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[F4] The Wolfs Cloak [High Mentor Tailor][CLOSED]

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Crafting had been a pain in the a** of Aereth lately. He created more failures than anything else and the materials were going from his inventory into the fire quicker than he could farm them. Beat wanted a set of tier three armor, which he still hadn't enough materials for and his other two customers were also waiting for their respective pieces. 

A heavy sigh escaped Aereth as he sat once more in front of his crafting table and tried to finish his orders. "Man the guy from the Knights will be p*ssed if I don't finish his stuff quickly, and Hidden also won't be very happy if I don't get her stuff done..." With that he took a sip from the bottle of whiskey that had replaced his cup of hot chocolate, and started to work. 

About an hour and one and a half bottles of whiskey later, Aereth finally was done with the lower tier orders... "A shame that you can't get drunk in here..."



LINK to craft
Name: Shadow of Dusk
Profession: Tailor
Rank: 5
ID: 86026 (Sorry, I messed up the roll purpose, It was supposed to be a T2 LA and the auto fill screwed me over)
Roll: 11+1
Item Type: Light Armor/Cloak
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +36 MIT / +1 EVA
Description: A dark cloak that is made to be tight around the user for flexibility. It is light enough to keep speed on the user's side but also heavy enough to take hits. At dusk, this cloak allows the user to easily blend into the shadows. 
Payment Method: 10 T2 Materials. 


LINK to craft
Name: Knight's Clothes
Profession: Tailor
Rank: 5
ID: 86025
Roll: 12+1
Item Type: Clothes
Tier: Tier 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 LD
Description: A set of white and red clothes over dark grey garment underneath in the style of the KoB with light brown boots to go. Image.
Payment Method: Mats

-2 T1-Mats, -1 T2-Mat, +22 EXP

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She returned quietly into the shop as she received a message from Aereth. It had been a while since her order, but he had been captured for more than half that time. She could not blame him. She walked silently at the counter, pausing as she reached it. Two items lay on the counter, the first was a piece of clothing, and the second a dark cloak. She picked it up with a nod to Aereth. "Well done. It is flexible like the last, but this one isn't made of a silky material. It will take a hit" She added it to her inventory and sent the payment to Aereth. This cloak would be used in boss fights and quests not for regular monster farming. She turned silently, heading away from the door. Aereth had his own business to attend to without her meddling in his business. She had a few quests to go and finish now. Gemini and Arabian nights were so close to being finished. She could almost taste the extra skill. She was also informed that Arabian Nights was a story quest, not just a boring old quest.

+Shadow of Dusk

-10 T2 Materials

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Returning to the ice barren lands of the 4th floor, Macradon would enter the shop on the winter wonderland. Clad in white and red armor, Macradon would stand tall in his knight uniform. Walking through the front door of the shop, Macradon would approach “Hey, I got notified about the clothes” he would say as he walked in. It wasn’t too long ago he had placed an order here at the tailor, and he was already coming to pick up the clothes. Macradon was probably just as fast as a blacksmith, but he’s a Master Blacksmith, not too far from Grandmaster, and that would make sense for that level of craftsmanship would be fast.  Walking over to grab the clothing, Macradon would nod lightly “Thanks a lot for finishing it this fast, I’ll be sure to recommend you to my acquaintances” he said and would change from heavy armor to light clothing. It wasn’t helping him block damage, and it wasn't supposed to. His white hair and red eyes matched the outfit to a tee, and it looked pretty dabber. “It’s fantastic, it was a pleasure doing business with you. I’ll probably see you another day” Macradon said as he would exit the shop with a wave with his hand.

+ Knight's Clothes

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  • 1 month later...

