Atzo 0 Posted March 6, 2017 #1 Share Posted March 6, 2017 (edited) Atzo was sitting patiently in his study as he waited for his friends and guild members to arrive. It had been a hectic morning, trying to agree on how to prepare for the boss fight but it was far from impossible. He felt like a panic attack was coming but knew if he wanted too he could calm down. His new mansion was Quiet and out in the middle of the mountains. It may very well take them a while to get there but he didn’t mind. He hoped with the help of Shield and Beat that they could gain the upper hand but didn’t want to count on it. “I can’t wait to see Raina” He said to himself aloud, “I wonder what she will think about my house. The last time she saw it, it was still a one room cabin.” He smiled as he though about her. "It confuses me though because why do I crave her company so much? Why does she make me smile so brightly... why can't I get her off my mind?" He shrugged, “Maybe I’ll bug Shield about it. He has been my mentor thus far, maybe he will be willing to continue helping me with my questions” suddenly there was a knock at his door. Edited March 9, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Raina 0 Posted March 6, 2017 #2 Share Posted March 6, 2017 (edited) Did she really just hear that right? Her heart was crashing in her chest trying not to burst out and her face was inflamed with an incredible heat and blush. She placed her hand against her chest and looked down at her dress. She had worn a maid's dress out of a joke, and she figured Atzo's place could use a good cleaning. It was a real surprise when she saw how big it was now. She had gotten here hours before the guild was supposed to meet. She wanted to surprise Atzo with a clean house and just wanted to get to know him more. She had found a window on the third story that was open and took a deep breathe before running full speed toward the wall, running up and leaping till she managed to grab on to the window sill and pulled herself in. It was a tight squeeze, she did not realize how much her breasts got in the way. "Jesus [censored] christ," She cried out as she tried to pull, only to fall inside and land on her chest, " How the hell did I not realize how big these are?" she continued as she touch her chest a little before blushing. She stood up and tidied up as much of the place before she realized she needed to get downstairs. Opening her inventory she brought out a basket of desserts she managed to trade for. She walked down stairs and was about to say hi when she heard it. "He.. he wants to see me?" She said to herself. As she continued to blush she put the basket down quietly and walked behind Atzo and just hugged him from behind. "Hi." She said sweetly as she smiled brightly. Edited March 6, 2017 by Raina Link to post Share on other sites
Aoda 0 Posted March 6, 2017 #3 Share Posted March 6, 2017 "So," The raven-haired man started, "Can I just come in, or should I knock first." Aoda went over it in his mind a few times before hearing a faint curse from one of the second story windows of Atzo's house. "What the..." He muttered, before ignoring it and placing his hand around the knob of the door. The lad turned the handle, quietly opening the door and stepping inside. This red-haired man's house made him seem crazy rich. Peeking into the lounge area, he noticed a pool table in one of the corners. That was quite possibly Aoda's favorite part of the mansion-like structure. There didn't seem to be any sign of the other guild members. "I can't be the only one around here. I swear I heard someone's voice earlier." The noirette told himself, before glancing towards the stairs. The building had two floors, which he noticed when he had first arrived. Aoda carefully stepped up the virtual, wooden steps until he found himself at the top. From there, he saw three rooms. Only one of these was left open, which intrigued the player. Suddenly, he heard a voice coming from inside. At a first glance, he presumed it was some sort of library, with all of the books lining the walls. Upon peeking in, he noticed the source of the voice. Facing away from him was Atzo, the leader of the guild as well as owner of the house, and Raina, who seemed to be hugging him from behind while wearing a maid's uniform. This got awkward quickly. Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted March 6, 2017 Author #4 Share Posted March 6, 2017 (edited) Atzo suddenly felt someone hug him from behind. He tensed up and stopped moving. “Who the hell is this?” He thought to himself frantically. Suddenly he heard a meek and almost shy ‘hi’ from the person pressed against him. It was Raina. He relaxes almost instantly though was scared about what she had heard. Still he was happy to have her there “Oh, hey Raina,” He said with a presently relaxed tone of voice “You startled me.” He stands up and gives her a proper hug, seeing what she was wearing he didn’t know how to react. “I like the outfit” He said with a wholehearted smile as he twirled her around, hoping that was the right thing to say. Then a though the crossed his mind “How much did you hear?” He wasn’t worried, in fact he would have rather her heard the whole thing. Looking to the door he saw Aoda. “S’up? Just