Shield 0 Posted April 4, 2017 #1 Share Posted April 4, 2017 (edited) Shield frowned as he looked over his inventory as he sat on the teleportation plaza of his home floor, eleven. Despite gathering materials as often as he could, he was cutting it closer than he liked at the moment, which meant he had more important things to do before going home to make his daily appraisals. Spending time in the field soley focused on collecting materials always seemed like such an inefficient use of time to him. If he was going to be out, he wanted to be questing. He saw where that mindset had gotten him though, and with a sigh, began plotting an expedition. "If I can find someone who's a gatherer and who doesn't mind sharing, that could make better use of the time," he thought aloud, scrolling through his contact list. He didn't even make it out of the A's before he found a likely candidate. "Anemone. Well, she's definitely qualified. I'll see what she thinks." He thought through a choice of floors before settling on what seemed the best option. "It is a little more fun when you're looking for interesting materials. Lightning sand has always been a fascination of mine... so I suppose fifth floor it is." He opened up his HUD to compose a message to Anemone. "I was thinking of gathering some materials on the fifth floor. Might find a dungeon too, while we're at it. Mind helping me look? You're better spec'ed for it than I am." With that, he closed his menus and stepped onto the departure platform. "Floor five!" @Anemone Edited April 7, 2017 by Shield Link to post Share on other sites
Anemone 0 Posted April 5, 2017 #2 Share Posted April 5, 2017 (edited) Anemone had been awake for a while. Sun shine on her face, body radiantly glowing from a fresh shower and a clean and pristine image of her new self. Anemone, the newest member of the Knights of the Blood Oath had been accepted into the guild as one of their own and as a Support Character. Despite the backlash the guild has been known from, she wanted to set a bright new example for the guild and that means helping anyone and everyone in this world. A smile on her face, the woman had received a message from Shield, a person she knew as a reliable tank as per their meeting during another day of material gathering. Her face had a radiant smile as she scrolled the contents of the message, and replied with haste letting him known that she will be there. Little did Anemone know when she had reached floor five, she was met with the uncomfortable blasting of hot wind and sand. Her onset of it was just another challenge to get through that will make her stronger, hopefully. She had found Shield and his armor not too far off from the destination. Her boots slipped through sand as she marched across the city establishment, "Greetings, Sir Shield!" she said with a happy wave catching his attention. The young woman bobbed up and down as she reached him and breathed in slowly, "Had I known this was the infamous desert floor, I would have been more prepared. But I suppose it's just another challenge given." Upon her upper right breast of her garment, the decorated cross of the KoTB showed in the blistering sunlight, along with the accented colors of her new guild. She was now a proud member of the Knights, and she even wore a new style of hair with crimson strands to signify this new change physically. "I will do my best to help gather materials for you today. I don't believe the desert has much in terms of food materials, but I do have a request since I am offering my services. All that I ask...Is that we have some fun today!" She clapped her hands, did he think she might ask him for something else? She would never trade her skills for some kind of payment when it means that it might help someone down the road later on. She was unsure of Shield's profession, but that didn't mean he didn't need a healthy supply of materials. "Shall we be off?" ID: 81329 LD: 14+ 8 = [+4 T1 Materials] With a confident stride the woman started off the journey and barely getting out of the town she had collected several items of note that could be used for something or another. Turning to Shield, "We might have some very good luck today, Sir @Shield." Edited April 5, 2017 by Anemone Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted April 5, 2017 Author #3 Share Posted April 5, 2017 (edited) "Well, you may be a Knight of the Blood Oath," Shield said, pointing to the blazoned emblem on her uniform with the faintest traces of a grin, which for him was very much an expressive gesture, "but I'm hardly a knight myself. I didn't call you up here just for you to 'sir' me. You can just call me by my name." Spoiler ID# 81331 results: Loot: 16 + 3 item + 1 skill point + 1 skill item = 21 - +1 Material! (1 total) The dunes, the wind, and the heat were all familiar to him, but that didn't mean that he liked them at all. He constantly stared at the ground, using his map to navigate rather than his eyes. As luck would have it, he encountered an oddity on the ground, a pock mark in the sand that stuck up a little ways. "Ah, this is what we're looking for," he said, rubbing his hands together before retrieving the item. It seemed to be a lumpy rod of solidified sand with little hints of a reflective surface beneath. "A fulgurite. The result of a lightning strike in sand. Fascinating little things." He pocketed the item into his inventory before continuing on beside @Anemone. Edited April 5, 2017 by Shield Link to post Share on other sites
