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[PP - F1] The Pain of Green (Zandra)

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The Town of Beginnings... it felt weird for Beatbox to be back in the safe zones like this. He sat on one of the many park benches that was here with his hands on his face disappointed in himself. Sure, the outcome of these events lead to him eventually getting closer to Hakai and for her to get closer to him as well... but still, the pain of him actually killing someone... was still there. He didn't say a word he looked rather very stressed, a couple of players tried to speak with him casually saying "whats wrong?" but Beatbox didn't say a word. He didn't want to speak of it, however it still pains him to this day, and probably will forever. Beatbox sighed and placed his hands on his knees looking down onto the ground with a look like he had just seen some s***. He couldn't believe that he let himself take on the Redemption quest so early. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Town of the beginning, morning, the east district. I was strolling around, was tired of being on the upper floors during my contionous training that went day in and day out. It really was getting tiresome. The body could keep going on and on. But it was the mind, so stressful. Sometimes, I just had to get away from that. From all epectaions of me completing tasks without any wrongs, the responsibility to always be there if need in help. Today, I once again was wearing my normal town cothings I bought such a long time ago. The red hood was pulled up, throwing a shadow over my face. Making it only possible for my closest friends to recognize me. A smooth sound was herd from each of my steps with a pair of brown leather boots reaching up to the knees. A skirt with susoenders probably didn’t mirrored my personality making me blend in with the crowd a ittle bit better. After an hour of relaxed walking, I spotted a familiar face. As Ive had travelled with him some lately, and thru my information source Ive sent to keep him in sight from the shadows from time to time, as I did with all lower levelled players I cared about. Thou Beatbox, that was his name, could probably take care of himself soon. He could now I think, but just to be certain. Thanks to all this, I knew he had both killed and cleaned himself. I decided to walk up to him. As I was a couple of meters from him I opened my mouth. ‘’Heya Beat, how are you?’’ I asked with a friendly tone.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Beatbox had looked over, it hadn't been a while since they had last seen each other, however the death of one person can take a man into desperation, into disbelief... into a terrified state. He shook his head "Not doing too well as you can tell." he said with a sigh, sure he was growing as a player so quickly so fast, but he can't help but feel as though he was a nuisance to others, the more he thought about this, the more and more saddened he thought down upon himself, and he didn't want any of that to be perfectly frank. He looked from side to side seeing the other players around and he growled "Nows not the time to be talking about it though, not in an open environment like this at least... its not safe for me too..." he said with as quietly as he could for Zandra to hear while others couldn't however he shook his head just in case others was looking. He didn't know where to go or what to do currently. His times being orange surely wasn't the best, however it does feel bad to have a false cursor.


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"And what are you staring at!?" I shouted from the shadows of my hood to a couple that was looking at me and the young man in front of me. The only thing they saw was my burning crimson eyes and it didnt took long for them to turn around and walk away. I sat down beside my friend and laid my arm on his shoulders. "Well, if you cant tell me about it here, maybe you can tell why you cant do that?" I said to him. The fire in my eyes was gone as I looked at the man I cared about. He really didnt looked like he was feeling good. So my responsibility as a frontliner to guard over the low-leveled ones. Thou actually he wasnt low level anymore. The person beside me had advanced so quick wouldnt be surprisingly if he surpassed me within not that long time. I realised I had been slacking of lately and needed to head back to the training. But that would have to wait. Now my only concern was Beatbox.

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