jonathan was not a tank, he would be participating when it came along to. He would be there to clear the twenty first floor. Jonathan grimaced looking around. He had to find something to do. Right before this he had finished the Shark quest and picked up his new armor and shield, which he was stoked to use. He did not have his weapon yet, but he really did not need that for the boss fight though. He would get it for soloing purposes. Cash was needed if he was to ever get a unique skill, house and a guild hall, which he planned to help fund. Itzal and he could probably go out one day and make about ten thousand col which would quite the gain. If Beat were to join to then it would go much better and faster. Even Hikoru could play damage dealer. He was the best at it anyway, but Itzal had to get the last hit because he had loot drop enhancements. Jonathan at the moment wore his <Jacket of the Fallen> Which increased his luck, despite being stoked about wearing his armor. He needed to get the feel for it, but did not just want to flaunt it off. It kept who he was a secret, so he did not want to just tell everyone who he was. 

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Jonathan glared around, searching for someone who might have info of what could get him some easy levels, when something touched his shoulder. Jonathan turned to see an average sized, blue eyed, brown choppy haired man. Jonathan smiled and said, Hello. What might you be wanting to know? The man smiled back. He had no cursor indicating he was not a player, but an NPCAh... Hello, I was just wondering if you would have a little spar with me, just outside the gates. Half Health duel sound good? Jonathan raised a brow. Why is an NPC asking me to duel. This can't be a free way to earn a unique skill can it? Well I can't waste the opportunity. Let's see how it goes. Jonathan nodded and the man turned, leading the way out of the general public. Jonathan piped up to the man. Just because you are an NPC, I will not go easy. I am a bit pressed for time. I need to get strong fast. The man did not appear to be listening. They reached an open field, from the trees and looked around, confirming there was no one around. This should be a decent spot, I believe. Equip your items.  

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Jonathan nodded to the man, equipping his items. As soon as he clicked his armor, blue light flashed in front of his eyes. Angelus Lux was a complete head to toe armor that was mostly Silver and White. It had golden slots foreyes and vision. The first thing Jonathan seen was fuzzy. After a second his vision cleared and he looked down, noticing his entire body covered in the silver armor. Alright! Jonathan's voice was deepened for some strange reason. Perhaps it was the way it came out of the armor. Jonathan equipped his shield, the Silver plated shield materialized on his left hand. It was beautifully crafted with the sun of the Celestial Ascendants sun emblem on it. Jonathan grinned, though unable to be seen by any. Jonathan looked at the man. His face was amazing clear, probably also an addition to the armor, he was grinning mischievously. Jonathan touched hishelmet on the side and found a button. He tapped it and his helmet materialized. I really do not trust this guy. I will drink my Tiger's Rage potion that I got with Itzal onthe deforestation quest. My armor should hold so no need to worry about mitigation. Next Jonathan equipped his sword. He felt back behind him for his sword. Nothing. Worried Jonathan felt all around his body and found it sheathed behind him, located on his waist. Jonathan unsheathed it. That will take some getting used to. He tapped his neck piece of his armor and his helmet re materialized, encasing his head. I am ready! The man smiled and the duel request popped up. Jonathan grimaced and pressed accept. 

Jonathan's stats!

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Gemini's stats

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As Jonathan clicked accept the man laughed, and then began to become completely black. Then he was the spitting image of Jonathan down to the teeth. At least the armor did. Jonathan seen nothing interior of the armor, which was good. What? What is this, I did not know about this! The not-Jonathan laughed and said, I am the Gemini and I have tricked you to accept my quest. May players spend hours looking for the right NPC, but occasionally I find players! Supervised to see you eh? I have the same fighting techniques as well. Welcome to the fight of your mirror image. Also this is a death duel! Jonathan grunted before charging forward. His armor was flexible and allowed him to move with ease. Jonathan knocked the man's sword out of the way, and moved to strike the enemy with his sword.As if on instinct, the Gemini easily blocked with its shield and moved to counter, but Jonathan blocked with his shield and backed away. I told you already. I know all of you attack patterns and strategies. There is nothing you can do. Jonathan grimaced. The man did know his basic way of attack. He had to be a bit more aggressive.

