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[F1-PP]Wisp Tamer(Shield)

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Another long day in the Town of Beginnings. Although she had gained some decent levels, Yuurei had found a liking to the first town in the game. It was familiar and full of life every day no matter what was going on. She was enjoying her newly made armor too. It was enhanced to allow her to deal more damage as she hit her enemies. Beyond that, she was a bit bored. There wasn’t much for her to do at the moment.

Walking along the outskirts of the Town of Beginnings, Yuurei encounters a woman dressed in some odd clothing. It was a nice change of pace from the stagnant day-to-day. The woman explains to Yuurei what ‘familiars’ are and how she can obtain one for herself. This was a cool idea. It would be pretty fun to have a companion for lonely trips with other players can’t join her.

Yuurei opened her HUD and pulled up her friends-list. Only one name shown through the opaque menu ‘Shield’.

“Hey, I’m questing for a familiar, wanna tag a long?” She messaged him.

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Shield was just cleaning up in his shop when he got a ping in his inbox. He checked his messages and saw a name he wasn't expecting to encounter again so soon. After giving the message a quick read, he sent a message back to her.

"I'll be there. Send me the details of the floor and what you're looking to snag, and I'll meet you at the gate in an hour."

With a little extra time for preparation, he managed to close up his shop and make its way to the rendezvous. With an extra hoist, he pulled Norbert more securely up onto his back, his turtle friend flailing slowly in its leather sling.

"Just settle yourself down," he said to the familiar. "We've got places to be."

He took his place by the wall next to the teleportation plaza, keeping an eye out in the crowd for Yuuri.

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It took some time, but within the next ten minutes, Yuurei found herself at the teleportation pad on Floor 1. The familiar figure stood facing away from her and easily identifiable turtle strapped to his back. He seemed to have been waiting for some time, which made her feel a bit bad for making him wait. She jogged the short distance between them to speed herself up at least a little bit.

“Shield!” She said waving him down to get his attention. It was hard to miss her at least: White hair, short on height, emerald dress blazen with the white symbol across the skirt. “Hey, good to see you. I know it hasn’t been very long, but this will be fun. I haven’t really filled up my friends-list at all, so you’re the only person I have to call. We won’t be expecting much combat this time. We’re going to get me a familiar.”

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"So you said," he replied. "Any idea where we're wanting to look or what we're looking for? And what do you want your familiar to do?"

He was already deep in his menus, pulling up information he had on the various animal life of the many floors of Aincrad. There wouldn't be any issue if they ran into trouble, so the only concern was the beast she had in mind.

Meanwhile, Norbert was busy grumbling on Shield's back. To quiet him, Shield pulled the little bag of bait fish from his inventory and began feeding them to Norbert one at a time. He snapped a little harder and louder than necessary, which told him that the turtle was not in a good mood, big surprise, but the food quieted him some. He was happy with Norbert, but at the same time, there was a large part of him that hoped they'd be able to find her a more friendly companion.

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ID# 81133

Rolled a 19 on the LD

Materials found 1


Wait, were familiars not just accessory? The two gathered what they might need and headed for the city’s edge where they would exit the safe zone. She hadn’t given any thought to what kind of companion she would want to take with her. What would really even suit her?

“I’m not even sure what kind of companion would suit me as a player. And what are you talking about ‘want it to do’? Is a familiar not just aesthetic?” She asks letting her noob colors fly. A lot of mechanics of the video game confused her immensely and she wasn’t sure if she would be able to adapt quickly enough. “I think I would prefer something not-so-standard. Something related to spirits or ethereal beings.”

Walking past a patch of grass, Yuurei happened to noticed a grouping mass of moss with a tag for a material. She took a moment to reach down and collect it before continuing on.

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ID# 81165 results: Loot: 11 + 3 item + 1 skill + 1 skill item = 16 - +1 Material (1 total)

Shield had forgotten how much explaining it had taken on their previous quest. It was rare for people to take this particular quest without knowing exactly what they were getting themselves into.

"Oh boy..." he said aloud, trying to think through where this put them. "Well, this might be a long search, unless you really are content with a vanity familiar."

As they walked, Shield's Seeking Aura began to cast a subtle glow on his shoulder, which he interpreted as a detection of something useful. He spotted a piece of iron ore along the road and picked it up before continuing.

"Familiars have the ability to complement your build without taking up inventory slots," he said, trying to find the words to explain it. "They can give you bonuses like an item would, and yet they don't count against how many items you can equip. Take Norbert for example," he said, pointing with a thumb  over his shoulder and quickly moving it to avoid the snapping jaws that pursued it. "He gives me a damage mitigation bonus. The problem is that such familiars can be very hard to come by."

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  • 3 years later...

The samurai examined the area for anything else useful. Her first attempt at searching was pretty lucky since she was able to find something, but now it was looking rather barren to find items. With a sigh, she continued looking around for the familiar that she needed. Still nothing specific came to mind, but she would surely find something cool to work with as long they kept looking.

"So, if Norbert there can help you protect yourself, does that mean I could find a familiar that helps me deal more damage, and then use those enhancements on my sword something else on top of that? Wow, it sounds almost essential to any build to have a familiar then. Without one, you're basically just wasting your enhancement slots on your main equipment for something that you could have as an ever-present effect."

What type of familiar would suit helping her deal damage? Keep looking, you'll find something useful.




Materials not found.

Total Materials found: 1


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