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[SP-F21] A Broken Beat

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This Thread takes place after the events of the 21st boss raid meeting and Itzal and Jonathan finding his familiar. 



Battle Stats: 
Level: 55 - 241 SP
1,261  HP
106 Energy
+0 Accuracy
-1 Evasion
15 Base Damage
161 Mitigation
75 Battle Healing
+42 Thorns
+1 Paralyze
+1 Taunt
+6 Heavy Momentum

Equipped Items:
» «White Edged Blade» (+9 DMG) (Tier 3, One Handed Curved Sword)
» «White Edged Aegis» (+21 Thorns, +1Paralyze, +1 Taunt) (Tier 3, Shield): 
» «White Edged Protector» (+21 Thorns, +6 Heavy Momentum) (Tier 3, Heavy Armor)
» *«Dimensional Backpack» (+1 Battle Ready Inventory extra slot)
» *«Darksteel» (+81 Mitigation) (Tier 3, Protector Familiar)
» *«Darksteel Pendant» (Tier 3, Vanity Trinket)


Rank 5 - One-Handed Curved Sword (+5 DMG)
Rank 5 - Block (+50 MIT)
Rank 5 - Heavy Armor (+30 MIT) -------------------------------------------------------------> Mod: Stonewall (+Active Mitigation in HP)
Rank 5 - Battle Healing (+75 HP per Turn)
Rank 0 - Howl (+3 Hate) ------------------------------------------------------------------------> Mod: Focused Howl (+5 Hate)

E - Rank 0 - Survival (Immune to Environmental Effects)
E - Rank 0 - Meditation
E - Rank 3 - Protector Familiar

Morgenstern stood upon the rocks the twenty first floor. Soon, they would all be getting together for the boss raid, and he needed materials for potions and just some basic experience. So here he was out on the Twenty-First floor, his armor giving off a glint as he stood there. His hand rested upon the hilt of his blade as he stood there, staring off into the distance. Monsters were out there farther. Goblins, little dragons, and creatures that liked the damp environment. Most would struggle soloing this floor, but Jonathan thought rather highly in his ability to not die. He brought his blade out of his sheath, and in it he seen him. Beatbox. He had originally recruited Beatbox, and helped the man train. At the end there, Beatbox was a key point in his wanting to become stronger in the damage field. He still did not match Beatbox in that aspect, but he wasn’t weak. He blinked, and the White-Edged Blade appeared to look like Shi’s Talon. A wave of anger rushed upon him all at once, and he slammed his blade into the rocks, letting out a howl of anger that would let all monsters nearby what his position was. “DAMN IT BEATBOX!” He shouted. ‘Why were you beaten? How could such an immense strength, pure and true, be overcome by a force never heard?’ A rustle in the rocks could be heard behind him and he spun quickly around, barely glancing off a blow from a dagger. A gnarly and starved looking creature stood in front of him, holding a wicked looking dirk.

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The tank stood there for a second, anger seething through his eyes, pure hatred coming through his body. To him, the goblin took upon a dark cloak, shading its form from view, its dagger turning into a longsword. The cloaked figure charged at him and he snarled, deflecting the first blow his shield. He then proceeded to ram forward his shield, bringing back his weapon in a wide arc. The cloaked figure proceeding to backflip away from his blow. Red eyes now protruded from the darkness of the inside of the cloak. His eyes were betraying him, showing what he wanted to see. The killer of Beatbox. Death Adder. He made a shout before charging forward, bringing his blade down to drive at his opponent. He stopped quickly as three more cloaked Death Adder’s came from the woods behind him. He shouted and attacked with quick and brute strength. His blade with each of the creature’s chests, easily ripping through each of their cloaks. A hissing noise was heard, and red shards began to flood the battlefield. The cloak of Death Adder ripped open, and an actual large black snake raised up to meet him in the battlefield. Jonathan went to make another blow, but it zipped back before it lashed out, attacking Jonathan with supreme force and quick speeds, comparable to that of an assault from a dagger. He didn’t pay attention to that if the Assault actually hit him or not, but at the moment he didn’t care. He was angry enough for it to blind his vision. He seen flashes of a larger body that extended beyond the body of the snake. He blinked and thought and the large black snake became four separate goblins. A tear ran down his cheek, the thought of Beatbox drowning each of his other thoughts.


