Ariel - The Crowned Lion 0 Posted July 13, 2017 #1 Share Posted July 13, 2017 Hello everybody, this is your <insert your preferred adjective> Team Leader with a announcement?, no I don't really know what this is honestly, mostly me blabbering. Basically the boss water dweller told me to scout more people for the Floor Creation Team so this would be my attempt at that. But I'm going to do it in my own terms. You may have noticed that lately activity, at least from the FC Team, has been more scarce. This may be related to the fact that is summer and activity overall the forum has been low, which is totally normal for this period. Not too long ago, I started counting the remaining members of my team and found that only 2 dedicated members remained. INCLUDING MYSELF! While my other staff colleagues pitch in ideas and suggestion, for which I'm extremely grateful, a 2 man cell isn't enough to provide a constant influx of floor concepts, quests for those floors, bosses for those floors, events for those floors and not to mention providing feedback towards other sections of the staff team. So, for this thread, I want to provide a small part of the experience of being part of the team. Namely, I(and not only) will look up player submissions here and provide feedback/help to mold it into something that can be officially implemented. You post your ideas here, we discuss it via posts, Discord server and/or PMs and make it into something viable. Whatever results here will go through screening and the 'proper channels' (a.k.a rest of the staff team), so there could be some differences between what is taken from here and what is officially added as the 'final product' but I can guarantee that you will get the credits for it. Basically I want to help you dev concepts/descriptions for future floors, quests for those floors or/and maybe even events if you want to. Then if you liked how we did it and/or are afterwards interested to join staff you are free to apply as you are now. And the bonus to that will be that you would've shown your creativity and understanding of basic rules here, while developing your idea and I can say. "YEAH! I WANT THEM IN MY TEAM BECAUSE THEY DID THIS!" and show the concepts for the floors and/or quests, and/or events etc. For floor concepts, the Floor 1-10 index should be a perfect guideline as they were recently reworked. My requests are: Try to come up with a unique floor concept. Scroll through the 1-10 and 11-21 floor descriptions and see what has already been done and what is missing what you can add. Leave your personal touch to it. Keep in mind that the overall theme of SAO is medieval/fantasy. You can get away with adding little magic elements and basic dwarven engineering but futuristic steampunk-ish/sci-fi themes are a big No-No. For making quests I'll leave you with the template, @Teion has made a while back. I really like the layout and you've already seen it in the newer/revamped quests like The Gemini and The Venomous Warg. This is the Source code format, if you don't want to work with that just copy the final product from the two quests and edit at your leisure. Or come up with your own original one! As long as its easy to understand, all is welcomed. Reveal hidden contents <p style="text-align: center;"> <u><strong>Floor</strong></u><br> <span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#2980b9"><strong><<Quest Name>></strong></span></span><br> Recommended Level: <br> Restrictions | Solo/Party Limit </p> <p> <span style="font-size:16px;"><u><strong><span style="color:#2980b9">Rewards:</span></strong></u></span> </p> <ul> <li> Rewards </li> </ul> <p> <span style="font-size:16px;"><u><strong><span style="color:#2980b9">Requirements:</span></strong></u></span> </p> <ul> <li> Requirements </li> </ul> <p> <span style="font-size:16px;"><u><strong><span style="color:#2980b9">Summary:</span></strong></u></span> </p> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center" background="" height="246px;" style="background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:right;" width="246"> IMAGE HERE </td> <td align="left" background="" height="246px;" valign="top" width="615"> <span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Courier New,Courier,monospace;">Quest text / <abbr title="Non Playable Character">NPC</abbr> dialogue</span></span> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> <span style="font-size:16px;"><u><span style="color:#2980b9"><strong>Outline:</strong></span></u></span> </p> <p> Full description + monster stats </p> IMPORTANT! While it's not required, it would help if you'd run a mock battle for the quest(be it in a post spoiler or a Google docs file). You want it to be a thing that can be soloed? then take 3 player ranges(ex: lvl 12 - 25 - 50+) with average skills and equipment then do a simulation for each using random roll results, then adjust the stats accordingly. Be it as a solo or as a group. While I won't deny 'cosmetic' ideas without proper stats calculated, it helps a lot if the numbers for these mock battle tests are there. To see your thought process and if you are on the right track. A small request regarding this topic: Try to avoid unique/demonic items or enhancements in the rewards. We all like them, we all want them but to be a good content creator, you have get past your personal desires and look at the bigger picture. You want to invent your own reward with your own enhancement/item? Go ahead! Usually a general idea of what you'd like to see and it feels appropriate in the quest context is presented as a reward, then its finally established at the end of all, after all the stats and what-not else. And finally, there are no real templates for events and I'd like to keep boss floors for another time since they need the most fine tuning among all the things the Floor Creation Team handles. I urge that my fellow staff members drop by (if they have the time) and offer their assistance so that we can have a more organic feeling of how it is to be part of the staff team. At the end, I thank you all who read through my bad excuse for a thread (recruitment thread?) and I can't wait to see your ideas.Most importantly: HAVE FUN CREATING! Link to post Share on other sites