LINK to craft
Name: (Artists freedom)
Profession: Tailor
Rank: 7
Item Type: Apron
Tier: T1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +1 CD
Description: A protective apron to assist in the day's labors.  When player is under the effect of status ailments, he may have a tendency to be found in only it.
Payment Method: COL


LINK to craft
Name: (Artist's freedom)
Profession: Tailor
Rank: 7
Item Type: Plush
Tier: T1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +1 Crafting Attempt
Description: A plushie designed to look like a chibi version of the chef himself, a reminder to strive for what you want to do and not what everyone tells you to do.
Payment Method: COL

TOTAL: 3400 Col

Winik walked into the shop, gladly welcoming the heat. He shook some loose snow from his armor and stamped his feet in attempt to warm himself up. Rubbing his hands together, he made his way deeper into the shop.  Impressed by the displays around him, his head swiveled side to side in attempt to see them all.  He raised his hands, cupping them around his mouth before gently calling out, "Hello? I'm here about some custom work and would like to place an order." 

He settled against the counter of the shop, where he noticed some order forms.  As he awaited an answer, he took to filling out two of them.  When he saw the prices, he let loose a long and low whistle.  Good thing he was a bit wealthier than he seemed, due to the charitable nature of a front liner.  He secretly hoped his order wouldn't be too much of a bother, he didn't want to take up anybody's time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It has been quite some time since Aereth had been crafting some things. But with Winik showing up recently, he knew that it was time to get back to the crafting table and get some work done. That boy was relying on him after all. 

And it really only took him one attempt to create the item he had desired. Unfortunately, Aereth would only be able to craft the crafting attempt item, because of recent updates he wasn't able to craft CD items anymore. That was somehow sh*t but in the end you were forced to live by the rules the Cardinal system worked out. 

He then quickly messaged his customer and told him to pick up his item. It wasn't everything he needed, but at least this one would also help him with his crafts. Aereth put the chibi plush in the pickup cardboard and placed himself on the couch to take a nap.



LINK to craft
Name: (Artist's freedom)
Profession: Tailor
Rank: 7
ID: 87705
Roll: 11+1
Item Type: Plush
Tier: T1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +1 Crafting Attempt
Description: A plushie designed to look like a chibi version of the chef himself, a reminder to strive for what you want to do and not what everyone tells you to do.
Payment Method: COL



-1 T1 Material

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  • 2 weeks later...

I walked into the tailor shop on the fourth floor, making it the first time that I visit this floor since the beginning of this game. It was snowy and extremely cold on this floor and it was one that suited my tastes. The spill of blood would illuminate and stand out on this white-covered floor - of course, if there was blood. Killing in this game didn't produce blood though, as I learned from my multiple boar assassination plots. Anyway, the first thing that I saw was a pool table - if I wasn't as busy as I am, I might have hopped on and played a game or so with someone around, maybe the owner, even. I sighed, walking past the pool table and approached the front of the store where she placed in an order so she can pick up the item as soon as it is crafted. "Light armor, I'll pay once you make it." I declared, turning and looking at the equipments that were placed on display for visitors. "And I'll pay full price."


LINK to craft
Name: Loose Cloth
Profession: Tailor
Rank: 7
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 3x Evasion
Description: A loose, thin black piece of clothing that reveals the shoulder of the wearer but not any other part of the body. It is a perfect fit for a slim-bodied female and will not cause inconvience for the wearer during combat. Actually, due to its lightness, it enables the wearer to move around faster than usual and dodge attacks easier than he or she would wearing any other sort of armor.
Payment Method: Mats


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The door to his shop opened and a female entered. Aereth remembered the girl. She was the one who f*cked up his assassination attempt on that Klaus. He shrugged. Aereth already finished what he had started this day. On the very same evening, he was able to get another shot at the man with the help of some distractions. "You got it. This will take me some minutes, so you can wait until I'm done with that." Aereth said and walked upstairs to his crafting table. 

About fifteen minutes later, the brunette came back with the piece the woman had ordered. "Hope it turned out the way you like it. It's much lighter than your clucky starter armor. Will definitely help your speed quite a bit." Aereth said as he handed the piece of armor over to her. He remembered that she was quite out of breath the last time he encountered her. 



