Hei 0 Posted July 11, 2017 #1 Share Posted July 11, 2017 It was just a few days after Hei had crafted his new Guild Uniform, that he realised, that he once again was out of crafting material. There were two ways of quickly gathering Mats, which were getting the gatherer skill, which he hadn't, or repeatedly take the earning a living quest the tailor teacher had. So he was in the crafters quarter once again, to talk to the the tailor teacher and take the quest, when he saw, that had a second quest he hadn't had before. It was called <<Hunting for Hides>>. - This is interesting, maybe I can get some material while hunting, and it looks like the quests reward is just the same as the eal ones - and so with no further thoughts Hei accepted the new quest. Browsing through the quest menu he found the quest and had a closer look on what he had to do, and saw, that the quest would be at the eights floor, which was higher than he had ever been, and that he would be up against Bears, Wolfs and dire boars. But he was not afraid of the mobs he would encounter. As he had to go up to the eights floor, he went over to the teleport platform and said "Florenthia" and immediately the world around him disappeared, as he was transferred to the village in the forest. Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted July 17, 2017 Author #2 Share Posted July 17, 2017 It was his first time up at the eights floor and Hei was excited about how the not to big village looked like from an European medieval fantasy game. The small houses fit here well, and the big trees at the borders of Florenthia were quite nice. -It'll be fun, venturing into this gigantic forest, looking for some of the dangerous predators living around here and hunting them down for their hides, but first I'll go and check out the local tavern - and with this decision made, Hei walked into <<The crying Piglet>>. The crying Piglet was a tavern how it used to be, rough wooden tables made up most of the big rooms furnishings, and there were no chairs, just some wooden benches, that where just as rough and uneven as the tables where. The floor was made from stomped dirt, so it wouldn't be so bad, if some drink gets spilled over it. As it was fairly early there weren't to much people around, just the innkeeper, a young woman, who must be a waitress and a few others from around town. As Hei was going to hunt later on, he went over to the innkeeper and asked "Good morning, the name is Hei and I'd like to have a mead. And while you'll fill my tankard would you mind answering a few questions?" After he finished his question, the innkeeper went to work, he turned around to get a tankard and fill it with mead, and while he was doing that, he said "Well, my name is Grondar, nice to meet you, and of yours you'll get your mead, but it takes some time to tab a mead properly. So We'll have time for you to ask your questions." Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted July 25, 2017 Author #3 Share Posted July 25, 2017 The innkeeper who just had told him, that his name was Grondar began tabbing the mead, so Hei had time to ask him about the animals of this floor. "That's good to know. So to come back to my questions, I heard, there was a chance to find big animals around here. Predators like Bears and Wolves, do you know anything about where one could find them?" the innkeeper raised an eyebrow and asked "You'll search for the big ones? They are dangerous and one normally tries to stay away from them as far as possible. But yes, I know where one could find them, and as I have a good day, I'll tell you where to look, but don't come back and complain that they hurt you." he said with a smile, while he put the mead on the counter. Then he signed Hei to take a seat at the counter, as it would take some time. "Well, there are a few places, where it is more probable to meet one of them, then everywhere else. For one, you can just walk straight into the forest and after half an hour, you would be at the scene of an terrible encounter with a pack of wolves. Or if you're searching for bears, there is a cave to the east." and with that he ended, turned around and walked to another customer. Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted July 29, 2017 Author #4 Share Posted July 29, 2017 Hei was happy, as he had gotten his mead, and all the infos he would need to effectively start hunting some big ass monsters. - I don't know how hard it'll be, fighting these monsters, but I'll see when I'm there. I think I'll start with the bear, as it might be a harder monster, but there probably won't be more than one, while it sounds like there is a whole pack of wolves, which could make fighting much harder. - and so, while he drank his mead, Hei decided, that he would be hunting a bear first, and if it was not a problem to kill it, he could go after the wolfs later. With his drink finished and the information he needed, Hei opened the menu and had a look at the map, to see where the bear's cave could be, and there were jsut two spots he would have to have a look at. Then he closed the map and opened his inventory, so he could get equipped for what was coming. The black armour would help him not getting hit to much, while the red dragon eye would help him with better aiming at the monster. The last piece of active equipment he picked was his weapon, the cursed weapon made by Eatos, that was a spear that was looking as if it was made from bloody bone. Equipped like that, he was ready for the hunt. Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted July 29, 2017 Author #5 Share Posted July 29, 2017 Hei left the tavern and made his way through the settlement towards the western gate. Once he had left the settlement, he grabbed the spear and began to do some quick training, just a few slashes with the weapon and a few thrusts at the next tree. When he was satisfied with how he moved the weapon, he began to jog towards the first spot, where the cave could be found. When he arrived, he saw, that there was no cave, just a clearing with green and fresh looking grass. In the middle of the clearing, a stag was standing, looking around for possible threats. - Well, it's not a predator, so I don't need to kill it for the quest, but it would be some good training, and maybe it'll drop something useful. - Hei thought, while he closed in on the stag. He pressed himself to the ground, so the stag wouldn't be able to see him, while he sneaked up on to the majestic animal, so he would be close enough to hit it before it had noticed him coming. - Battle Stats - Hei: 340/340 HP | 34/34 NRG | 8 Base DMG | 2 Eva | 3 Acc | Hate [0] Stag: 170/170 HP | 51 DMG Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted July 29, 2017 Author #6 Share Posted July 29, 2017 (edited) When he was close enough to attack, Hei was not just going to jump at the animal, he would sneak around it to attack it from behind. He was getting really close, but it seemed that the stag had not yet noticed him, so he began charging his swordskill and the spear began glowing in a spooky violet. When the violet began spraying sparks, Hei launched himself at the stag, jumping from the grass and releasing the swordskill. The spear thrust forth and back four times and when the skill was finished, the stag had four red marks on it's hind leg, which where placed so well, that it's ability to move would be blocked for at least a short time. As Hei hadn't thought of being so successful with his first attack, he yelled "Hell yeah, that's how it's done" and jumped back from the animal, so it couldn't kick him as soon as it's movement would come back. Reveal hidden contents ID# 87334 Battle: 9 -> critical -> +1 base damage | 9 * ( 4x2 ) = 72 DMG + Stun -> 98/170 | -11 NRG Mob: 8 -2 = 6 -> would be hit, if not stunned - Battle Stats - Hei: 340/340 HP | 23/34 NRG | 8 Base DMG | 2 Eva | 3 Acc | Hate [2] Stag: 98/170 HP | 51 DMG (0/2 till stunnable again) Edited July 30, 2017 by Hei Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted August 17, 2017 Author #7 Share Posted August 17, 2017 (edited) Even though the Hei had jumped away from the stag, the stunning effect of his attack wear of rather quick. The majestic animal walked a few steps, before turning around and facing Hei, who was looking for an opportunity for an attack himself. When the stag saw his opponent cowering low and aiming at it, it pawed the ground, and it's breath came as a steam cloud from it's face. Then it charged at Hei, who had watched every move the stag had done so far. When the animal was close enough it wouldn't be able to turn quick enough, Hei jumped aside, raising