Roll: 88807
BD:10 (Paralyze Added)

DMG: Morgenstern -> Goblin A-D = 17*8=136
DMG: Goblin A-D -> Morgenstern = 0 (Miss)

Morgenstern 1261/1261 <> 90/106

Goblin A 414/550 <<Paralyzed>>
Goblin B 414/550 <<Paralyzed>>
Goblin C 414/550 <<Paralyzed>>
Goblin D 414/550 <<Paralyzed>>

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The tank stood there, watching as the four goblins wriggled around upon the ground, trying to break the hold of his paralyze that had affected them. He stepped forward coldly, bringing his sword to his side. He focused, allowing his aura, his energy to seed through his sword. A blue energy took place around his sword, sending crackles as it moved off in an angry wisp. "Fighting me at this moment was one of the worst ideas you things could have possibly come up with" He brought his blade up to make a long horizontal slash to strike each of them. A memory of Beatbox appeared in his mind, him meeting the man for the first time. He was admirably stronger Than Beatbox at the time, and they were both no where near as mature as they were now. A tear traced down his face and he swung the blade, but found he had hit nothing. The Goblins were now in the far reaches of the battlefield, looking rather ticked. He had to remain focused, or else he would never hit them.  They would eventually overcome him, finishing him off. 


Roll: 88825 
BD: 5
MD: <<Paralyzed>> (9)

DMG: Morgenstern -> Goblin A-D = 0 (Miss)
DMG: Goblin A-D -> Morgenstern = 0 (Paralyzed)

Morgenstern 1261/1261 <> 89/106

Goblin A 414/550 
Goblin B 414/550 
Goblin C 414/550 
Goblin D 414/550 

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The tank stood there, trying to clear them out of his head. "I'm right here, come and get me" He said,  raising his sword and shield. The goblins looked at eachother before raising their daggers and heading straight at him. He sighed before opening himself up, leaving his chest open from attack, but allowing his energy to flow better though his body. His form took upon a red hue, his eyes darkening. His sword began to blaze and he prepared to strike again. He charged the nearest enemy, making four even strikes on it. A goblin leapt at him from behind and he spun, slicing across its open chest. He blocked the thirds attack with his shield and slashed its body thrice. The fourth came from behind but he spun quick enough to block the attack with his sword and slam his shield straight into its nose. With a downward slash it crumpled to the ground. He looked at the four downed goblins scattered around him. His energy meter was quite fine, but his body was becoming more and more exhausted. Whatever he was exerting, it was tiring him very quickly. The goblins were still at half-life though. 



DMG: Morgenstern -> Goblin A-D =  (15+6=21*8=168)
DMG: Goblin A-D -> Morgenstern = 0 (Miss)

Morgenstern 1261/1261 <> 74/106

Goblin A 246/550 
Goblin B 246/550 
Goblin C 246/550 
Goblin D 246/550 

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He took a breath before stumbling forward. His form was off balance and his body was physically tired. He was done with the pain of this game. He wanted to rip through the fragments of this game and break out of it. The goblins began to get up and he took a deep breath, readying himself for their next attack. The things were at half health, meaning another two hits or so should have them completely finished off. The blond grunted as they near and he bellowed in rage, tearing through the open land to get to the nearest goblin to him. "I HATE YOU!" He brought down his weapon on the goblin hoping to smite it before moving on to attack its allies. The blade sliced through the air, but hit something hard at the other end. The ground. The golbin was now several feet away, and another goblin was striking from his right. He blocked the oncoming attack and the goblin leapt away. He then charged at the third goblin hacking through its chest with a mighty force. the goblin let out a shrill sound and stabbed him with its dagger, dealing a bit of damage. He swung his blade at the final enemy, but ti ducked under his blow. They had become more dodgy, more precise. The damage dealt from them was pitiful, but he figured that as there wasn't many of them, at a high level. 

89241 BD:2 MD:9 0 DMG to Goblin A
89242 BD:1 MD:5 0 DMG to Goblin B
89243 BD:10 MD:9 17*8=136 DMG to Goblin C
89244 BD:5 MD:4 0 DMG to Goblin D

Total DMG to Jon: 165-161=4*2=8. BH Heals 75!