LINK to craft
Name: Loose Cloth
Profession: Tailor
Rank: 7
ID: 87893
Roll: 12+1
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 3x Evasion
Description: A loose, thin black piece of clothing that reveals the shoulder of the wearer but not any other part of the body. It is a perfect fit for a slim-bodied female and will not cause inconvience for the wearer during combat. Actually, due to its lightness, it enables the wearer to move around faster than usual and dodge attacks easier than he or she would wearing any other sort of armor.
Payment Method: Mats


-1 T1-Material; +9 Exp.

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Tier three. It was so close. He could almost smell it. Only a few more intense training sessions and he would be able to deal even more damage and endure more hits. But something he could do now was, that he could already craft his tier three armor. He would keep his current armor with the Flame Aura and slap that sticker from the valentine boss on it, but he needed new  arm guards. So he once again sat behind his crafting table and worked on his own equipment...

Some hours later and it was done. They looked exactly like his old ones, but with the new materials they would be able to endure much more...



LINK to craft
Name: Crow v3
Profession: Tailor
Rank: 7
ID: 87931
Roll: 12+1
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 3
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 2 EVA, 1 MIT
Description: Improved black leather arm guards that help the wearer to endure hits better.
Payment Method: Col

Critical Fail: 0
Fail: 0
Salvage: 0
Uncommon: 4
Rare: 1
Perfect: 1

Losses: 6 Materials

Gains: 26 Exp.

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I had anticipated for my item to require at least a few days for it to be created, but it had been created in less than half an hour to her delight. That was the first perfect equipment that I had ordered and received on the first floor. I needed three more - two weapons and a lucky charm. I had placed in orders for the weapons already but they were not being created at the moment and I am not even sure if the shopkeeper was even attempting to craft the items that I had placed. Hopefully, the items that I requested will not take that long to be created as they are vital to my progression in this game. I need the damage boost, and that was inevitable. I glanced over at the prices of the items and accepted the armor that I had requested from the tailor. "Eight materials." I stated blankly, completing the transaction and giving him the materials that he charged for a perfect tier one armor. It was a bit expensive, but it was actually one of the cheaper shops that I had visited in this game. Now, I just need my charms and my weapons - time to pay a visit to an artisan.

+1 Loose Cloth
-8 T1 Materials


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  • 2 months later...

Kairi had eventually after ordering a new sword and successfully getting a perfect replica the same day she had heard from some more people about a store on the snowy floor of floor 4 that could make her the outfit she desired. However she had to travel quite a bit, she wondered why she needed to travel so far, and upon arriving she had seen a man who had been a player killer. However she isn't going to immediately make conclusions about the person, she had said out to the man in a cute voice "Hello mister! I am just looking to get a set of armor that looks exactly like this one but with a bit more enhancements~" she had placed her battle princess armor upon the counter to show the man. She had frowned a bit as she had looked at what she had that was given to her and back to Aereth "Hopefully the cost isn't too much... I really don't have anything to my name as I am very... well low leveled." she had said as she sounded a bit disappointed in herself.


NameBattle Princess v.2
Profession: Tailor
Rank: 7
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Mitigation II / Evasion I
Description: A cute and sexy light armor designed for a true cute warrior~!
Payment Method: Uhhhhh...

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Aereth was once again sorting out his material stock and tried to get some order into his inventory and Fenrir was dozing in one corner of his shop as Kairi entered The Wolfs Cloak. The girl asked Aereth for a perfect set of light armor but mentioned how she didn't have much materials right now. Aereth chuckled. "Don't worry. I'll craft it for you and you pay me when you can. Or I could even help you finding some of those mats, if you like." the brunette said in a gentle voice, before he grabbed the order sheet and started crafting away.


Critical Fail: 2
Fail: 1
Salvage: 2 (2 Mats salvaged)
Uncommon: 2
Rare: 2
Perfect: 0

Losses: 7 Materials

Gains: 23+9 = 32 Exp.

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Several hours later the brunette finally was done with the item for his newest customer. The armor looked sturdy and the materials he used for it were top notch. Satisfied with the result, Aereth set his cup aside and typed a message to Kairi that she could pick up her item as soon as she could.