Anemone 0 Posted April 5, 2017 #4 Share Posted April 5, 2017 (edited) Anemone had taken a step or two closer to Shield and examined the item in his hand before her pocketed it away, "Fulgurite. That is quite interesting. I never heard of sand solidifying by strikes of lightning. That is quite intriguing." The woman had smelled of cherries, but her perfume was becoming bland by the hot shifting of the winds and the turning over of sand. The heat was remarkable and she was happy as can be that she wore her hair up on a day like this one. Coating her lips with her tongue to keep it moist, the woman smiled and nodded, "Mack said the same thing. He does not like to be called Sir, but it's not because you are Knightly or not. It's just a form of respect. I called everyone ma'am and sirs back in the real world." That small smile slowly faded when her arms shifted from her back to her front, it was hard to do this every day, being in this game. It was a constant reminder how much she missed the ones left behind. "But if you insist, Shield." ID: 81332 LD: 6+ 8 = Nothing here The Healer brought her hands together to her forefront and moved across the sand once more with the blazing hot sun down on them. The woman lifted her hand and attempted to blow a cool breeze towards her face as she 'glowed,' because women do not sweat of course, "It is hotter than the dickens out here, isn't it?" Her eyes searched through the sand, peering with her keen red eyes. However those fulgurite crystals might be very difficult to find since the sand was so fine and it camouflaged well with the grains. Other than searching for materials, she was unsure of how to approach a topic of discussion with the Tank. "Oh! I nearly forgot. But, how have you been doing Shield? Getting enough rest in between all this..." she used her hands to gesture the world around them. @Shield Edited April 5, 2017 by Anemone Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted April 5, 2017 Author #5 Share Posted April 5, 2017 (edited) Spoiler ID# 81333 results: Loot: 15 + 3 item + 1 skill point + 1 skill item = 21 - +1 Material! (2 total) "If there's one thing I don't do enough of, it's rest," Shield admitted, giving a slight shrug. "I can't complain though. Beat and I have finally begun making a name for ourselves on the front lines, at least in the process of searching for boss rooms and the like. Actually beating said bosses may be a little ambitious still, but we're getting there." He nudged through the sand with his toes as he walked until his foot caught on something solid. Bending down, he grabbed hold of the hard something and pulled another fulgurite from the ground. This one was more intricate than the last, the lightning having clearly forked as it lanced down through the layers of sand. "Already off to a good start, I'd say," he said, holding up the item for @Anemone to see before storing it away. "Anyways, how about you? Sounds like you've been settling into a new position." Edited April 5, 2017 by Shield Link to post Share on other sites
Anemone 0 Posted April 5, 2017 #6 Share Posted April 5, 2017 (edited) Anemone's head bobbed up and down as she listened to Shield and how he was possibly not getting as much rest as he should be, she knew that feeling as well with her new responsibilities, "I know what you mean. I find myself twisting and turning a lot at night. Mostly because I am thinking of home and wanting to be back there. I miss my room, my books, my family...There is much I miss. BUT, I am also very well focused on what I need to do here as well. Should I be consumed by my thoughts, I fear I will be soon be defeated. The Knights keep me moving though and being a Support and Healer I have my work cut out for me. I shall be joining the front lines myself. To make sure everyone can make it back home safely." Fanning herself once more, the once morbidly shy woman began searching around in the sand. Bright red eyes tracing over thin grains as she stared and burrowed through the sand with her piercing vision, "Do you...ever dream of being back home again, Shield? I'm sorry if that sounded a little too personal. I mean, I am sure you