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[PP-F5] Desert Raiders

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Shanok quickly lunged at the skeleton right after Miaki landed his attack, going for the skeleton's legs. He put his sword on his right side to activate the sword skill.

-Battle Dice 2 Skeleton#1 takes 1 damage since he's paralyzed-

The shining blue blade slashed at the skeleton, leaving a trail of blue light behind it. The paralyzed skeleton fell on his back and then got up, the paralyze effect was gone. He quickly attacked Shanok, leaving a red mark on his left arm. "Damn it! He's not paralyzed anymore!" Shanok said.

Shanok : 14/15

Miaki : 29/29

Silverwing : 24/24

Skeleton#1 : 11/17

Skeleton#2 : 17/17

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'He's not paralyzed anymore!' Miaki heard Shanok shout. "Don't worry! I've got this!" Miaki held his blade behind his head and charged the sword skill <>. Once his blade started to hum and glow bright green Miaki released the attack.

"Here we go! Raaaahhh!" Miaki yelled as he slashed the <> across it's empty chest.

(OOC: Roll above 7 to deal 4 damage not factoring Silverwing's additional attack. Sword skill cooldown = 2 posts)

Shanok : 15/15

Miaki : 29/29

Silverwing : 24/24

Skeleton#1 : 6/17

Skeleton#2 : 17/17

(<> adds x2 attack. Ex: Roll 8 = 2 HP loss; Roll 9 = 4HP loss)

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"Wow! That was awesome!" Shanok said. "Lemme try that!" he added. Shanok lowered his stance and raised his curved sword atop his shoulder.

(OOC: Regular dice accuracy (6-10 is a hit) 4 damage on a hit, 6 on a crit. Sword skill cooldown = 2 posts)

Shanok pierced the skeleton's ribcage, the skeleton stopped moving for half a second and then exploded into millions and millions of light blue crystals. "All right! One down!" Shanok said triumphly.

Shanok : 14/15

Miaki : 33/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#1 0/17

Skeleton#2 17/17

-Obtained 1 bone for killing a skeleton-

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<> Battle Dice Roll

Before the two heroes could enjoy their victory, the second skeleton had enough of standing on the sidelines and was aggro'd towards Miaki. Having seen the attack coming Miaki dodged the attack and prepared to counterattack.

Shanok : 15/15

Miaki : 33/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 17/17

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The <> lumbered towards Miaki. Noticing the enemy closing in on him Silverwing screeched in alarm. Having heard this Miaki spun around and slashed at the monster, knocking it back. "Thanks for the warning Silver!"

Shanok : 15/15

Miaki : 33/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 13/17

(<> adds x2 attack. Ex: Roll 8 = 2 HP loss; Roll 9 = 4HP loss)

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"Nice hit!" Shanok told his friend as he himself was preparing his next attack. He charged at the skeleton and went for a slash on it's neck.

-Battle Dice 3 Attack misses-

As Shanok slashed from right to left, the skeleton ducked and dodged the hit, counterattacking and dealing 1 damage to Shanok.

Shanok : 13/15

Miaki : 33/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 13/17

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Using Silverwing to distract the <>, Miaki struck the monster in the back with two quick swipes. He jumped back 4 feet, widening the gap for Shanok to counter. "Alright man. You're turn!"

(OOC: Sword skill cooldown = 1 turn)

Shanok : 13/15

Miaki : 33/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 11/17

(<> adds x2 attack. Ex: Roll 8 = 2 HP loss; Roll 9 = 4HP loss)

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"Alright!" Shanok yelled as he jumped forward, holding his sword to his left.

-Battle dice 2 attack misses-

Shanok landed on a rock which made him stumble and fall on his face. "Ouch! That hurts!" he said as a reflex, even though he felt no pain.

Shanok : 13/15

Miaki : 33/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 11/17

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As Shanok landed flat on his face, the <> slowly advanced, raising it's blade to swing at Miaki's teammate. "I don't think so!" Miaki shouted as he rushed in between the two and parried the monster's attack. The parry minimized some of the damage Miaki would've taken from the attack. "Get your head out of the dirt Shanok! Unless you want me to kill this thing for you."

Shanok : 13/15

Miaki : 32/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 11/17

(<> adds x2 attack. Ex: Roll 8 = 2 HP loss; Roll 9 = 4HP loss)

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Shanok quickly got up after hearing his friend's words. "Ha! You think I'll let you have the kill?" he asked, "I'm gonna get this one, like I got the last one!" he added, laughing. He was right in front of the skeleton, he went for a quick slash at it.

-Battle dice 5 attack misses-

The skeleton jumped back and dodged Shanok's attack. "Damn it! He keeps dodging!" he said.

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"You're too slow." Miaki causally said as he began to switch out with Shanok. Miaki looked at the curved weapon in his hands. It was dull and wasn't fancy at all. He'd pretty much had this weapon since he first started in this new world. It was time for the old thing to retire. Standing normally in no battle stance whatsoever, Miaki opened up his weapons menu and selected a new sword listed as <> as <> type weapon. The <> raised its sword has it hobbled over to Miaki. Acting quickly, Miaki selected <>. The scabbard that Miaki had on his back vanished and a new one materialize on left left hip. Upon being drawn there was a bright silver light emitted from the perfectly crafted <>. "You gotta hit them like... THIS!" Miaki shouted as he stabbed the monster in the chest.

Shanok : 13/15

Miaki : 32/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 8/17

(<> adds x2 attack. Ex: Roll 8 = 2 HP loss; Roll 9 = 4HP loss)

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"Good one!" he told his friend as he was readying his attack. He charged at the skeleton, determined to hit it this time.

-Battle Dice 7 skeleton#2 takes 1 damage-

His swung his blade downwards, leaving a red gash in the skeleton's head. "There ya go!" Shanok said, "Miaki! Switch!".

Shanok : 13/15

Miaki : 33/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 7/17

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Miaki switched out with Shanok attempting to beat the armed skeleton's attack. However the skeleton's sword was already in motion and struck Miaki in the arm. "Gah! That stings!"

Shanok : 13/15

Miaki : 31/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 7/17

(<> adds x2 attack. Ex: Roll 8 = 2 HP loss; Roll 9 = 4HP loss)

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"Stop hitting my friend you ulgy monster!" Shanok said as he jumped towards the monster trying to slash its chest. "Take this!"

-Battle dice 2 attack misses-

The skeleton dodged Shanok's attack again. "Dang it! Will you stop dodging you skeleton freak" he said as he jumped backwards.

Shanok : 13/15

Miaki : 31/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 7/17

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Miaki switched out with Shanok and parried a few swings. Neither fighter was able to land a hit on the other. "Come on. Stand still!"

Shanok : 13/15

Miaki : 31/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 7/17

(<> adds x2 attack. Ex: Roll 8 = 2 HP loss; Roll 9 = 4HP loss)

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Shanok charged towards the skeleton. He slashed at the monster, making it back off and fall to the ground. "Quick Michael, hit him!"

Shanok : 13/15

Miaki : 31/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 6/17

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The skeleton was slowly getting on the defense as Shanok attacked with more vigor. "Just a little bit more."

Battle result: Missed

Shanok : 13/15

Miaki : 31/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 6/17

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"Alright, I'm getting tired of this!" Miaki yelled as he took a step back and reengaged the lumbering monster. His blade slashed across the skeleton's form and he saw the HP bar redline. "Nearly there! Keep going!"

Battle result: CRIT!

Shanok : 13/15

Miaki : 31/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 3/17

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