Morgenstern 1 Posted December 26, 2016 #1 Share Posted December 26, 2016 (edited) Jonathan stood on the fourth floor at the entrance to Glacial Cove. It was home to higher leveled monsters that would drop him off an extra bit of money. He had recently leveled up a bit, but now he wanted to earn some cash and materials. This place was not the best for materials, since it was a tier one section, but Jonathan was mostly after money today. The blond smiled as he headed in, wearing his hunting gear which was focused to getting stuff, not taking damage. He wore his now Golden Jacket, it two white angel wings glistening softly in the snowlight, he held his weapon in his hand, dying light was his attacking friend, and finally his Clockwork Angel. It increased his accuracy to be able to deal damage, not miss every time like he had been. In this cove that he was in, he was expecting to find some new kinds of monsters, not those Ice wolves or other things that might be outside of this place. After this, he had ordered some vitamins from Sey, and he planned to go out and get his familiar. His whole duty lately had been just to get stronger, and free upgrades that he needed. He had come a long way in the past month. Edited December 26, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 26, 2016 Author #2 Share Posted December 26, 2016 (edited) Jonathan walked deeper into the cave with no real haste. He was not going to rush it, but he was going to get a lot of cash here. Perhaps about ten to fifteen creatures hunted and he would call it a day. He needed money, especially if he was going to get a unique Enhancement. He stopped his thinking abruptly as he seen a large spider, weaving a web in the corner. Smiling, the blond chucked an icicle at it, and the creature quickly scattered to the ground, addressing this new threat. Or food, whatever it thought of Jonathan. The blond smiled and lunged to the side as the creature charged at him, attempting to bite him. It looked venomous, which was a sign for not good. Jonathan spun, trying to go one way, but felt his Clockwork Angel warm up another way, indicating that was where he needed to attack. The blond changed directions and slashed the spider, whiched shrieked in protect. It was a good little shuffle, but the battle was far from over. Reveal hidden contents 73238 BD:4+3(Clockwork Angel) Hit! MD:3 Miss Jonathan 700/700 <64/70> Lasing Chopper Used (7x1) Venomous Spider 280/350 -70(10x7x1) Venomous Spider Stats: 80 DMG (1)Evenom Edited December 26, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 26, 2016 Author #3 Share Posted December 26, 2016 (edited) Jonathan began to think quickly of what to do. He wanted to hit, but since he did not have armor or shield on, he felt like that was going to hurt a bit. Taking action, Jonathan moved in toward the spider, but he forgot he did not have his shield to block. The spider pierced his Jacket and into his chest, dealing quite a bit of damage. Jonathan smiled as his battle healing healed almost half of it and Jonathan continued his attacked, making anotehr seven slashes on the damned spider. The creature shuddered upon every hit, and Jonathan, satisfied with his work, backed up a bit before being caught up in something he did not want to get caught up in. He smiled at the amount of damage he was dealing. It was not good enough though. After th fight, he would consume one of his damage potions to increase it. Eventually, probably his enxt upgrade, would me moving toward the sword skill. He needed to deal more damage for when he was done tanking. Reveal hidden contents 73239 BD:6+3=9 MD:8 Jonathan 653/700 <58/70> [HP: 700-(80-3=77)77=623+30(Battle Healing)=653HP] Lasing Chopper Used (7x1) Venomous Spider 210/350 -70(10x7x1) Venomous Spider Stats: 80 DMG (1)Evenom Edited December 26, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 26, 2016 Author #4 Share Posted December 26, 2016 (edited) Jonathan clutched the area on his chest where he was stabbed. He did not think its foot would be sharp, but now it made sense since it was a point. Jonathan grunted and twirled his weapon before charging forward. He slashed the spider multiple times almost bringing it ot the yellow zone. He silently cursed himself. This was why he needed to upgrade his weapon. He needed to begin to craft a ton of damage potions and upgrade his weapon skill. That would give him more access to more and better sword arts. He looked away for a short period of time, and immediately regretted it. He was stabbed again and he groaned. His Clockwork Angel told him