going to stand there awkwardly or do you want to join us in the lounge?” For some reason he wasn't embarrassed or upset that he was eavesdropping on, he was just happy to have Raina's company. Offering his hand to Raina, he led them to the lounge Edited March 6, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Beat 0 Posted March 6, 2017 #5 Share Posted March 6, 2017 (edited) Beat approached the domicile that rested on floor two with his traveling companion next to him. It was an incredibly nice mansion, but Beat wondered how a lower level player had been able to afford such a home. It was also curious how it was below level ten. "Hmm I wonder how he obtained such a nice home at his level and on the second floor no less." He said, turning his eyes to @Shield as Horus swooped down and landed on his shoulder, actually electing to come inside rather than wait outside as he often did. He opened the front door and followed the voices, only one that he recognized, until he had reached the study where he managed to just catch a series of players walking into another room. He followed them in the lounge and looked to Atzo, who had a girl next to him. The other player in the room was unfamiliar to him, but he figured they would get acquainted soon enough. "Yo Azto, what's up? Ready to smash a boss?" Edited March 6, 2017 by Beat Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted March 6, 2017 #6 Share Posted March 6, 2017 (edited) Spoiler ID# 78854 results: Loot: 20 + 5 = 25 - +1 Material! (1 total) Following along beside Beat, Shield was trying very hard not to think about the answer to the question that had been asked of him. It had taken them most of their time in game to amass enough money just to buy a single room house in the floor nine levels above this, and that one wasn't even going to have a bedroom. He let out an exasperated sigh, bending down to pick up a nearby chunk of ore. "One way or another, there's no justice in this world." Stepping inside, he made his way along with Beat until they had found the small gathering of players. Aoda he had met before, and even worked together to overcome a slithering adversary. Of course, he knew Atzo. The maid was new, though he was sure that it wouldn't be all too important to make a big deal out of introductions since she wouldn't be out hunting monsters with the combat-ready players. "Hey, Atzo, Aoda," he said with a nod towards both of them in turn. "Miss," he added to Raina. Beat made mention of a boss and Shield pointed to him. "What he said." Edited March 6, 2017 by Shield Link to post Share on other sites
Solomon 0 Posted March 6, 2017 #7 Share Posted March 6, 2017 (edited) Solomon stood in the massive metropolis known as The Town of Beginnings, which was located in the central part of the floor. He found this floor to be a very memorable one, as he had almost all past memories from here. He walked the streets, his silk shirt displayed his chest, his long dark blue hair braided back with different adornments. He walked on bare feet, feeling breeze touch his skin. He changed his focus from straight ahead at the people in front of him, from the tops of buildings made with fine architecture, and even to the small assemblies of people that congregated on either side of the street. He had been conscious since that day, gathering as much information as possible on what was going on. Suddenly, a message/notification popped up in his notifications tab. His apparently good friend and car crash buddy, Atzo, as asking for everyone to meed on the second floor, some house or something. He closed his notifications, but just after doing so, he was surprised. His surprise came as a player ran directly into him, embracing him with a tight hold around his abdomen. She had long, black hair, wearing a dress which was unlike everyone else. Upon looking at her, it was apparent to him that she was not someone he knew. She placed her head on his chest, lamenting. He held her there embraced against his body, at that moment, stunned. Solomon didn't know this girl... So what was going on? Solomon didn't speak, as they stood there in the street, a bit of attention being drawn to them. When she finally let go of him temporarily, she kissed his cheek and embraced him once more. She whispered, tears falling from her eyes onto his silk shirt, "I am so glad you are alright. I could only pray to the gods so much for your well-being." Solomon had nothing to say... but yet, how could he just walk away from another potential clue of his memories. For all he knew, anyone in this game knew him from somewhere and just didn't speak out about it. He gently separated himself from her embrace by placing his arms on her shoulders and stepping back, completely aware that he must leave for Atzo's house soon. "Will you follow me?", Solomon spoke, afraid his voice might sound too threatening. However, the girl nodded her head in approval, no doubt in her expression. It was now clear to Solomon that these tears were tears of joy. Solomon turned around with her standing diagonal to himself and began to head to the teleport pad in the town. Edited March 6, 2017 by Solomon Link to post Share on other sites
