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F1-PP) Learning a Trade (Earning a Living)

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Sky groaned as he fell on the ground, well, grass. He was tired........ And he had to go out and find materials.... And gain EXP.... He had no leveling quotas, he was lucky that his guild didn't set anything like that. He thought back, remembering a player he had offered to help learn a profession... He wondered what he was doing, going into the known players list, having learnt his name. He sent him a message, wondering if he was anywhere nearby. 

Hey @Yzjdriel, if your near the Town of Beginnings meet me in the town square, i'l help you do that profession quest

After his message was sent, he headed over there, straightening out his stupid suit, tucking his necklace into his shirt, as well as making sure his gloves's sleeves were hidden by the suit, which they were. He loved his whole attire, and he didn't want to change anything, except for his suit. He wanted to get something just a little more.... Well, cool.

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Zid was meandering a little aimlessly through the town when he got a message from another player.

Hey @Yzjdriel, if your near the Town of Beginnings meet me in the town square, i'l help you do that profession quest - @Stryder

Well, it wasn't like he had anything else to do today.  After all, he wasn't a high enough level to do much of anything yet.  Right, then.

Thankfully, his wandering had taken him pretty close to where Stryder was.  Within a few minutes he spied his friend, giving him a wave.

"Thanks for the help.  So, is there a quest NPC or something or other of that nature, or is this one of those 'trigger it yourself' types?"  There was equal likelihood of either in his mind, given that SAO was open-world (for at least as far as that "world" went, anyway) and having a quest like this be triggered by only one NPC would create a clog near said NPC at the beginning of the game.

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Sky waited patiently, and thankfully, he saw him quickly, waving back to him. He was glad that he had made it, he could help the player survive more. He thought for a moment about how he had his quest triggered.

"Well... it could work both ways. Me and Atzo, my guild master, did the quest and we didn't even talk to anyone, we just went out and got a material or two. I personally went to a tailor and got the quest from him. Lets go out and get you a material or two, then come back and you can choose your profession?" He suggested, the only definite thing he had actually done was crafting something, and to do that they needed materials. They were easy to find, and get, but just tedious, it wasn't dangerous. And with a thought, he decided to show him more on the combat system, maybe take him for a mock battle or two.... He put it aside, waiting.


Edited by Stryder
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Zid thought for a moment before responding.  Getting materials first seemed to be a sensible course of action.  After all, if he ended up not needing them, he could likely sell them to a merchant.  "Sounds good to me.  Unless there's something you need to do first?  I've got all day."  This was true: he hadn't made any plans for the day beyond getting something to eat and hopefully finding some assistance with the crafting system.  It would appear he was about to get the latter, and the former could wait.  He yawned involuntarily.

Bringing up his menu, he looked at his paltry list of equipment.  "Though if we're going out into the big, bad world, I should probably find a way to get something a little better than this starting equipment."  He laughed.  "Don't worry if you can't spare any, you're doing enough to help just by showing me the ropes."

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Sky thought about it, wondering if he had any gear spare he could give him. He remembered the armor, but decided to wait for a little more.... Appropriate time to give it to him. If he got dragged towards a fight he would give him the armor, which he would let him keep.

"Don't worry about it. Advantage about having leveled a bit, i can take any hit these guys can throw at me, and you won't be in direct harm. If you get to hurt, I'l step in and end it" He said, giving a thumbs up. He had accuracy boosts, and armor. He was fine, and he was confident if he got down to half HP he would be able to step in and deal with the situation, besides, the mobs only did about three DMG around here, and he was doing about sixty per hit, the odds were definitely in his favor. He smiled, looking at him.

"Iv got nothing to do today, iv met my crafting quota's. All i had planned was hunting, but.... Its a little to dangerous if i'm bringing you along. If i was to do it, you would need to stand way back.... Last time i fought a big mob..... Lets just say i got slammed into a tree my head actually pounded the next morning" He told him, remembering when he had beaten the Gemini, the snake had hit him hard....

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Zid chuckled.  "I suppose you're right.  Having levels would certainly be a big help."  He returned the thumbs-up with a friendly smile.  He was a pretty decent swordsman in real life, so he was fairly confident he could hold his own against mobs of a similar level to his own, but when your survivability had nothing to do with your physique and everything to do with your numbers, his judgement could prove to be severely lacking in that respect.  Meh.  With a shrug, he turned in a slow circle to look around them.  "So, where would you suggest we begin our search for materials?"

He flicked through his menu on a sudden thought.  "I just remembered.  I should send you a friend request.  I assume that - ah, yes, this menu is as straightforward as I expected."  He sent the request and closed his menu.

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Sky smiled, accepting the request once it appeared. Another new player he could watch over and care for, which suddenly reminded him about the armor he had wanted to give him. 

"Sounds good, and having levels will keep you alive, though this will help immensely" He said, opening a trade window and sending him the armor. He smiled, knowing he had just done something good. "I can't promise a weapon for you unless we try and take out a strong mob, but this armor will help keep you alive" He said, smiling. He then started heading towards the edge of the town, leading the way for Zid. He knew an okay spot, he had been there once, it hadn't been to bad. "What kind of character you planning to build?" Sky asked, starting to rack his brain to think of how the help this guy out more.

