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Ryo's Tale

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Tags: Anime, ShadowPink77, Mo Dao Zu Shi, Jiang Cheng, Purple Ribbon, Fanart, X (Twitter), Fanart from X (Twitter)
Username: Ryo
Real name: Ryoji Mochizuki
Age: 23 (25 in game time)
Gender: Male
Height: 5'5''

About: History/personality
Ryoji rubbed his eyes after taking another long drink of his coffee. How long had he been up now, twenty-five? Thirty? No wait, it felt like thirty but was actually twenty-seven hours now. He wouldn't need the coffee normally, but this line was taking too long. Apparently, the first ever Full Dive video game was going to be an MMO called Sword Art Online, and it was a big deal. The line went on for at least several miles behind him. Luckily, he was able to [censored] a good spot before the crowd came. The town he lived in was small, but this was a lot of people for a single item. Perhaps it was people from the city who came down for a shorter wait time? He couldn't even begin to fathom the wait times of the city. He'd only visited a few time, and each time he spent at least half of his stay in some sort of line there. A few cheers and claps from ahead woke Ryo up enough to notice what was going on.  The doors had opened and the security detail was letting people into the store one at a time to avoid a madness of buildup. This added security, but it also increased wait times. Ryo let out a sigh before going back to his coffee.

Another few hours pass and Ryo's tired eyes rest on the 'no' symbol of the backpack before him. He'd been focusing on that stick for god only knows how long. He memorized every detail of it. From the amount of dirt on it from the passage of time by how yellow the white was, to how faded the red was from the sun. But soon, the backpack disappeared as did the man who carried it. "Next!" A voice called out, announcing it was Ryo's turn to enter the store. The tellers in the store were very busy, moving one box to another as they tried to keep up with demand for the newest Nerve Gear. The back door was still open, and box after box was loaded in. Ryo greeted the man standing at the register, and he greeted back. A swipe of his card and the spending of a ton of yen netted Ryo a new device in which to lose himself. He thanked the teller and took his items. The teller even gave him instructions on how to set up his account on his phone, so that it'd be ready for him at home.

At home, Ryo ate a quick lunch and sat his new system up. Surprisingly the SAO game came preloaded onto the console. Probably a bit of kindness out of the store employees. Ryo had planned to get at least some semblance of sleep before playing as the game downloaded, but since it already was there wasn't any harm in logging in for a few moments was there? Logging in using the account he had made earlier made the process much faster. But it asked for some pretty personal data. It asked about his weight and height. As well as his gender, age, eye and natural hair color. Some physical ones made sense, but the ones about his hair and eyes made no sense to him. He shrugged it off and continued to create a character.

He shortened his name from Ryoji to Ryo. Ryo was short, one syllable in length so it was easy to memorize and say. And it sounded like a fighting game character so it fits in with the world around him. He picked the option he liked, with few hairstyles he'd enjoy besides the more feminine ones. But he was impressed with the whole thing. Everything looked so, real. Perhaps it was due to the game using his senses, or the fact that he couldn't feel anything real, just the game. He clicked continue and was shocked as to what happened next. The log in animation started, and he felt himself being whipped through the air as if he was riding a roller coaster. And when the world finally loaded in, he was amazed at what he saw. The character creator paled in comparison. Ton's of players flocked to a small open park inside what was only known as the City of Beginnings. Trailers teased as much, but this was above and beyond.

But as do all things, the happiness and joy of this fantasy world ended as Ryo couldn't log out any longer. Just as he was about to send a help request, he was teleported back to the main plaza. Tons, no every player in SAO was there, with the same confused face. Some were upset that they were teleported, others confused as to why. A large robed figure bled from the sky, announcing himself as the creator of SAO. And the words he spoke next brought everyone into a silence. The muttering ceased, the wind died, and the sound melted away into nothing as Ryo stood in silence barely able to comprehend what had happened. He'd had been trapped in this virtual world until someone completed the game, or he died. And if he died, he'd, in turn, die in the real world.