Atzo 0 Posted July 14, 2017 #2 Share Posted July 14, 2017 (edited) (To cite my sources I will be listing a reference page that will take you to the books the settlements, notable locations, and mobs can be found. If they aren’t tied to a book I will be citing it as a link to the authors wiki. That said H.P. Lovecrafts work is in the public domain, but credit will be given where credit is due.) Description: Floor <<insert floor number here>> Is a dark and menacing floor. Half of the floor is covered in very deep salt water. There are constant waves hitting the shore that can be heard no matter where you find yourself. The sky is always heavily clouded and has an eerie greenish-blue appearance as if it was about to violently storm. When it does storm, the sound of the waves can still be heard, hitting harder than before. Colors seem to be dampened here, normally bright colors tend to look dimmer due to the lighting. The wilderness is dense and swamplike. There are patches of forest that are so tightly squeezed that what little light that does come through the clouds is nearly completely obsolete. Everywhere seems to have very still air and every sound can be heard clearly. No animals can be heard in the environment, familiars tend to be on edge due to the strange surroundings. While animal life seems to be completely absent, plant life thrives here. Most trees have large glowing fruit (1). Some have theories as to the cause of the strange fruit but no one really has an answer. There are many rumors of strange beings that live in the waters, watching; some say that these beings lurk near the water’s edge, waiting for the unwary to come too close, then dragging them under; drowning them. Others say that that on March 23rd and April 2nd (2) they would come out of the water, dance and cause havok. Main Settlements: Arkham (3)- Arkham is a large, land-locked, town full of scholars and students of Miskatonic University. There are rumors of failed experiments from Miskatonic that caused abominations (4), though that has not stopped anyone from attending the prestigious school. The whole town seems to be very old, most buildings have failing brickwork and look as though they are going to collapse at any second. In the Miskatonic Library (3) is said to have once held the Necronomicon (3), a rare text that was written by a man named Abdul Alhazred (3) though most at the university question its existence at all. Most of those who live in Arkham are very friendly, even given the fantastical horror that was around the town. It seemed that most of the residents were more concerned with schooling than anything else. Sub-Settlements: Innsmouth (5)- The small settlement of Innsmouth is vastly different from the city of Arkham which lies to the south east of Innsmouth. The only similarity being the number of buildings many of which seem as though they should be condemned. There is a strong, vile, fishy odour that can be noticed a mile out and only intensifies as you get closer to the town. It was very rare to find people walking the streets, and when you did you were met with expressions of disgust. Most of the people you see have strange proportions, elongated heads with bulbous eyes that never seemed to shut. If you asked one of the residents of Arkham about Innsmouth, you may hear them reference this as The Innsmouth Look. The only notable places in the town consisted of the Church, the Gold Mill and the Docks. The Church is the largest structure, it had a sign that read “The Esoteric Order of Dagon”. Though when you attempt to look through the archway where a door should be, you only see a curtain of darkness. The Gold Mill is the only industry in the town other than the Inn and the General Store. No one is allowed into the mill, no one seems to ever enter or leave, however if you stand by the fence that surrounds it you can hear the sound of banging metal as though there were blacksmiths working there. The Docks are the home of many fishermen, though they all seem to live in the town. On occasion outsiders have been driven out of the town for trying to fish at the docks. Dunwich (6) - Dunwich is a small town that lies directly east of Arkham and sits on Miskatonic River. Across a covered bridge one sees a small village huddled between the stream and the vertical slope of Round Mountain, and wonders at the cluster of rotting gambrel roofs bespeaking an earlier architectural period than that of the neighbouring region. It is not reassuring to see, on a closer glance, that most of the houses are deserted and falling to ruin, and that the broken-steepled church now harbours the one slovenly mercantile establishment of the hamlet. One dreads to trust the tenebrous tunnel of the bridge, yet there is no way to avoid it. Once across, it is hard to prevent the impression of a faint, malign odour about the village street, as of the massed mould and decay of centuries. (7) Notable Locations:Miskatonic University (3) - A large university in the center of Arkham. It houses many scholars of all types and the Miskatonic Library. The Gates of Yog-Sothoth (6) - On Round Mountain outside of Dunwich is a large and strange rock formation, similar to Stonehenge. There is not much