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[F5-PP] The Things I Do For This Guild <<The Traveler>> (Hei, Atzo)

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<<The Traveler>>

This quest takes place on Floor 5
This quest is repeatable
This RP will not count in the benchmark

A mysterious NPC wearing a thick cloak that wraps around her entire body, including her face, approaches and explains that she has precious cargo in the depths of the deserts, hidden beneath the sand. She has become weak with sickness, and must rest. However, the goods must be recovered within two days. It's up to you to find it.

The trip into the desert will take a day and a night, so you must be prepared to survive. Once in the desert, you lose 10 points of health every time you roll a 1 on your crafting die due to the wind and the sand. If you manage to survive this quest and find the cargo, you will be gifted with the <<Survival>> extra skill.

This skill will give you the ability to survive harsh areas.


-At least two [2] Pages (21 or more posts)
- The cargo must be found
- Repeat completions will not reward the player with additional skill points.


  1. Survival: (Extra Skill) No Ranks. Passive. Effect: Increases the health you regenerate per post to 6 when out of combat. Survival also gives immunity to damage dealing environment effects.
  2. 1 Skill Point
Parties or Groups are encouraged and all party members participating can earn the skill. Health recovery items recommended.

Recommended Level: 10

Atzo read through his guild page once more, they saw him as a stalker some times, seeing he let tabs on them and would oh so frequently check them. There was one that he was specifically observing today, a new guild member, Hei. Atzo thought to the guild purpose, this man was a higher level then most new recruits, not that it mattered. Atzo took his feet of the desk in the study of his floor two Emerald Mansion. He had decided that he would help Her out a little bit. Do some treasure hunting, get the kid a very helpful skill. Atzo pulled up his HUD and sent Heh a message. Greeting Hei, I am going to be traveling to floor five to retake a quest. If you would like to join me, meet me in the floor five tavern in three hours and thirty minutes.” Sending the message, Atzo sprinted his three hour journey to the floor two safe zone to meet this new guild member.


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It wasn't long after Hei had joined the Emerald Harbringers, when Hei received a message from his new guild leader Atzo. The man was telling him that he was going to do a quest on fifth floor and asked him if he wanted to accompany him up there. - Looks like Atzo really is after his guilds system, helping the lower leveled and getting them involved with being active. Not the worst to happen, I should go and meet him, who knows when there will another chance this good -  Hei thought, still looking at the opened message. The last bit of the Message made him rethink this, as he had no idea how to get up there this quick, but there should be some way, so Hei made his way to the NPC he had visited quite often, the one who was giving away the beginner guide and who was also selling the notebooks he used in quite big numbers.

"Hello Markus, how is it going? " ho opened the chat, just to add "I need to get to the fifth floor, can you tell me how to get there?" Markus took some time before answering, then telling him, that there was a teleporting platform here in the town of beginnings, and also on the fifth floor, so there was the quick way of teleportation open for him, he had just to call out the name of the city he was going to teleport to.

With this information Hei said goodbye to Markus and left the marked district to get to the teleportation platform. Once he arrived he took place on it, then called out "Fortaleza" and the world around him got dark for a short time, then a bright light appeared and heat hit him like a punch in the face.

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Atzo motioned for Kikas to watch the teleporter while he went to inspect the edge of the town. The German shepherd sized three headed wolf sat watching the Teleporter as closely as she could, still looking very stoic. Atzo sent Hei another message “When you get to Floor 5 you will see Kikas, she will lead you to me.” Atzo found the correct path and the quest giver. Accepting the quest and inviting Hei he prepared to go back out into the heat of the desert. Already having the Survival skill he hoped that he would be okay this time, but he didn’t have high hopes. “I am curious to see who Hei is, it will be a very interesting thing to find out. I have a feeling he will be much like Stryder, though there is always differences.” Atzo thought as he waited at the south gate of the city. He hoped Hei had prepared for the heat.