Morgenstern 1261/1261 <> 63/110

Goblin A 246/550 
Goblin B 246/550 
Goblin C 110/550 
Goblin D 246/550 

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His AoE attack had proved to be ineffective, and he needed to get more hits dealt out before he ran out of his energy. He glanced at each one of the goblins before taking a deep breath, shifting into a more defensive position. Apprehensively, the goblins began to advance on him, looking rather menacing as they whirled the daggers in their hands. He calmed himself down enough to be able to form a oblique plan of how he was going to react to each attack. Then, he charged forward with his shield at the first opponent in his way. He slammed his shield into his opponent, causing it to stagger before he made several slashes aimed at its chest. Its health dropped a substantial amount, but he didn't have time to congratulate himself. He spun on his heel, barely managing to dodge an attack from Goblin B. He made a slash in a wide arc, bringing it down further in health. Goblin C came at him warily, not wanting to be at the other end of his sword, and backed away as soon as he noticed it. Goblin D though, rushed in and he managed to slash it and then knock it back with his shield unscathed from it. 'Results much better this time, Prepare for the next onslaught' he thought to himself. 


89276 BD:10 MD:4 15+2)*8=136 DMG
89277 BD:7 MD:1 15*8=120 DMG
89278 BD:4 MD:4 Miss
89279 BD:8 MD:115*8=120 DMG

All Opponents miss Jon. 

Morgenstern 1261/1261 <> 48/110

Goblin A 110/550 
Goblin B 126/550 
Goblin C 110/550 
Goblin D 126/550 



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Jonathan stood there, his body heaving air as he stared at each of his opponents as they began to recover from his onslaught. He had kept his rage under control for a few mere moments, but if he could do that for another, then he would be impressed with himself. Emotions were the one thing that always went right through his armor, hitting him square in the chest. He could strike back, but the more he hit it, the stronger it became. It fed upon his anger, which was his normal reaction to everything that got in his way, when he could do nothing and stand there helpless. 

He refocused and noticed the goblins again. He charged forward, his chest exposed and open as his shield was far off to the side to help give momentum to his word that was to be hacking through the goblin's chest. His bright blue aura blazed around his sword as it inched closer and closer to his opponent. His blade hacked through the opponent's chest and i burst into Data Crystals before his eye. He spun around, his blazing blade slashing right through the body of the second goblin, but the creature did not fall. Instead it continued its attack, and stabbed his unprotected chest. He didn't take much damage, but it though him off balance a bit. The other two goblins attacked, which he managed to defend with his shield, and finally get his thorns to activate for him. 

89285 BD:6 MD:DEAD 15*8=120 DMG- Monster Dead (Loot Roll) 
89286 BD:8 MD:9 15*8=120 DMG.
89287 BD:3 MD:7(Thorns) 42 Thorns DMG
89288 BD:5 MD:8(Thorns) 42 Thorns DMG

DMG to Jon: 165-161=4*3=12+75 BH

LOOT ROLL: Goblin A 89289 LD:7&CD:7- HP*3 Col + 1 T3 Material + HP *2 Bonus Col. 2750 Col & 1 T3 Material

Morgenstern 1261/1261 <> 33/110

Goblin A 110/550 
Goblin B 6/550 
Goblin C 68/550 
Goblin D 82/550 


2750 Col & 1 T3 Material

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One opponent had already been taken and the rest lied at low life. His battle was almost victorius, but his energy reserve was running low, and his body was succumbing to overexertion. He coughed, looking at his three remaining opponents. Each of them looked reluctant, which made sense as he had taken a scratch. He was far too powerful to be taking on these meager creatures. He stepped forward, his eyes and blade ablaze. "You should have learned not to mess with me as soon as this battle was brought apart. You daggers are twigs compared to my armor. It was crafted by one of the best blacksmith's in Aincrad, not crafted in your wanna be old Dwarf homes" He moved in, the goblins obviously fearing for their lives. He struck down, but the goblin managed to protect itself with quick movements and the deflection off of its dagger. The blond grimaced and took a surprise hit from the third goblin, but it was punished for the attack dearly with his thorns. The last goblin tried the same, but with a long arc slashing through its chest, it was reduced to nothing but pixels. Two goblins remained in the battle, and he would be taking them each out quickly, with either his sword or thorns. He turned towards, devising a plan for them to meet their demise. 