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Jonathan stood straight, his gaze focusing on himself. I know my fighting style better than anyone. How is my defense easily countered? I believe only Itzal has the answer to that. Jonathan rushed forward, slashing upward, then quickly shifting to slice horizontally across the gemini's chest. Both times he was blocked. Jonathan leapt back quickly, but as he did so, the gemini charged slashing at his chest as well. Jonathan blocked and their swords became locked. Perhaps, after I kill you, I can keep your form for a while and slaughter a few people before I go down. Jonathan growled kicking the opponent backward with his free foot. When I strike, that is the only time I am quite exposed. Other than that, My defense is solid. I will have to dodge or knock him off balance. Jonathan smiled and looked at the gemini. You can think like me and fight like me, but can you change tactics like I can. The gemini may of had an expression but it was not able to be seen through the armor. Hopefully he had nerved the man. It is me, and it looks like me but it is not exactly like me. It is just a bunch of gathered information. 

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Jonathan took a deep breath, trying to gather info from himself. His own defenses seemed Pretty sturdy, many possibilities blocked by his shield. Jonathan dashed forward, using his shield to ram into the gemini. But he kept going. The gemini had not blocked, but instead dodged, and while moving, he had run his blade across Jonathan's exposed chest. It wasn't that deep of a cut, but it was a cut made. The first blood of the battle, and this creature had earned it. Jonathan turned quickly seeing the gemini had it helmet down. He was grinning mischievously. Can't change tactics eh? Looks like it worked out just find for me. How does it taste to feel the slash of your own blade? The gemini examined it and then continued, "It would be better if it would be tier two. You would have felt a bit more damage." Jonathan looked darkly at the gemini. His health had regained and the gemini seemed to notice it as well. His shield kept him well healthed. 


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Jonathan stood, clutching his sword in a tight grip. This thing did have the ability to change its motions, it was not entirely dependant on his own skills, but also something the game made up as well that he could do. Jonathan grimaced and charged again, slashing against the Gemini's shield. The shield was much harder to get around then his previous circular shield. The Gemini counter placing several hits on his chest. Jonathan quickly jumped back after taking the damage. It was not mcuh, but for some reason it hurt his pride. To know the himself was better than himself. He shook the thought off and focused. He would hit next time. It was the only thing to finish this battle. He would have to hit. You fight much better than I previosuly anticipated, but this can go on no farther... I end you here. Jonathan smiled as he took a breath.... I wonder how I am able to breath in this armor? 

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Jonathan took a breath, examining his opponent. The Gemini held the same stance as Jonathan himself. Jonathan closed his eyes before snapping them open as he charged. As he reached his opponent, he created a feint attack. He acted as if he were going to attack from the top, causing the Gemini to raise his shield. Quickly, Jonathan spun, using the momentum to slash his blade across the Gemini's chest. The Gemini roared and slashed it's blade down, slashing on Jonathan's head. Luckily he had armor there now. The Tankling jumped back quickly moving to a safe distance. He had done some good damage to the Gemini, and taken Minimal in return. Though it seemed like Jonathan's stats were much better overall. The Gemini could not take his damag, including with the Tiger's Rage he had taken a drink of. That helped significantly. Jonathan had little damage, becuase Hikoru advised that he grand mastered the three main Tank assets. Block, Heavy Armor, and Battle Healing. Then he should move to get the mods. Stone Wall, Safe Guard, Emergency Aid or something? Then Focused Howl. It would be very helpful, but it would take a lot of skill points. At least another thirty levels or so. 


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If I don't hit so help me!

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Jonathan stood to the man. His stats were lower, but Jonathan believed he would not be able to successfully finish this quest, and in fact, he would have to retreat. His energy was not high enough to kill the gemini , and he could not deal enough damage, even though he downed a tiger's rage potion. He had not thought that it would actually be a problem to complete this quest, but it was much harder than he had expected. Jonathan grimaced. He had donated his thorned shield, so that would notwork. He looked at the gemini and noticed him laying on the ground. Oh, I forgot, my shield has paralyze on it now... It was much to late though. The gemini was already beginning to get back up. Jonathan growled. He would have to see how much damage he could actually do. Jonathan held his sword out and forward, pointing at the gemini. I know why you are son confident. It is because this battle will take days to end. You know I will run out of energy, before this is over.... I should have done this quest before I put all of stats into tank. The gemini was unmoving, but was probably grinning. He would not be able to do this for quite a while. Probably have to actually get a ton of damage and accuracy buffs. The gemini had infinite energy and Jonathan needed to do a ton of damage. 