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Hei just appeared at the teleportation gate in Fortaleza, hit by the heat the first thing he did was looking for shade, but there wasn't any right here. - I think I have to leave this plaza to get into shade, but first I should look for Kikas, who ever she is - So Hei looked around from the teleportation platform and his gaze fell onto a strange creature, just sitting there, watching the platform. - Might this be Kikas? Would Atzo send a dog/ wolf for me? - he was wondering, but the pure heat mad him take the opportunity to move out of the direct sunlight, so he walked over to the wolf creature and had a look at the creatures name tag, which really said Kikas. Before talking to the wolf Hei was changing a bit of his equipment, as it would be better to wear something helping with the sun, so he unequipped the dragon-gauntlets and put on the Cloak of Eyes, to shade himself a little. The light cloth was feeling cool and reduced the heat on his skin from the sun. Feeling ready for what ever would come, Hei approached the wolfish creature with a voice one would approach a small dog "Hello, are you Kikas? yes Kikas. Bring me to your master, where is Atzo, yes where is Atzo?"

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The rightmost head of Kikas seemed to scoff at being spoke to as she was but she lead Hei back to Atzo regardless. Seeing the two approach Atzo nodded at the man approaching and used a hand signal to call the three headed wolf back to his side. “Hello, Hei, it is a pleasure to meet you outside of a meeting. Seeing as the last time you saw me I was undoubtedly flustered. Still, I hope you are prepared for this, I don’t believe we will be fighting anything but I would be prepared just incase we get caught by something. Last time I took this my partner and I were stuck fighting a snake for much too long, Oh, and you may need these, let's hope that you don’t but it's better to be safe than sorry.” Atzo opened a trade request and sent Hei a health potion (+40 HP) “Seeing as you don’t yet have survival yet, it will get quite hot for you. Though by the end of today you shouldn’t have to worry about it.”

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Hei followed the three headed wolf through the town, his cloak's black hood deep into his face, so merely the hood eye was seen. The wolf lead him to Atzo, who greeted him as soon as he saw him, and also telling him that the quest would probably not involve fighting, but there still was the chance of a fight happening. Before Hei had a chance to greet Atzo as well, his guild leader opened a trade request sending a health potion over to him, commenting, that the heat could be hard to endure without the skill one could get from the quest they were doing right now. - It's nice of him to send me a healtpotion, even though I have prepared a little and brought my own. - And so Hei pressed the accept button that had appeared in front of him, and a healtpotion was added to his inventory. "Hey Atzo, nice to meet you out here, and I wasn't at the top of my self either. A warning about what kind of floor this one is would have been nice, then I could have crafted some light cloth for myself. And thank you for the potion, I have 3 of them by myself, but it is always good to be prepared."

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  • 1 month later...

Atzo chuckled “My apologies Hei, I had forgotten about the heat on this floor.” Atzo turned to the wilderness and began to walk, Kikas by his side seeming stoic and on guard. “I look forward to getting to know you better Hei. Who knows, you may have the makings to lead you to one day make it  to the top of the guild” The sun blazed down on the two as they traversed the sands. "You are looking for the merchandise so keep your eyes peeled.” As he said this he noticed an interesting cactus, the flower on it was beautiful, strangely such. Swiftly, Atzo cut it from its stem and placed it in his inventory. It was much more mild being on this floor now that Atzo had Survival. He hoped that Hei was doing alright, the sands had a way of inflicting a troublesome amount of pain. Atzo recalled the time he spent fighting a snake with Dominion while trying to gain this skill, and how the terrain did more damage to him then the actual battle did. And how long it took them to kill the damned thing.