his spear and charging a Dragonfly Cutter to attack it from behind. The Spear didn't miss it's target and the stags HP dropped quickly, but Hei hadn't thought about the animal having other ways than it's antlers to attack, and so he got hit by the hind hooves rather hard. He stumbled backwards, falling to the ground and rolling into the next shrubbery to hide from the stags view, but his heavy breathing and the small sight of surprise wouldn't allow him to hide properly. Reveal hidden contents ID# 87934 Battle: 7 -> hit -> 8*8 dmg = 64 -> 34/170 HP | +1-11 NRG ->13/34 NRG Mob: 8 -2 EVA = 6 -> hit -> 51 DMG -> 289/340 HP - Battle Stats - Hei: 289/340 HP | 13/34 NRG | 8 Base DMG | 2 Eva | 3 Acc | Hate [3] Stag: 34/170 HP | 51 DMG (1/2 till stunnable again) Edited August 17, 2017 by Hei Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted August 24, 2017 Author #8 Share Posted August 24, 2017 (edited) Hei was lying in a shrubbery, the stag that just had kicked him wasn't far away, but even though Hei was breathing pretty loud and quick it seemed the animal hadn't spotted him. So Hei rolled to the side and slowly and pressed to the ground, he got to his feet. When the Stag came closer Hei launched himself up, thrusting the spear at the Mob. But Hei hadn't been right, the stag had spotted him from the beginning, and so it blocked the weapon with it's antlers, brushing it away and out of Hei's hands, so it flew and landed a few feet away. Then it tried to stomp onto Hei, who was quick enough to roll aside. Then he stumbled over to his spear, followed by an angry stag. The moment he bowed down to grab his weapon, the stag rose, pedalling with it's hooves to hit Hei, but the black haired man turned around, charged a Furious Spike swordskill while turning and rammed the weapon deep into the stag, that immediately exploded into pixels. After this hard fight, Hei sighted as the Loot menu appeared in front of him. - Let's have a look what this one dropped. - he thought, while opening the loot box. "Nice, some col and more important some Mats, so I can restart crafting again." Hei said to himself. Reveal hidden contents ID# 88128 Battle: 6 -> hit -> 8*6 DMG = 48 DMG -> Stag dead Mob: 4 -> miss Loot roll: ID# 88129 Loot: 16 Craft: 8 -> 3 T1 Mats + 510 col - Battle Stats - Hei: 289/340 HP | 8/34 NRG | 8 Base DMG | 2 Eva | 3 Acc | Hate [4] Stag: 0/170 HP | 51 DMG Dead Edited August 25, 2017 by Hei Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted September 12, 2017 Author #9 Share Posted September 12, 2017 (edited) Hei was standing in the forest and had just killed a big stag. As he had accapted the loot, he was ready to leave and search for the wolfs, which were the true reason why he was here in the first place. He was just about to leave when he realized that his HP wasn't full, as the stag had actually hit him as they faught. - Well, it seems as if I have to take a short break, or at least wait with fighting the next monster till my HP are back up, as well as I have to wait for my energy to recharge. - so he went on, leaving the place he had just fought at. While he was walking through the forest, he was using the time it would take for his HP to refill to search for some more materials. The forest around him was deep and the trees were big, so he had to climb one of them to look at something suspicious he had seen, but he had to learn that it had just been some moss at the tree and nothing of value. Reveal hidden contents ID# 88431 Loot: 12 -> nothing found 1/3 Posts till Energy refill 299/340 HP (+10 HP) Edited September 12, 2017 by Hei Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted October 12, 2017 Author #10 Share Posted October 12, 2017 (edited) As he already was on one of the higher branches of the tree, he decided that it would be a great opportunity for him to have a look at the surrounding area if he just climbed a little higher. He reached for the next branch and just before he pulled himself up, he felt that the branch wasn't as robust as it had seemed. The branch bow down a little and he heard a faint sound of wood breaking. Alarmed by this, he pulled his weight back, but he was moving to quick and began falling down on his back. The tree hadn't been so high, so the impact wasn't that bad but his whole back felt tingeing when the pain