do. Why else would you be fighting for survival day in and day out. Especially at your growth, you must really want to go back. Something important?" ID: 81334 LD: 18+ 8 = [+4 T1 Materials (8 Total)] With all the wind blasting around and the hot air creeping over her neck, the woman shivered defiantly from the grains of sand getting under her garb making it very uncomfortable. She had stopped and collected a rather large fulgurite, but it was easily broken up into pieces as she sent them into her satchel. She smiled broadly with her discovery and noticed a spiky cactus. "Oh boy, you think there might be some water stored in that? I could go for a cold drink of water. Not that I am not enjoying my time with you, Shield. But perhaps, next time when you call, pick a more comfortable location?" She giggled softly into her hands, but she was happy that she was called by him. This could be a nice stepping stone for a tighter friendship perhaps. @Shield Edited April 5, 2017 by Anemone Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted April 5, 2017 Author #7 Share Posted April 5, 2017 (edited) Spoiler ID# 81356 results: Loot: 13 + 3 item + 1 skill point + 1 skill item = 21 - +1 Material! (3 total) Shield frowned, squinting through the sand as particles stung his cheeks and the wind bit at his quickly drying eyes. Still nothing but sand and sky. Perhaps they would find a dungeon elsewhere. In any case, in the mean time, Shield was faced with the inquiry of real life and what he was fighting for. He thought about his answer for a few long moments. "Don't take it personally, but I think I'm going to choose to leave that one unanswered for now," he said, fussing with the sand at his foot in search of more items. "I tend to share that information on a need to know basis, with very few exceptions." He continued trudging up the next dune, pausing at the top and braving the worst of the sand-blasting wind to examine the high point. His foot snagged once again, and he knelt to the ground, using his hands to excavate the buried formation of natural glass and sand before storing it away. "Yes, I'm aware it's not the most pleasant environment," he said with an apologetic half-smile. "There are chances for dungeons on this floor though, and since I'm nearly out of quests that I can complete without other front liners practically carrying me, dungeons are quickly becoming my only chance for solid experience." @Anemone Edited April 5, 2017 by Shield Link to post Share on other sites
Anemone 0 Posted April 5, 2017 #8 Share Posted April 5, 2017 (edited) "My apologies, Shield." The woman had dropped the subject. Chalk it up to her to be incapable of not talking about something so personal. She sighed mentally and nodded her head, he was very much on getting stronger with his stats. But all the game really does when it comes to levels means beefing up your hit points and energy pool. There really was no 'getting stronger' in this world unless you were lucky with what were they called? Demonics? Uniques? The woman lowered her head and shrugged, she didn't need anything like that unless it helped saved more people. So in a way, if she wanted to be greedy for anything it would be to save more lives, but she too knew that the comfort of having a higher HP pool meant surviving another hit although she had been safe so far without falling into the hands of combat. Running a finger along her outer collar, the woman 'glowed' with a sheen as she set her eyes on the sand. After her little mishap of digging too much into Shield, she seemed a little less talkative. Maybe she could make it up to him with what he wanted, a Dungeon or another. She would keep her eyes peeled for such a thing. Until then, he also needed materials. Hopefully she could make it all up with some extra items at the end of the trip. ID: 81372 LD: 19+ 8 = [+4 T1 Materials (12 Total)] Another lucky hit as she bent over and brushed her hands across the sand revealing another large piece of this fulgurite rock. Lifting the heavy object, she was able to break it into numerous pieces once again stashing them into her satchel. She looked up and dusted her hands free of the sand and smiled back to Shield, then immediately looked away. What else was there to say? awkward... @Shield Edited April 5, 2017 by Anemone Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted April 5, 2017 Author #9 Share Posted April 5, 2017 (edited) Shield was no stranger to quiet. In all reality, it was a big part of why he and Beat had relocated their shops to their home on the eleventh floor. It was useful being around so many players, but it also was tiresome on some days. The wind howled over the dunes, stinging his face with more and more airborne particles as he squinted at the ground for his quarries. Spoiler ID# 81374 results: Loot: 16 + 5 = 21 - +1 Material! (4 total) Working their way down between the dunes, Shield found a column of hardened glass protruding from the side of a slope, uncovered with the shifting of the sand in the high desert winds. He picked the item up, examining its crooked, bubbling shape, mainly tinged the same color as the sand that had hardened into the outside of it, but with glimpses of the actual glass between the grains. He turned his eyes skyward, squinting to keep out the sand. Despite the harsh environment, this was honestly the perfect balance of productivity and quiet time for him. At the moment, things felt right with the world, if they could ever really be said to be. Edited April 5, 2017 by Shield Link to post Share on other sites
Anemone 0 Posted April 6, 2017 #10 Share Posted April 6, 2017 (edited) ID: 81527 LD: 11+ 8 = [+4 T1 Mats (16 Total)] Hot wind bounced around the female as she shielded her face with the cloth of her cape tails. Red eyes burned through the sand but it wasn't able to stop her of deviate her focus from finding materials. With every few feet they walked there was another cluster of these fulgurites which meant more items for Shield. Brushing the sand away with her hands, the woman sat there and collected the items and placed them in her satchel. She took in a heavy draw of air into her lungs and exhaled slowly, sweeping away her hair and the heat from her brows attempting to not smear any of her makeup. Raising to one knee and then and then standing up altogether, the female smiled to herself and kept on going. Seems like Shield had preferred the company of silence above all else, she wouldn't mind so much if that was his wish to work in a more peaceful environment, she probably would talk his ear off now if she wasn't so afraid to start another conversation with him. The last one though, didn't turn out so well. Patting her satchel and eyes moving across the sand, she would straighten up and move on once more. @Shield Edited April 6, 2017 by Anemone Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted April 6, 2017 Author #11 Share Posted April 6, 2017 (edited) Spoiler ID# 81528 results: Loot: 18 + 5 = 23 - +1 Material (5 total) Shield's earring seemed to have been glowing almost constantly from the number of items the two of them had found, and after dusting off the top layer of sand, he found yet another just below the surface. He stashed it away, straightening up and glancing across the tops of the dunes. "There have been an almost suspicious amount of these out here," he mused aloud. "That could be for any number of reasons. One, they could not know what they are and so they just build up over time. Two, there could have been a recent lightning storm out here. Or three, nobody comes to this godforsaken floor for anything other than quests." In all honesty, none of those options would have surprised him. Fulgurites were hardly something that people talked about in casual conversation, and this was hardly the most pleasant floor to spend one's time on. He brushed the long strands of dark hair from his face, hoping sweat might help keep them in place, but the wind had something to say about that, blowing them right back. @Anemone Edited April 6, 2017 by Shield Link to post Share on other sites
Anemone 0 Posted April 7, 2017 #12 Share Posted April 7, 2017 (edited) ID: 81564 LD: 11+ 8 = [+4 T1 Materials (20 Total)] Anemone had turned and swept some moisture from her brow as she turned to look at Shield. She smiled and nodded, "That seems a very likely scenario I think. This place is pretty hot, and I haven't seen any other players here in the desert yet. I wouldn't actually mind watching from a distance to see a lightning show in the desert maybe when its cooler? I think it might be something really beautiful and magical." The healer shifted her arms and stroked the sand once more finding another large piece of fulgurite before breaking it into pieces and into her satchel. She cleared her throat and fanned her face once more while looking back at Shield, "Must be our lucky day," she said patting her satchel full of materials, "I've got at least twenty pieces so far, was there a certain number of these that you were needing? I am not rushing you or anything, but I was curious if you had a certain number in mind. And you had mentioned a dungeon as well, did you not? I shall try to keep my eyes peeled, but this sand is becoming quite a nuisance." @Shield Edited April 7, 2017 by Anemone Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted April 7, 2017 Author #13 Share Posted April 7, 2017 (edited) Spoiler ID# 81565 results: Loot: 10 + 5 = 15 - +1 Material (6 total) Shield shook his head in response to her question. There had been no particular goal in mind. He was just running unusually low on his stores and needed to restock for his last