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[F5-PP] heat <<The Traveler>> (Dominion, Atzo) {Complete}

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Atzo and Dominion reached the town, It had taken a while, He didn't realize just how far out they were when they left. The day had been a complete and utter blur. “Thank you very much Dominion. I owe you dinner man, just shoot me a message when you want to cash in on it.” He said, relief in Atzo’s voice. It was a very long day still. He walked to the teleporter and started to walk back to his mountain cabin. It was a long walk but it was nice to be away from the sand. Its coarse, rough… and it gets everywhere. The forested mountains were a brilliant change from the desert. Nothing really mattered to Atzo. He decided to go to his oasis and swim around a little. Try and calm his mind the best he could The water felt nice on his damaged skin everything would turn out alright.


400 Col - Both

Survival Skill - Both

3 SP - Both

Edited by Atzo
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