known about this area, save the rumors that if you know the right words you can unleash a great evil on the world.Miskatonic River (3, 6) - A large murky river that runs between Arkham and Innsmouth that Dunwich sits on. Mobs:Deep Ones (5) - A mix of frogs, fish, and humans. Some have pinkish skin but most have green seaweed-like scaly skin. No one knows where they come from save the water itself. Reveal hidden contents Mindflayers - Strange squid-men that walked about looking for something to kill and eat (Non-magical, they attack with their tentacles) Reveal hidden contents Living plants - Plants that have an animal like inelegance and act feralGhouls (4) - strange zombie like creature, seemingly made of body parts from different people, some had detached heads or other limbs References Reveal hidden contents 1 H.P. Lovecraft “The Colour out of Space” 2 H.P. Lovecraft “The Call of Cthulhu” 3 H.P. Lovecraft - Arkham - Necronomicon 4 H.P. Lovecraft “Herbert West - Reanimator” 5 H.P. Lovecraft “The Shadow over Innsmouth” 6 H.P. Lovecraft “The Dunwich Horror” 7 Direct Quote from "The Dunwich Horror" Edited July 14, 2017 by Atzo Link to post Share on other sites
Balmung 0 Posted July 14, 2017 #3 Share Posted July 14, 2017 (edited) «Floor ??» Floor Description There is no floor to this floor. Unlike the majority of the floors in Aincrad, this floor is entirely composed of a sea of massive, rocky islands that mystically hang over a vast expanse of bright, blue sky. Many of the islands are overgrown with untouched, pristine forestland. Others are barren, and rocky, covered in sheer cliffs and stony valleys. Rivers flow freely over these sky islands, creating waterfalls that crash down into the endless abyss of azure below when they reach the edge. On a small number of these islands, large fortresses carved from massive, white stones dot the landscape. They are ruinous and desolate, the plant life around them threatening to overtake them with its ceaseless growth. But these islands are not isolated from one another, for long, perilous bridges have been erected between them, allowing for any who are brave enough to cross and explore the whole of the floor. The entrance to the labyrinth is rumored to be to the east of Fortress Ire, and it is reported that a snake made of stone guards the entrance. Seasons: NoneTemperature: 10°C to 25°CWeather: Sunny to cloudy. Moderate chance for severe thunderstorms. Occasional spikes in humidity. Low to severe wind. «Dinntya» Dinntya is a large city that was recovered from one of the white stone fortresses that appear on this floor. The stone walls that surround it reach high into the sky and have been cleared of debris and overgrowth. Large cracks in these stone walls are visible, and several areas that had broken away have been patched up with slabs of gray rock cemented together with a brown-colored mortar. Dinntya is the city that players will first appear on when coming to this floor, and as such, it houses this floor's teleport gate. The vast majority of the buildings found inside Dinntya are made of a light cream-colored clay, and the streets are lined with pale yellow stones that have been cut into neat rectangles. A large keep, made of the same white stone as the walls, is located in the exact center of the center, tall enough to tower over the buildings around it. The NPC inhabitants of Dinntya dress themselves in brightly colored cotton clothing, often choosing to gird themselves with heavily decorated cloths which they tie about their bodies in variety of different ways. Players will find a few NPC shops run here, but not nearly as many as one might find on floors such Floor 1. On the south side of Dinntya is a giant stone slab, easily over 30 meters in diameter. It is reported that the NPCs of this floor partake in a ritual where they light fires under the slab and cook the eggs of wyverns upon it. Also found in the city of Dinntya are monuments dedicated to NPC explorers who have went missing exploring other islands on this floor. «Noichita Village» Located two islands to the west of Dinntya, a walk that takes roughly three hours and passes through some of the densest forests on the floor, is the small settlement of Noichita Village. It is a small oasis of civilization hidden away from the rest of the floor by the jungly growth surrounding it. Noichita Village rests inside the dilapidated remains of a massive temple, broken statues depicted forgotten deities have been painted and clothed by the NPCs here, who also lay offerings about the feet of these monuments, though they know not who they are trying to appease. Unlike the NPCs in Dinntya, those who reside in Noichita Village are more tribal and dress themselves in the scaly hides of the reptilian beasts that lurk in the vegetation outside their home. «Stomping Grounds» An hour to the north of Noichita Village lies the Stomping Grounds, a great forest that has been ravaged by the beasts that live within. These large reptilian creatures have smashed and uprooted trees, creating large areas littered with the skeletons of the wrecked timber. It is rumored that the king of all reptiles, Riptail the Tyrant, reigns supreme over the smaller scaly creatures of this floor. «Fortess Ire» Far to the south end of the floor rests Fortress Ire, a massive structure of jagged, black rock that rises up beyond the cloud ceiling of this floor. It bursts forth from the cool grey peaks that surround it, and casts an imposing shadow over the whole of the floor. The fortress is home to aggressive dwarf-like monsters, who clad themselves in heavy iron armor and arm themselves giant hammers and cleavers. The king of Fortress Ire is a broad, brute of a dwarf named Durdoenthal, who is a dwarf in name only. He stands easily over 15' tall and rules the mobs of the fortress with a savage will. He wields a fearsome hammer made of red metal, which is actually a combination hammer and axe, and defends himself with a tower shield just as tall as he. Common Enemies » Reptilian, dinosaur-like beasts in the dense, jungly forests » Wyverns that circle overhead in the skies and descend at random » Large, flightless monster birds that race around the sky islands containing barren wastes » Also serpent-like monsters that burrow up from under the sands of the wastes » Savage dwarf-like creatures that would roam the mountainous regions, especially around Fortress Ire Edited July 14, 2017 by Balmung Link to post Share on other sites