 ID# 85765 

LD: 20+2(amulet)+1(S&D)

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When Atzo apologized for not telling him about the heat, Hei felt a little bad for making him apologize, as he could have informed himself about the floor where they where going.  - Wasn't it my Job to always be informed about what is going on? I should not stop doing my "homework" before I get into trouble. - he thought, as he said "It's not so bad, I have the cloak to protect my head from the sun and maybe I'll get my arms and legs tanned with all this sun and heat" he added with a chuckle. Shortly after that Atzo and his wolf turned towards the sandy and hot wilderness and began walking, so Hei followed him. Atzo told him that he was looking forwards to knowing him better and that Hei might one day get to the top of the guild. This was wondering Hei, as he had never been a guild person, and so he didn't know what qualified one to be top of the guild. "You say I could get to the top of the guild. So that my word counts when we plan what to do? So before I can do something like that, could you tell me about your plans for the guild at the moment. When we first met, you told us, that helping weaker players and getting stronger was what was important. I did both, but we need to get way stronger if we want to help clear the game. And when I help new people and think they might fit into the guild, might I invite them, or at least introduce them to you?" With all these questions Atzo might take some time to answer them.

In this time the two and a half of them are walking through the desert, and as Atzo tells him, that he needs to keep his eyes peeled he has a look at everything that surrounds them, as there might be a clue of there to find the wares the two of them where looking for. When Atzo stopped at a cactus Hei went to the next one, to have a look if there actually was something one could collect, but there was nothing but hard spikes he was not going to touch.


ID# 85803
Loot: 8+3 = 11 -> nothing found
Craft 5 -> no damage


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They hadn't been walking too long before Atzo was asked questions. He really didn't mind this, it was actually part of the job he very much enjoyed. “I like to think everyone's word found when we make plans regardless, I don't like to make any executive decision myself and I rely on my High Council to make a decision based on what their respective team says about that decision. The exception being when I call High Council meetings.” Atzo looked around for some materials as they walked though he focused most of his attention on Hei. “Our current plan is to take in New players and give them a place that they feel comfortable asking a more powerful player for help with a quest. We also want to be able to gather dungeon maps to sell to frontline guilds maybe one day even becoming a frontline guild ourselves. All of this will take time but as long as I have people willing to put the time in, I will match them as best I can. As for your last question, if you find a new player that you want to have join feel free to incite them or introduce them to me. I have no issue with either one, and the more people the merrier.” Atzo though he had answered everything, but had a feeling there were more questions to be asked. “anything else you have questions about, or would like to discuss me?”


ID# 85846

LD: 9+1(S&D)+2(Amulet)=12 (No mats)

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As they walked through the desert together, @Atzo answered all the questions he had asked him, about the guild and the plans he had for it. With all this information Hei had to think all this through before he could ask him more. - So the guild is lead by Atzo, but he is not deciding alone, all the players who are part of the high council can decide too. The high council members each lead a team with a different task, and they should communicate the teams opinion to Atzo. With this attempt, the guild is lead democratic, but with less people to ask in case it is important to have a quick decision. Our current goal is to find more low level players and get them to join, and get stronger, so we might one day be strong enough to help with the frontline stuff. - this seemed like a good idea of how a guild should work, and so Hei had no more questions of how the guild works, but one about himself and his position. "So I joined the guild to get stronger and help others, as I am a journalist, I joined the information team, but I don't know what to do as part of that team. And as you told me I might introduce people I could invite, there is a girl I will introduce to you, once we get out of this heat." that was all he had on his mind at the moment, and so he totally forgot to have a look for the cargo they were looking for.

When he remembered, that there was something they had to find he nearly panics and runs around the hot sand, looking for something that may be buried under the sand. By kicking away sand from a heap he finds some buried beetles, that look as if one could use their shells to craft something nice.