89307 BD:3 MD:2
89308 BD:1 MD:7(Thorns-42)
89309 BD:6 MD:DEAD 15*8=120

LOOT: 89310 CD:10 LD:8- 2750 Col & 1 T3 material

Morgenstern 1261/1261 <> 18/110

Goblin A 110/550 
Goblin B 6/550 
Goblin C 26/550(-42 Thorns)
Goblin D 82/550 

5500 Col & 2 T3 Materials

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He stepped forward, the last two goblins immensely afraid. One backed away as he approached and the other pulled out a long sleek black stone that had lied in its pocket. It fidgeted around with it a bit before throwing it onto the ground. Jonathan frowned and his response to the ordeal was him raising up his blade. "Last words perhaps?" A flash moved through his head, seeing a dark cloaked player doing the same to Beatbox. He shook his head away, the hesitation faded and he smote the sword, his blade aimed right at his opponent. His previous hesitation allowed the goblin to escape his blade and it counter-striked which ended up being a fatal mistake. The goblin burst into pixels upon contact and left its last friend to die. It made no attempt to attack at this point, in fearing that it would die. Jonathan sighed. This battle had raged much to long. Beatbox was still dead, and he would make these goblins the same. He stepped forward, striking at the creature, but he happened to miss, which as not a large loss on his energy, but the supply was still running low. He only had room for one last attack. 


89311 BD:3 MD:8(Thorns-42)
89312 BD:1 MD:3

LOOT: 89313 LD:14 CD:5- 1650 Col and 1 T3 Mat

Morgenstern 1261/1261 <> 18/110

Goblin A 110/550 
Goblin B 6/550 
Goblin C 26/550
Goblin D 82/550

7150 Col & 3 T3 Materials

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The last goblin remained and Jonathan was beginning to become frustrated with the goblins. He had faced them in multiple floors and they just got meaner and nastier, and seemed to take on more advanced equipment, which did not mean that they were smart enough to use any of these items. The thought occurred to the mysterious long sleek and glassy stone that the goblin had thrown to the ground. It still lied there and he noticed many intricate patters on the side. He would check that later after he was finished and was resting. He charged forward, expending the rest of his energy to formulate an attack. His entire body took on his sword art's energy, engulfing him in a sense of power and focus. This state absorbed a lot of energy, but allowed him to work the best with it. He let out a shout of power, anger, happiness, and regret most of all. Instead of dodging, the creature moved in for the attack, appearing to want to take him with it. He quickly perceived this, and switched to his shield, blocking the attack with it and a spray of thorns engulfed the creature's body. It shattered on contact and Jonathan's aura faded. Instantly he was tired and he hit the ground, he laid there, wanting the darkness to claim him. 

89314 BD:4 MD:8(Thorns)

LOOT: 89315 LD:15 CD:6- 1650 Col, 1 T3 Mat, Rare Weapon

Morgenstern 1261/1261 <> 6/110

Goblin A 110/550 
Goblin B 6/550 
Goblin C 26/550
Goblin D 82/550

8800 Col & 4 T3 Mats, 2 Rare Weapons


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He laid upon the ground, much to tired to be able to move. His sword lay next to him, the blade gleaming a small bit of light from where the light of the nearby mushrooms hit it. "Ugh" he faintly moaned. He sat up, his head a little bit dizzy from the lack of energy. He moved into his inventory section of the drop down HUD and pulled out a water and instantly began to gulp down its contents. It was cold and soothing and he was able to catch sight of the object from where he was sitting, but he made no moves towards it. He was much too tired for that. Instead, he would sit here a bit before going to examine it. He ensured he did check the area for time to time for more monsters. His thoughts moved to Beatbox, and he wondered how hard the man had fought, how long had the battle raged? How close was he to becoming victorious? Jonathan only of the existence of two other unique skills, one that he had had heard of over time, and a brief description of it. Dual Blades, the skill of the hero. Allowed a player to use two weapons. But it was for the Hero of Aincrad, and was seen as a leader, immediately respected. No, Death Adder was a cold and dark Murderer.... He would have the other skill if any. 