Months pass as Ryo learns about the world around him. He stayed around the lower levels of Aincrad, above the new adventurers yet below the frontliners.He wasn't skilled enough for floor bosses, yet he outclassed some of the lower leveled quests. That what he got for farming materials and selling them to NPC's. And all he had to show for it was a bunch of measly skills and some items so worthless they might as well be cosmetic. His motivation for continuing his grind came to a standstill until however, he met him. Exploring some ruins on the sixth floor, Ryo had a chance encounter with another player. The player introduced himself as Lowenthal and the two quickly hit it off. Together they explored the ruins, found a bit of treasure and made off like the slick tomb raiders they were. Lowenthal did most of the fighting, most of the tanking, and well pretty much everything else. But what would you expect of Aincrad's sweetheart? Ryo soon after learned of Lowenthal's identity as previous guild owner, to a member of the exquisite Azure Brigade, then as a high ranking official on the Knights of the Blood Oath. On top of that, he was a strong fighter as he was on the frontlines as well as the back. He didn't excel at either one but did more than the average person in that regard.

Lowenthal talked about his friends, and how they inspired hope in him. That Lowenthal fought, for their safety and their dreams. That he wielded his weapon not for himself, but for those who could not. Something about Lowenthal's bravado, his simple presence stirred something inside of Ryo. Here was a more frontline, vanquisher of monsters and hero to a handful of people, telling him that he never did it for himself. That he had feared, for those around him as well as himself. Ryo was devastated to learn that Lowenthal had died. And when Ryo saw Lowe's name sprawled over the monument, he made up his mind that he would carry out Lowe's dream. And that he would become the hero that Aincrad needed. Now that Lowenthal was gone, someone needed to fill the void and if no one else would do it, it would be Ryo.


Caring: Ryo cares about the people around him. Not just those who he knows by name, but even to complete strangers. He wants to help them all the same, he wants the fearful to be brave, the meek to be confident and the weak to be strong. He wants them all to be happy, not because of simple gratification but because someone needs to.

Brave: Ryo will stand in the way of anything and everything without care to himself, but he'll dive out of the way if he has to. He'll take on any comer should he need to, too show the people around him that they have nothing to fear. A wise man once told him that he only needs to believe in himself and that anything he dreamed to accomplish could happen. He held those words to his heart and became what he needed to be.

Charming: Charming in the sense of the word of that, he'd rather talk his way around a situation then act. A hero shouldn't use violence at every challenge. Villains can be prosecuted, monsters can be captured, and heroes can be made. Ryo will often use his words to try to inspire bravery, or courage to those around him. After all, what use is a hero if he can't inspire people around him.


Too Caring: Ryo needs the approval from the entirety of SAO to achieve his dream. Just one person not finding hope, or joy from him sends him reeling they'll do just about anything to appease them. He just cares too much about the well being of others to sit idly by and do nothing. He sees someone being bullied, he'll step in try to defuse the situation and teach them why bullying and venting through violence isn't the way. Or he'll dive headfirst into combat to buy someone time whilst they escape.

Selfish: His goal to become SAO's hero is a selfish one, simply for self-gratification, no matter what he tells himself what else it's for. He wants to live in the limelight constantly giving his name, and that he'll be the next big thing or the greatest player of all time. He'll boast about past victories and one up them just to make him sound better than the other person even if they were untruths.

Showman: No matter the situation, if dramatics can be called for it Ryo will perform them. He'll monologue back with a villain, he'll praise another for hours on end for their good work, and he'll most definitely call out all of his attacks by name as loud as he can. He'll rarely attack from stealth and instead choose to face the danger head on, as is the most dramatic fashion. He walks slowly, wearing a smile and slowly draw his blade as that is akin to what heroes do. 

