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PP/F2) Finding the Lost child («Let There Be Light»)

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Sighing, Sky walked through the town on the second floor, minding his own business. He had nothing planned for today, he didn't have a job yet, or anything worthwhile, but he might soon! And as for quest wise, well.... he didn't really have any he wished to do except for relax. 

What a peaceful-

His train of thought was quickly distored when he saw a crying Girl, from what he could tell, a NPC girl.... running towards him? He couldn't help but be a little shocked as he watched the AI come over putting arms on his shoulder.

"Please, help me!!! My child was playing with a friend in a cave, but they got attacked! Her friend told me that she was still inside! Please, find my child, please!!!" She says to him, wimpering on his shoulder. Sky was really shocked, but he nodded his head, reacting just as he would any other way. He didn't care if this was just an NPC, this was.... it was just an AI, but he was going to help this girl.

"Calm down, il find your daughter, wait here and il bring her to you" He replies, before seeing his quest log update. The woman thanked him before he walked away, opening his menu. He wasn't strong enough to fight yet, sure, he had levelled up a bit, but he wasn't really... comfortable trying to fight yet. He opened the menu for his guildmates, and sent a message to the leader @Atzo, and one of the high Council, @Vargas.

Got a quest i could use some help with, NPC mother's child lost in a cave. Would appreciate some help mates



Edited by Stryder
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Vargas rushed from his room on the first floor and down the stairs of the inn. He equipped his cloak right away and ran out the door, to the main square. He had just got a message from Stryder about a quest. Apparently, a little kid got lost in a cave and he wanted some help. Sure, it was an NPC and would probably remain there even if they did nothing about it for a week, but that was in normal games. Vargas had seen times when NPCs acted beyond what you would expect from their scripting. Hell, if the players could die in real-life from dying in-game, what's to stop something stupid happening to the NPCs too.

Once Vargas reached the teleport platform he called out, "Urbus" and was in the game teleportation system before materializing on the second floor. "Where is he?" Vargas voiced our loud as he looked around for Stryder. Stepping off the platform he walked at a quick pace, not wanting to accidentally run by the guy.

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Atzo sat in his study, feet on the desk. The window was open, there was a nice mountain breeze blowing in. Today was his day off and he intended to take advantage of it. Suddenly a notification popped up. Who the hell was messaging him today? He sighed and opened the message. “Oh” he said to himself “Stryder found the Let There Be Light quest, I guess I have no choice.” Atzo equipped Misguidance, The Cloak of the Changing Tides, The Armour of the Damned and his leather coat. He then walked over to his potions shack and grabbed his first creation. “Alright, here goes nothing” He then sprinted for the next hour and a half, making it to the safezone in record time. Seeing Vargas but not Stryder he approached the fox. “S’up?” Atzo said “So should I ring his neck now or later? I thought I made it clear that today was my day off”


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Where were they?

Sky was pacing, waiting for the two people he had called down to him. He knew he was over reacting, it was only an NPC, but he still knew he NEEDED to help her. He groaned, looking around frantically before spotting his guildmates, though something seemed up with of one of them, Atzo. He seemed a little... pissed. He tried to think about why, but he had no idea about what might be causing him issues.

Running up to them, he puts on a brave face to not show how anxious he was, and how much he was over reacting about the fact that an NPC was in trouble. He really wanted to help, and it was jsut an NPC.... if this had been a real person, Sky wondered just how much more worried he would have been.

"Hey guys, thanks for coming to help" He thanked them.

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Turning to see Atzo approach him, Vargas waved as he looked around for Stryder. "Not much. Looking for Stryder currently." Looking around he still wasn't spotting him. His attention was drawn away from looking when Atzo asked about wringing Stryder's neck. "When was that? I don't recall anything about a day off being announced or anything," Vargas asked, confused at this statement. He didn't know of anytime that Atzo had made mention of that.

At the sound of Stryder's voice he turned to see him running up to them. "Hey Stryder, no problem. You asked for help so I rushed over here as fast as I could," Vargas responded as Stryder approached them. "Do you know where the cave is that we need to go to? I haven't done the quest before so I have no idea where we need to go." It was easy to assume he knew where the cave would be since he was the one to receive the quest. The game was likely to prompt the location of the quest on his map.

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Atzo chuckled at Vargas, it was clear that Atzo was not really angry “I thought I had sent it out in a message to the High Council. I probably forgot though. And as they say, No rest for the wicked.” Stryder approached them “I know where the cave is, I have taken this quest…. What is it? Four times now? I donno something like that.” Atzo was abnormally relaxed today, he had a feeling that the other two would be thrown off, but he didn't care. It was his day off, he wasn’t going to let a quest change that. “Follow me you two, It is this way” He walked out of the safezone in the opposite direction of his mansion. He was at a slow trot, knowing vargas he would probably try to rush Atzo but Atzo wasn’t about to move much faster. It wasn’t like the kid was going anywhere.


