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[PP-F8] Master Becomes the Apprentice (Baldur)

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Hikoru gave a small sigh as he held his clunky katana at his side. It was definitely wierd to be here at the three rivers, especially since he had never been here before. He had been looking for an area to learn Katana, and this seemed to be the most unique place to learn. The roaring of the rivers around him roared, and he stood waiting, his cloak being blown around from the wind being picked up by the rapids of one river, and he did his best to ignore it. He reached for his dagger, but he kept forgetting that it wasn't there, and it was something that he couldn't stand. It was somethign he would have to learn, but he felt so naked without it. He sighed and stood rigid, doing his best to ignore the sensation.

He had put out a bulletin a few days ago, with one specific player in mind. He said he would wait here, and that's what he had been doing for most of the day. He hoped that he would show, as he needed to learn how to use the Katana. Even with the basic one that he had, he knew that he would need to learn how to truly wield a blade before he could effectively use another. He hoped that he could learn something today, and hoped that things would go as he hoped they would


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Baldur had stared out the forest for a long time. He knew this floor very well, as if for some reason it had a special gravity just for him, always drawing him back. But now it was drawing his thoughts out. He had seen the bulletin board notice that Hikoru had placed. There was, at this moment, only one person who fulfilled all of the requirements. He wasn't sure why Hikoru had worded it the way he had, perhaps to draw him out? Baldur had no enemies though. Perhaps it was just as innocuous as it sounded, someone wanting a teacher... but that in itself was odd, wasn't it?

Says the man with two students more powerful than he is.

Teayre and Calrex were definitely a pair of odd ducks. Calrex had come to him because he wanted to learn the katana in order to save his wife. He wanted to be able to reach her in the only way he felt he could, blade to blade. And Teayre had come to him, giving him the <<Muramasa>> and seeking a redemption of lost purpose. Calrex and Teayre both had unique skills, both were among the highest leveled players in the game, and bother were leagues beyond him, but they had come to him to teach them. There was only so much you could do. Cardinal was the one that handled the sword arts, so it's not as if you could teach someone technique, but that is exactly what he did... just not in the way they had thought. Calrex needed fire, so he taught him fudoshin. Teayre needed clarity, so he would teach her Mushin. Complementary and opposite sides of the coin, so fitting of the two of them. They were each other's Yin and Yang.

So now Baldur found himself looking out into the forest. What do I do?

He didn't know Hikoru well, but for some reason he fit the profile of being one of Baldur's students. Must be an odd duck. Check. Must have a unique skill. Check. Must be a higher level than me frontliner? Check.

The final question would be whether or not he really needed something beyond just an explanation of sword art poses. And well... there's only one way to find out...

When Baldur finally arrived at the confluence of three rivers, he saw the man waiting there... which was a good start. Had he not been able to see Hikoru, he would have left immediately. Slowly, he tucked the teleport crystal back into his belt and proceeded out into the open. It was a beautiful and oddly surreal location that the frontliner had chosen to meet.

"Ohayo, Hikoru." Baldur called out to him as he carefully picked his way through trees and over roots.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Once Baldur was close enough, he gave Hikoru a slight but respectful bow. "I found your notice, and realized you were probably looking for me." He watched as Hikoru returned his own greeting.

"So you want to learn the katana, eh? What made you change your mind from your Shadowed Path?"

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Hikoru heard a voice behind him and looked, seeing the Katana teacher standing near him. He gave a bow of respect to him, as was his custom he thought, trying to do this the correct way. He said that he saw his notice, and he gave a nod. It was made to gather his attention, and it had done so as well as he had hoped. He asked why he decided to walk away from his Shadowed Path, and he shook his head.

"This is to not walk away from it.. It is to strengthen it more." He said simply. He unsheathed the vanity katana he had to his side, and held it up towards the sky, looking at the long blade. "Shadowed Path does not specify what weapon is needed to be used to activate it's abilities. And while a dagger may have it's own elegance when you attack, adding spins and flips easily." He said, bringing it down back into it's sheath "A Katana is a simple weapon, but it holds ferocity and power behind it's attacks. I have chosen to take up the Katana to get stronger." He said with a sigh. "The dagger has served me well for awhile now, but I felt like it was time to take another blade into my arsenal, so I can take care of... Business.." He said with a small sigh. He looked at Baldur, then fell to one knee and bowed his head. "I would consider it an honor to learn from you, Baldur-Sensei." He said, trying to use the correct Japanese word that he had learned throughout his time in Japan.

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