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[SP-F11] Getting the mats in the forest

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Dominion had waited long enough for the day to reach the higher floors. Enma on his right shoulder, his unbuttoned shirt unbuttoned as usual with no stains from combat. Now, Dominion was on a semi-mission of his own accord. He needed to get some tier 2 materials for making a new weapon, and one that he would become proficient with almost immediately. Dominion arrived on the eleventh floor, his eyes looking from side to side. This place was almost exactly like the cities in Britain and Italy. Large buildings, paved stone streets. Dominion had a small flash back, and it was one that he remembered very well. He was in the slums of the city with his father, hidden away in a small building of sorts. Dominion had acquired several vegitibles from venders in the surrounding area and began to place them on a black pot thing. When he touched that pot, however, his hand quickly flashed with burning pain. He couldn't understand how it had happened, but he rarely cooked for himself after that point.

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