ID# 85857
Loot: 12+3 = 15 -> found mat
Craft: 7 -> no damage

+1 T1 material

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Perhaps he had answered Hei’s questions too quickly. As the man was quiet for a while. As he was waiting for a response from Hei, Atzo saw a small poppie flower, it was blue and had yellow specks on it. Swiftly Atzo collected the flower. As he returned to Hei, it seemed the man had his response. Oh that’s right, Hei is in Hydra’s department…. I really need to Iron out the details of that department with Hydra…. “As it stands you will be finding information on dungeons, finding dungeon maps and taking care of informing the guild about events. You say you are a journalist, If you are up for the task, I would appreciate it if you could be a scribe for us whenever a meeting is held you would be in charge of recording what is said for safe keeping. You would also be allowed to put in your two cents during a meeting as a pseudo-member of the High council. Would you be willing to do that?” 


ID# 85858 

LD:16+1(s&D)+2(Amulet)=19 (+1 T1 Mat)

Total: 2 T1 Mats

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Atzo's offer to him, to become the guilds scribble and a pseudo part of the high council was overwhelming. - I don't know him well, and so he shouldn't know me to well too, and I am quite new in this guild, but he already offers me such a high position. I don't know if this is a good or a bad thing. But I will definitely accept this, as it allows me to see much more of how this guild stuff works. - and so he answered "That sounds like a great idea, I can do that. So I'll become the guilds scribble and will be present, whenever the high council meets. What about the girl? should I just invite her? " after having decided that and telling Atzo about it, he felt well, just as if he had done something great.

But the next moment he remembered where he was and the heat made him feel bad again. - why is there a floor with such heat, why did one have to have something like this? - he asked himself, but instead of finding an answer he was looking for the trade stuff they were here to find, but there was nothing close by, that could have been cargo.


ID# 85952
Loot: 10 + 3 = 13 -> nothing found
Craft: 7 -> no damage


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  • 4 weeks later...

Atzo nods “I would greatly appreciate you inviting her to the guild. We need as many people as possible if we want to gain power.” Atzo continued searching for materials. He had not remembered it taking him this long before but this game seemed to randomly generate everything so it was not too surprising. The blazing sun was beating down on the sand. Making it hard to look for materials. “So Hei, what is your end goal? Not necessarily with the guild but in general. I who do you want to be? I know it is a very personal question, and you won't offend me if you choose not to answer. Sometimes it is good to take a step back and think about such things, you know?” Atzo took a deep breath, it was a topic he hated, he hated asking himself for an answer but knew that he needed to from time to time.


ID# 86546

LD: 3+1+2=6 (No mat)

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As Atzo told him, that he would be happy, if Hei would invite Saphira to the guild, he was feeling relieved, as he would be able to help her even more. So he mentally noted, to invite her to the guild the next time they would meet. With this "mission" in his head, he told Atzo "It's so nice, that we don't have a problem with recruiting weaker people like her. So I'll invite her the next time we'll meet. And as soon as that happens, I'll introduce her to you." As he had said that, Atzo went on, looking for the cargo and maybe some material he would be able to use for what ever he was doing, crafting wise.

He decided, that it wasn't such a bad idea to look for the cargo himself and so he walked away from Atzo, so they would be able to search a bigger part of the desert at once. There were some dunes and some more of the cacti he had seen earlier, but he was not able to gather anything from them. Also there was no trace of the cargo they were looking for.
When Hei returned to Atzo, to tell him, that he had not yet found anything, Atzo asked him about his <<end goal>> and what kind of person he would like to become. As Hei had not thought about this question, or really anything depending the future, besides, that he would release his articles, he was constantly writing, so he took some. - Well, it's an interesting question, but I don't think I can answer it right now. Of course I hope to become a better person, like helping the weak, and I hope to become famous/ more famous as I already am. But I don't really care about the future so much, so why bother now - he thought, and then answered "I can't answer that, it's personal, but more than that, I normally don't think about stuff in the future and would rather not start with it right now."



ID# 86560
Loot: 7+3 = 10 -> nothing found
Craft: 11 -> no damage

OOC: how about fighting some monster to retrieve the wares we're looking for?