where to attack, but not when an attack was incoming. It did not matter though. A few more hits and this thing would be completely dead. Reveal hidden contents 73263 BD:5+3 MD:8 Jonathan 606/700 <51/70> [HP: 653-(80-3=77)77= 576+30(Battle Healing)=606HP] Lasing Chopper Used (7x1) Venomous Spider 140/350 -70(10x7x1) Venomous Spider Stats: 80 DMG (1)Evenom Edited December 26, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 26, 2016 Author #5 Share Posted December 26, 2016 (edited) Jonathan held his sword tightly as he remained engaged with the beast. It began to attack much faster, knowing Jonathan would not be able to block or counter, it would rush attacks. Dodging multiple blows from the spider, one finally hit him in the shoulder, and Jonathan became enraged witht he spider. The blond shot forward, slashing and hacking at the creeature's body. Satisfied one more with his work, he backed away from the creature, clutching his shoulder. It needs to stop hitting me, and give me a chance to get some healing in. Battle Healing is doing great so far, but its not keeping up well enough. I'll have to move even faster to dodge and strike it. Espically since it is in the red zone. Reveal hidden contents 73264 BD:10 MD:7 Jonathan 559/700 <45/70> [HP: 606-(80-3=77)77= 529+30(Battle Healing)=559HP] Lasing Chopper Used (7x1) Venomous Spider 56/350 -84(12x7x1) Venomous Spider Stats: 80 DMG (1)Evenom Edited December 26, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 26, 2016 Author #6 Share Posted December 26, 2016 (edited) Jonathan prepared for his last attack on the spider.It had been a pretty easy going fight, and Jonathan had yet to miss once, meaning the Clockwork Angel had been doing its job. He would have to thank Birdie later. He moved around his opponent, preparing to flank it. In a last attempt to save its life, the creature lunged at him, striking him in the chest. Jonathan faltered, but kept his attack going, this time leaping up and slashed up its back. With one final shriek, the creature fell and died leaving Jonathan a large sum of col. Jonathan grinned at his rewards and closed the notification. So far, that was pretty successful, and his time out here was not being wasted. Eh stretched and sheathed his weapon, scrolling through his inventory for his damage potion. He would use his Tier Two rare damage potion as of now. He was to kill as many mobs as possible. Reveal hidden contents 73265 BD:9 MD:7 Jonathan 512/700 <45/70> [HP: 559-(80-3=77)77= 482+30(Battle Healing)=512HP] Lasing Chopper Used (7x1) Venomous Spider 56/350 -84(12x7x1) Venomous Spider Stats: 80 DMG (1)Evenom LD:19+3=22 Mob HPx10+ Bonus Mat Rewards from Thread: +3500 Col +2 T1 Mats Edited December 26, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 26, 2016 Author #7 Share Posted December 26, 2016 Jonathan sighed and finally found what he was looking. His Damage potion. It was rare and Tier two, which meant that it increased his damage even further. He selected it, and held the normal sized vial of golden liquid in his hand. E sighed and uncapped it. Taking a whiff it smelt like warm butter. The blond shrugged and downed it, getting the pleasuring taste of warm chocolate in his mouth. He felt his stats rise and he smiled. Now he would be much stronger than before. I'll search for some more materials even though they will be tier one. I can give them to Sey and Aereth for there training. I wonder who Sey will be under. He is most likely going to mainly be under Kasier or I. I know he can heal for a fact, he has told me, and I believe he healed me once. He took a step forward, crunching the snow under his feet. "Where would I find materials in a place like this?"Jonathan wondered out loud. It was possible there might be some kind of plant or herb in this place. He would find out eventually. -1 T2 Rare DMG Potion +4 Dmg for rest of Thread Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 26, 2016 Author #8 Share Posted December 26, 2016 (edited) After drinking his potion, Jonathan moved forward not even checking for any materials around him. He wanted to keep the murder spree rolling until he completely ran out of energy. He felt like he should be able to take our at least one more before stopping. He dwelled in further, seeing another one of the same spiders. He felt as if this was just a spider's den, and he hoped there was a rare one or boss in the back. He smiled and unsheathed his weapon, a nice sound from it coming off its sheath." Let us dance little spider." Joanthan charged forward, slamming his weapon into it