Level: 32
Total XP: 43,936
Total SP: 160
Paragon Lvl: 0



Edited by Ryo
Updated from 2.6 to 3.0
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Skill Point Investments
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- Weapon Skill, Katana - Rank 5
- Armor Skill, Heavy - Rank 5
- Battle Healing - Rank 4
- Searching - Rank 3
- Energist - Rankless

- Impetus
- Emergency Recovery
- Night Vision

- Focus
- Stamina
- Iron Skin

Extra Skills
- Survival
- Leadership - Rank 1


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Good - Uncommon - Rare - Perfect - Demonic

- Gin Kin3  (Katana  +6 Base Damage)[Damage-Damage-Damage]
Shigure4 (Paralyze - Bleed - Bleed)

Fierce Deity's Coat3 (Light Armor +36 Mitigation)[Mitigation - Mitigation - Recovery]
Violet Samurai's Sode4 ( Mitigation - Heavy Momentum - Heavy Momentum)
Violet Samurai’s Kuwait4 (Mitigation - Recovery - Recovery)

- Accuracy Charm3 (Trinket +3 Accuracy) [Accuracy - Accuracy - Accuracy]


Other Items
- Custom Ambition Tool
- Dimensional Backpack

Rare Trinket4 | ID 241511a
Rare Armor/Shield4 | ID 241949a
Uncommon Consumable4 (2) | ID 241947a, 241947a
Perfect Trinket4 (2) | ID 241950a, 241948a

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House Name: Ryo's Estate
Location: Floor 11, visible on a hill from the entrance of Taft
Description: A large mansion graciously donated by a mysterious benefactor, claiming to be of Lowenthal's aide. After arriving at the map coordinates, this mansion stood. The letter also held a key, which unlocked the front door. The mansion that laid out in front of Ryo was, amazing to say the least. "Ah! Good evening sir!" A voice blurted out. "A pleasure to meet your acquaintance. Master Lowenthal told me to be expecting company after some time. I didn't think he'd actually give you the estate, however." Ryo turned to see an older gentleman standing tall in a suit. He must have been a butler of sorts, from the form of speech and the attire he wore. "You may call me "Pennyworth'. At least, that's what Master Lowenthal called me. Would you like a tour of the estate sir?" Still gobsmacked of the situation, all Ryo could do is nod his head. "Excellent sir! If you'll follow me."Pennyworth said, waving a single arm evoking Ryo to follow. "Now, there are only about, six rooms available that are suitable for living. That was all that Master Lowenthal could do before he-" Pennyworth cut himself off. "Before he died, leaving this all to you. There is room in the Estate for other rooms, and perhaps even a few updates. The place is rather drafty." He said, taking out a small piece of fabric and rubbing a smudge from a door handle.

A portrait of the Butler: Pennyworth

Plot Size: Estate 

Room(s): 6 Room Slots | 4 Stories | 0 Yard Slots

Main Entrance /Foyer: A large estate, that has seen much better days. Through the large front door allows you to access the foyer. Doors lead off on the left and right sides of the room. In front and center is a grand staircase that splits off into the left and right wings of the second floor. A large chandelier hangs above you illuminating the hall. Here Pennyworth takes guests hats, and coats and places them on respective racks with grace.

Dining Room(2 Slots): The first door on the left leads into a dining room of grand design. A small ornate wooden table sits, with two chairs across from one another. Allowing two people to enjoy a fine meal prepared by Pennyworth should they wish it. A large bay window adorns the window, letting all inside gaze upon the natural beauty outside.

Basic Kitchen(1 Slot): Attached to the Dining Room, and the Main Entrance, a kitchen sits. White tiled floors, with dark grey wooden walls, polished to a shine by Pennyworth, make the kitchen a sight to see. With an island for preparation of meals and other various tools. Meals are prepared here by either Pennyworth or those able to work the stove.

Living Room(2 Slots): Across the hall from the dining room, attached to the other two doors in the Main Entrance is the living room. Several leather couches sit around a coffee table. More of a place of relaxation then entertainment. The room is also filled with various knick-knacks such as globes, spyglasses, and lamps. Several spots on the walls have lights aimed at them for portraits and the like.

-Second Floor-

Master Bedroom(1 slot): The master bedroom is made to almost perfection. A king sized bed sits in the middle, across from it a wardrobe. A comfy chair by a window allows one to either relax or read by the sunlight. The door locks itself to all excluding Master Ryo, and the butler Pennyworth.

-Third Floor-

-Fourth Floor-

Total Cost: Donated


Room Buffs

Dining Room: "Tasty" - Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.

Basic Kitchen: "Filling" - Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps.(Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.)

Living Room: "Relaxed" - Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.

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