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Kyoko's Journal

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Username: Kyoko
Real name: Takenaka Kayoko
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"





Her choices defined her. Her life crumbled. Kayoko's life has been a rollercoaster, prior to her logging into Sword Art Online, and entering the world of Aincrad.

After years of living in a neglectful household, forced to grow up on her own, Kayoko brought her feelings of dissatisfaction to the attention of a school counsellor. Unfortunately, this was the opening of pandora's box. Through the counsellor's improper handling of her situation, Kayoko quickly found herself shunned by her family after it became known that she was reporting their criminal neglect. Innocence did not save Kayoko, and the seventeen-year-old girl was given an unspoken ultimatum: run away from home or be subjected to extreme prejudice.

Choosing the former, and deciding she was not worth the love of a family, Kayoko ran away from her home and her school to live out the remainder of her adolescence on the streets of Osaka, Japan.

Two years of sifting through trash and stealing food went by, each day like an eternity, and Kayoko continued to grow as a person. Instead of learning to play an instrument, she learned to disappear into a dark alley. Instead of writing poetry, she wrote notes of apology to shops from which she stole sustenance. But this life of thievery was not a permanent solution, as Kayoko would come to find out, when at the age of nineteen-years-old, one particularly clever merchant set a trap for the town thief and imprisoned Kayoko within a storage room.

Defeated, Kayoko waited in the room until the following morning, when the merchant would surely return and have her arrested. However, this was not the outcome. The merchant returned not with hatred, but with pity in his eyes, and he offered Kayoko an ultimatum, much in the same way her parents had two years prior. Instead of being hauled off by the authorities, Kayoko would help the merchant run the shop, and assist customers on a daily basis until the merchant decided her debt was paid.

The merchant's kindness caught Kayoko off guard. It had been two years...no...far longer, since someone had last acknowledged her as a human being. Following a thread of curiosity, which she hoped would lead to a fruitful future, Kayoko accepted the man's arrangement and began a new life in his employ. The merchant compensated her generously for her services and insisted that she stay in his spare room while she paid off her debt to him.

With the merchant's monetary compensation, Kayoko soon discovered that she could finally enjoy the luxuries others took for granted. Using a portion of her pay, she bought Nerve Gear...and launched Sword Art Online.


Amiable: Kyoko makes a deliberate effort to be cooperative when it comes to dealing with others. Those who she chooses to interact with can expect a legitimate conversation, and she will even provide information to assist others in their own quests. While she shies away from trusting other players outright, she will assist where she feels she can benefit from the situation, be it emotionally or substantially.

Respectful: It's not in her nature to look down on others, as she herself is not of any elite status. Kyoko views others as equals to one another and harbours no ill will against any particular demographic. She also finds favour with the innocent, and those who find themselves victims of unjust crimes can expect her to take action.

Protective: Those who prove themselves to be trustworthy, in Kyoko's eyes, are entitled to her vigilant protection. Each relationship she forms is worth its weight in gold to Kyoko, and if another person can break through her distant attitude and paranoia, they earn a place in her heart. Their enemies become her enemies and their issues become her issues.


Distant: Due to her experiences with her family, Kyoko has trouble getting close to others. She will often choose to follow her own path until the persons in question are able to prove themselves to be trustworthy. This, in turn, leaves Kyoko without many allies to turn to in times of crisis, and thus forcing her to walk through Aincrad alone.

Overconfident: Two years of experience fending for herself on the streets of Osaka, Japan have left Kyoko with a lasting theology that she can handle anything life throws at her, regardless of difficulty. This overconfidence has carried over into her virtual life and compels her to take on the most difficult assignments so that she might prove herself. This is arguably her most dangerous flaw, as Kyoko finds herself at risk of challenging enemies based on her personal drive instead of statistics.

Obsessive: Kyoko can become overtaxed by her memories of the past and will often need to excuse herself to deal with heavily rooted frustrations. A part of her relives the past every second of the day, leaving less of her to handle the conflicts of the present. This is a dangerous flaw, both for herself, and for the few companions that earn her trust.





» Light Armour (1: Novice)


Weapon skills:
» One-Handed Straight Sword (0: Unskilled)



»Starter Iron One-Handed Straight Sword

»Starter Cloth Armour

» [OP-F1] Another Lost Soul of Aincrad

Description: Kyoko's just been informed that all players are trapped within SAO, and her distress over the situation has drawn the attention of some passersby.

» N/A

Story Thus Far

Kyoko has just bought her Nerve Gear and launched Sword Art Online...unaware of the trap that has been set for its players.



Current SP: 0

Most Recent Action: Spent 5 SP on Light Armor skill after character creation [3/13/17]

Edited by Kyoko
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