Birdie 0 Posted July 15, 2017 #4 Share Posted July 15, 2017 (The reason for the unmarked Floor is because I'm unsure which one this quest would be suited for, it's just an idea I had a while ago.) ~~~ Floor ##<<The Swashbuckling Buccaneer>>Repeatable | Party Limit: 4 | 20+ Posts Recommended Level: 35+ Rewards: Each player receives: 2 Additional SP (one time only) 10,500 Col Pirate's Treasure (Unique Consumable): A lucky coin that will give the user +2 Prosperity, for the duration of a thread. One time use! Objectives: Defeat all 5 <<Pirate Deckhands>> Defeat <<Boatswain Amir>> and <<Boatswain Jessamine>> Defeat <<Burlock, the Quartermaster>> Summary: A <<Frantic-looking Sailor>> sits hunched atop a wooden crate, his feet dangling idly over the pier’s edge. He turns as you approach, a look of hopelessness in his eyes. "Y-you there! Have you the heart to aid a foolish sailor? You see, this shipment is due for departure come morn… and my ship’s been thieved! It’s those purloinin’ pirates, Greybeard’s lot or something-or-other. I would lead an effort to retrieve it but folks round ‘ere pay no mind to the business of others. Don’t suppose you could lend a hand?” Should you choose to accept, the sailor turns Eastward and points across the water. He tells you the ship was last spotted near <<Ill Man’s Cove>>, a pier with two run-down shacks built into the adjoining cliff face, reputable for its shady dealings. He also shares details of the crew who stole his ship, including that of a burly man wearing a Captain’s hat. He marks the coordinates on your map and tells you to meet him where you stand by nightfall, making brief mention of his uncle’s rowboat. Outline: Participants may choose to roleplay meeting the <<Frantic-looking Sailor>> and his uncle at the docks, but must roleplay arriving at <<Ill Man’s Cove>> on the uncle’s rowboat. The sailor’s uncle will leave after dropping off the participants and the sailor. Participants may choose where and how to combat the pirates; however, 2 Deckhands will always try to fight alongside each Boatswain. Boatswains receive individual BD rolls, Deckhands may share (though they still require a separate roll from the player). Once all Deckhands and Boatswains have been defeated, <<Burlock, the Quartermaster>> bursts out from below deck of the stolen ship and howls “Arrggh! Who dares provoke the ire of Greybeard’s Quartermaster?!” Upon defeating <<Burlock, the Quartermaster>>, the sailor climbs aboard his reclaimed ship and imparts a word of thanks, and offers the participants transport back to port. All mobs below receive separate dice rolls each! <<Pirate Deckhand>> HP: 250DMG: 85MIT: 40 Hornswaggle: On a nat. CD of 11-12, stuns the player for one turn and the pirate's attack bypasses 1/2(rounded up) of the target's mitigation. <<Boatswain Amir>> HP: 400 DMG: 125MIT: 60EVA: 2 Chain of Command: When first engaged upon by a player, two <<Pirate Deckhands>> will instantly spawn and attack the player once regardless of Hate. If all 5 <<Pirate Deckhands>> have already been previously spawned (and/or defeated), none will spawn upon engaging the <<Boatswain>>. Freebooter: On nat. BD rolls of 9-10, <<Boatswain Amir>> raises his boot. If the CD is 1-6, he kicks high and hits with 150 AoE damage. If the CD is 7-12, he sweeps low and knocks the target's party off their feet, lowering their Evasion by 2 for their next turn. <<Boatswain Jessamine>> HP: 350DMG: 175MIT: 50ACC: 2 Chain of Command: When first engaged upon by a player, two <<Pirate Deckhands>> will instantly spawn and attack the player once regardless of Hate. If all 5 <<Pirate Deckhands>> have already been previously spawned (and/or defeated), none will spawn upon engaging the <<Boatswain>>. Crow’s Nest: On nat. BD rolls of 9-10, <<Boatswain Jessamine>> rears her boot. If the CD is 1-6, she sweeps low and knocks the target over, lowering their Accuracy by 3 for one turn. If the CD is 7-12, she aims high and launches an attack that bypasses 2/3(rounded up) of the target's mitigation. <<Burlock, the Quartermaster>>'s Stats HP: 600DMG: 165MIT: 80EVA: 2ACC: 2 All Hands On Deck!: Immune to Paralysis/Stun. Black Spot: Burlock’s cutlass is coated with a thin poison. On a successful hit, with a nat. CD rolls of 10-12, the target suffers 30 Poison Damage for their next two turns. Davy’ Jones Locker: On nat. BD rolls of 9, Burlock deals 50 additional damage. On nat. BD rolls of 10, Burlock deals 100 additional damage. Link to post Share on other sites