repaeatedly. Many red slashed appeared on the creature's body before Jonathan retreated a bit. The spider took to much damage to get a good hit in, so its stood there on the floor. Jonathan laughed. This was much too easy with the potion added into play. Reveal hidden contents 73299 BD:9 MD:1 Jonathan 700/700 <40/70> -7+1 Lasing Chopper Used (7x1) Venomous Spider 245/350 -105 (10+4+1=15x7=105) Venomous Spider Stats: 80 DMG (1)Evenom Edited December 27, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 27, 2016 Author #9 Share Posted December 27, 2016 (edited) Jonathan smiled as the spider stood helpless. After that potion, Jonathan felt amazing. He felt as if he could take on a boss one on one. "Come on little spider! You lost?" Jonathan laughed and outstreched his weapon. The blade began to gleam a gold as it became powered with his energy. He charged forward, but this time before he got to the the spider he leapt into the air. He pointed the tip of his blade backward and thrust his weapon downward with a quick strike. The creature squealed and lost even more valuable health. It was losing it much faster than before. Joanthan laughed manically, and stopped himself to keep his sanity. He leapt away twirling his weapon with three fingers. You know... I don't think you are as fun as the last one. The last one did things. You just die." Reveal hidden contents 73305 BD:10 MD:5 Jonathan 700/700 <34/70> -7+1 Lasing Chopper Used (7x1) Venomous Spider 133/350 -105 (10+4+2=16x7=112) Venomous Spider Stats: 80 DMG (1)Evenom Edited December 27, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 27, 2016 Author #10 Share Posted December 27, 2016 (edited) Jonathan was beginning to be a bit rather bored with this spider. It made no attacks as if it was just scared, and Jonathan was easily able to just destroy it. Advancing slowly with his blade extended to the side, Jonathan laughed at the spider. "You know, I am a bit dissapointed with you. You did not even try to fight back, just sat there like a lost kitten, praying for her owner to return." Jonathan raised his weapon above his head, and thn in a seconds notice, he began to slash at its body, bringing it down to just one more health. Jonathan laughed and retreated, knowing that the creature was finished. Hopefully it gave him something good. He at least wanted money. If he did not get that at least he would be pissed. Reveal hidden contents 73328 BD:10 MD:5 Jonathan 700/700 <28/70> -7+1 Lasing Chopper Used (7x1) Venomous Spider 21/350 -112 (10+4+2=16x7=112) Venomous Spider Stats: 80 DMG (1)Evenom Edited December 27, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 27, 2016 Author #11 Share Posted December 27, 2016 (edited) Jonathan once again advanced on the spider slowly, readying to kill it. "I am deeply sorry spider, it just appears you did not make the cut to be able to live. Perhaps one day you will respawn into a boss or something, but even then I will ensure that nothing happens." Jonathan rose his blade, but as he did the spider crambled away, bounding to the wall in which it climbed up. From there it leapt off, using its long spearlike legs to thrust into his chest. Jonathan backed away, and stopped himself. He needed a good chance to get some loot, and he did not feel like this was the direct time. He could not afford to waste valuable time to not get loot. Joanthan backed up some, allowing himself more time to finnd the optimal time to get loot. It was an easy finish for him right here, but he was after money not getting the most kills in one day. Reveal hidden contents 73330 Forgoing Action MD:8 Jonathan 653/700 <29/70> +1 700-77+30=653 Lasing Chopper Used (7x1) Venomous Spider 21/350 Venomous Spider Stats: 80 DMG (1)Evenom Rewards for Thread +3500 Col +2 T1 Mats Edited December 27, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 27, 2016 Author #12 Share Posted December 27, 2016 (edited) Jonathan stood a few feet away from the spider that seemed to have a moment of, crap ima about to die, gotta do something! Or it decided it would actually try, but it was far too late to try. The spider began to attack like crazy, causing Jonathan to have to dodge like the others. Sadly, One of its legs struck his leg and he roleed to the ground. Jonathan did not falter though. Using his downward momentum, he spund, bringing his blade around to strike the creature, where there he slashed it in half. The creature shrieked and Jonathan smiled sheathing his weapon. As if fortune smiled upon him once again he got a nice sum of col. It was not as much as the last