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Aereth's and Vex' preperations for the upcoming operation had been on point. Only a day after they left Domarus' shop, they had finished planning out all the necessary things for their operations. Aereth had given Vex everything he would need. Armor, weapons and teleport crystals. Due to Vex complete cooperation, Aereth also didn't need to make any of his threats come true, which pleased both him and Vex. He did his job perfectly in luring out players from the safe zone of the Town of Beginnings, and was even able to escape them with no problems, due to Aereth's teleport crystals and planning. 

When Aereth saw the symbol Domarus showed him a day ago on one of the one green and three hooded players, he wanted to engage them directly in combat in order to start interrogating, but then decided against it, when he heard the players talking about something important they needed to do...

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Aereth counted four players and activated his searching skill in order to see if there were any more players hiding in the shadows, but wasn't able to spot any more players. Aereth was hiding himself in the tree crowns just over the spot where Vex teleported himself into safety, and waited for the best opportunity to follow the four players without getting caught by them. And Aereth needs to be careful around those guys. He was able to get a glance at the equipment of one of the players and it didn't look bad. Thanks to him being a mentor tailor, he could see that the armor was pretty excellent crafting work. He didn't see much, else but he was assuming that most of them used daggers for combat since he wasn't able to see a big weapon on them, and going out unarmed was a no go in their business...

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"This might be the most dangerous thing I ever did in here..." he thought while making his way back to the ground, following the group of players. The green player came out of the town of beginnings and the three red players joined him to hunt Vex outside of the safe zone. Dangerous was an understatement. Attacking them head on would most probably result in Aereth getting himself killed. 

After a couple of minutes they reached the border of the forest, and the green player ordered the rest of the pack to stay in hidden in the forest until he would come back. Aereth couldn't hear what they were talking, since he decided to stay out of hearing reach of the red players in order not to get discovered. His body was lying flat on the ground hidden under dense bushes, but he could clearly see the red players waiting for the green one to come back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From his hiding spot he could clearly see the group of three waiting for their green comrade to return. They behaved rather quietly and disciplined, not moving around much and talking in a very low voice, much too quiet for Aereth to hear even the slightest thing. Then, however the green player seemed to finally have come back with company... Aereth's eyes widened in shock at what he was seeing at the moment. "Scum..." he thought at the sight of the green player returning with two children at the age of maximal 12 to 14 years...

Switching POV to the green player
"Let's get going. I want to be at the hiding spot in less than a hour from now." the green player ordered and received multiple nods from his red partners. After that the group started moving. The three red players formed a triangle around the children, with the green player taking up the rear guard spot. 

Aereth POV
"They're moving, I need to follow them. Maybe I can even safe the children, while gathering more intel on the group..." he thought, and cursed inwardly for doing such a reckless and risky operation all on his own...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Up until now, everything was going like Aereth had planned. Vex lured out the players, and Aereth just needed to find the right oportunity in order to start his interrogation. After about a hour of waking, the group slowed down. They seemed to have reached their destination. The green player then opened his menu and looked at the time. A satisfied huff escaped his mouth and he told all of them. "We have about thirty minutes before we meet up with the rest of the squad, so we will be resting here." That was everything Aereth needed to know. The brown haired player had followed them up until now and managed to close some distance between him and the group while still staying undiscovered. If he wanted to strike, he needed to do it fast before the other 'squad' would join the group. Aereth took a deep breath and opened up his messenger.

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To: @Domarus
Subject: Reminder
Text: This is just a little reminder. If you don't hear from me again in maximal 24 hours from now, please hand that item to the person I told you.


Immediately pressing the send button, Aereth switched to his inventory and materialized a special dagger into his hands. Usually Aereth used one handed swords, but for today he had brought a special dagger with a very potent paralyzing coating. In order for him to succeed today, he needed to even the odds in the fight. All of them looked pretty strong and a four on one battle would be nothing but suicide. "Paralyze at least two, fight the others and then finish off the paralyzed ones..." Aereth mentally repeated the plan he and Vex had formulated in the last couple of weeks. "I will succeed. I will safe these children and get some more information..." he told him in his thoughts.

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He tightened the grip on his weapon and took another deep breath with closed eyes. He only felt the soft breeze of the virtual wind and heard the chirping of the birds. It was a much too beautiful day for something like this, but Aereth needed to do it. After that he let himself fall to the ground. Having himself placed right above the group, Aereth would be able to hit at least one of the players with his paralytic weapon, and use the moment of shock to paralyze the others. 

Aereth came crashing down on them and hit one of the red players immediately with his coated dagger on the back. None of them had expected such an action. Using the moment of shock, Aereth swiftly closed the distance to the next player and also successfully paralyzed the man with his dagger. "That's it. Now I need to rely on my swordplay.."

