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[PP] Fires and Shields - Avilon and myself

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Domarus had reached level twenty two.  He was wearing his dragon bone armor in the town and spending time with the players there.  He only spent time with them to keep up the appearance and reputation he wanted, but in truth he was waiting for something.  Waiting for someone to accept his challenge.  On the notice board he placed up a flyer stating that he needed someone his level to fight against to test his build out for weaknesses.  Currently he was level twenty one and although he hadn't grand mastered his weapon skill yet, his damage output was impressive.  Especially with the thorns damage.  A child tried to pet his familiar, a flaming dragon with an outer iron skeleton for armor, when his mother pulled him away, not wanting him to get burned.  Rhozarth glanced that the boy in annoyance but remained stationary on Domarus' shoulder.  Keres sat diligently behind him in her maid's outfit, Porvós her flaming serpent curled around her midriff.  Domarus didn't have his real armor or weapon equipped for multiple reasons.  Right now he was simply waiting for a challenger to emerge.  Hopefully he would not wait for very long...


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Avilon emerged from the alleyway of a distant street, the bangs of the rosy topped girl draped deep over her eyes like a curtain to prevent peepers from snooping about. A dreary sigh escaping her lips, it had been nearly a month from her count with her soul searching adventure and the long endeavor only brought woe to her heart. The large protective crucifix that once weighed her down was no longer burdensome for her. Each step the heavy armor crushed down into the city streets a formidable guard for a warrior who still was in training. Something was off about the woman to those who had met her, the cheery persona was lost to the isolation she had self inflicted. The words of a woman she met on her adventures through a dungeon soaked deep into the corners of her mind. She was a pitiful creature who despite being a tank still had no walls to barricade herself off from deadly emotional strikes. Words always cut deepest into her poor heart, perhaps more so then weapons of steel. "It's time to test." Avilon's eyes glanced out through the drapes of her bangs as she now spied what she had assumed to be a man who had been seeking after a partner to spar against. His appearance was like that of a dragon due to his armor. At first perception she figured he was a tank much like herself, perhaps in this duel I will not be the one striking the first hits. She glanced down to her gear and weapon noting that the majority of damage wouldn't come from her blade. The clinking of metal against stone would be heard from the woman's boots as she began her approach. "I assume you put up all those posters about the city?"

I won't be a weakling any more Opal, I swear that those days are in my past I won't fall victim to my emotions. Brandishing her onyx sword, shield and gear she now stood before him eyes drained of her once vivacious soul who would happily greet everyone with a warm embrace and cheerful greeting. "En garde ..." The woman raised her shield and kept her dreary gaze upon him her mind still racing through her past.

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Keres was the first to spot the approaching woman and tapped Domarus' unguarded arm.  He turned to see the woman and the first thing he noticed was the hair color.  For a split second it looked pink, reminding him of Mari and Esther, but he quickly realized that her hair was lavender.  Her armor was an interesting design and her shield and curved sword were both onyx.  The look in her eyes however...  Someone who had recently took on an aggressive persona it seemed to him.  He knew how the mind worked and how reactions worked.  If this girl wanted to take this road she might be of some use to him.  For now however was the matter of a duel.  It was clear that she was a tank which meant his damage output would be reduced some.  However it was his thorns that would assist him the most.  Rhozarth wasn't trained enough to assist him just yet so he couldn't deal status damage just yet.  He stood up and the players took a few steps back, reminded that the two would duel in this arena.  Domarus nodded to the woman.

"Indeed but first let's exchange names.  I don't want to be fighting a ghost.  My name is Domarus."  He smiled to her but not in the 'knight in shining armor' way this time.  Just a friendly smile.  This woman most likely would despise his normal 'knight in shining armor' appearance.

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Avilon's approach would slowly reveal her true persona, dreary eyes that had been restless over the nights of seclusion peered out as if attempting to find the ability to cry and lacking the tear ducts to do so. The first day in her seclusion all she did was weep the second she ate little and moved less. She slowly changed form human to snail to empty shell over that time. Perhaps part of that humanity was still lost deep beneath that heavy armor, but whether it emerged again was entirely up to the girl. "I'm Avilon," She murmured softly eyes glancing between Domarus and Keres as she didn't exit her battle ready pose. "Again ..." She spoke as if expecting him to understand what was happening in her scattered mind. Her sword arm slowly slid the blade back down into her sheath as she now smashed the shield down into the street it would recover in due time but for now she had made a cross in the town square with her shield. "En garde." The girl said now standing in front of him not even attempting to reach for her sword.

The plain smile caused her heart to skip a beat though as she began to reflect upon her memories a tinge of warmth fleeting to her cheeks as a slight curl to her lips raised reflecting her old nature. W-what is this?

ID: 72520 LD: 10

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Domarus grinned when she stayed focused and demanded to continue the fight.  After the smile he gave however there was a sudden change:  Her cheeks flushed and her lips curled a bit.  So she was attempting to change and abandon a past that chased her...  This would be interesting indeed.  Domarus nodded.  