one, but it was much better than nothing. In fact, he expected to probably have at least another ten to fifteen thousand col after this trip, which would definently be nice. Next time he came out here though, he might just come out more equipped. Perhaps better damage potion, alcoholic, Vitamins and other stuff that would help him to get some cash. When he did that though, he would be staying out a lot longer to cover the cost of the items. Reveal hidden contents Jonathan 606/700 <23/70> -7 +1 700-77+30=606 Lasing Chopper Used (7x1) Venomous Spider 0/350 -105 (10+4+1=15x7=105) Venomous Spider Stats: 80 DMG (1)Evenom Rewards for Thread 5250 Col (+1750) +4 T1 Mats (+2) Edited December 27, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 27, 2016 Author #13 Share Posted December 27, 2016 Jonathan sat down on a rather large chunk of ice to take a break. Man, I really wiish I had one of those energy skill that increased the amount of Energy you get. Oh wait, I do.... It is just Rank Zero. Meditation is not something I should have even gotten. I believe there is a skill that decreases energy usage as well. it is more for the Damage dealers that use AOE attacks, but it still would be nice to have. Jonathan stood looking around. The Cave he was in was quite large and spacious. Its walls were coated in a blue ice, and in some corners there was spider webs. It just all around seemed like he was in a spider cave, but he usually imagined these giant spiders would be in some kind of swamp like cave where it was warmer, and possibly more vegetation. But he guessed Kayabo Akihiko could have just as well put salamanders in this cave as well. It was his world to rul and judge as he pleased. He wondered what the man had in store for the players. Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 27, 2016 Author #14 Share Posted December 27, 2016 Jonathan sighed as he looked around. Only a bit more waiting and he would be good to go. He brushed the blond hair out of his eyes and examined around. He found nothing, so he peered around the next area he had not yet explored and seen something rather odd. The spider webs had increased by a ton, to the point the only way to keep going was a hole through the webs. It appeared the area had been explored before, probably by a scout looking for a dungeon or boss for their group. Jonathan shrugged and steped into the tunnel, carefully moving as to not get caught. Upon exiting, there was web patched everywhere, and caught in one was a sword. It was a long blue rapier, appearing to be of rare quality. Jonathan yanked it from the web and examined it, looking down the pathway that followed. There was a birght room at the end, barely visible. The path there seemed to be destroyed though, as if there was some kind of struggle. Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 27, 2016 Author #15 Share Posted December 27, 2016 (edited) Jonathan slowly began to inch towards the room until he heard a scream. Jonathan threw down the blue rapier and charged into the room. From there, everything was like a blur. A man was wailing, caught in a massive amount of webs, a rather large blue spider was above him, and it looked as if it was about to feast on the prey he had caught. The man had no cursor indicating it was an NPC. Jonathan stepped forward, knowing that one of two things was about to happen. The beast would feast on its prey quickly, and then engage him, or it would see him and ignore its prey. It happened to pick the first one, ensuring the the NPC died but slamming its spear leg into the NPC's chest. The NPC went limp instead of shattering, and the Spider began to engage Jonathan. It was much bigger than the others, meaning it had better stats. Jonathan unsheathed his weapon. This one was the boss he had hoped for. Reveal hidden contents Jonathan 700/700 <70/70> Frostbite Spider 500/500 Frostbite Spider Abilities 100 DMG, Freeze Immunity Frost Bite Upon MD:10 and CD:8+ FrostBite Spider freezes its target, and leaches 50 Health from its target Webshot Upon CD: 10+ Frostbite Spider shoots its web at its opponent, making them lose three evasion for the first turn, two evasion for the second and for one for the third. Has a five turn cool down and not activated when <<Frost Bite>> is activated. Venom Upon MD:9 and CD:6+ The Frost Bite spider sprays venom at its target dealing 40 DMG Envenom for four turns Frost Upon MD:10 and CD:6 Frostbite Spider bites its target, freezing their blood. Deals full damage along with freeze. Edited December 27, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 