Birdie 0 Posted July 16, 2017 #5 Share Posted July 16, 2017 This is geared toward newer players who would want to get a head start on their Profession. ~~~ Floor 1<<Game of Scones>>Repeatable | Level limit: 10 | Party Limit: 4 Recommended Level: 2+ Rewards: Each player receives: 1 Additional SP (one time only) 1000 Col Optional rewards: Rich Fruit Scone (Consumable): A deliciously fruity scone the grants +1 CD for one day of crafting. Buttermilk Scone (Consumable): A delicious creamy scone that grants +1 bonus EXP per crafting attempt for one day of crafting. Chocolate Chip Scone (Consumable): A deliciously sweet scone that grants +1 additional crafting attempt for one day of crafting. Objectives: 20+ Posts (1 or more pages) At least one of the following must be exchanged: (5) <<Fruit>> -->> (1) Rich Fruit Scone (4) <<Pails of Cow’s Milk>> -->> (1) Buttermilk Scone (7) <<Chocolate Chips>> OR (5) <<Processed Chips>> -->> (1) Chocolate Chip Scone Summary: “Whaaa! Th-th-this isn’t possible, a shipment came in just three days ago and we’re FRESH OUT ALREADY?!” “O-oh goodness golly, oh dear...” “I did not eat the chips, you can’t prove ANYTHING!” As you enter Loaf of Braid, an authentic bakery located on the East side of <<Town of Beginnings>>, sounds of panicking erupt from within the establishment. The seating area is devoid of NPCs but the voices continue emanating from somewhere inside. If you peek through the cracked-open kitchen door, you find inside three sisters arguing over their unexpected lack of ingredients. Suddenly, the door swings wide open on its own volition and they stare at you standing by the kitchen entrance. “Just what do you think you’re doin’?!” The sister with the floral headpiece shouts. Immediately, the girl wearing a yellow apron shushes her sibling and points after you instead. “Hey! Seeing as you’re so nosy, we got a task for ya’! We’re fresh outta ingredients t’ make our scones pop and we got important customers waitin’ on their orders. Get us fresh stuff and we’ll give ya’ some extras, but make it snappy!” Should you accept, they mark the location of <<Farmhand’s Reach>> on your map, a small farm just a little ways from the road to <<Horunka>>. The sisters speak of each ingredient to be found, as well as a delicious yet mysterious Chocolate Chip the farmer produces there. “Oh, and don’t be afraid t’ mix n’ match, we need all the variety we can get! Now GET!” Outline:Participants must collect and hand in quest items within a 2-hour time limit (in character, no effect stats wise). Each participant must hand in their items individually. Players can gain the optional rewards in exchange for the quest items. <<Fruit>> can be gathered from the plots around <<Farmhand’s Reach>>, following normal gathering rules. <<Pails of Cow’s Milk>> can be obtained as loot for slaying Cows. This quest item drops in a 1:1 ratio. <<Chocolate Chips>> can be obtained as loot for slaying Plump Chickens.This quest item drops in a 1:1 ratio. Additionally, when a Plump Chickens dies, a Mystery Box is included in the loot. While players can stack mystery boxes, each one needs a separate roll to open. A LD 13+ successfully opens the box and yields <<Processed Chips>>; on a lower LD the box gives the player a Rock with no value. <<Cow>> HP: 7 DMG: 2 MD of 9-10: AoE + Paralyze, no extra damage. Drops <<Cow’s Milk>> on LD 11+, alongside normal loot. <<Plump Chicken>> HP: 5DMG: 1 MD of 9-10: AoE, no extra damage.Drops <<Chocolate Chips>> on LD 14+, alongside normal loot. Link to post Share on other sites
Ariel - The Crowned Lion 0 Posted July 28, 2017 Author #6 Share Posted July 28, 2017 I've read all your ideas, good job:D These are the final forms after talks with each one of you via PMs/Discord. Now that I'm pleased with the result, I'll be adding them to the staff section to see how we can fit them. Keep'em coming! Link to post Share on other sites
Birdie 0 Posted July 31, 2017 #7 Share Posted July 31, 2017 (edited) Kih-Ray-On. It's named after the Japanese words for Yellow and Lion (according to Google translate, sorry if that's incorrect). It might not actually be pronounced like that either, but it is for the purpose of the quest. --- Floor 19<<Keep Calm and Ki'Raion>>Repeatable | Party Limit: 4 | 20+ Posts Recommended Level: 40 Rewards: Each player receives: 2 Additional SP at Day/1 Additional SP at Night 8,000 Col (15) T3 Crafting Materials Daytime Last Hit reward: <<Ki'Raion's Tail>> [Perfect T2/T3 weapon of choice]: A weapon fashioned from Ki'Raion's remains, enhanced with two slots of Accuracy and one slot of Paralyze. Objectives: Defeat <<Ki’Raion>> Summary: Rumour spreads of an exceedingly powerful monster, hidden deep in the far Eastern reaches of the 19th floor. Locals say that the beast roams high hills and barren plains, laying waste to entire settlements and demolishing every cursed fauna that stands in its path. The scouting party who encountered <<Ki'Raion>> have reported escaping with their health points in tatters and the beast’s untouched, dubbing it extremely aggressive, territorial and dangerous. For fear of the <<Ki'Raion>>'s true strength, it's suggested no lone player trek within a thousand yards of the floral lion’s territory and that parties remain vigilant in an encounter. (Artwork: FlowerLions, Olya Bossak) <<Ki’Raion>>HP: 850 - MIT: 125 - DMG: 175 - ACC: 3 - EVA: 2 <<Tail Swipe>>: If BD 9-10 and MD 1-5 is rolled simultaneously, <<Ki’Raion>> unleashes a powerful tail swipe that can strike a whole party. Deals 150 AoE damage to all party members as well as normal damage to the player with the most hate. <<Venus Fly Trap>>: If BD of 9-10 and MD of 6-10 is rolled simultaneously, <<Ki’Raion>> lunges at the player with the most hate and encases them in its floral mane. They experience 150 additional damage and will take 100 additional damage for each following turn that they're trapped. They are freed when at least 200 HP damage has been dealt to <<Ki’Raion>> or another player achieves greater hate. A trapped player may still attack. <<Photosynthesize>>: Absorbing the Sun’s energy, every second attack <<Ki’Raion>> makes will be damage boosted by 150. <<Moonlight Aversion>>: During nighttime, the boss does not use Photosynthesize and its damage-boosting conditions deal half as much damage. However, the quest rewards are significantly poorer. Edited August 1, 2017 by Birdie Link to post Share on other sites
