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Anemone's Journey

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Username: Anemone
Real name: Asphodel Welt
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4''

About: History/personality

Asphodel was given the name of a flower at birth because her parents were both into botany. They enjoyed a simple life of a middle class family. Asphodel lived a quiet life, public school was a horror and for some reason throughout her young life she was always so quiet and aloof. She never spoke which made many to believe she was a mute, but of course this was not true. She was so very much into her own world that she rarely ever escaped from it. She had fantasies of being a Princess in a Fairy Tale Book, often being saved by a gallant knight in white armor riding a horse and coming in to save her. She was very much a romantic sort of individual, yet she would never dare to seek companionship from a male classmate. Thus she was usually left alone in the back of the class where she would do her own thing. She kept herself very quiet like a mouse, many people often times forgetting she is even there. However, despite her quiet nature, Asphodel was a brilliant woman. She was smart and creative and it showed in her school projects and work. 

While through high school, Asphodel continued her usual quiet as a mouse behavior. One time she was almost asked out on a date, but she was so nervous around the guy that she couldn't utter a word and ended up passing out from the ordeal. Since then, Asphodel had not given many notices to boys and when she saw couples she secretly envied their lives as she would never meet her Knight in Shining Armor. She graduated with high marks and ended the year with an impressive GPA and learned several languages. She immediately went off to college thanks to her parents saving a modest amount of money to jump start her new school life. Living in the dorms was not too bad, she believed her roommate was a rather busy individual often going to party's and not really the studious type. Asphodel regretted staying at the dorms though, often times finding herself in situations that made her very nervous. She cursed her parents secretly because they knew she needed to get out of her shell. 

Someone had mentioned VRMMOs and their way to help people like her over her social anxiety. Asphodel was set on becoming a normal woman one day and through a game where anyone can be anyone seemed like a fantasy come to life. So without further dilly-dallying, she enjoyed the Dive sessions she had but still remained a closed flower bud until she came to Sword Art Online where not only did she feel her anxiety levels rocket, but she was not stuck in a game with a body that was not quite her own. 


Creative: Anemone is a creative woman, often finding times to enjoy competing in puzzle challenges that used a quick witted mind. When things seem complicated for a person to obtain, she quickly finds a way to make things easier on people while dissecting the problem mentally usually giving way to an easy juxtaposition to the situation at hand. 

Service: As a Support character, Anemone realizes how difficult it is for players to go on dungeons alone. Even with a full DPS squad, eventually the Mobs will hit and having a healer on standby can be crucial. Although she never asks to join a team, she usually jumps at every opportunity to help someone with a problem or to become the team's Healer. 

Authentic: Anemone doesn't change her behavior or does not become controlled by the thoughts or will of others. She knows who she is and what she can do for herself and for others. But she will never be persuaded to do something unethical or anything against her moral compass to help another individual. 

Reverence: Anemone never disrespects someone or becomes heated by an argument. She respects the decisions people make for themselves even if she does not agree to it. One must walk their life in their own shoes and no one should dare stop them if their decision is made. Honor what is given and accept it as it is. 


Shy: Asphodel is quiet and peculiar at times. She normal speaks only when spoken to and uses great a deal of quiet voice when speaking to others. She is quiet and soft spoken and hard to hear at times. She can become anxious and nervous around people she doesn't know often leading to a fainting spells. Often made fun of for not able to speak up in full volume, Anemone seeks a more quiet conversation looking up at the stars or just walking with a group of players she knows well enough to let her wander and do her own thing.

Loneliness: Anemone came into this world alone without any friends or someone to know. So she has become a defensive woman and often shies away from large crowds of people, even if they are all friendly. She often has envious feelings of people who are able to talk to one another in a social way and often fidgets with words as she attempts to talk. She can seem aloof for the fact that no one ever really seeks her out for anything other than her abilities. No one ever actually asks her out her days go, or if she has plans. 

Low Self Esteem: Anemone suffers from high levels of selfless worth. People often ask her to hunts merely for her abilities and nothing more. She seems like an uninteresting girl because she never speaks or talks to the party. She feels she is worthless because she can't get over that pillar of anxiety to speak to people directly. No one helps her with those kinds of situations nor helps ease her mind or relax her thoughts. She feels indisposable as she feels people will cut her loose should she no longer fit any value. 

Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)


» Search n Detect || Rank 5 || +5 LD [50 SP]
Gatherer || No Ranks ||  [10 SP]


» First Aid || Rank 5 || 20% Heal [50 SP
-- Sharpness Mod:
Target party member gains +(1 * Target's Tier) base damage for 2 turns. [10 SP]
-- Barrier Mod: Reduce 15% Final Damage to Party. [10 SP]
-- Field Medic Mod: Heal your entire party (including yourself) for 20% of each party member’s maximum HP (rounded down). [15 SP]

Weapon skills:


Roleplays/ SP [6/151]

Relationships (optional)

Status: Friend
Information: Previously of the Knights of the Blood Oath, Solo Player now it seems. He is generous and kind and helped protect my honor against some Tax Collecting Thugs on the first floor. He gifted me a very special item that I will keep close to my heart. He is the first person to gift me an item in the game. I wish to know more about him without it being creepy. 

Status: Friend
Information: Ran into him on a quest run. After some talking, we have some collective thoughts about being Christian in this game. He was a big help in taking down the Wasp Queen and gave me the quest item as well. He is very sincere and seemed rather interested in about the Tax Collectors on Floor 1. I hope I didn't cause any distress for him and his guild. Very likable guy, I hope to go to Worship with him soon.

Status: Friend
Information: Knights of the Blood Oath member. Very proud of his roots and he is quite the gallant fellow. I think his familiar is very adorable as is he. We share the same Professions, I hope we can one day exchange some recipes and become good friends. I really need to apologize for being so jumpy when I fell over him like that. He collected a lot of materials for me which is really gonna help kick things off in my Profession. We are officially friends as well, so its good to have those. 

Story Thus Far (optional)

Edited by Anemone
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