27, 2016 Author #16 Share Posted December 27, 2016 (edited) The Spider stood in front of him and the Tank Paladin held his weapon out in front of him, hopefully warding off a direct attack. The spider hissed at him and Jonathan gave a wicked smile. The blond dashed forward, slashing first with an upper cut, used his momentum down with a downward strike and then continued to smite at it with fierce blows. Satisfied with his work, Jonathan leapt backward, to avoid being attacked directly. It was quite easy to get in a hit, so I wonder if it let me get one in. As if in response, the spider hissed again, and spat venom onto Jonathan's chest that quickly seeped in through his jacket, and soon into his body. Immediately, Jonathan felt terrible. "What the heck was that? What did you just spit at me? Also, were did it go?" Jonathan looked expectantly at the creature, as if it would answer his question. Reveal hidden contents ID:73348 BD:10 MD:9 CD:8 <<Venom>> Activated Jonathan 700/700 <70/70> Envenom 4/4 (40 DMG for the next four turn) Frostbite Spider 388/500 Health: -112 (10+4+2=16x7=112) Frostbite Spider Abilities 100 DMG, Freeze Immunity Frost Bite Upon MD:10 and CD:8+ FrostBite Spider freezes its target, and leaches 50 Health from its target Webshot Upon CD: 10+ Frostbite Spider shoots its web at its opponent, making them lose three evasion for the first turn, two evasion for the second and for one for the third. Has a five turn cool down and not activated when <<Frost Bite>> is activated. Venom Upon MD:9 and CD:6+ The Frost Bite spider sprays venom at its target dealing 40 DMG Envenom for four turns Frost Upon MD:10 and CD:6 Frostbite Spider bites its target, freezing their blood. Deals full damage along with freeze. Edited December 27, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 27, 2016 Author #17 Share Posted December 27, 2016 (edited) Jonathan stood trying to figure out what happened. Finally, the blond looked up at his status bar and noticed that there was something new. In fact, it was a unique status effect that he had received. One he knew about, but had never received until now. Envenom lied in his veins. Jonathan grimaced, knowing he had to finish this and quick. Jonathan bound forward, leaping to the side at the very last moment. As he did, was swung to his left, striking the spider across the side. The blond finished with a front roll and a quick turn to prevent himself from being injured. The spider hissed at him but stood as if it knew of what was about to happen next. Immediately after, Jonathan felt a painful burning sensation all over his body, but especially in his chest. Jonathan fell to a knee, but kept himself propped up with his sword. "Ouch that hurts." Reveal hidden contents 73350 BD:9 MD:5 Jonathan 690/700 <70/70> Envenom 3/4 (40 DMG for the next three turn(s)) -40 +30(Battle Healing Frostbite Spider 283/500 Health: -105 (10+4+1=15x7=105) Frostbite Spider Abilities 100 DMG, Freeze Immunity Frost Bite Upon MD:10 and CD:8+ FrostBite Spider freezes its target, and leaches 50 Health from its target Webshot Upon CD: 10+ Frostbite Spider shoots its web at its opponent, making them lose three evasion for the first turn, two evasion for the second and for one for the third. Has a five turn cool down and not activated when <<Frost Bite>> is activated. Venom Upon MD:9 and CD:6+ The Frost Bite spider sprays venom at its target dealing 40 DMG Envenom for four turns Frost Upon MD:10 and CD:6 Frostbite Spider bites its target, freezing their blood. Deals full damage along with freeze. Edited December 27, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 28, 2016 Author #18 Share Posted December 28, 2016 (edited) Jonathan stood up, the pain beginning to subside. It lasted only a bit, but it hurt while it did. Jonathan grimaced and held his weapon first. The spider began to clatter forward, hopefully meaning it would not just spit poison at him the entire time. The blond charged, completing his noraml attack pattern with the uppercut, downward strike, and then five blows in succession. The battle was moving quickly, probably meaning this was not a complete boss. Something told him, if he kept dwelling down, he might be able to find an actual boss room. Actually second though, that would not work. On the fourth floor, meaning no dungeons. This is probably as much "Boss" as I am going to get. Great. I will still get quite a bit of money today. Maybe not a level up as I hoped though. Jonathan, distracted with his own thoughts, was quickly stabbed by the spider, dealing a