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[PP - F6] Huntin' Dungin's (Birdie)

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Beatbox gave her a smirk before looking back forward "Theres nothing to keep a secret of in this world to be honest, we're all working together as one engine, as one person, as one family. Some chose to take the wrong path, however I'm not going down the wrong path, so there is nothing wrong with sharing it." he chuckled, he looked back to Birdie that had a weak smile after saying those words and Beatbox smiled and patted her shoulder "Level ain't nothin' but a number, I am greatly surprised that you're older than me, you look WAY younger." he said with a laugh "No offense though." he looked around when she had said it was women's instinct and he giggled "Well I am no female, the only thing I can tell is if you have "beef" with me apparently." he chuckled before looking around for what she had felt, but he failed to find anything, however when he looked back Birdie had found one! Beatbox smiled and nodded as he walked over and said "Wow! Great instincts! I would never had found that." he chuckled once more.


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She furrowed her eyebrows and pulled her hand away from the draft. "Thanks, I got lucky.. what you said just now - having beef with you? I didn't mean to make it look like that, I'm not upset at you.." Birdie found herself staring towards the ground, trying to think of the right words to say. Was she angry? Was she even feeling anything? Moving away from the dungeon's entrance, she approached Beatbox and made weak eye contact. "There's a lot on my mind right now, Beat. Maybe coming out here wasn't the best idea.. do you mind if we head back to the town?" There was a peculiar sadness in her eyes - the scout's apologetic nature took hold, and she couldn't shake the feeling she'd done something wrong down the line. "We can always do the dungeon another day, it's not like a lot of people come out to these parts that often."


Edited by Birdie
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(OOC - I'm just gonna end it here, sowwy for the wait.)

Beatbox grinned, she had a lot on her mind as she had said... "Was it something I said? Was it something that I brought up?" he sighed and looked at her with a warm smile and spoke to her "Aight' well, you know where to find me if you ever want to speak about what's bothering you or about life and stuff. I gotta go get some more materials, so I'll be out and about these fields gathering materials till the sun drops, so take care of yourself. The last thing I want is you dying on me and the guild aight? Aight." he turned around and gave her a wave goodbye before walking off into the distance with his familiar and his sword by his side. He took a deep breath "I understand Birdie. Family wasn't my forte either." he said with a whisper with a chuckle, he knew that was the reason, there was no possible other way around it. He kept that thought to himself though, all he did was keep his mouth shut and move forward.


Thread Complete - Rewards:

Beatbox - 1 SP / 200 Col

Birdie - 1 SP / 200 Col / F6 Beginner Dungeon Map

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