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Atzo shrugged “To each their own.” They kept walking through the scorching desert, suddenly there was a rumble in the sand “you have got to be kidding me” Atzo thought to himself as a giant serpent sprung out of the sand. “Well, looks like this is take two. Hopefully we can actually hit this time” The serpent lunged at him as he charged it, his speed causing the serpent to miss. He activated Fight Blade and hit it with immense force. It toppled to the ground stunned. “Alright bud,” Atzo said to Hei, “Be careful to not get too much hate, I draw high powered monsters due to my level and do not wish for you to be taken by them.” Atzo jumped back in order to give Hei some room to work with. Atzo noticed that he had already dropped the beasts health by almost a fifth. “Alright,” he thought to himself “Let's take care of this quick”

ID# 86578


BD: 8+3=11 (Hit) [Dmg= (6+1)*6=42 +stun]

MD: 6-3=3 (Miss)



@Hei: 320/320 Hp | 32/32 En | Dmg ? | Acc 3 | Eva 2 | Savvy 1 | Hate: 0

Atzo: 400/400 Hp | 40/40 En | Dmg 6 | Acc 3 | Eva 3 | Bld 1 (T1) | LD 3 | BH 10/turn | Hate: 1


Serpent 158/200 Hp | 60 Dmg (Stunned) 


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Hei was wandering around the desert with Atzo, looking for the missing wares, when he saw a rumble in the sand. Then a giant serpent sprung out of it, attacking Atzo, but missing him, as he quickly moved aside. Atzo then quickly attacked it, and jumped away a little. The snake was on the sand now and Hei was going to get it, and he had a pretty good idea about how he would do that. - The snake looks dangerous and as Atzo said, it might be high level, so I should use a stunning swordskill, just so it can't attack me in case of me drawing to much hate. - and so he took his spear and charged a Dragonfly Cutter swordskill. While he charged the swordskill, the spar began glowing pink and he ran up to the serpent.Then he released it, and the system made him hit it four times with enormous power. The multi tipped spear hurt the serpent so much, that it's HP dropped into the yellow, and it got sunned too. "Hey Atzo, it's your turn, and don't worry, it shouldn't be able to move after these hits." he said, but when the serpent still moved he was not so sure the attack had the effect he had hoped for.


ID# 86651
Battle: 5+3 = 8 -> hit | 8 DMG * 4x2 = 64 DMG AND STUN -> 94/200 HP
Craft: 3 -> no damage
Mob: 5 - 2 = 3 -> miss


Hei: 320/320 Hp | 21/32 En | Dmg 8 | Acc 3 | Eva 2 | Savvy 1 | Hate: 1

@Atzo : 400/400 Hp | 40/40 En | Dmg 6 | Acc 3 | Eva 3 | Bld 1 (T1) | LD 3 | BH 10/turn | Hate: 1


Serpent 94/200 Hp | 60 Dmg


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Atzo attempted to hit the stunned snake, activating Back Rush. The mirrored blade ran passed the stunned creature. “You know, the strangest thing is that I always seem to miss when they are stunned or paralyzed” he called out in a quizatious tone. He wasn’t wrong and it was always the strangest thing to him. He looked about, surveying the battlefield, the sands seemed like they could shift at any moment, Though he was concerned about the heat hitting Hei too hard. “Be careful with your hate, you are already at risk of damage from the heat and the sand, This beast could just make it a lot worse. If I didn’t have a healer with me last time I wouldn’t have survived” He thought back to when Dominion and him took the quest, He was constantly being healed by the blonde haired man. It wasn’t a bad time but there were a lot of flaws with what happened. 

