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Username: Bellum

Real name: Annabelle “Belle” Lockhart

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 5’4


About: History/personality


Annabelle’s life had been quite normal before she first logged in. She was raised in a comfortable, cushy life as the daughter of a wealthy businessman and a devout practitioner of the Catholic faith. Annabelle had many siblings, and while her parents loved them all, she suffered greatly from middle child syndrome, and never felt that she got all of the attention she wanted or deserved.


When she was young, she chose her patron saint, Saint Joan of Arc. She respected her for her grit and bravery, qualities that she hoped to show in her own self. As she grew, she did indeed display the penitence of her patron, respecting her parents and enduring every trial that came her way. Around the time she started middle school, Annabelle began to feel… Caged. Her strict family and lifestyle began to weigh heavy on her shoulders, but still, she soldiered on, not wanting to compromise her beliefs. She studied her latin, she sang at church, she went on mission trips. Her life seemed fine...


And then, everything changed. A very wealthy family friend asked her to come over and watch her house for a weekend. Her parents, who had never trusted her with a responsibility like this before, finally showed some leniency and allowed her to go alone for an entire weekend. She was ecstatic.  That night, she discovered her friend’s nerve gear. They’d recently purchased it, but hadn’t gotten to use it yet. Unable to resist, Belle took a dive, and well, the rest is history.






“Oh, you are just a treat!”


Belle is weirdly, somewhat uncomfortably, adorable. In the way she speaks, the way she carries herself, and even the way she lays waste to her enemies, they can’t help but notice how innocent and carefree she looks. This probably won’t save her in a real battle, but it might win her points making some friends, especially given the game’s vastly male-dominated population




“You done goofed.”


You’ll be hard pressed to find someone who stands by her friends more than Belle. No matter how hard things get, Belle won’t turn tail and run if it means leaving her friends behind or going back on her word. She keeps her promises, and she’ll makes sure her friends all make it out alive, or die trying.




Fortuna audaces iuvat!


Belle doesn’t worry too much about the consequences of her actions. She’s afraid of almost nothing, and she’ll never back down from a challenge. She’s not afraid of any danger she might face, and in fact, it excites her.






“Is this person bothering you?”


Some people say that Belle has attachment issues. Others will tell you that she simply cares a lot about her friends. Whatever the case, Belle is fiercely protective of those she is close to, sometimes to unhealthy extents.




“I’m not trapped here with you… You’re trapped here with me.”


Belle isn’t quite right in the head. It’s unclear exactly what has unhinged her so, but she isn’t the most logical because of it. She views her entrapment as a gift from the heavens, and doesn’t understand why people are so upset about being trapped in the game. Her leaps of logic often confuse even the most intellectual of opponents, though they’re often not very, well…  Logical.




“Oh, just try to stop me!”


Belle cannot comprehend the idea of her own death. She simply isn’t worried about it. To her, dying is an impossible notion, for she is simply too much for anybody to handle. She never thinks about losing, and if she does lose, it’s incomprehensible to her, and can often send her spiralling into depression


Profession: Nope!










»Battle Healing (Rank 1)

Weapon skills:

»2h Battleaxe (Rank 0)




»Iron 2h Battleaxe






None yet!




None yet!


Story Thus Far

Nothing yet!

Edited by Bellum
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