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So, I was thinking, can there be some kind of sword bonuses to the attack or something????Or what? I mean, like it could do something like add a skill point or add something to a Dice roll? Or, it could be if you roll a ten, you could get a four attack because of your amazing sword? Or maybe a stat Bonus?

Just considering 8-)

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Similar things already exist. When a blacksmith crafts a weapon/armor, depending on the number on his crafting dice, he could get some extra things to it, some examples are +1 to battle dice, damage reduction on armor though I don't really know how that one works.

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Darius has a shield that makes the opponent's combat dice have -1, meaning if they roll a 6, dealing 1 damage, they instead now miss. Darius also has a set of armor that gives him 2 extra HP. If you're interested in good items, I'd talk to Daeron, a great blacksmith, that's where I plan on getting my new sword from.

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The only way I see bonuses working is by adding or subtracting from attack rolls, really.

The blade I had forged from the Blades of Dreams quest is a massive, oversized two-handed sword made from mythril, and its immense size gives me +1 to my attack roll, or -1 to the enemy's attack roll if I'm totally defending and not attacking. That way, I actually have a benefit for having a unique weapon, otherwise a starter sword would have as much chance to hit as a sword of legend!

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There are also side effects on the opponent such as poison and stun are two that I have seen on here. I also heard about a special drop from a while back that had some pretty sick effects but I'll keep that to myself. Wouldn't want to spoil things.

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How do you get swords like that?????It'd be cool with one like that!

I can make weapons, armors, and tools that have such abilities. check out my forge and read through it. i've made a number of boosted items, including Armor, Shields, and Weapons. I work for free if you bring me the material that I don't have for the weapon.

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