ID# 86652


BD: 2+3=5 (Miss)

MD: Stunned



@Hei: 320/320 Hp | 21/32 En | Dmg 8 | Acc 3 | Eva 2 | Savvy 1 | Hate: 1

Atzo : 400/400 Hp | 32/40 En | Dmg 6 | Acc 3 | Eva 3 | Bld 1 (T1) | LD 3 | BH 10/turn | Hate: 1


Serpent 94/200 Hp | 60 Dmg


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Hei was staring at the serpent, that lay there at the ground and how Atzo tried to attack it, but miss the beast, even though it was incapable of moving. When he then told him, that he was never hitting anything, that was stunned or paralyzed, Hei was wondering how this could be. Without much thought, he said "Maybe your a fighting genius, and always think of how it would move out of your attacks and attack there, so normally your opponent moves right in to your attack, but when they are stunned, they can't do that"

After he had said that, Atzo looked around, and then told him, to be careful, with getting aggro from the serpent, as it would be dangerous, but Hei was already charging his next attack, as he knew, that they could kill the serpent with two good aimed blows. But his blow wasn't aimed well, as the serpent began getting quicker and Hei had not predicted, that it would move like it did, so he hit nothing but the thin air.


ID# 86782
Battle: 2 + 3 = 5 -> miss | -2 NRG
Craft: 10  -> no damage



Hei: 320/320 Hp | 20/32 En | Dmg 8 | Acc 3 | Eva 2 | Savvy 1 | Hate: 1

@Atzo : 400/400 Hp | 32/40 En | Dmg 6 | Acc 3 | Eva 3 | Bld 1 (T1) | LD 3 | BH 10/turn | Hate: 1


Serpent 94/200 Hp | 60 Dmg


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Atzo shrugged normally not one to take compliments but still “That isn’t incorrect. I definitely try to predict moves.” After saying this he activated Fight Blade and rushed the creature, though he missed and the creature bit into him with a tone of force. “Ooph, but apparently I am not as good as I should be at it.” He had to admit he had gotten worse over the time he played the game. It seemed there were too many other things to focus on that kept him from being able to actually succeed at such things. He needed to focus and come up with a plan. Upon being thrown to the ground he stood up and dusted himself off before getting back into position. “So, any ideas on how we should end this thing other than hit it harder?” Atzo chuckled a little, as he watched his battle healing activate. He was happy it came in handy, he took it on a whim.

ID# 86799


BD: 1 (Miss)

BH active +10hp

MD: 9 (Hit+1) [dmg=61 to Atzo]



@Hei: 320/320 Hp | 20/32 En | Dmg 8 | Acc 3 | Eva 2 | Savvy 1 | Hate: 1

Atzo : 449/400 Hp | 30/40 En | Dmg 6 | Acc 3 | Eva 3 | Bld 1 (T1) | LD 3 | BH 10/turn | Hate: 1


Serpent 94/200 Hp | 60 Dmg


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Hey was watching, how Atzo tried to attack the serpent, but instead got hit and knocked to the ground by it. - The Serpent moves so quick, must be because of the desert's heat. - he thought, while he himself got ready to take some actions against the beast. When Atzo asked him for ideas to better end the fight, except hitting the serpent harder, Hei actually had an Idea and so he answered "I'm not sure about this, but how about we lure it over there, where the cactus grows? So we could use it as cover when it attacks, and it might even hurt the serpent with it's spikes."

Hei didn't wait for Atzo to respond to that, but quickly attacked the serpent and this time his spear hit the wild beast. He thrust multiple times at it, and its HP bar dropped quite a bit. Now that he had the serpents attention, Hei ran for the cactus and hoped it would follow him over there. And he also hoped that Atzo would be able to end the serpents life before it could dig its big teeth into him.


ID# 86839
Battle: 6+3 = 9 -> hit -> 8x(4x2) = 64 DMG -> 30/200 HP | -11 NRG
Craft: 7 -> no damage from heat



Hei : 320/320 Hp | 10/32 En | Dmg 8 | Acc 3 | Eva 2 | Savvy 1 | Hate: 2

@Atzo: 449/400 Hp | 30/40 En | Dmg 6 | Acc 3 | Eva 3 | Bld 1 (T1) | LD 3 | BH 10/turn | Hate:1 _______________________________________________________________________

Serpent 34/200 Hp | 60 Dmg


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