After that he walked down the stairs and put it into the pickup cardboard before heading back up to fetch the cup of hot chocolate that he had forgotten at the crafting table. What a beautiful day. Another customer would hopefully be satisfied with his work. 


Critical Fail: 0
Fail: 0
Salvage: 0
Uncommon: 0
Rare: 1
Perfect: 1

Losses: 2 Materials

Gains: 15 Exp



LINK to craft
NameBattle Princess v.2
Profession: Tailor
Rank: 7
ID: 89982
Roll: 12
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Mitigation II / Evasion I
Description: A cute and sexy light armor designed for a true cute warrior~!
Payment Method: Uhhhhh...


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Kairi had nodded her head and said out to the man as he had said out to her that she could pay when she could, but he could also help search for them with her. Kairi had cutely nodded her had and bounced up and down for a moment saying out "I would like to! However, I am unsure how much of a help I would be to you." she nervously chuckled. Then basically it had became a waiting game, his first attempts had came without success, however after a bit more tries he had came back with her item that she had been wanting. Kairi had raised her arm into the air and took the armor happily, she looked to the man with a smile and said to him "Thank youuu!" as she had walked out of the store and back out of this cold cold floor.

+Battle Princess v.2

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Ill glanced around the shop, those olive eyes scanning the works of his trade as she hadn't heard of many tailors about practicing there trade it was unfortunate had she know she may have attempted to start a new shop. A hand reaching down to the garments she wore they were red she wanted something new and a spark of envy. She had already placed the order for her rapier and been prepared to now strike out on an adventure to face off against the weaker level bosses of the first percentile of this game hoping that it would prepare her for he new goal. She intended to prove that the strength of the front liners wasn't something that everyone should rely in by dueling each and everyone till she was victorious.

"I'm sorry to intrude by I'm looking for a tailor I would like to order a plain simple black jump suit with these requirements and appearances."


623d1baf67124ef520e5ced418336c83--snow-white-manga-comics.jpgName: Nightingale's Embrace
Profession: Tailor
Rank: 7
Item Type: Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 2 LM 1 EVA
Description: A midnight black jumpsuit that fits skin tight for flexibility and maneuverability while in a fight to not impair arm and leg movements for quick strikes.
Payment Method: Mats


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The little battle prices was grateful for her new set of armor, and quickly left after offering her help to Aereth. He simply chuckled and waved her off. "Well, then I'll shoot you a message when I'm ready." after that, she left.

Shortly afterwards however, another female customer entered the shop and asked Aereth if he could make her some sort of jumpsuit armor. "Sure thing, just give me some time and you got it." Said, done. 

And after a few minutes of work, Aereth was back with the piece. "Here ya go. Hope it turned out the way you imagined."



LINK to craft
Name: Nightingale's Embrace
Profession: Tailor
Rank: 7
ID: 90038
Roll: 12
Item Type: Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 2 LM | 1 EVA
Description: A midnight black jumpsuit that fits skin tight for flexibility and maneuverability while in a fight to not impair arm and leg movements for quick strikes.
Payment Method: Mats

Critical Fail[+1 EXP]: 0
Fail [+1 EXP]: 0
Salvage [+2 EXP]: 1
Uncommon [+3 EXP]: 2
Rare [+5 EXP]: 1
Perfect [+8 EXP]: 1

Losses: 5 Materials

Gains: 2+2*3+5+8+5(Bonus) = 26 EXP

@Illia Ready for Pickup.

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On floor one Kyoto just got done getting his charm and is ready to grab his Light Armor. Now the only thing is it’s somewhere in Floor 4 and he’s going have to look for it. Kyoto then walks over to the teleport gates as he then banishes to floor 4.


Entering into floor 4, Kyoto then stops at the edge of the gates and tries to look for the shop. Not noticing it’s kind of right in front of him. He then walks on up to the shop's entrance and then walks into it. Kyoto then walks up to the counter and ring the bell so Aereth know’s he’s here. ”Hey Aereth. Itzal and Ruby told me to come see you for new gear.” Kyoto looks around seeing all the other items he has in the shop.