push to rank five of his craft. "We could technically turn back any time," he said, giving her a shrug. "We'll likely still find more on our way back, especially if we take a slightly different route when we go. I'm not in any hurry though. It may be unpleasant, but Survival makes it at least bearable." He glanced around at the barren landscape. Although visually it was a good deal less interesting, it was much more pleasant temperature wise than the ninth floor. He had spent more than his share of time wandering around on the lava plains of that unbearable floor. This was nothing by comparison. As he walked, his foot caught on another glass formation, and he picked it up for storage. @Anemone Edited April 7, 2017 by Shield Link to post Share on other sites
Anemone 0 Posted April 7, 2017 #14 Share Posted April 7, 2017 (edited) ID: 81568 LD: 1+ 8 = broke Anemone nodded. She had not come to this floor that many times due to its dry heat and unforgiving sun. She fanned herself some more to cool her body down and then swept a sleeve over her brow and eyes to get the sting and sweat out. She huffed a bit as she looked onward and brought up her map and stopped, "It doesn't seem like there is anything special located around here. I got some map data from another person recently so I could have a mild idea of what this desert is like, but all of the data seems barren." Anemone continued her search, while Shield had been fortunate with another find she was now having some difficulty finding the shards of solidified sand. Drawing in a heavy breath, the woman let out an exasperated exhale, once more using her sleeve to sweep away a rolling bead of sweat. "Survival Skill, I was mentioned this before from Itzal and Sey, I really should get to work on perhaps getting that. I can barely stand the temperature on floor four as well. I prefer cozy autumn weather..." She said with a small smile on her face. But it was time to get abck to work and helping Shield with his material searches. @Shield Edited April 7, 2017 by Anemone Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted April 7, 2017 Author #15 Share Posted April 7, 2017 (edited) Spoiler ID# 81569 results: Loot: 5 + 5 = 10 - No materials (6 total) "It helps," Shield said, nodding to confirm the sentiments that she had already heard. "How do you know Itzal and Sey? They're actually guild mates of mine. They inducted Beat and I a while back." The area seemed to have run dry, neither he nor she having found anything of note in a little while. He motioned for her to follow and quickened his pace a little to get them back closer to the settlement. He did not know for sure whether a dungeon would be more or less likely to surface around the settlement, but he did know that being close to a settlement after finding one would make for a much more pleasant walk back, or rather, shorter. "Do you suppose it would be ironic or appropriate that the spot in the desert back there ran dry?" he asked, giving a little smirk at the little dad joke he had slipped in. His sense of humor surfaced from time to time, mainly due to the encouragement that Beat had provided. @Anemone Edited April 7, 2017 by Shield Link to post Share on other sites
Anemone 0 Posted April 7, 2017 #16 Share Posted April 7, 2017 (edited) ID: 81570 LD:7 + 8 = [+4 T1 Mats (24 Total)] Her arms swung behind her back and they began to move once more. At least moving seemed a little less hot and heavy than standing under one spot to allow all that sun to constantly beat down on her. She took in a sharp heavy breath and nodded, "I met Itzal on a quest. He accompanied to fight a Wasp Queen. And Sey I have met on a material gathering quest on the seventeenth floor. I nearly took his arm off as well when I was startled, he was quite heroic." She had fond memories of both people, they helped her out so much in getting her confidence. "The guild you are in is full of wonderful people. I believe you will certainly do well with those people at your back. I wish nothing more than your safety and good fortunes, Shield." When they were heading back, Anemone saw with a slight glint of the sun reflective over a solid piece of sand stone. She polished the sand away and lifted it up and placed it in her satchel, "Good thinking to move away. I believe we found all the good pieces." When Shield started to speak, there was a bit more of a human action to him than just the 'get stronger' feeling she felt from him. She placed a hand over her mouth and giggled, her eyes closing briefly before she cleared her throat and continued on her way to search still thinking about his joke. "You are quite clever, @Shield." Edited April 7, 2017 by Anemone Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted April 7, 2017 Author #17 Share Posted April 7, 2017 (edited) Spoiler ID# 81571 results: Loot: 