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Jonathan watched as the gemini stood there,as if unknowing what to do anymore. Jonathan grimaced and decided to make the first movement. He dashed forward, bringing his blade down quickly from right over his head. It was a simple block for the gemini, but Jonathan crouched quickly and attacked its lower half. As if it knew what he was doing it leapt back right before his blade touched it. Jonathan growled and kicked off the ground hacking and slashing at it, but it shield was in the way every time. Jonathan growled and pushed back. This guy has to be cheating, as if he knows I am going to do right as I do it. The only thing I can is keep my clear of thoughts then. Come to a state of nothingness. Jonathan pointed his weapon forward waiting for the Gemini to attack. He could counter if it was moving at him quite easily. good fighting... 

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Jonathan breathed slowly, clearing his mind of any thoughts that might give the gemini a clue of his next attack. With a breath and a single thought "I am putting all I have got into this one attack" He was ready. Seeming to understand, the Gemini readied his defenses, and held its weapon in a reverse grip. A few seconds passed and Jonathan dashed forward, literally becoming a blur. His blade collided with the gemini's armor, and nice cold rip of metal was the noise he heard next. Jonathan smiled until he felt a bit of a burning sensation on his chest. Somehow, the Gemini had hit him as well. You are much stronger than I thought. Much more than I gave you credit for. The slice on his chest began to fade and Jonathan spun facing the Gemini. Perhaps if he would deal a lot of damage while he still could, this just might work. I have to give him hell, and that is the way to kill him. The gemini fell as it was paralyzed. His shield most likely struck the gemini as he passed. 

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Foregoing Action

Jonathan stood there. The gemini had fallen paralyzed. He would pity it, if it was not going to drain him of all of his energy. It really is a shame you do not get my enhancements of my equipment, or else you would be kicking my ass right now. I will say, this quest is definently recommended for when you are weaker, you are almost impossible to beat. You might be asking yourself, why am I not attacking you? I hate attacking something that is paralyzed, when I know that it can not kill me. It is pointless. Anyway, it might just allow me to save up my energy a bit to slaughter you. Jonathan Backed away from the struggling Gemini and turned, facing toward it. Any moment now, and your Paralysis will be over. Fight me as hard as you can. I know I can fight better than that. Prove to me that you can fight like me. 

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The Gemini stood and faced Jonathan. Jonathan smiled wickedly, although it was unseen by the gemini. Here we go again huh? They were quite evenly matched, it was just that the stats of the Gemini was much lower. Jonathan rushed forward, and slashed repeatedly, having to block a few times from a counter from the gemini. Jonathan slashed, ducked, blocked and stabbed, as well did the Gemini, but neither of them got even a single scratch on the other. Jonathan sighed and leapt backwards, putting some distance between the Gemini and he. This can not happen, we do not want to be here forever you know. Jonathan looked around, noticing that a few people had gathered, observing the fight. I hope this ends rather quickly. I do not like the fact of being watched by many players that I have no correlation with, and have them analyze my battle strategies. Jonathan held his blade out and forward.

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Jonathan stood baring his blade out at his mirror image. The figure was fast and mighty, but it had no power, or reason behind it. He took a deep breath surveying his opponent's stance. His curved blade made it a bit easier to get past the shield, but it would make him open for a counter attack from his enemy. He closed his eyes, taking one final breath. He forced his eyes open and he began to dash. The gemini rose its shield and Jonathan took advantage of this. He lowered his weapon, allowing his curve to graze the enemies shield, and then go under it, stabbing the gemini in the chest. Jonathan smiled and tried to back up, unscathed, but his attempt was in vain. The gemini struck horizontally, striking across Jonathan's chest. Jonathan grunted before jumping away from the gemini. At least he had made another successful attack and the gemini was indeed paralyzed, and unable to move once more. He look at his shield, the Emblem of the Celestial Ascendants glared back Man, you work far too well. Perhaps while you are paralyzed I am just going to leave. 

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Not sure if it was against the rules to do this but anywho....

Jonathan sheathed his weapon and walked forward towards the gemini. You are just impossible to beat because I will run out of energy before you are dead, but you are so weak. I am just going to leave here. Jonathan opened his menu and ceased the duel. As the duel ended Jonathan began to walk away, leaving the enemy paralyzed. It had no chance to try to catch him or stop him. There is no point in fighting a battle that we last for an eternity. Jonathan began to pick up the pace, bringing himself out of the town. He was much too far away too be caught now. He would just go ahead and fight some mobs and call it a day. Tommorow he would go ahead and go do the guardian of fire quest or something like that. It would be much better than spending his week of training fighting somebody that looked like him and was impossible to beat without Energy items. 