good amount of damage, and was quite the addition to the envenom. Reveal hidden contents 73368 BD:7 MD:8 CD:7 Jonathan 580/700 <70/70> Envenom 2/4 690-40-100 +30=580 Frostbite Spider 185/500 Health: -98 (10+4=14x7=98) Frostbite Spider Abilities 100 DMG, Freeze Immunity Frost Bite Upon MD:10 and CD:8+ FrostBite Spider freezes its target, and leaches 50 Health from its target Webshot Upon CD: 10+ Frostbite Spider shoots its web at its opponent, making them lose three evasion for the first turn, two evasion for the second and for one for the third. Has a five turn cool down and not activated when <<Frost Bite>> is activated. Venom Upon MD:9 and CD:6+ The Frost Bite spider sprays venom at its target dealing 40 DMG Envenom for four turns Frost Upon MD:10 and CD:6 Frostbite Spider bites its target, freezing their blood. Deals full damage along with freeze. Edited December 28, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 28, 2016 Author #19 Share Posted December 28, 2016 (edited) Jonathan stood with a smile, even though the spider had just hit him for quite a bit of damage. Jonathan was in relatively good shape, and with his damage potion coursing through his veins, he was actually doing something. Not like other times when he only dealt seventy damage. Now he dealt right about a hundred, meaning that he did not waste so much time fighting monsters. Jonathan smiled and charged forward, this time attacking different. He rushed past, slicing his sword across the spider's side, then he spun quickly and littered the side of the spider with strikes, bringing it down to only one hit remaining. Pleased with himself, Jonathan retreated to keep himself from taking any more than needed damage. This battle is going quite well. Only one more hit, and this thing is through. I hope to get some good money from it. It should give me a good amount I suppose. Reveal hidden contents 73372 BD:3+3 MD:5 CD:2 Jonathan 570/700 <46/70> Envenom 1/4 -40+30 Frostbite Spider 87/500 Health: 185 (10+4=14x7=98) Frostbite Spider Abilities 100 DMG, Freeze Immunity Frost Bite Upon MD:10 and CD:8+ FrostBite Spider freezes its target, and leaches 50 Health from its target Webshot Upon CD: 10+ Frostbite Spider shoots its web at its opponent, making them lose three evasion for the first turn, two evasion for the second and for one for the third. Has a five turn cool down and not activated when <<Frost Bite>> is activated. Venom Upon MD:9 and CD:6+ The Frost Bite spider sprays venom at its target dealing 40 DMG Envenom for four turns Frost Upon MD:10 and CD:6 Frostbite Spider bites its target, freezing their blood. Deals full damage along with freeze. Edited December 28, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted December 28, 2016 Author #20 Share Posted December 28, 2016 (edited) Jonathan stood, his blade held at the ground. It appeared to only have one hit left in its health, and Jonathan planned to deal the last one here and now. Jonathan charged forward, leaping forward like a mad man. His wings on his jacket did not increase mitigation, but they made the tank a bit more aerodynamic. Jonathan slashed forward, but the spider scattered away, managing to barely miss the blond's attack. "You lucky duck. You just had to dodge? That was kind of stupid. I had one hit left on you.' Jonathan growled and retreated as the Spider attacked, striking at him with its legs in multile directions. Using his sword to block and his speed to dodge, Jonathan managed to stay undamaged. He felt another wave of pain as the poison in his veins burned him, but after this time it appeared to go away which was very nice. "Finally. I might be able to heal now!" Reveal hidden contents 73373 BD:1 MD:5 CD:7 Jonathan 560/700 <45/70> Envenom 0/4 -40+30 Frostbite Spider 87/500 Health: 185 (10+4=14x7=98) Frostbite Spider Abilities 100 DMG, Freeze Immunity Frost Bite Upon MD:10 and CD:8+ FrostBite Spider freezes its target, and leaches 50 Health from its target Webshot Upon CD: 10+ Frostbite Spider shoots its web at its opponent, making them lose three evasion for the first turn, two evasion for the second and for one for the third. Has a five turn cool down and not activated when <<Frost Bite>> is activated. Venom Upon MD:9 and CD:6+ The Frost Bite spider sprays venom at its target dealing 40 DMG Envenom for four turns Frost Upon MD:10 and CD:6 Frostbite Spider bites its target, freezing their blood. Deals full damage along with freeze. Edited December 28, 2016 by Morgenstern Link to post Share on other sites
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