Hidden 1 Posted August 3, 2017 #8 Share Posted August 3, 2017 (edited) (Thanks to Balmung for the format!) «Floor ??» Twilight Realm Floor Description A floor of darkness and shadows is exactly what floor ?? is. This floor is not affected by time or space like other floors. Time here is stuck at a point of twilight, where light is found, but just enough to allow visibility. The light found comes from all around the area, below above, but only in small patches. Bits of pixelated darkness flows through the air, allowing the travel between different points of the floor. Darkness plagues this floor, corrupting the monsters and even townspeople into beasts of shadow. There are different areas of this floor, including forests and rivers. The forests have been plagued, making the trees gnarly and dark, the leaves a dark black. The rivers too, are made of black water, where it is made of roaring shadow. This floor is made out of many different segments, each accessible from a different waypoint in the main settlement. Waypoints are the only form of teleportation transport available to players and involves stepping into a waypoint that takes you to the place where you want to go. The buildings in this town are made of hard stone and are inscribed with a runic writing that no player would be able to understand. Surrounding each island is a pit of abyss Seasons: NoneTemperature: 10°C to 25°CWeather: Sunny to cloudy. Moderate chance for severe thunderstorms. Occasional spikes in humidity. Low to severe wind. «Twili» The only settlement in the entire floor is the city of <<Twili>>. Twili is located in the center of the floor and is medium sized. It is inhabitated by the only sane creatures of Twilight on the floor, though the NPC's that live there speak a foreign language, undecipherable by any player. The buildings here are made of a dark stone, and NPC's rarely are inside of them. In fact, occasionally they have no doors, and their purpose is to worship their king. The NPC's wander aimlessly, and the city is protected by the Sol's, orbs of light with incredible ancient power. To the East of this floor is a hollow pillar that can be walked into by player. Walking into it will Waypoint the player to the Twilight Forest,a place unvisited by the NPC's of Twili, as they do not leave the city. On the West side of the town, is another pillar, this one leading to the Twilight Caverns. To the South, is another Pillar Waypoint, but this one takes a player to the Lake Twili, a lake that radiates the same essence that the Floor does. Finally, to the North of the city is stair steps, leading upward to the mighty and vast Palace of Twilight, the place where the Rulers of the Twilight Realm lie. The Palace is inaccessible from the stairs, as a waterfall of darkness and shadows, deadly to all, protects it, coming from an never-ending steam. It is rumored, that this stream comes from the waters of Lake Twili, but the shadows at a higher concentration. <Orange may enter Twili, but still must regard Safe-Zone rules> «Palace Of Twilight» A black palace to the North of Twili, where the many halls and rooms make the areas a maze or labyrinth. It is several stories high, but there is only three floors above the ground. The palace gives off an eerie light, a ghostly glow from the power of rulers of the past. The rulers have lived here for centuries, using their power to become the dictator of their people and the realm itself. The NPC's of Twili never enter the Palace, and the current ruler never leaves the Palace walls. The ruler is to be found in the throne room. As of now, there is no apparent way to get into the Palace as a dark waterfall protects the entrance from unwanted visitors. At the Peak of the castle is a tower that goes straight up into the sky. The halls of the palace are guarded by beasts of Twilight, who are commanded to attack on sight. «Twilight Forest» The Twilight Forest is a few tens of miles East of Twili, and is only accessible via waypoint from Twili. A forest of dark gnarly trees, where the leaves are blackened, but still appear to be rather healthy. The trees are tight together, leaving only about ten feet between each one. Twilight Beasts and Twili-Boars are the only creatures that prowl the forest. The light here is low, making it the perfect place for players to hide, but also a great spot for Twilight Beasts to hunt players as prey. In the center of the forest, is a tree of much larger size than any other, and casts off the same eerie light as the Palace of Twilight. If a player were to touch the tree, they would immediately be Waypointed to Lake Twili. «Twilight Caverns» The Twilight Caverns are on an large chunk of land many miles to the West of Twili, and is only accessible via the waypoint in Twili. The Caverns all lie in a single huge mountain, that involves several small holes, barely able to be fitted into by players. The caverns are dimly lit by large black crystals that can be found all throughout the caverns. The caverns are like a large ant hill, with many corridors, and many Twilight Beasts run amok, as they are the only creatures that lie within. There are many rich materials found here, but it can be difficult to find a way out for those players who have trouble remembering where they have been. At the center of the all of the caverns is a large clearing where no Twilight Beasts go. There is a single huge black crystal here. If one touches it, it will waypoint the player to Lake Twili. «Lake Twili» Lake Twili is the only water found in the