11 + 5 = 16 - +1 Material (7 total) "Just trying to keep my mind occupied is all," he said, keeping his eyes focused on the sand around him to try to find more useful pieces. His toe continued to prod around in the sand, meeting something hard. He bent down to investigate, and sure enough, he found anothe hunk of the lightning sand. They had found a good spot once again. He picked up the item and stored it. "With them at my back," Shield repeated with a sigh. "Yeah, that sounds about right. Always at my back." The more time he had spent with the guild, the more that he questioned whether they had done much to contribute to any of the progress he had made since joining. He had even begun to wonder he would have made it just as far or even further without them. "I would definitely agree with you that they're good people," Shield admitted, though he was having trouble finding other assuring thoughts. @Anemone Edited April 7, 2017 by Shield Link to post Share on other sites
Anemone 0 Posted April 7, 2017 #18 Share Posted April 7, 2017 (edited) ID: 81573 LD: 8 + 8= [+4 T1 Materials (28 Total)] "Quite right, this heat can be terrible if you start thinking about it too much." The woman said, another long sigh and a sweep of her sleeve across her brow. The woman fanned herself yet again, she was not used to such temperatures like this or even being all hot and sweaty like this. It was not only uncomfortable but rather embarrassing as well. When Shield was explaining about the guild at his back, there seemed to be something of a tone in his voice. It was somewhat curious but she knew prying would probably fall on deaf ears. "Well, you have been working extraordinarily hard. You have already surpassed me no doubt. When you climb mountains as big as the ones you do, it will be much harder to find those who will be able to party with you on successful hunts. But if I may say..." the woman said, dropping to her knees and shuffling sand away from a small spot, she discovered another massive piece of the unique item. "If you ever need someone to come along with you anywhere, I am just an earshot away. Though we belong to different guilds, that doesn't mean we can't work together. Like we are now." She stood up dusting her pants clean of the sand and debris. Hands at her back, she smiled, "The invitation is always open. And...if you ever just want to talk, I am available for that too." @Shield Edited April 7, 2017 by Anemone Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted April 7, 2017 Author #19 Share Posted April 7, 2017 (edited) Spoiler ID# 81574 results: Loot: 5 + 5 = 10 - No materials (7 total) Shield gave a little half smile at her offers. Neither of which where entirely unwelcome, but he had no real idea where to begin. These were thoughts he was only just beginning to put into words himself, so definitely for now, it would be best to keep them to himself. That being said, he knew that Beat might need to hear those thoughts, and would likely echo them. "It's kind of you to offer," he said, finding more pay dirt with his foot and bending down to collect the naturally occurring oddity. "It's one I'll consider." That was as much as he could offer in the mean time. The woman was kind, but she was also still largely an unknown. Also, as she had observed, she was from a rival guild. He had never perceived any animosity between them. Still, aside from the generality of them being on the same side against the game and more specifically on the same side of boss fights, cooperation between guilds seemed sparse. @Anemone Edited April 7, 2017 by Shield Link to post Share on other sites
Anemone 0 Posted April 7, 2017 #20 Share Posted April 7, 2017 (edited) ID: 81575 LD: 4+ 8 = Nothing Here Anemone lifted her hand took her cheek and smiled, "Of course. I would want to help any many people as I can to be honest. Our colors might be different, but we are still humans and we still strive for a way out of this game." The woman patted her head down with her sleeve and took in a hefty amount of air into her lungs, "I think I am nearing my limit for this heat. Unfortunately, I don't think I see any odd sand formations which could lead to something more adventurous. Perhaps on another floor where I am not baking alive I would be more help to you." The woman shifted and placed a hand over her neck, the town was so close she could just feel the shade from one of the establishments within. Red eyes on safezone, she turned to @Shield and smiled, "As promised! All the materials I have gathered may go to you. Despite the heat, I actually had fun and it was rather educational. Thank you for a pleasant day. We should do it again." ::Anemone Trades:: x28 T1 Materials to Shield Edited April 7, 2017 by Anemone Link to post Share on other sites
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