Name: Todesmantel

Profession: Tailor

Rank: 7



Item Type: Light Armor

Tier: 1

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: +2 Eva +1 Mit

Description: Black coat with two long silver strips from the collar all the way down to the top of the elbow and some cotton around the neck and collar.

Payment Method: Mats


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I walk into the shop as i look around and nods seeming to have entered a tailor shop. Glad that i have found the one i was looking for, and that i wasn't mislead to this location. As i look around and just brings out when i have in mind for what i want. Smiling a bit knowing it is inspired by Itzal's design. Excuse me whoever runs this shop i have a design i would like to show you that i would like tailored if you wouldn't mind. I call out as i also just ring the bell for just extra effect to make sure i am heard. Not just leaving the design and going since their isn't anyone to accept the order form to know who is requesting it.



Name: Golden Fleece
Profession: Tailor
Rank: 7
Item Type: clothing
Tier: 1
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: 3x Loot dice
Description: A golden trench coat with a black shirt and pants. The trench coat and the pants having pockets for items to go. The backside of the trenchcoat has the black outline of a ram on it.
Payment Method: Mats


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Aereth had received many orders in the last couple of days. It really seemed like either his new pricing model was pulling them all to his shop, or he, once again was the only active tailor in Aincrad. Why nobody wanted to be a tailor, he didn't know. And to be honest he didn't care either. He just wanted to get up in rank as fast as he possibly could in order to be able to craft the best equipment in whole Aincrad. And so he started to work again, attempting to produce the perfect equipment for his many customers...


Critical Fail[+1 EXP]: 1
Fail [+1 EXP]: 0
Salvage [+2 EXP]: 6
Uncommon [+3 EXP]: 1
Rare [+5 EXP]: 1
Perfect [+8 EXP]: 0

Losses: 7 Materials

Gains: 1+12+3+5+9(Bonus) = 30 EXP

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Nothing seemed to work lately. He crafted like a berserker, but couldn't get one perfect piece together. It was like he forgot how to craft properly. So many materials had already gone to waste, and he would need to contact his customers to inform them that the prices might become higher than they assumed. "Maybe they are also happy with two enhancement slots...." he thought as he tossed another piece of armor away. Damn it. Crafting was such a pain in the a** lately and there was nothing he could do about it. Just trying again and again until he would succeed...


Critical Fail[+1 EXP]: 1
Fail [+1 EXP]: 1
Salvage [+2 EXP]: 1
Uncommon [+3 EXP]: 3
Rare [+5 EXP]: 3
Perfect [+8 EXP]: 0

Losses: 9 Materials

Gains: 1+1+2+9+15+9(Bonus) = 37 EXP

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Currently Aereth had stopped working on the tier one light armor since it seemed like nothing would come from the many attempts he already wasted on the item. So with a sigh he started to work on the clothing from that girl that came after his other customer. He had sent him a message that the costs for the item may get higher than he had expected but up until now nothing came back.

Fast forward a couple of hours and in front of him, lying on the crafting table was a perfect piece of clothing with three enhancements that should help with finding things. 




LINK to craft
Name: Golden Fleece

Profession: Tailor
Rank: 7
ID: 90613
Roll: 12
Item Type: clothing
Tier: 1
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: 3x Loot dice
Description: A golden trench coat with a black shirt and pants. The trench coat and the pants having pockets for items to go. The backside of the trenchcoat has the black outline of a ram on it.
Payment Method: Mats


Critical Fail[+1 EXP]: 0
Fail [+1 EXP]: 0
Salvage [+2 EXP]: 2 (+1 Mat. on #90606)
Uncommon [+3 EXP]: 2
Rare [+5 EXP]: 4
Perfect [+8 EXP]: 1

Losses: 8 Materials

Gains: 4+6+20+8+9(Bonus) = 47 EXP

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