was blocked by the system. "Oh my god, that would've hurt in the real word" he grasped. Breathing heavy he rolled over and held his head, his eyes closed he stood back up and released a sight when he could stand without anything unusual - i am really happy that the game doesn't have a system for broken bones and other injuries like that - he thought. As he had have enough of climbing trees and his energy would still need some time before it was fully recharged he went on looking for materials as this was the over all goal for this trip. Finding mats and fighting beasts for even more mats. Walking around he realized that he wouldn't be able to find as many mats as possible if he wouldn't switch his active gear, so he took the arm covering armour and changed it with his green leather cloak, therefore increasing his senses and being able to see a small animal that had gathered a whole bunch of feathers that he simply took from it. Reveal hidden contents ID# 89318 Loot: 12+3 -> craft 5 -> +1 bonus from gatherer found 2 T1 mat -> 5 T1 mats 2/3 Posts till Energy refill 309/340 HP (+10 HP) Edited October 12, 2017 by Hei Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted October 12, 2017 Author #11 Share Posted October 12, 2017 (edited) Encouraged by having so little problems with finding mats with his empowered senses, Hei began walking around the forest again, looking for traces of other small animal, as he hoped he might be lucky enough and would find another one that had gathered something for him, but he wasn't as lucky. If it was rated at finding tracks of small animal, he wasn't lucky at all, as he didn't found any of those, but he found other tracks. Bigger ones with claws that might belong to a bear or maybe a wolf, but what ever it was, he wasn't to sure about it. - i should change back to battle gear, who knows how long it takes to find what ever has left those - he thought, then he opened his menu and changed his gear back to battle standard, equipping his armour and putting away the cloak. As he had been wandering around he had taken his spear loosely into his hand, but his grip got firm, now that there was a possibility that he would need it soon. Reveal hidden contents ID# 89319 Loot: 3 +3 = 6 -> nothing found 3/3 Posts Energy fully recharged 319/340 HP (+10 HP) Edited October 12, 2017 by Hei Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted October 15, 2017 Author #12 Share Posted October 15, 2017 (edited) With his energy recharged and the immediate danger of the creature who's claw marks he had found coming for him, Hei was pretty nervous. His movements were harder than they had been just moments before, and he was nervously looking in all directions, looking for anything, that could be a threat. Being that tense, he didn't look on the ground and stumbled over a root, falling down but quickly rolling forward to not lie on the ground. He instantly jumped to his feet and looked around, which was when he saw them. Not just one, but two big hairy beasts, showing their teeth and hissing at him. - God damn, that was exactly what I feared, but I'll show them what they get for fighting with me -he thought, while shifting into a better fighting pose. With two big tiger like creatures with enormous fangs, Hei was happy that he had chosen to wear his armour once he had seen the tracks they had left. Now he had his Spear in hand and was ready to fight the monsters, trying to not hurt their hide to much, as he had come here to gather hides. The first of them jumped right at him, but Hei was able to sidestep the attack, charging his spear while the beast was still in the air. Then he released a series of heavy swings and strikes, aimed at their heads and legs to not destroy the hide. Doing this he prevented the second one to successfully attack him, but didn't land a good hit either. When the first one had turned around and prepared it's next attack, Hei stroke forward with his spear, losing his balance and tumbling towards it. The monster that had not thought of this, jumped to where he had been just moments ago and no one got hurt at all. Reveal hidden contents Attack (AOE) First at Sabretooth A ID# 89425 Battle: 1 -> crit miss Mob: 1 -> crit miss Second on Sabretooth B ID# 89426 Battle: 2+3 = 5 -> miss Mob: 4-3 = 1 -> miss --- Stats --- Reveal