Atzo 0 Posted February 21, 2017 #1 Share Posted February 21, 2017 (edited) Atzo walked through the floor of beginnings, looking around as he did so. Before long he was approached by an old man. He was an npc that was for sure but he seemed to have a starter quest available. Atzo had nothing better to do so he accepts it. The old man seemed sincere contrary to his gruff appearance and Atzo was pleased to have the opportunity to gain some levels. "So my first task is to get the old man some materials, that cant be too hard" He said to himself as he walked to the woods. He wasn't scared of mob and he would stay within sight of the town of beginnings. "So how do I do this?" He asked himself as he began to look around. He wasn't sure but he had a feeling it wasn't hard, it would just take a little thought. His specialty. Nothing to do now but search. [I am using 2 Yui's Grace] Edited February 24, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 21, 2017 Author #2 Share Posted February 21, 2017 (edited) Looking around Atzo was in a pickle. There was nothing around that looked like it could be harvested. He approached a bush and tried to harvest it. When he did this the bush shattered. “Darn, I was really hoping I could harvest it. Is there any other way to do this?” he asked himself allowed. “Surely there is an easier way…” He picked up his pace, the breeze complementing the heat perfectly. The birds chirping and the trees rustling. “The Developer was very imaginative, I have to hand it to him. I would have never thought someone could build a world such as this. Its so seamless, so flawless. Just to think this was made by a single person and there seem to be no bugs, not to mention any other problems its amazing” He sighed slightly as he continued his search Observing the world as he did so. He had always loved the forest, and to think he could be hear his whole life. ID: 77733 Spoiler Loot Die: 7 (Fail) Edited February 22, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 21, 2017 Author #3 Share Posted February 21, 2017 (edited) Atzo kept searching. It was disappointing, he couldn’t find anything, Why couldn’t he find anything? Suddenly he stopped and saw an apple tree. “Alright” he said to himself “I have found the mat, now how to get it…” he thought for a moment “I guess the only way is going to be climbing… God I hate Climbing” he pulled himself up none the less, struggling to find a good leg hole. Once he finally made it to the correct branch he reached to pick an apple. Once he got his hand around it he heard a snap. He then fell from the tree. Apple in hand. He was lucky it didn't shatter but hey at least he got one. Getting up, he dusted himself off and looked around the trees swaying in the light breeze. “One down, four to go… This won't be that bad, surely. I hope at least” ID: 77735 Spoiler Loot: 13 (1 Mat) [cause its a quest] Edited February 22, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 21, 2017 Author #4 Share Posted February 21, 2017 (edited) Atzo was feeling a little more confident. He hoped that he could find more soon, it was getting dark. He loved the night but he didn't want to be forced into an encounter. It was definitely a possibility. “One more hour” He told himself “After that I will head home. As he searched he quickly became disappointed there seemed to be nothing. He hoped that he could find it quick and get it over with but it turns out that it didn't work that way. Getting on his hands and knees he felt around for a while but still turned up nothing. Disappointed he began his walk back home. He decided to search while he walked. He was not optimistic.But he had to try, he was unsure that there was anything else on this floor. Maybe he would need to look elsewhere. It wouldnt surprise him, he was a little 'late to the game' so to speak but regardless he knew he would succeed. ID: 77741 Spoiler Loot: 7 (No Mat) [Why another 7?] Edited February 22, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 21, 2017 Author #5 Share Posted February 21, 2017 (edited) Walking home Atzo caught a glimpse of a cotton plant. “Oh, I should grab that” the thorns were think but Atzo bit his tongue and started to harvest them anyway. After a thirty minutes passed he continued his walk home. Approaching the teleporter he went to the second floor. Looking around it seems that the sun set slightly faster here. He shrugged, he knew how to get to the cabin, he could do it with his eyes closed, it wouldn't be the first time ether. The floor was genuinely quiet, he didn't even see an NPC roaming about. He left the city and started on the path to the mountain. Sometimes he regretted living so far out of town but most of the time he was grateful. It gave him time to himself and the view was magnificent. He watched as the sun fell completely below the horizon. “It's amazing how well this game was designed. Everything seems so much more real than it is.” He said to himself out loud “Though maybe that's because of how long I've been here.” ID: 77744 Spoiler Loot: 15 (1 Mat) [2 down 3 to go] Edited February 21, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 21, 2017 Author #6 Share Posted February 21, 2017 (edited) As he approached his house, Atzo saw some wild potatoes close by and grabbed them. “I am almost done” He said