Edited by Atzo
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Sky was a little curious about how Atzo seemed so calm, sure it was just an NPC, but still..... what if it had been a real person? He shook his head, just smiling back, before realizing what he was saying about a day off. He gulped, glad that his boss wasn't pissed, but he suddenly felt bad for having dragged him out of his mansion on a day like this.

"Sorry Atzo, never got the memo" He replied, shrugging a little, and before he could answer Vargas, he watched as Atzo took charge, leading the way. Sky shrugged, deciding instead of fighting it to just follow. He wished they would be moving faster though... But after dragging him out on his free day, he wasn't about to annoy him.

"So, is this quest easy?" He asked Atzo, curious about weather or not he should be worried. He doubed he did, but he wanted to be sure.

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Vargas followed behind Atzo, along with Stryder, since he apparently knew the direction of the quest. He'd already taken the quest, so finding the girl would likely be easy since he'd know exactly where to look. Vargas wanted to move a little faster and find the girl as soon as possible. Though, with the pace they were going and him not knowing the location, he was just going to have to hang tight and follow behind Atzo.

He didn't know what the quest required, other than finding the girl, or the average clear time of most players. "What should we expect for the quest if you've already done it? I guess you'll know exactly where to go to find the girl as well,"[/color' Vargas said, adding on to Stryder's question. It was best that they all knew what they needed so they could finish quickly and Atzo could go back to resting on his day off.

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“Depends, how well can you see in the dark?” Atzo knew the answer was ‘I can't’ but that was what the potion was for. Atzo gave the two the hand signal he had taught the guild member for follow and continued walking. “So, how have you two been? Keeping busy?” Atzo was never good at small talk and honestly despite making it but he didn't know what else to say right now, there was nothing really for him to discuss with them. Perhaps they would have questions for him, he would be happy to answer anything they asked. But they already knew this. The world around them was bustling with wildlife. Birds chirping, deer running past them. It was a perfect day to be walking in the woods. Atzo muttered a prayer under his breath “Great Spirit, I thank thee for this opportunity to see the natural world as you had made in many moons ago.”


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See in the dark.... it was a dark cave.... Sky groaned and sighed. He didn't like caves to much, but... guess he had no choice if he wanted to do this quest. He wished he had the Search and Detect mod 'Night Vision' but he wasn't getting that for awhile, he had to much to get before hand that was a lot more useful, like the search and detect skill itself!

"Iv been busyish. Been trying to help who i can, and trying to get my tailor some buisness, but haven't gotten any yet" He says to Atzo, sighing after 'yet'. He had been crafting when, and what he could, but so far he had only made three items that worked, two of which were just vanity, and one of which was a shirt that increased his loot chance. He had that one equipped, just in case he managed to beat a mob, or if he messed up in sewing, which he had a chance to get his material back... he was already getting low and wished he had more.

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He couldn't see in the dark at all. At least, not easily by some contrast of natural vision. His eyes could adjust to the difference over time but it would still be dark in a cave the further they went. He still needed to get his Search and Detect but since he was now the Tank Leader for the Emerald Harbringers he needed to also get aground skills and mitigation. "I've been good. Mostly exploring the floors and chopping down mobs for experience," he replied. There wasn't a whole lot that he had done. So far he'd just focused on raising his level so he could unlock more skill slots and ranks to his skills. "What about you Atzo? What've you been up to, besides the meeting and recruitments you've pulled up for us recently?" Surely there was more that Atzo could tell them about himself, though when he thought about it there was plenty for all of them to share about themselves. It was whether they wanted to share or not and Vargas still wasn't one to share everything.

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Atzo smiled at Stryder. “I am proud of you bud, I am glad you took my advice from the first time we met. And I am sure your business will take off eventually, you will just need to work at it.” They were getting close, Atzo knew that, it wasn't going to be a horrible thing but it was going to be a challenge. “As far as what I have been doing, primarily I have been working on my poetry, I tend to write when I have free time, try and keep my touch from when I was in the real world.” He had made some good progress though he also didn’t have a whole lot of free time these days. So many people needed help and he didn’t want to say no. It was better to put himself aside and work through his problems on his time while other people were in need. Some times those day he helped others would help him in solving his own problems.


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Sky beamed up more then he would have expected when Atzo said he was proud of him. He was honestly surprised by how much he actually liked Atzo, but he just shrugged it off, not wanting to seem weird. When he said his business would start up, he sighed, having a good feeling that everyone would just go to the skilled tailors instead of himself. He shrugged at that though, thinking about just selling to the guild.

"You write poetry?" He asked, not in a mean way, but in a serious and curious way. He would never have guessed this big oaf to have a soft spot for poetry. He kept his laughter inside, deciding it wasn't best to say outloud.

"Are we nearly there...."



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