hidden contents Hei: 319/340 HP | 32/34 Energy | 8 DMG | 3 EVA | 3 ACC Sabretooth A: 170/170 HP | 51 DMG Sabretooth B: 170/170 HP | 51 DMG Edited October 15, 2017 by Hei Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted October 15, 2017 Author #13 Share Posted October 15, 2017 (edited) Still stumbling forwards, Hei went besides one of the two sabretooth tigers and used the beasts movement to his own advantage, ducking underneath it's clumsy attack and getting back into a fierce stance. He spun his spear in a big circle in front of him to catch the tigers attention and then slowly moved towards it, still moving the spear and looking for the tigers eyes to follow the weapon. When he came close enough, that his weapon could reach the beast, he charged the swordskill and released a combination of heavy strikes and swings at it. The mob had to jump back, and so missed it's own attack, that it had just started, while the second that had sneaked up on Hei got hit multiple times, as the spear swung around Hei's body, hitting it's target without him seeing the beast. After the sabretooth was hit and its HP had dropped by a good bit, it launched itself ah Hei, who simply ducked under the jumping cat, rolling over to the side and stabbing it another time, making it lose even more HP. Reveal hidden contents Attack (AOE) First at Sabretooth A ID# 89442 Battle: 2+3 = 5 -> miss Mob: 5-3 = 2 -> miss Second on Sabretooth B ID# 89443 Battle: 10 -> crit -> 8 +2 = 10 DMG * 7 -> 70 DMG -> 100/170 HP Mob: 1 -> crit fail --- Stats --- Reveal hidden contents Hei: 319/340 HP | 19/34 Energy (+1 -14) | 8 DMG | 3 EVA | 3 ACC Sabretooth A: 170/170 HP | 51 DMG Sabretooth B: 100/170 HP | 51 DMG (-70 HP) Edited October 15, 2017 by Hei Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted October 16, 2017 Author #14 Share Posted October 16, 2017 (edited) With one of them being hit pretty hard, the beasts changed their tactics. They had just been jumping and slashing for Hei, but now it seemed that they began to work as a team, every time one of them got ready to jump Hei the second one hissed and clawed at him to catch his attention. The first time this had happened Hei had not been prepared for it and lost sight of the jumping sabretooth, which used this opportunity to launch itself at him and slash his back. The tingling sensation of the pain being reduced made a shudder going down his spine. After this, Hei was more careful and always tried to keep both of them within his field of vision to reduce the power of their team play. When the Sabretooth that had hit him already managed to land a second hit, Hei saw his chance to land some good blows too, so he quickly charged his swordskill and released a series of heavy swiped with the spear, hitting both of them and managing the one he had hit before to go yellow. Reveal hidden contents Attack (AOE) First at Sabretooth A ID# 89468 Battle: 7 -> hit -> 7*8= 56 DMG -> 114/170 HP Mob: 10 -> crit hit -> 51+2 = 53 DMG -> 266/340 HP Second on Sabretooth B ID# 89469 Battle: 4+3 = 7 -> hit ->7*8 = 56 DMG -> 44/170 HP Mob: 4-3 = 1 -> miss --- Stats --- Reveal hidden contents Hei: 266/340 HP | 6/34 Energy (+1 -14) | 8 DMG | 3 EVA | 3 ACC Sabretooth A: 114/170 HP | 51 DMG (-56 HP) Sabretooth B: 44/170 HP | 51 DMG (-56 HP) Edited October 16, 2017 by Hei Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted October 16, 2017 Author #15 Share Posted October 16, 2017 (edited) As the fight continued Hei began understanding their tactics even better and was able to predict how the big tiger like beasts would move and where they would attack. Using this he managed to evade all of their attacks, but there wasn't enough time to charge another big attack against them. After a while, he saw a window of opportunity and started to charge the next flailing attack against them, but before the weapon was charged, the skill got interrupted by his energy running low. - Oh, that is not good. I need a little moment to check how little is left - he thought, while trying to get away from them just long enough to see that he had less then a third of his energy left. He remembered a skill he had once seen on another spear user, but never used himself, that included jumping in the air, so he charged at the yellow HP tiger, jumped into the air, evading the other's attack