Dominion 0 Posted March 6, 2017 #8 Share Posted March 6, 2017 (edited) Dominion landed on another large branch, mid height to the surrounding tree trunks. He was on the second floor for one reason and one reason only... Enma liked this floor. Enma felt most at home on this floor than any Dominion had been to before. The trees were a nice shade of green, there was some clearings but they were rare. Dominion was wearing his battle gear, his Monkey Armor equipped. However, he was no longer wearing his spirit monkeys, as he did not require them for his current training. There was no combat, but instead acrobatics like never before seen. He leaned back while moving forward his hips. This allowed him to fall, his legs clasping over the branch while his body hung like a monkey in the trees. However, Enma was a showoff and did it much quicker and with much better technique. "Hey Enma, you don't have to show off ya know! I will be just as good as you in due time, trust me!" Dominion said, a smile worn on his face. He felt great, his territory allowed him to be himself, and allowed him to practice the kung fu techniques that he hadn't done in literal years. However, Dominion caught sight of someone he recognized walking through the forest. However, Dominion though it was just coincidence, as usual. Then, he saw yet another person he recognized. He had black hair, about his height... Aoda! Dominion was curling up in order to greet him, but he heard something a bit further off. Shield and Beat approached, but he didn't recognize them. Dominion remained in the trees, hidden from view unintentionally. He turned to look down at Enma, who now sat beside him on the branch. "What should we do?" Edited March 6, 2017 by Dominion Link to post Share on other sites
Raina 0 Posted March 6, 2017 #9 Share Posted March 6, 2017 (edited) Raina grabbed Atzo's hand as he led her into the lounge. She smiled as the other guild mates till she realized with what she was wearing, more in likely, they thought she was the help. She whispered to Atzo, "I heard everything by the way, but I feel the same way. And I think I should change, don't you agree?" She said with a smile as she open up her HUD, accessed her inventory and equipped her Angel Maiden's Mantle. She twirled as the maid outfit disappeared off of her voluptuous form and the bride like armor appeared, flowing in the wind of her twirls. She smiled as everyone else in the room, completely unaware of what they could see while she changed. She grabbed the edges of her dress and curtsied. "Greetings fellow warriors! I am Raina Lynna Vanille Scylar, newest member of the Emerald Harbingers. I promise to do my best." She said with a bright smile and a wink. Edited March 6, 2017 by Raina Link to post Share on other sites
ren-sama 0 Posted March 6, 2017 #10 Share Posted March 6, 2017 Getting a notice to meet Atzo at his house, Ren wonders what's going on. So Ren sets out for the mountain's. Ren kept taking wrong turns couple of times. But found the route he needed about 3hr walk he came upon a house. “Is this Atzos house” he thoughts to himself. Gets closer to the house, he approach the front door. Ren then proceeds to knock on the door hoping someone is home. “Atzo you home little brother” he yelled. Is anybody home he thought again. waiting for a reply he opens his menu and pulled out a cookie and started to munch on it. “Not like moms cooking but its something”. Ren hurd movement in the house. He hoping he got the right house. He sent Atzo a message letting him know that Ren is here. Still eating the cookie he had knocking again. Ren sat down till someone answered the door. Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted March 6, 2017 #11 Share Posted March 6, 2017 Oh, for the love of- Shield swiveled his eyes to the ceiling and frowned, crossing his arms over his chest until he heard the sounds of Raina's menus closing. He nodded in acknowledgement of her introduction. Despite how loudly he was groaning internally, his face remained impassive and neutral. "Shield," he added in response before turning to address the group as a whole. "Well, it looks like we've got a party. Are there others on the way currently? I don't remember being told how many people would be present." He opened his menus absentmindedly, flicking through his equipment to make sure he was properly geared for an excursion where he would be taking hits for so many other players. It wasn't that he felt like the monsters would be any tougher than usual for the floor in question, but this was the first time he would be carrying so many, most of which being a significantly lower level. Link to post Share on other sites