floor, other than the one that guards the entrance to the Palace. The waters are black an poisonous to the touch for players, depleting their entire lifebar after being ten seconds in the water. Around the water, the area is infested by all types of monsters, and at a higher volume than anywhere else. Aerial beasts strike from the sky, as monsters attack from the ground. At the bank of the water, there is a pillar like the ones at Twili, that serves as a waypoint back to Twili. At the other end of the lake is a Wispy white figure that constantly points at the center of the lake, where there is a bright gleaming light from the bottom. The Wispy figure never moves, and always points. <<NPC's>> <<Creatures of Twili>> - The inhabitants of Twili that survived the change, and now have their sanity protected by the Sol's. They worship the ruler of Twilight and never leave Twili, in fear that they will become more like the monsters that prowl around the rest of what remain. Reveal hidden contents <<Sol's>> - The power of nature and what was, trapped inside a fiery orb of light, not using its power to bring light to the ream, and to protect the Creatures of Twili from the effects of the Realm and the effects of the Ruler of Twilight. They are the only thing that exists upon the floor that is not forced to worship the Ruler of Twili. They have extreme strength and can take any form they choose, but they usually perfer to take the orb appearance when just going about the day. Reveal hidden contents <<Enemies>> <<Twilight Beasts>> - Creatures that have lost all sanity as their minds were unprotected from the Sol's as they were not in the city of Twili. They now roam the distant lands of the Twilight Realm, hunting anything that treads upon their lands. They along with everything else, make it impossible for life in the Twilight Realm. They are the most abundant enemies as they are found everywhere and follow beck and call to the Ruler of the Twilight Realm. Reveal hidden contents <<Kargarok>> - Once a bird, the Twilight has changed it into a much larger predatory monster that attacks from the skies, striking with its talons and occasionaly throwing the unfourtanate into the abyss. It is dark, and feasts on prey, smaller than itself. Reveal hidden contents <<Twilight Boars>> - Once like one of the boars on the first floor, but now more aggressive and powerful than before. They travel alone, hunting down everything in sight, and occasionally are aggressive enough to attack another mob, but players are preferred. Reveal hidden contents Edited August 4, 2017 by Hidden Link to post Share on other sites
Itzal 0 Posted August 4, 2017 #9 Share Posted August 4, 2017 (edited) <<Floor ??>>Dûrmgrist The entire floor is an underground cavern, lit up by glowing crystals, water, and light sources the Dwarves use for their paths and cities. All Dwarven structures are made of a unique material designed by the Dwarves. The material is made up of multiple strong stones, and enchanted to protect structures from time and outside assaults. The Dwarves are also highly advanced, machinery found in most of their cities and ruins, all active and working just as they did the day they were created. Ranging from engineering rooms, pumps, observatory’s, as well as mechanical golems, and many other forms, these pieces of marvel are all powered by generators, magic stones, and steam. The cavern itself is massive, making it's mark as one of the bigger floors. Materials consist of every variety of mushrooms and ores, but the most rare and valuable material is mithril. A silver like metal, light as a feather and as hard as dragon scales. The temperature is 12°C unless players are nearby a light source. Reveal hidden contents <<Settlements>> All settlements are inhabited by Dwarves. Any players who are new to a settlement are immediately blocked by dwarf Knights and Golems and are investigated. If player is an orange player they call them barzul, which essentially is a curse for ill luck and are looked down on from each and every dwarf. They have a code of honor and do not believe in backstabbing. Otherwise they let the player in and warn them not to cause any disturbance. <<Tronjheim>>The city is carved in the shape of a cylinder, reaching two hundred, thirty four and a half feet in height. There are seventeen floors of Tronjheim and in the center of each floor is the plaza. All floors are made of translucent diamond except for the ceiling at the top: Isidar Mithrim rests on the ceiling, a massive jewel shaped like a disk. Solid rubies and emeralds lined with gold in order to create the design of a rose. While this city is not the capital, it holds the hearts of all dwarves. Player spawns in the center of the city on the center floor where the exit is. The dwarves here are the most friendly in the floor as well, though the guards choose to ignore most and focus on their jobs. <<Koldurahl>>The only dwarf city with no ceiling, yet still very well defended with it’s golems and warriors. The Dwarves inhabiting this settlement are the greatest archers of all time. In the city plaza, a massive glowing ball hangs that lights up most of the city. While it’s the smallest dwarven city it’s importance is major. They venture out to gather, hunt food, and mine in the more dangerous places. Due to the many resources, their city is the source of most trade. Beneath the city is a black market which orange players can visit. No matter what occurs, these dwarves strive to remain on the neutral side, choosing to protect and serve themselves rather than choosing one over the other, and therefore trading between both sides. <<Moria>>This is the capital of the dwarven floor. While it doesn’t hold the beauty that