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Sune's Journal

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Username: Sune
Real name: Lucas Draven
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 9"

About: History/personality

Growing up was hard for Lucas. His father was either never around, or was emotionally distant to his family. His mother died before he grew of age to rationalize much, and was left mostly in the care of his older sister. She served to help raise him the best she could, but the father's lack of care would always be noticed, and soon Lucas would take on his emotional distancing as time went on. This would bleed into his social life heavilly, students would try to avoid him and would make terrible comments based on his "sissy" appearance, he would try to avoid going out of the house as much as he could and would rush home just as quickly. His only friend was his sister, who taught him all she knew during this time. However, bonds would be severed when the father finally drove his sister out, leaving him in an empty emotionless home with no one.

College would serve to carry a similar feel of distance, only socializing when he had to and feeling out of place every time. A part time job at a convenience store was hell, and at this point he and his father barely even knew the other existed. However, online was a whole different story... He had more confidence and a bit more of a life there than he did in real life, an absolute shut in who clung to his online persona more than his real life one. But one thorn always remained, the constant mistaking of his gender for a female. He couldn't help it, really, it was how he was raised, but he did notice how different people were to him the moment they realized.

When the VRMMO was announced, he was quick to get his hands on a copy for himself. When things began, he chose not to make himself a manly avatar. Instead, he put together a female avatar loosely based on his real life appearance. Long curly red hair, slender body, and soft features. However, when the "True" game began and appearances were made to match the real, he was not expecting how little people noticed the change. Now, he awkwardly tries to make his way through the game, despite how uncomfortable he feels around people, even more so now that his persona can no longer mask these insecurities.


Resourceful: Growing up without true parental guidance, and under the tutelage of his sister, he knows how to make ends meet to stay alive. Used to the concept of keeping house, cooking, and how to take care of one's self through sickness or injury. Even in the game world, he hasn't forgotten these traits, and is learning how to make do in a virtual world all the same as he did in the real one. 

Innocent Beauty: Despite being a man, Lucas's features are all incredibly feminine and soft. Its hard to pin him for being a cruel or threatening person, and even harder to depict him as a criminal. Whether or not this matches his intentions, his appearance enough can help calm down situations, but also serves as a dual sided coin as it can often grab unwanted attention. Of course, this doesn't always mean people will just let him be...

Light Sleeper: When your life revolves around very little, its easy to get into the habit of small naps in place of a long rest. Where most people live on a schedule of getting 6+ hours of sleep in a single period, Lucas has grown to take small one to two hour naps during his day to stay charged rather than devote an entire period of the day to sleep. However, this only works when he knows he will be near a safe place to sleep constantly, otherwise his small naps are more dangerous than anything.

Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html
Anxious: Years of social absence has made it hard for him to really adjust to people, or stress, in general. While acting alone he is fine, but in groups or around others he often finds himself slow to act or questioning himself repeatedly. Even more so if the situation gets worse because of him, or people get irritated with him. Words may stutter, actions may hesitate, and confidence... Well that was never there to begin with.

Gendermistaken: While not many may see this as a flaw, for him it's a constant annoyance. He is often mistaken for a female based on his appearance, and while can normally be shrugged off, he's grown used to the idea that once people realize he is a man they will have no care for him anymore. More so, he's ashamed to admit he took on the female avatar and clothes to try to garner more friends and attention. Now stuck with his poor decision, its less a pain for the mistake and more a constant reminder that he was desperate enough to fake who he was.

Meek: There isn't a confrontational bone in his body, and this is always a problem when it comes to dealing with other players. Sure, monsters and NPCs aren't an issue, but when people are the source of strife he often backs down or does what he can to make them happy. This often results in people taking advantage of him, or manipulating him, knowing that he won't fight back or defend himself.






Weapon skills:
»  One-Handed Straight Sword: Rank-1 (+1 Damage)

»  One Handed Straight Sword (Iron)

»  Starter Armor (Cloth)

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)


None as of now

Story Thus Far 


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