Beat 0 Posted March 6, 2017 #12 Share Posted March 6, 2017 Beat enjoyed the introductions as everyone came in. He stared as Raina changed outfits, but not out of perversion. Beat's brain had literally never thought along sexual lines and it was odd that it would start now. It was nothing sophisticated, but he knew what he was seeing and his body had begun to feel warm. It was truly confusing to Beat. "Beat...also, wow...umm that was a thing that happened..." His brain trying to make sense of everything happening. He quickly directed his attention to something he could understand and began sorting his battle ready inventory to ensure they were prepared. He quickly noted a distinct lack of tier appropriate consumables and made a note in his menu to correct the issue. He moved on to sorting his items for ease of access as he spoke without looking in Raina's direction. "Yeah, I'd like to see what kinds of creatures come out when this many players are gathered together. Either way, I'll punch a hole through them." Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted March 6, 2017 Author #13 Share Posted March 6, 2017 Raina said that she felt the same way, it was hard for Atzo to understand. He didn’t know what the feeling was, just that it was there. “Yeah, though it does look very good on you” Atzo whispered to Raina. The was a knock at the door, Atzo let Ren in as Raina was changing. “Hey, you ready?” turning back he looked at the rag tag guild and it’s two other partners “actually we are still waiting on two more people, they should be here any time now though.” He observed Raina’s armour, it was immaculate accenting her body perfectly he was without words for a moment before regaining his train of thought. “I think we should relax here for a while while we wait for the other two. I could give everyone a tour if you would like” Atzo was outwardly happy, a genuine outward happiness, it was something completely new to him. Link to post Share on other sites
Dominion 0 Posted March 6, 2017 #14 Share Posted March 6, 2017 Dominion waited several moments in the trees. The last straw came moments later, as Ren was seen in the distant clearing. He seemed as though he was lost, but quickly found the path again. Dominion would surely follow this man, since he knew him vaguely from the first days in SAO. Dominion gave a hand sign and dropped to the ground, Enma soon to follow. Enma jumped up onto his shoulder and came with as he walked several paces behind Ren. As Ren approached the building, Dominion decided to have some fun. While he stood at the doorway, waiting for someone to answer, Dominion moved to the left side of the mansion. Swiftly, he grabbed hold of a piece of the wall and began to climb. It took a second of silence, but he found his way to the roof. There, Dominion found a great place to sit and surveyed the environment atop the roof. He heard a Familiar voice from inside the building. Atzo was here, which meant they were congregating for some reason... Dominion turned his head to give a glance to Enma. Neither of them wanted to leave their perch, but it seemed the best thing to do. Link to post Share on other sites
Solomon 0 Posted March 6, 2017 #15 Share Posted March 6, 2017 (edited) Solomon made it to the other end of the teleport pad, the girl still diagonal to his person. He was aware of the environment, made of forestry hills and a smaller settlement dead ahead. The sun was decently in the sky, few clouds giving scattered shade to the land. He didn't have a clear mind, this girl stealing away his thoughts. *How does she know me? Was I that significant to someone while I was still alive that Atzo didn't tell me about? He must have an answer to this." (OOC, Atzo hasn't a clue) The girl pivoted her body to face Solomon directly. Solomon was simply surprised by all of this. He had no way to prepare for something like this happening. The woman looked into Solomon's eyes. They both had that one trait in common. Both had blue eyes, although they were slightly different shades. She waited a moment before making a move. She wondered where he was going, but she wouldn't question her only friend. She simply smiled and placed her hands around his arm, keeping her body close. Solomon just took a short breath and began to walk. He didn't have any comment, and they walked for a while. He had an idea of where to find a mansion in this environment, but his focus was attracted somewhere else. This person seemed to know him, and he still found this to be something from his memory. Logistically, Solomon thought he was hallucinating. There was a girl by his side he had never seen before, whom kissed his cheek and embraced him. They were an hour late, and they still needed to trek through the woods. As they began the 3 hour walk up the mountainous area toward the supposed house, the woman stopped. She was in no way prepared for this walk, and she knew this. Solomon, being a wise man, swept her off her feet and would carry her the entire rest of the way. He knew he was strong enough to do so, but he realized that she wasn't necessarily expecting it. She coward slightly as she was held in his arms, reaching over his neck and grasping for her life. Solomon began to walk forward, his eyes were now beginning to catch small details in the land. Someone had walked this path recently, and that person wore shoes. He followed the path, coming to the mansion about an hour late. He held this woman in his arms up until the very last seconds, placing her feet gently back to the earth. The woman stood slightly behind him as he walked up to the door. His voice boomed like the roar of a river, and the echo of a mountain. "Atzo, It is Solomon! I was summoned here by you!", Solomon looked back to the girl, who was not fearful of his voice in the slightest. Instead she curled her arm around his, a small grin on her face. She remained silent as they stood together in front of Atzo's mansion. Girl wearing only the dress: Spoiler Edited March 7, 2017 by Solomon Link to post Share on other sites