this way and ramming the spear through its head. When he ripped it back off again, the tiger burst into pixels. "Whoo yeah, just one left" he screamed, still in the air. Reveal hidden contents Attack of Sabretooth A ID# 89470 Mob: 5-3 = 2 -> miss Furious Spike against Sabretooth B ID# 89471 Battle: 3+3 = 6 -> hit -> 6*8 = 48 DMG -> dead Mob: 6-3 = 3 -> miss Loot Roll (Sabretooth B) ID# 89472 Loot: 12 -> CD: 4 -> +2 T1 mats | + 510 col -> 7 T1 mats, 1200 col at all --- Stats --- Reveal hidden contents Hei: 266/340 HP | 1/34 Energy (+1 -6) | 8 DMG | 3 EVA | 3 ACC Sabretooth A: 114/170 HP | 51 DMG Sabretooth B: 0/170 HP | 51 DMG (-48 HP) -> Dead Edited October 16, 2017 by Hei Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted October 16, 2017 Author #16 Share Posted October 16, 2017 (edited) The landing after his last attack wasn't as well, as Hei had hoped for, ash he had to sidestep the second sabretooth, that was clawing at him. This sidestepping made him stumble, but he was able to regain his balance before falling to the ground. With the little energy he head left, he wasn't sure how he would be able to deal the high amount of damage, that was still necessary to kill the second one. In the back of his mind he knew, that he had an item, that might be able to help him, but he would need some time to get it out of the inventory and use it, without being attacked by the remaining beast. Shouting at it, he ran towards a big tree to lure it into launching itself at the tree, so he would have some time to open his menu. The plan was simple and he didn't thought, that it would work, but when the monster hit the tree with power and went down, knocked dizzy by it's own speed, he quickly opened the inventory and browsed through the items he had on him. "Nice, there it is" he said, when he found the piece of grilled fish, took it out and ate it. Next to his name a sign appeared, showing him, that his energy would recharge faster now. Reveal hidden contents Attack of Sabretooth A ID# 89473 Mob: 1 -> crit fail --- Stats --- Reveal hidden contents Hei: 266/340 HP | 2/34 Energy (+1)(+3/round for the thread) | 8 DMG | 3 EVA | 3 ACC Sabretooth A: 114/170 HP | 51 DMG Sabretooth B: 0/170 HP | 51 DMG Dead Edited October 16, 2017 by Hei Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted October 16, 2017 Author #17 Share Posted October 16, 2017 (edited) The buff the fish had granted greatly helped Hei, as it increased the recharge of his energy by a factor of four. So now Hei just had to jump around a little, evading the big angry sabretooth while his energy quickly recharged. The moment it had recharged to a level, where he was able to use the same swordskill, he had used to kill the second one, he began running, just to then let himself fall to the ground and roll a few times to stop. The tiger that had followed him wasn't that quick and charged further across the clearing. Hei used the distance to stand up and charge at the beast, jumping into the air and launching the spear into it's chest. The glowing spear dug deep into the flesh, but the beast was moving rapidly, turning around greeting Hei with it's big fangs. The tigers bite was hard and Hei's HP dropped quite a bit. He had to be careful now, as the beast had dropped down to yellow and his own Health wasn't that high either. Reveal hidden contents Furious Strike against Sabretooth A ID# 89475 Battle: 6 -> hit -> 6*8 = 48 DMG -> 66/170 HP Mob: 10 -> crit -> 51+2 = 53 DMG -> 213/340 HP --- Stats --- Reveal hidden contents Hei: 213/340 HP (-53 HP) | 0/34 Energy (+1 - 6)(+3/round for the thread) | 8 DMG | 3 EVA | 3 ACC Sabretooth A: 66/170 HP | 51 DMG (-48 HP) Sabretooth B: 0/170 HP | 51 DMG Dead Edited October 16, 2017 by Hei Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted October 16, 2017 Author #18 Share Posted October 16, 2017 (edited) - God damned, I have to be more careful. How is it possible for something as big as a sabretooth tiger to hit me, even with my enhanced speed? - Hei thought, while he jumped to the side, evading one of the tigers attacks. The beast was still quick and even with it's pretty slow movements it made him cough. Panting hard, Hei began running to flank the tiger, jumping over a bush on the ground. Then he slid towards the beast, charging a sword skill and releasing it just