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The green player was the fastest to get back his composure and immediately charged at the brown haired player. "What the hell do you think you are doing here?" he yelled at Aereth who was able to draw his blade just in time in order to block the icoming swipe of the man. "Urgh..." Aereth grunted as he parried the swipe. Immediately using the higher strength stat of the sword, Aereth pushed the player back in order to avoid the next attack from the other remaining player. The flames on his armor ignited and coated Aereth with white flames. "Kids! Run!" he yelled and readied himself for a counter attack. His free hand was opening and closing nervously before he sped towards the red player in order to see how capable of a fighter the man was. His sword started to glow when he sped forward and Aereth aimed for the head.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Immediately the player Aereth was going for drew his two handed sword and parried the attack from the brunette just before the blade could sever his head from his shoulders. Now Aereth found himself at the weaker end while the two swords fought for dominance above each other. Two handed weapons had much more strength than his one handed one, and so he decided to retreat with a quick jump backwards. 

Unknown to him, the green dagger user entered stealth and sneaked up on him in the meantime and just as Aereth's feet lost the contact to the ground, the green player named Solilas started his attack. His dagger was glowing in a dark green color, and the sword art swiftly made contact with the airborne Aereth. 

Feeling the numbing sensation of the dagger gliding through his armor, Aereth grunted as he hit the floor again. Thanks to his armor he hadn't taken a fatal amount of damage, but he needed to end this quickly...

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The sudden scream of the green player that followed his attack pleased Aereth. "What the hell is this? That must be one of those unique enhancements." Solilas stated after the effect of Aereth's flame aura died down. Dodging the strong but slow attack from the two handed straight sword wielder, Aereth dashed towards Solilas with a sword art at the ready, and as soon as he got in attack range, positioned his blade to a diagonal downward strike. A faint. Solilas fell for it and went ahead to block the attack with his dagger. Swiftly transitioning in a vertical slash, Aereth released the sword art, and did a solid amount of damage to the green player. "From the damage he is doing and from the way he is moving he must be without a doubt a tier two DPS build. Quite similar to Hik, if I'm being honest." Aereth thought.

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Solilas had to retreat back a couple of steps in order not to loose his balance at this strong attack from his opponent. But with Aereth now stuck in post motion delay the red player Tanor, moved in to get an easy hit on Aereth as well. His two handed straight sword glowed and when he reached the brunette, he released the sword art with a low grunt. 

Just before the big blade made contact with Aereth, his post motion delay died down, and he was at least able to shift his body in a way so he didn't receive the full damage from the devastating attack. Even though he had partly evaded the hit, and was wearing his sturdiest set of armor a good chuck of Aereth's health points was gone. Solilas still had about two third of his full health, Tanor was still at full, and Aereth barely over 50 percent...

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"I need to pick up the pace..." Aereth thought and immediately engaged the bulky Tanor in a furious close combat. "Heavy DPS unit, with an enormous damage output. He's kinda slow, but his hits are devastating." Aereth thought, while trading blows with the man. "Do you really thing you can take on all of us at once? The moment you jumped down to attack us, you sealed your own death." Tanor spat at Aereth in a cold and uncaring voice. "You really think so? Then how about this?" With that Aereth ducked under a horizontal strike and activated his material arts skill. With a swift turn in his crouched position, Aereth threw the bulky DPS off balance and followed up with a quick attack on his own, reducing the health points from his target to about 80 percent. After that he felt another stab at his back and saw how his health points dropped further under the 50 percent mark.

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Solilas used the oportunity to attack the distracted Aereth from behind, but again had to take some minor damage from his flame aura. Immediately turning around, and following up with a swift strike on his own, Aereth burried his sword deep into the left shoulder of Solilas. His health points dropped to about 30 percent. But the damage did not stop there. Both players had now their weapons buried in each other and thus slowly drained HP from each other. The only thing was, that Solilas health points dropped even faster than Aereth's, due to the higher damage of his sword in combination with Aereth's flame aura. None of the two men wanted to give up and thus kept pressing against each other. Until Aereth heard the sound of a blade cutting through the air. 

Tanor was going for an attack and aimed for Aereth's head, trying to end the battle here and now.

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Fortunately for Aereth, he made the dumb mistake to aim for his head. Activating his material arts skill once again, Aereth kicked Solilas in the torso, and used the force to push himself back, directly into Tanor's attack. In the last second, Aereth was able to lower his body enough in order to duck under the horizontal swipe, and get himself out of that unfortunate position. He landed back first into the dirt, and immediately tried to get back up again.

