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[OP-F1] The fish is a lie

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The suns light was shining brightly of the still water in the lake, Max had been here for hours still and his fishing line was as still as the lake surface. I beat this lake doesn't even have any fish it in, at least I can catch a nap around here without having to hear boars being slaughtered. Max still wasn't use how real everything in the game felt even after being here for days, the sun in his eyes the breeze from the lake, if he closed his eyes he could swear he was in the real world on a camping retreat. I wonder why i never did this in the real world is so relaxing and I dont have to do anything thing but wait.

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As the sun begins to dip below the horizon Max awakens from his slumber by the lake. I could get use to this life no schedule to follow no boss to harp on you for taking naps, but there is still the problem of my level I can't fall behind or all the fun challenges will be solved with me Max let out a sigh as he started to stretch, stand up and collect his fishing pole. I know I saw a few insects monsters in the forest on my way here, might as well take the long route back to get some pointless violence into. Max drew his sword and started heading down the path towards the west.

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