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[SP - F11] What am I even doing with my life?

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Beatbox woke up one morning in his house thinking to himself about how low his materials were... and that he would get Zandra a fair amount of them, plus everyone had been fairly low on materials ever since the patch... he decided to get a lot of them... and when he means a lot... he means A LOT, he wanted to put dedication on his entire day to get these materials, no matter what the only thing that's gonna stop him between some fights is to rest to regain his energy back, other than that... he was going to spend all day killing horde's of ant men and get their materials until the sun sets. "Well... this is going to be a long one..." he said to himself as he walked outside his door and stretched his arms, he yawned and made sure everything he wanted was equipped, once he double checked it was time to head off into the start of getting mad materials.

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