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[SP-F11] To lose a friend

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Woke up in the morning in my beach house at floor 16. Mine and Jomei’s personal beach-house. Together we have worked hard to finally be able to afford the high prize that came when you wanted to buy a house. Since we decided to have it on a relatively high floor, it was even more expensive. For now, it felt exactly like any normal morning, the bird sang like normal, the normal splashing of the waves. But what I didn’t knew, was that in just hours, this was not going to be a normal day. No, not normal at all. But since I didn’t had a clue about that at the moment, I streatched my arms high in the air and let out a long yawn. I rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes with my fists. Then my legs was thrown over the edge of the bed and I leaved the bed.

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Just like any other morning, I walked down to the bottom floor in only the pyjamas. There I sat down at one of the tables and started swiping thru the menu’s that was hovering infront of me. A few seconds later, a sandwish and a glass of orange juice stood on the table.There really wasn’t any need for me to eat breakfast. But I had done it all my life, this time of the day was very important to me. Even if it was only for five minutes, I wanted this moment. Where you completely shut yourself away from the other world and being only with yourself or a dear friend or family. To for a short time just ignore all the troubles that would be placed on my shoulders as soon as I exits the front door. I took a chew of the sandwish and then swallowed it down with a gulp of the fresh orange juice.

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When the last piece of the sandwish had disappeared over my lips and the last drop of juice rolling down thru my throath, I deleated the glass and plate and stood up. I looked around in the bottom room. This was serving as my personal store, Exellance Elexirium. You could easily see that because of the over two hundred potions that was placed on shelfs all around the room. Thou there was a huge lack of crystals. Maybe I should do some crystal crafting today? Nah, I really wasn’t in the mood for it. And when I wasn’t in the mood, I most of the time screw up and either made bad results or failed completely. Actually, I wasn’t in the mood to be inside doing anything. Just being here all alone would be more boring then look at when the grass grows or watch when paint is drying. So I decided to move out.

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So, what should I do then? I thougth when Ive exit the door and was standing in the sand, feeling the fine powder like stones between my toes, tickling  little. This feeling was always making me feel a little happier. I started walk down towards the splashing waves until I stood with water up to my knees. Here I stood, watching the large waves splashing in on and besides me, ignoring the clothes getting wet. A few swipes and they would be back to normal. Here I stood, almost in a trance, hypnotized by never-ending ocean that was finished of with the horizon. Ive done exactly this same thing countless of times before, but it still haven’t lost its charm and I still did it almost every morning. I closed my eye, took a deep breath and inhaled the smell of the ocean, with a faint tone of salt. Then I did nothing, only listening to the roaring sea.

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After half an hour or so, my eyes opened again and I saw the hypnotizing movements of the waves and the shining sun that was still rising out of the water. I turned around and left the sea behind me, heading to Zugaikotsushima to use the teleportation gate that was placed in the center of the settlement. Since from here I or anyone else could warp up and down thru the floors, this was pretty obvious the starting point before heading out. Almost every single time I have met up with someone, it have been on the square at one of the warp gates. When I reached my destination, I sat down on a bench and leaned myself towards on the house walls. I still haven’t decided where I should go, not even which floor I should travel to. Actually, I didn’t even know what I should do when I reached the spot I was deciding to went to.

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