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Jonathan took a breath and looked around. He seemed to be no longer hunted by the gemini. He sighed and walked forward, looking for the path over to the next town. Something told him he would be forced back into battle if he would go back to that town. He really was not having a good time with this quest and probably was not going to. He should have done this quest before he had invested into tanking abilities. Now he had to deal with mitigation and other properties. He opened his menu and equipped his jacket whih enhanced his loot finding. He might as well spend the rest of his time gathering some materials. The frontliners needed more alchemists. Also more tanks. Luckily he supplied both, but it was hard to find materials for him due to his low damage and lack of loot properties. I can't do anything by myself really can I? I have to rely on Itzal to get stuff for me, Beat to do damage. Then a thought occurred to him. What about Kasier? She really can not do anything my herself. Her entire character relies on support. Jeez. I feel a bit bad. 

Equipped: Jacket of the Fallen- +2 LD

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Jonathan stood. He took a deep breath to clear his mind. Now, he needed to find some materials. He for once really did not feel like fighting to get it, so he would make do with the use of his jacket for once. He felt his eyes enhanced as he wore it. He gave a good look around. He was in a jungle. There should be all sorts of stuff he could use. After a few seconds, he quickly spotted a plant with white leaves and berreis. Perfect for alchemy. He picked it, and it was immediately added to his inventory. Hmm. What If I perhaps got some more equipment that improved my stats in hunting. Iknow some frontliners have a battle build, and then a hunting build where they focus on damage. Speaking of which, I can use the materials found today, to go and get a sword tommorow. With that thought he was satisfied. he needed to do a bitmore damage while he soloed. He could get to at least seventy with an upgrade. Which would definently help him. He sighed and went back to searching. 

70888 LD:15+2=17 Material Found

1 Material  from this thread. 

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Jonathan moved a bit aways from where he received the last material. He had terrible luck and wanted everything to be full of life and easy to find. As he picked a spot he seen a few mobs up in the trees. They appeared to not be hostile, so he really did not give them a second look. This looks like a good spot though. Jonathan searched around for another minute or so, when he found another one of the berry plants. He smiled and picked and added to his material count for the day. This will do nicely. Now I could find one or two more and call it a day I guess. It really has been a bit unsuccessful hasn't it? The Gold Tank sighed. He really was starting to run a bit low on time to gain experience and find materials. The meeting was in about another eight days or so. Tommorow he should be able to work on the Guardian of Fire, or Avalanche. The Guardian of fire yielded more Skill points but Avalanche was easier, giving him more time to actually do things. He wanted to Grandmaster his block in three days at least, but that was not going to happen most likely. 

70889 LD:19+2=21

Material Count:2

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Jonathan moved again to find another material. He wold find one or two more, than head back out. He needed to hurry up and get started on other things. After a few minutes passed, Jonathan stopped and began to search. It seemed the farther he went, the more the materials seemed to get scarce out here. He searched around for another few minutes and found another one of his berried plants. It dissolved into his inventory and he sighed. Searching for materials was quite boring. Probably more fun if you are Itzal or Aereth because you usually find multiple in spot. It just seemed that there was invisible plants that yo just had to see, or it was just not there. Well. I will see if I can find one more, and then I will leave. I need some more Skill points. After that I will take a short break and go and look for materials I guess. 

70890 LD:16+2=18

Material Count: 3

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Jonathan sighed and walked out of the jungle. His days work on this floor was done. It was rather boring and unsuccessful. Nothing had come out of today, other that knowing that he would have to be armed to the teeth to beat the gemini now. He would revisit the gemini someday in the future, but he had to worry about other things. Getting himself much stronger. He was not exactly completely ready yet, and he needed to get ready. He needed to be much stronger and faster. Jonathan stepped onto the pad and thought of where he wanted to go next. Perhaps.... The Guardian of fire? I believe that is on the.... Floor Nine! Jonathan vanished in a bright blue flash of light, and the blond tank was gone from there. I have to be strong. I need to get better. If I don't... I will die. Things die, because they are weak. That is the only reason. That is why I must become strong. 

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