to himself “I cannot wait until I finish this” He sighed and opened the familiar wooden door. Lighting a candle he looked around the cozy cabbin. “I love this place, I never got to go camping as a kid and now I can do it every night” he said as he reminisced. Walking over to the Cot he layed down and began to think about the day. He hadn't found anyone to manipulate recently and it bothered him slightly. “I wonder if I will be able to find someone soon” he said to himself “Maybe the people in this game are stronger willed than those on the outside. “I need to find Ren” he thought as well. “I hope he is doing okay I bet he is but I hate for him to be alone.” ID: 77753 Spoiler Loot: 16 (1 Mat) [3/5] Edited February 21, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 21, 2017 Author #7 Share Posted February 21, 2017 (edited) Atzo woke up and stretched, He looked around the small cabin and proceeded to leave. Who would have thought that his day would start so early? The sun had just barely rose. As he left he looked around his house and found some sassafras trees. He immediately dug up the roots and the collected the leaves. “I love sassafras tea.” He said to himself “Its too bad that I have to give this away.” he proceeded to walk back towards the city. The birds were lively today, though it didn't bug him. Looking around he smiled at the beauty. The lush green valleys were strikingly beautiful and the rest of the world was almost taunting him with beauty, though he didn't mind. He always felt more at home in the outdoors, it made him feel alive. "I wonder if i can find a pond nearby, It would be nice to be able to sit an relax somewhere like I used to. ID: 77756 Spoiler Loot: 15 (1 Mat) [4/5] Edited February 22, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 21, 2017 Author #8 Share Posted February 21, 2017 (edited) Atzo walked through the mountains, he was planning on heading back to floor one later one but for now he wanted to enjoy the day he looked around, both to try to find that last material and to find a stream. While he was walking he found that the woods in the valley of a mountain opened up into a small pond. It was just what he was looking for. A grin formed on his face there was a slight breeze and the pond water lightly waved, the glassy surface shimmered with the ripples. It had been far too long since he had found a place like this, and it was only a thirty minute walk from house. Sitting down he took in his surroundings once more, the beautiful sun shimmering off the pond, the birds chirping. It was like a fairytale, or a fantasy location. One you would always dream of but never experience. And yet here he was, living it. ID: 77757 Spoiler Loot: 5 (No Mat) [4/5] Edited February 22, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 22, 2017 Author #9 Share Posted February 22, 2017 (edited) Atzo watched the water as the breeze let up. Smaller ripples surfaced. The fact that something called this pond home was a pleasant thought. Fish were a nice thing to see, the waters must be healthy. “Could the waters get polluted?” he thought to himself “It would be weird if they could because it's a game but with how in depth the Developer went I cannot say it would surprise me.” he looked around and stood up stretching his legs The peaceful pond was enjoyable but he realized that he longed for the company of another. He marked the spot on his map and proceeded back to the main city. “I should finish this quest while I can, then I can bring someone here… but who? I am not sure I trust anyone enough for that yet, and I haven’t found Ren. oh well I am sure I will run into someone who gives me the mental challenge i crave soon. ID# 77901 Spoiler Loot: 9 (No mats for days :'( ) [4/5 Mats Found] Edited February 22, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 22, 2017 Author #10 Share Posted February 22, 2017 (edited) This was getting disappointing, Atzo had been searching for a while now as he walked back to the city but still couldn’t find a mat. Maybe he was looking in the wrong places? He shrugged as he stepped over the line of the safezone. He began walking toward the teleporter but stopped. “I should get a drink first, maybe that will help” he turned toward the tavern. It was a short walk but the quiet city was pleasant. When he arrived Atzo ordered a small glass of white wine. The bar was completely empty excluding him. It didn't bother him though, he was used to being alone. Taking a gulp he examined the bar itself. It was very well designed, especially for the style it was modeled after. The wood was very well shined, the stone work looked as though the owner brought in a group of professionals. It was truly a sight to behold, and one that would be overlooked by most who came through. ID# 77903 Spoiler Loot 2 (Still no mats) [4/5 Found] Edited February 22, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 22, 2017 Author #11 Share Posted February 22, 2017 (edited) Finishing his drink Atzo stood up and left the bar, thanking the bartender as he did so. He walked to the teleporter and went back to the floor of beginnings. “Surely” he thought “Surely I will find one here” he trotted down the sidewalk observing the shops. The town of beginnings was much busier today. He didn't know or care why but it was worth