- Shielding Light


Name: Shielding Light
Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 83623 / 83798 / 83799
Roll: 10 / Craft: 10 + 4 = 14, Loot: 18 - Damage Mitigation / Craft: 11 + 4 = 15, Loot: 7 - Savvy
Item Type: 
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Mitigation 2, Savvy 1
Description: A leather jacket that has a shield emblem embedded in the shoulder. The jacket is a Midnight Blue, though the shield is bright, being a complementing red to the blue. In the working is small patches of cloth that are unnoticeable, softening the impact of blows.


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45 minutes ago, Stryder said:

Sky smiled, accepting the request once it appeared. Another new player he could watch over and care for, which suddenly reminded him about the armor he had wanted to give him. 

"Sounds good, and having levels will keep you alive, though this will help immensely" He said, opening a trade window and sending him the armor. He smiled, knowing he had just done something good. "I can't promise a weapon for you unless we try and take out a strong mob, but this armor will help keep you alive" He said, smiling. He then started heading towards the edge of the town, leading the way for Zid. He knew an okay spot, he had been there once, it hadn't been to bad. "What kind of character you planning to build?" Sky asked, starting to rack his brain to think of how the help this guy out more.

- Shielding Light

  Reveal hidden contents

Name: Shielding Light
Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 83623 / 83798 / 83799
Roll: 10 / Craft: 10 + 4 = 14, Loot: 18 - Damage Mitigation / Craft: 11 + 4 = 15, Loot: 7 - Savvy
Item Type: 
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Mitigation 2, Savvy 1
Description: A leather jacket that has a shield emblem embedded in the shoulder. The jacket is a Midnight Blue, though the shield is bright, being a complementing red to the blue. In the working is small patches of cloth that are unnoticeable, softening the impact of blows.


The trade request came up, and Zid looked up at Stryder.  "Do I have to give you something in return?  I know some games enforce a TRADE trade unless items are purchased from an NPC as a gift."  Keeping the window open as he followed Stryder, he needed only a moment before responding to the question.  "I'm going to build an HP tank at first, at least until I'm confident in my defense.  More long-term I think I'm going to look into support and the archetypes therein."  As they walked, he looked at the item Stryder had sent him and noticed that he did not in fact have to send anything back.  "Nevermind, I answered my own question.  Thanks for the armor!"  Accepting the trade, he quickly moved through his menu to equip the new armor.  He could find a way to edit the color later, once he'd figured out which color he wanted to wear.

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"Nope, nothing, only thing i ask is you stay alive, and use what i gave you to help others" He said, wanting this guy to do what he had, help the other players once he got a chance. He listened to his build, a solo tank. He guessed that meant he was going to use a shield, but then he said support, making him really wonder.

"The two most used builds you see on the front lines are the Damage Dealers like myself, and the Tanks like my friend Shield. You don't see many others. I can help you level though, and to reach that spot. But before i can take you on some of the nice quests, i'm going to need you to hit at least level four... Otherwise its to risky, i won't have a player die in my party" He said, sighing. They had reached the outer wall, and much to Sky's luck, a piece of leather was right there, which he picked up.

"For a Tailor's profession, you would want to look for stuff like this. Tailors like myself craft mostly light armor and clothing, though we also craft Plushies, and give small boosts" He said, deciding to help him find his profession by finding a material from each kind so that he could find what they all did.


ID# 83993 results:

 Loot: 15

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On 5/5/2017 at 8:42 AM, Stryder said:

"Nope, nothing, only thing i ask is you stay alive, and use what i gave you to help others" He said, wanting this guy to do what he had, help the other players once he got a chance. He listened to his build, a solo tank. He guessed that meant he was going to use a shield, but then he said support, making him really wonder.

"The two most used builds you see on the front lines are the Damage Dealers like myself, and the Tanks like my friend Shield. You don't see many others. I can help you level though, and to reach that spot. But before i can take you on some of the nice quests, i'm going to need you to hit at least level four... Otherwise its to risky, i won't have a player die in my party" He said, sighing. They had reached the outer wall, and much to Sky's luck, a piece of leather was right there, which he picked up.

"For a Tailor's profession, you would want to look for stuff like this. Tailors like myself craft mostly light armor and clothing, though we also craft Plushies, and give small boosts" He said, deciding to help him find his profession by finding a material from each kind so that he could find what they all did.


ID# 83993 results:

 Loot: 15

"Those are both things I can gladly agree to," he said with a smile.  As Stryder outlined the builds he'd see on the front lines, he took note that no one had yet tried to combine the two.  "How long did it take you to hit Level Four?  Because I'm thinking with this armor I'll get there a bit faster."  Stryder looked around and picked up a piece of leather.  How convenient, he thought, before looking around himself.

Alas, there wasn't anything else just lying around to be taken.  Not that he'd actually expected to find anything, though perhaps he'd been hoping for a stroke of good luck.  "Plushies?" he asked with a smirk.  He had a feeling that this one would take a bit of explaining, but from the sound of it seemed like they could be of some use.


- - -


ID# 84166 LD:8

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