Tronjheim has, it makes up for in the sheer size, majesty, and culture. This city has most of it’s technology hidden from view, but make no mistake that it’s there. Most of the guards are massive golems and dwarven knights, all fierce warriors and very relentless in combat. The entrance into Moria itself is mind boggling. An enormous hallway which the end cannot be seen at first, filled with thousands of columns to hold the massive structure securely. Once in the city itself, much of the decorations on the walls, floor, ceiling, and everything in general is decorated with precious metals and gemstones. <<Locations of Note>> <<Abandoned Mineshaft>>This mineshaft is the possibly the most massive mine anyone has possibly seen or imagined. A steep slope that leads down deep into the ground with stone bridges connecting the different areas. There are many platforms and machinery which rest there waiting to be used. The player can follow the many paths downward and eventually make it to Morgoth’s Depths below. Nearly every mineral has been stripped in this area save for the veins below. When traveling through the mineshaft, players tend to run into small underground rooms where the Dwarves expanded their expedition and attempt to mine out an ore vein. <<The Lake>>The lake itself seems to glow with some sort of algae, and while it is very pretty to look at, there is something very ominous about it. Mushrooms grow vibrantly along the edge of the water, seeming to thrive off of the algae itself. Many of the mushrooms are either used to create potent poisons, or instant cures. There is a tiny island in the center of the lake where an extremely rare mushroom grows. This item cannot be grown anywhere else, and can only be found and obtained from a quest. The water itself is warm, and when near or in the lake, you feel like your being watched. <<Valley of Silent Stones>>No civilization is without it’s wars. When the dwarven clans collided however, the bloodbath was too horrific to speak of. In the end, their battle stilled the very air and chills the bones of those who tread across it. The environment itself makes no noise, and players travelling through cannot hear their own footsteps, weapons, or other things of the kind. All that can be heard is the player and familiar’s voices. Dotted across the battlefield are memorial stones, little piles of polished stones with runes set on them. If players walk near or disturb these areas, fallen dwarves may appear and fight the player. <<Labyrinth Tunnels>>This is a series of tunnels that was originally meant to start a new city, but ultimately failed. Upon abandoning the project, the dwarves built roads to prevent anyone from ever being lost in these tunnels, but of course there are those who are foolhardy to try. The tunnels overlap, turn around, twist and mix so many times that even if you looked at your map you would not be able to tell which way led where. If the player does choose to follow the path rather than exploring the Labyrinth tunnels, the journey will still take quite some time. Morgoth’s DepthsBeyond and beneath the abandoned mineshaft is Morgoth’s depths. Morgoth’s Depths Is essentially a collection of towers, bridges and cliffs, all just one wrong step into a major fall down into a lake of fire and lava. If a player is lucky, they’ll land on one of the stalagmites that will kill them instantly rather than over time. There are not many ruins here, and it looks like the mining work was abandoned, not finished or closed down. The temperature here is 50°C due to the lava that rests below, as well as the lava that flows into it from the walls. Dwarves avoid these depthes at all costs, and there is a place where even goblins won't go: A single stone bridge over a massive ravine. <<Mobs>> <<Golems>>There are two forms of Golems. Melee and ranged. The melee golems are very heavily armored and are able to draw and sheath a blade out of their mechanical arms, and their hands are shaped like heavy shields, able to block or use like a hammer for superior heavy attacks. The ranged golems are not as armored, but are designed to create and launch explosive fireballs that are difficult to avoid. These golems are typically found in Moria as well as ancient Dwarven Ruins. Despite the long time these golems have existed, they function as perfectly as the day they were made. Reveal hidden contents <<Dwarves>>Warriors. Knights. Fallen. These are the three dwarves one might run into during the travelling of this floor. Warriors focus on raw damage, and are fast sprinters. Their stamina and endurance is high, giving them the ability to continue fights for a long time. Knights are heavily armored and wield powerful weapons. While their movements are more slow than the warriors, they are still fast enough to fight swift warriors, and intelligent enough to change tactics and possibly outsmart their foes. Fallen are the spirits of warriors who reside in ancient ruins. Reveal hidden contents <<Infernal Goblin>>These goblins are forced to live in the fiery depths after being destroyed by the dwarves. While they are far weaker than the dwarves in strength or endurance, their survival instincts, skills, and intelligence have kept them alive all this time and are not to be underestimated. Goblins tend to travel and fight in groups of three or more. When there are more than four goblins, the others surround you while four fight you. With every Goblin slain, another arrives to take their place. They attempt to set traps, ambushes, and any other way to get the upper hand against their enemies. Reveal hidden contents Edited August 4, 2017 by Itzal Link to post Share on other sites
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