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[F19:PP] The Life Subtractor

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“Never would have thought I'd miss sleeping on those lumpy inn beds so much.”

Watching players drift through the gates of Ralberg wasn't good for Seul’s mental state to say the least. His mind raced with toxic thoughts as he stared at travelers from atop a nearby hill. Ever since he killed that man in self defense things had been different. No longer was he able to just waltz into safe zones, rent a room, or just relax without having to check over his shoulder for monsters. Had he known being orange was so difficult he would have thought twice about killing the assassin. But that was his problem; he didn't think in the first place. There was no time to and in the heat of the moment hesitation would have most likely put him six feet under. 

The young swordsman propped himself up against the crumbling remains of a stone wall after he had his fill of town stalking for one day. Any more and someone would notice his strange actions. Maybe even act out if they were feeling bold enough. How did he ever end up like this? One moment of weakness was all it took to set him down this lonely path.

“If I wasn't so freakin’ weak this wouldn't be a problem... I need a way to get stronger and survive this game.”


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