ren-sama 0 Posted March 6, 2017 #16 Share Posted March 6, 2017 As Ren came in when Atzo opened the door he seen some players he had not the slightest clue on who they were. But he was polite by waving to everyone even tho he hasn't met them and said “Hello i am ren”. With a slight Bow as he made his greetings to everyone. Then leans over to Atzo and whispers “Is Ren a good boy” in hope of his brothers approval. Then out of nowhere he heard a booming sound “That voice there's only one person whom i know who's voice that belongs to, it's Solomon”. Ren looks at Atzo trying to get his attention without being rude and interrupt him as he speaks to the other players. Ren starts pointing at the window hoping someone would see. Then Ren looks out the window again and sees a female player right behind Solomon. “Did Solomon get a girlfriend?” he questions himself. Ren then asked if he could open the door for Solomon. Link to post Share on other sites
Aoda 0 Posted March 7, 2017 #17 Share Posted March 7, 2017 In the short time Aoda had been inside of the house, a lot had gone on. After the short, but slightly awkward moment he had, walking in on Atzo and Raina, who had now changed out of her maid's outfit the group made their way downstairs to the lounge area. He was able to recognize Shield, a man he had partied with during his time on the sixteenth floor, when they had taken on the "Snake out of Water" quest. The rest, however, he had never met in the past. Soon enough, he assumed, they'd become acquaintances, and very possibly friends. The raven-haired man began to speak. "I'm Aoda. It's nice to meet you all." He said, looking around the room at each of the players. As he did so, a blonde man entered the room. When Atzo asked if they were interested in a tour of his new house, the noirette was instantly intrigued. "That sounds great." Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted March 10, 2017 #18 Share Posted March 10, 2017 (edited) Shield raised an eyebrow at all of the goings on. It was not that he was against pleasantries, but he was under the impression that they were all assembling under a common goal. The way things were going, it seemed as if this was going to quickly devolve into trying to herd cats. "I think we should keep any tours and such brief," he said, trying his best to be polite about the matter. "We have a goal in mind, do we not?" Although he and Atzo had had many a conversation on their journeys, he was not sure how in depth he had gone on the matter of his own steady march towards the front lines. It was one thing to spend leisure time interaction. It was another thing to spend questing time doing the same. Work while you're working and play while you're playing... This was a concept that @Beat typically agreed with, at least in essence, but the younger man was also prone to impulsiveness and distraction, which made their journeys a little less predictable than he would typically hope for. Edited March 10, 2017 by Shield Link to post Share on other sites
Beat 0 Posted March 12, 2017 #19 Share Posted March 12, 2017 Beat's eyes drifted to his companion and, likely to Shield's surprise, they were in agreement on this. Beat did tend to be somewhat impulsive at times, but this time, he and Shield would be carrying the lives of a large group on their backs, something he took very seriously. Even Horus had turned his head to look at Beat expectantly. Beat returned his familiar's gaze with a knowing smile. I know buddy, don't worry. "I have to agree with Shield. I know pleasantries are fun and good, but we do have quite an adventure in front of us. A brief tour should be fine, but let's not forget what we're here for alright?" He said politely, with a tone of seriousness that conveyed the weight of what their goal was. Sword Art Online was a dangerous game, even when just farming for loot or materials. The more Beat played, the better he got at being able to take certain aspects of the game seriously. Link to post Share on other sites
Raina 0 Posted March 13, 2017 #20 Share Posted March 13, 2017 Raina smiled at the other's words and got a little excited. She gracefully moved around the room, dancing and twirling as she got herself psyched up. "I agree, and my blade is ready." She said with a sweet laugh. "Ya, no, I am so not like that. Blood thirsty is not me at all. I am just messing with you. So.. where are we heading?" She finished as she gave a puzzling look to the group. She placed her hands on her hips and posed her frame in a sassy manner as her hair fell slightly over her face. Her soul was smiling, she could feel in inside of her. She finally had a group of people she could stay with. Strength in numbers, a group of single liked minds. Atzo even revealed his desires and feelings for her and that just made everything even better. She looked at the crimson haired man and smiled before saying to him, "I promise, I will do my best, let us work together okay?" She tilted her head slightly and smiled big, so big that she had to close her eyes, Link to post Share on other sites
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