In the meantime Tanor helped Solilas to get back up again as well and noticed that his partner was now sitting at about 15 percent of his health. Barely in the yellow. But looking at Aereth, he too had to take a huge amount of damage from that action. Sitting at 25 percent, Aereth stood back up again and removed the dagger that was still sticking out from his side from his body.

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No words were spoken between the three players. All of them knew that this was a very dangerous situation for all of them. One mistake could mean certain death to all of them. Time was working against Aereth. The paralytic poison would only last a couple more minutes before the two paralyzed player would be able to move again. Putting this thoughts away for now, Aereth threw the dagger away and sped towards Tanor once more. Solilas was without a weapon and too low on health for a reckless attack, so for now it was only Tanor and Aereth again.

This time however, Tanor was much more careful with his movements and attack, wich indicated that he wouldn't fall for the same trick as the last time. Aereth needed to put him in a situation where he would be able to easily predict what Tanor would do next. Problem was just, getting him in such a situation...

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Aereth increased his attacking speed further and further until he was at his absolute maximum. At this point Tanor was parrying the strikes just by instinct, and found himself being pushed into a defensive style of combat. Speed. Speed was the only thing Aereth was far superior than Tanor. Even thought the current style which Aereth was using for this battle was very exhausting and drained his energy like crazy, he was able to make decent progress. The health points of Tanor were dropping further and further until the hit the 50 percent mark. From seemingly nowhere, Solilas appeared with another dagger in his hand, and moved in to attack Aereth from behind once again. His ability to conceal himself was outstanding, but the diversity of his attacks was practically non existent. "I don't fall for the same trick two times in a row." Aereth thought before stopping his furious assault.

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He immediately spun around, dodged the attack form Solilas, and buried his sword into his abdomen, and twisted his blade while it was still inside of Solilas. Because he found himself in a defensive fighting style, Tanor was slightly taken by surprise by the sudden stop of Aereth's assault, and thus was unable to do anything in time to prevent the certain death of his comrade.

The green player let out a short gasp, before scattering into thousands of tiny little polygons, and Aereth immediately faced Tanor again with nothing in his eyes. No guilt, no regret, just a strong look of determination. "Now you've made me angry." Tanor boasted and removed his cloak and sturdy armor. Before the cloak hit the ground Tanor vanished and sped towards Aereth. Now it was Aereth who found himself surprised at the speed Tanor was charging at him. Tanor had removed all of his protection to gain a huge boost in his speed stat...

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With about the same speed as Aereth, Tanor was now furiously attacking Aereth with everything he had. Sword arts mixed with non sword art attacks, quick doges paired with strong blows, that sent Aereth a couple of inches back, every time he parried on of them. Tanor definitely had the health point advantage as well, sitting at about 40 percent while Aereht's health was now reaching the 15 percent mark. "No more parrying, I need to dodge every hit from now on." the brunette thought, while parrying the last hit of the strong DPS unit. 

With a strong jump Aereth pushed himself back from where he was standing at the moment, flying towards a nearby tree, pushed himself away again and crashed into Tanor, burying his sword deep into the side of the furious warrior. His health dropped to 25 percent, and he lost the grip of his sword. "This is my chance." 

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This time Aereth wasn't as stupid as to engage the bulky man in a stall war. For this his health points were way to low, and he would need a little buffer before interrogating one of the paralyzed players. Swiftly Aereth got back up again rose his blade once more and dug it deep through the heart of Tanor. With a small grin on his lips, Tanor spoke his last words before he would scatter into the very same tiny little polygons as Solilas did mere moments ago. "You really think this will stop us. Like I said before, the very moment you decided to jump down that tree and attacked us you signed you own death. You. Are. Dead." after that he was gone. The scattering noise that Aereth knew so well sounded through his head of a some more moments, and  after the sounds died down, there was once again only the sound of the wind and the chirping of the birds.

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There he was with barely more than 10 percent of his full health remaining. He had won another battle, but it never was as close as it got this time. Shaking his head he immediately moved over to the still paralyzed players and asked in a calm and stone cold voice. "Which one of you knows more about your little gang of kidnappers? Maybe I'll spare one of you if the information you give me is good." Silence. "Well, then I'll just start like this." He rose his blade and randomly dug it through Tristard's chest. The red player winced once and his health points slowly started to fall, but Tristard still didn't move a millimeter. Letting go of the hilt of his sword, Aereth moved over to the other red player, and fetched two potions out of his inventory. Aereth downed one of them which turned out to be a minor health potion, which put him back into the yellow zone, and then forcefully inserted the other potion into the mouth of the red player.

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