"Very well then."  With that he opened his menu and changed into his Hopebreaker set, the black armor engulfing his body, making him appear slightly taller and muscular, the dark red glow pulsing through the armor from underneath, his face hidden behind the black empty slits in his helmet.  He slowly drew his two handed ax which pulsed the same dark red glow and charged forward with power and speed, startling the other players.  If this were not an arena players would have thought he were trying to kill her.  However that's exactly why he chose the arena.  He charged his sword art and released his strongest first, hoping to tear through whatever MIT she had and place a seed of fear at the start of the battle.  If he did that he would have a better chance of winning.  He aimed his sword art carefully and managed to deal a critical hit on her with enough force to push her back, even more so if she let the surprise charge get to her.  After the attack he locked the long handle of his ax with her shield, able to pull away at any moment.  During the attack his gauntlet's flashed a red light as they did when regeneration was activated, however no health was regained since none was lost as of yet.  Keres sat at the edge of her seat as this was Domarus' first time dueling another player.

ID#  72523  BD:  9  CD:  12

Domarus:  420/420  -><-  26/42  {18 energy lost, Ordinal Cleave used}

@Avilon:  397/420  {10+1x8-65=23 dmg}

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She grimaced as she noticed the male before her now preparing an attack As she raised her shield to meet his attack she cringed now bracing her entire body as she now felt her boots and shield grind against the town cobblestone floor. The lavender hair and her entire form were blocked by the giant cross as she finally came to a grinding halt. His new equipment was far more fearsome then his original. A spark of fear shot down her spine causing her to shiver. After a moments of respite though she slid the shield over to reveal her steel cold plastered expression as the initial strike had caused little effect. The chunk of health from such a formidable foe not even phasing her as she now began to speak up once more.

"Again!" The girl shouted far louder than she had ever spoken to the two. The woman merely charged forward this time howling out as if attempting to draw even monsters to attack her within this safe zone. A strange endeavor as it was impossible for such to happen. No matter what the hate dwindled away as the mobs were no where to be seen. As she faced him again she stood still shattered stone left in the wake up their last clash. This is my fight steadfast durability. Lucky shot I can't let more pass me by.

ID: 72524 CD: 10 BD: 9 (doesn't attack)

@DomarusHP: 420/420 EN: 26/42 

Avilon:  HP: 397/420 +9 = 406/420 EN: 42/42

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Domarus grinned inside the helmet when she demanded that he hit her again.  Admittedly he was a bit upset that his fear tactic had no effect on her...  Or at least it seemed like it.  He held his ground against her and didn't flinch as she used the howl skill which was completely useless at this time and place, but he did notice that the crowd reacted to it.  All right then he thought.  Your not the only one who can put on a show.  He pulled himself back, angled his ax blade so that it hooked around the side of her shield, pulled it to the side and released another sword art on her.  This being a half health duel, he didn't need to deal that much damage, however he did notice her health wasn't going down very much, confirming her being a tank.  The second sword art he released he added extra vigor, aggressiveness to it, cutting through her armor and (unknown to him) her thorns as he landed a critical hit, same as before.  However he was now thinking about energy and was reserving it by using a sword art that dealt one damage less.  As he finished his sword art he knew he'd need to take his time if he was to take down this tank.  Keres watched this change in tactics and although she wished he could just take the girl down, she wanted to see him win above all else.

ID#  72525  BD:  9  CD:  2

Domarus:  420/420  -><-  19/42  {7 energy lost, Crescent Avalanche used}

@Avilon:  394/420  -><-  42/42

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  • 2 weeks later...

Avilon winced as his strike struck her once more, it was no use it seemed every strike her landed was prepared with the intent to rend her tactics useless in this duel. The pinkette maiden peaked out from beneath her crucifix before raising her eyes toward the heavens closing her eyes as if preparing to prey. This fight is a pointless one even now if I started striking I'm sure that any amount of mitigation he had would block my damage. Thus is the role of someone who hasn't picked up any ranks into their sword arts. A pity that I didn't think of it earlier. Her eyes were once again cast upon the suit of armor that formed less a man and more a monster or boss one would face. It was hard for her to believe someone would wish such an appearance and worse yet it did cause her body to tremble behind the shield the gentle fidgets of the shield possibly mistaken from the resonating strikes that had coursed through the shield and her body.

ID: 73542 CD: 9 BD: 3 ( still doesn't attack)

@DomarusHP: 420/420 EN: 26/42 

Avilon:  HP: 394/420 +9 = 403/420 EN: 42/42

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Domarus saw the trembling.  He saw the effect his armor was having on her.  And this was why he had made it.  The armor was meant to intimidate and mess with his enemy so he would have an advantage in combat.  Manipulation was his strong suit and it was nice to know it was working on this woman who wanted to appear so strong.  While she did seem sturdy in the body, she was not solid in the mind.  If there was a weakness, Domarus was sure to find it and exploit it.  He smiled under his helmet and moved to strike again.  With her more fragile state he pushed on faster, becoming more aggressive and harder, forcing his way past her defenses.  When he got past the shield he used Crescent Avalanche again, dealing a hyper critical hit on her.  Well girl he thought to himself, this is what you wanted?  To just accept a battle without analyzing your opponent?  Asking questions first?  The reckless girl stepped into something she wasn't prepared for and now she was paying the price.  Meanwhile Domarus noted that he had been landing crits thus far.  What would happen if he didn't land critical attacks?

ID#  73541  BD:  10  CD:  10

Domarus:  420/420  -><-  19/42  {7 energy lost, Crescent Avalanche used}

@Avilon:  375/420  -><-  42/42

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