before he arrived at the mob. When the spear flashed forwards, the tiger ducked underneath it and started an attack on its own, but missing Hei. "Hah, there you go" he yelled, while he charged another sword skill, carefully dodging the tigers claws which it swung at him multiple times. Once the skill was charged, he thrust the spear forwards, but he lost the grip and the weapon went flying towards the beast, that fell to the ground, so the weapon flew over it and got stuck in a nearby tree. Reveal hidden contents Maiming Blow against Sabretooth A ID# 89483 Battle: 1 -> crit fail Mob: 8+3 = 5 -> miss --- Stats --- Reveal hidden contents Hei: 213/340 HP (0 HP) | 2/34 Energy (+1 - 2)(+3/round for the thread) | 8 DMG | 3 EVA | 3 ACC Sabretooth A: 66/170 HP | 51 DMG (0 HP) Sabretooth B: 0/170 HP | 51 DMG Dead Edited October 18, 2017 by Hei Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted October 16, 2017 Author #19 Share Posted October 16, 2017 (edited) Hei had just lost his weapon and was now fighting the Sabretooth with his bare hands. The giant predator quickly got back up onto his feet and after shaking of the dirt, it started it's next attack. Running towards Hei, who was still looking at the spear, that got stuck about 10 metres away from him, it's eyes showed that it was sure to hunt down it's prey now, but Hei was not as distracted as it seemed. He quickly ducked underneath the big cat and even though he wasn't in possession of the martial arts skill, he had learned something from his hunts with Strider. He grabbed the sabre-tooth's paw, and while it was flying over him, he pulled it down with all his strength, making it spin. The tiger landed on his back, not able to do much, when Hei ran to the spear, pulled it out of the tree and while running back charged a Furious Spike. The charged swordskill hit the beast dead centre and it's HP dropped to nearly 10%. Reveal hidden contents Furious Spike against Sabretooth A ID# 89487 Battle: 6 -> hit -> 6*8 = 48 DMG -> 18/170 HP Mob: 1 -> crit fail --- Stats --- Reveal hidden contents Hei: 213/340 HP (0 HP) | 0/34 Energy (+1 - 6)(+3/round for the thread) | 8 DMG | 3 EVA | 3 ACC Sabretooth A: 18/170 HP | 51 DMG (-48 HP) Sabretooth B: 0/170 HP | 51 DMG Dead Edited November 21, 2017 by Hei Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 0 Posted November 21, 2017 Author #20 Share Posted November 21, 2017 (edited) After landing that nice hit, the Sabretooth tiger got into a stage of enrage. Its eyes began glowing in a creepy dark red and red pixel effects began dripping from its fangs, as if it was blood. The big beast turned on the ground and came back onto its feet, then it growled at Hei and the sound made him shiver, but he wouldn't let the beast be the winner. The games stake was his life overall, and so he focused. Inhaling deep, Hei focused and fixated the beast, showing him that he was not afraid. The spear in his hand felt heavier than before, but he had experienced this earlier, he tightened his grip and began to circle the big one, always ready to attack it. A moment later everything was over! The beast had ducked and then jumped at Hei, who had just been to slow to evade the monsters paws. Four red showed where the beast had hit him, but he had enough HP left to survive the attack. Then he turned around, kicking the beast and once it was far enough away, he charged a swordskill, released it and the glowing spear ended the creatures life. The next moment a pop-up appeared in front of Hei, telling him what the mob had dropped. Hei accepted the reward and sighed. "Finally the fight is over. I have lost a good part of my HP, so I probably should just go back and bring the hides to the Quest NPC." Reveal hidden contents Maiming Blow against Sabretooth A ID# 91012 Battle: 6 -> hit -> 4*8 = 32 DMG -> 0/170 HP Mob: 9 -> crit hit -> 52 DMG -> 161/340 Loot Roll: ID# 91013 Loot: 15 -> CD: 12 -> 2 T1 mats + 1 Rare unidentified Armour/Shield + 510 col 9 T1 mats, 1710 col at all --- Stats --- Reveal hidden contents Hei: 161/340 HP (-52 HP) | 0/34 Energy (+1 - 4)(+3/round for the thread) | 8 DMG | 3 EVA | 3 ACC Sabretooth A: 0/170 HP | 51 DMG (-32 HP) Dead Sabretooth B: 0/170 HP | 51 DMG Dead Edited November 21, 2017 by Hei Link to post Share on other sites
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