noting. Walking to the edge of the Safezone he began to look for the final mat. Though to his disappointment nothing seemed to show up. It was amazing how long this quest had taken him, he hoped that gathering mats would be the end of it though he had a strong feeling that it was only just the beginning. Sighing he walked further into the woods. “There is no way I will have to go much longer before I am forced to quit” he thought “There is just no way, how hard is it really to find one material? You would think they littered the ground but apparently not,” ID# 77906 Spoiler Loot 9 (Dear God Why) Edited February 22, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 22, 2017 Author #12 Share Posted February 22, 2017 (edited) After a few more hours of searching Atzo finally found a small tree. It seemed to be a lemon tree. “Anything at this point will do” He said to himself before promptly picking the fruit and pocketing it he turned to walk back to the town of beginnings. The woods were still very pleasant, the world serene. He was one step closer to being done which lessened the pain of being forced to look for materials for as long as had. He watched as the forest cleared up and approached the town of beginnings. The streets were still rather busy though he knew how to weave his way in and out of a crowd without being noticed. He kept his pace slow and soon enough he reached the alchemist that had originally given him the quest. “Here you go sir, five materials for your potions” the old man looked at the things in front of him and smiled. ID# 77916 Spoiler Loot 13 (1 Mat Finally!) [5/5 Mats Task One complete] Edited February 22, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 22, 2017 Author #13 Share Posted February 22, 2017 (edited) Atzo looked at the man and smiled “Anything else i can help you with?” the man smiled back “Yes, I will show you how to craft, come with me” The two walked into the back of the small workshop and stood behind a crafting bench. Atzo watched intently as the Alchemist expertly created a potion. Atzo took mental notes as he watched. “Now you try” The man said. Atzo nodded as he approached the workstation. Taking the given materials he went to work remembering how he used to brew potions in the real world. Using his previous knowledge and what he saw from The old man, Atzo created a perfect option. The man clapped as he watched Atzo finish. “Very well done!” he said “I was not expecting you to pick up on it that quickly, you certainly have a knack for this!” Atzo thanked him. “There is one last thing I need you to do for me…” ID# 77920 Spoiler Craft 12 (Perfect) Edited February 22, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 22, 2017 Author #14 Share Posted February 22, 2017 “I need you to take this package to Lyle Tealeaf. She is a blacksmith. I have been meaning to give it to her for a while and It would be easier if you would help me out in giving it to her” The old man said. Atzo nodded in responce “I would be happy to help you” he picked up the package “Thank you for all the help, Sir. I will be sure to stop in and buy something in the future!” With that Atzo left into the Town of Beginnings. The sun was centered directly overhead, symbolizing noon. With all of the people arround it was sure to be quite the spectacle attempting to reach the blacksmith. Atzo stopped walking as he realized something. He had no idea where the blacksmith shop was, The old man never told him. He shook his head and continued walking, “How hard can it be?” He thought to himself Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 24, 2017 Author #15 Share Posted February 24, 2017 (edited) “On second thought” he said to himself “I think I will quickly find something to fight, though I hope it will be something small” he proceeded to walk to the woods and looked around. There seemed to be something in the nearby woods that would be suitable. A small boar stood eating grass, he walked up behind it and attempted to strike. As Atzo approached he failed to notice the tree beside him. He drew his sword and proceeded to get it stuck in said tree. He frantically tried to get it out and luckily he had made enough noise to startle the Boar. It didn't seem to know if it should attack or fun and froze where it was. Finally being able to pull his sword from the tree Atzo prepared himself to use his sword art. He hoped it would work and he could analyze the field better but he made not hard assumptions in that aspect. ID# 78066 Spoiler Battle 1 (Crit Fail) Mob 3 (Fail) Stats Spoiler Atzo 20/20 | 2 DMG | 2 Energy ___________________________ Boar 10/10 Hp | 2 DMG (Not Loot Eligible) Edited February 24, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 24, 2017 Author #16 Share Posted February 24, 2017 (edited) Atzo Felt the familiar strength that the sword arts gave him and was ready to use it to his advantage. Using what he could observe from the Boar’s movements he was able to pinpoint a potential weak point in its hide. Using this exploit he dove his sword deep into it intestins. The boar reared and gave a disturbing yell as it attempted to repay the favor. Luckily Atzo was able to take into account the injury in while attempting to dodge the boars attack, gracefully sidestepping at the last second. Once the boar had speed past