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Lavay's Journal

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Username: Lavay
Real name: Jim Lavay
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0

About: History/personality

Before being locked into SAO Jim Lavay, or just Lavay as he's known now in the game was born and raised on the East coast of the United states. Up until his recent inclusion in the game he had just been an unimpressive person living in an unimpressive life. Like most people his age he had a mediocre job just out of a college, and somehow managed to avoid boomeranging back home by living with a few roommates. In his particular case, this unimpressive job was an assistant manager at a consumer retail store that sold TVs, Appliances, Phones, and his personal favorite games.

An avid gamer since he was a child Jim loved MMOs and RPGs the most as it really gave him the immersion he desired in a game. In most situations he was a solid B+/A- player. Which aside from a couple games over the years typically left him at the outside looking in at the truly elite players. However, when he heard about a game coming out where you truly were the character he immediately felt like this could be the one where he really shined given that aside from his gaming hobbies he was also quite active participating in sports, and frequenting the gym on a semi regular basis. So, requesting off work, reading up on as many reviews as possible, and clearing his schedule in advance Jim planned to be one of the first right out of the gates in the new game. 

As for Jim's personality, outside of the game he was simply put a good person. While he had no problem breaking the speed limit, and getting the occasional penalty in sports he was overall caring and always willing to help. He was the guy you could call if your car broke down in the middle of the night, or that guy that had no problem showing up to help you move on a weekend. This is not to say he's perfect as he is most certainly not, but 19 out of 20 times his heart is usually in the right place. A perfect example of this is even in a game where your decisions aren't even real he almost always would travel the more virtuous route even if it meant making things more difficult for himself. 

Immediately after being locked in the game Jim or Lavay quickly progressed through the stages of grief, and while some were broken by this experience. He set out with the mission to not only survive, but overcome this challenge. A game had never defeated him before, and he wasn't about to let this one defeat him either. Besides a favorite quote of his is "Hey, you can die crossing the street. At least here we get a weapon to fight back against fate."


Lavay is a fairly standard looking Caucasian male with light brown hair and emerald green eyes. He has a semi-athletic build that shows someone with a history in activities, but also has perhaps drank one too many beers or indulged in one too many late night 4th meals. Still despite not being overly tall he still has a relatively imposing build, and will not doubt wear his heavy armor well adding to this look.


Loyal: Through thick and thin once you have earned Lavay's trust he will go to the ends of the world for you. Even, if a friend is in the wrong he will still frequently side with them, and then just express his concerns later. It should be noted while this loyalty runs deep it is not blind as a person must prove themselves equally trust worthy to him first before he is willing to go to such lengths.

Strong: Possessing a natural gift for athletics and strength Lavay is able to perform feats that some may think difficult or even impossible. Even though this does not give him a statistical advantage as the game bases strength off stats, and allows feats accordingly. He still has a much easier time with these abilities as the motions and physical stresses are natural to him. This strength also carries over into his resolve and willpower almost to a fault he will persevere some of the worst rigors the game can throw at you.

Charming/Comedic: Quick to make acquaintances Lavay will talk to literally anyone at any time, and more times than not is successful at winning over their friendship. On top of this naturally charming nature he likes to keep the air light with a joke even if it’s at his own expense. He's not blind to the plight that everyone is suffering, but in his mind, there is no sense wallowing over what you can't help. A fact that he loves to relay to others with humor.


Oblivious: While his natural perception, and acuity are just fine Lavay lacks an ability to read the subtleties. Whether this is small social queues such as vocal changes in a person’s tone or something small occurring in his peripherals. More times than not he will overlook or miss it altogether. This can lead to problems for him as someone trying to leave a subtle hint instead has to say something potentially uncomfortable in a very blunt manner.

Foolish/Impulsive: While Lavay isn't the dumbest person in the crowd he certainly isn't winning the Nobel prize anytime soon. He will pursue options that may be views as illogical or dangerous if he thinks it will aid him or his friends. Usually with little preparation or regard for his own wellbeing wading head long into a situation that with a little more planning could have been considerably easier.

Emotionally Driven: As stated above in his virtues his strength and resolve are unparalleled, however this can lead him down a dangerous path. When his mind is made up, and something unexpected happens or someone close to him get hurt Lavay has been known to lose all control over himself and his actions. Frequently, he will do something irregular, and/or act in a brash manner just because he was in an emotional state. 

Profession: N/A





Weapon skills:
» Two-Handed Straight Sword: Rank 1

Armor skills:

» Heavy Armor: Rank 0

» Starter Iron Two-Handed Straight Sword

» Starter Iron Breastplate

Roleplays [9/9 SP]


» Created Character: +5 SP / 5 Total. Level - 1

» Quest: The first few lessons : +4 SP, +400 Col, T-1 Health Potion (Uncommon): 5, T-1 Damage Potion: 1, T-1 Over Health Potion: 1

» Quest: Earning a Living (Helping) : (Incomplete)

Kill List


» Level 1 Boar - 3





» Daniella - Just met, and are currently questing with.

» Alice Irving - Just met, and are currently questing with.


Story Thus Far


Edited by Lavay
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