him, Atzo whipped around and was once again facing the entity. Looking it dead in the eyes attempting to instil some sort of primal dominance over it, He knew it was pointless but he still wanted to try, “This shouldn't take long, I think I will stick to attacking normally for now however instead of trying to recharge.” ID# 78068 Spoiler Battle 9 (Crit Success) [DMG=(1{crit}+2{Base})*(1*2{SA})=6 DMG Mob 5 (Fail) Sword Art Use: Strait (2 Energy) Stats Spoiler Atzo 20/20 | 2 DMG | 0/2 Energy ___________________________ Boar 4/10 Hp | 2 DMG (Not Loot Eligible) Edited February 24, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 24, 2017 Author #17 Share Posted February 24, 2017 (edited) Atzo Watched as the boar reared up, he hoped that he could finish it soon. Little did he know this was just the beginning. Attempting to end the fight Atzo moved to a less stable footing and went to attack. As he did this it seems that he had broadcasted his movements too much. The boar took the opportunity as soon as it opened. The next thing Atzo knew he was on the ground with the boar running over him and past him, his health bar dropped. Quickly he jumped to his feet and re-adjusted his positioning, he didn't want to give the boar another hit like that. Not to mention that he had things in his inventory that he needed to deliver and hold onto. He debated regaining energy but decided against it, It didn't seem worth wasting an opportunity while he could just kill it now hopefully it wouldn’t bite him in the butt. ID# 78081 Spoiler Battle 2 (Fail) Mob 10 (Crit Success) [DMG=2{Base}+2{Crit}=4] Stats Spoiler Atzo 16/20 | 2 DMG | 0/2 Energy ___________________________ Boar 4/10 Hp | 2 DMG (Not Loot Eligible) Edited February 24, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 24, 2017 Author #18 Share Posted February 24, 2017 (edited) The two seemed to be on the same mental wavelength, not that a computer could have that. But the opponents move at the same time, running towards each other, grazing each other with their attacks. Atzo with his sword and the boar with its tusks. The difference was that The boar looked like it would die the next hit Atzo made even if it wasn’t his normal hitting standard. “One more Atzo, Just one more. That's all you need” he told himself as he stood there observing the animal. It seemed to be in pain and was ready for the next attack. Atzo began to worry that he would be able to block it though he had a small hunch it would be less powerful than it seemed though one could never be too safe. What would he do when this was over? Probably attempt to find that blacksmith and get it over with, He knew that he should have done it sooner. ID# 78087 Spoiler Battle 7 (Hit) [DMG=2{Base}] Mob 7 (Hit) [DMG=2{Base}] Stats Spoiler Atzo 14/20 | 2 DMG | 0/2 Energy ___________________________ Boar 2/10 Hp | 2 DMG (Not Loot Eligible) Edited February 24, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 24, 2017 Author #19 Share Posted February 24, 2017 (edited) It came down to what equated to a very tense staring contest between the two combatants. They didn't move, they didn't blink. It was a moment of watching who would act first. It was an interesting time for Atzo, he had never done this to a computer before. He recalled his days at the Dojo when he would use the info on kids he'd fight, there would be large portions of the fight that were them waiting to see who would attack. It made sense for him based on how he had to avoid his father but it changed nothing when both parties used the same tactic. So there they stood man and beast attempting to exert a non existent dominance. Surely there was something to be said about the nature of the computer to have such primal instincts of dominance and defense though it wouldn't seem to come to him. ID# 78088 Spoiler Battle 2 (Fail) Mob 5 (Fail) Stats Spoiler Atzo 14/20 | 2 DMG | 0/2 Energy ___________________________ Boar 2/10 Hp | 2 DMG (Not Loot Eligible) Edited February 24, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted February 24, 2017 Author #20 Share Posted February 24, 2017 (edited) As the Two combatants stared each other down the boar broke first. It seemed that the pressure or maybe the wait, finally became too much for it to handle. As it approached Atzo made conscious notes on its movements. Everything it did was something to be observed. Not to mention that the attack was very broadcasted. Atzo easily sidestepped the attack and before anything else could happen, he slammed his sword into the boar killing it. “Finally that's over” he said to himself “Now to just walk to that blacksmith and I can be done for the day.” He walked towards the town and saw the tree like fade as it always did. It was a fun thing to watch, the trees thinning or thickening as you enter or leave a forest. Entering the city it was still very busy people in the streets and the shops being flooded with people, Atzo hoped that the Blacksmith shop would have less but knew this would not be the case. ID# 78089 Spoiler Battle 6 (Hit) [DMG=2{Base] Mob 5 (Fail) Stats Hide contents Atzo 14/20 | 2 DMG | 0/2 Energy ______________________ Boar 0/10 Hp | 2 DMG (Not Loot Eligible) DEAD Edited February 24, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
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