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Darkness Blade. It was suited for a man like Death Adder, it was made for the most evil, the murderers of the game. It had darkness in the name, indicating that was it was an evil skill. He believed that it allowed one to phase  through armor, with abilities stronger than average. His energy was slowly beginning to climb up and he forced himself into a moving, more aware position. He leaned down and retrieved his sword where it lay in the hardened dirt. He examined the blade, its intricate texture and design, making it sharp. He sheathed the sword, the metal hissing as it was sealed away in a leather sheath. He stumbled over to the strange long tone that the goblin had messed with and finally threw out. He picked it up, noting that it was smooth and slick to the touch. It turned out the stone was not a stone, but some block of metal. Intricate patterns interlayed the metal and when he turned it over, he found some sort of switch. It wasn't a standard switch, but like a lock that you would have to slide to open a door. Perhaps the metal block was some sort of homing beacon, or a tracking device. He would examing the stone a bit more before messing than that. 

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Battle Stats: 
Level: 55 - 241 SP
1145  HP
110 Energy
+0 Accuracy
-1 Evasion
15 Base Damage
151 Mitigation
57 Battle Healing
+21 Thorns
+6 Heavy Momentum

Equipped Items:
» «White Edged Blade» (+9 DMG) (Tier 3, One Handed Curved Sword)
» «Angel's Pendant» (+3 ACC) (Necklace
» «White Edged Protector» (+21 Thorns, +6 Heavy Momentum) (Tier 3, Heavy Armor)
» Vanity Shield 

» *«Dimensional Backpack» (+1 Battle Ready Inventory extra slot)
» *«Darksteel» (+81 Mitigation) (Tier 3, Protector Familiar)
» *«Darksteel Pendant» (Tier 3, Vanity Trinket)


Rank 5 - One-Handed Curved Sword (+5 DMG)
Rank 5 - Block (+25 MIT)
Rank 5 - Heavy Armor (+35 MIT) -------------------------------------------------------------> Mod: Stonewall (+45 HP, +10 MIT, 25% DoT reduced)
Rank 5 - Battle Healing (5% of Max HP per turn)
Rank 0 - Howl <<10 EN Cost>> (+3 Hate) ------------------------------------------------------------------------> Mod: Focused Howl <<8 EN Cost>> (+5 Hate)

E - Rank 0 - Survival (Immune to Environmental Effects, 45 HP recovered Out of COmbat)
E - Rank 0 - Meditation (Inactive)
E - Rank 3 - Protector Familiar (+81 MIT)

While turning the stone in his hand, a notification appeared before him, scaring the wits out of him as he was in a daze as he observed the new and foreign object. He clicked upon the notification, and it was from the system itself. It had gone through another update, and many different skills and enhancements had changed. He shrugged and moved to the corner and pressed the change of stats button. His eyes widened and noticed how much his build in general had gotten nerfed. He had lost over a hundred hitpoints, a few points of mitigation, Battle-Healing was based on HP,  and it also appeared that he would actually have to spend a few more points into the tank build. With everything running on max HP, then he would have to raise that up as high as he possibly could. He sighed and closed the update. He had officially been nerfed, even further. He was still extremely strong as a tank, but he had lost quite a bit of his stats which he would probably feel for quite a bit. He turned and found himself undistracted, thinking about Beatbox again. He growled with discontent. He was going to find Death Adder, and destroy him. Hacking away at him until he fell into nothing. He would find out as much as he possibly could, and use the information against the man. "I can't let him attack the rest of my guild. They are all I have in this world and I will protect them from others with my life" He opened his menu and changed out his good shield for a vanity shield and equipped his Angel's Pendant. 

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He looked back down at the block and moved down to the latch where he examined it throughly. He took a breath and slid it upward and an unlatching sound was heard. The block became hot to the touch and he chucked it, where it landed several feet away. The block began to whirl, Increasing in size and number of blocks. Within thirty seconds, it was a human sized robot wielding a sharp blade. "What in the..." Red laser beamed from its eyes, as it appeared to scan its area and surroundings. It caught sight of him and the eyes shut off. Finally, it charged forward, its design allowing it to be fast and numble as a human. "Oops" He retrieved his sword and blocked the first the blow. He rolled backwards, throwing off the momentum. The machine had a powerful force. The vanity shield in his hand withstood the force, but he was surprised for the hseer force of the robot in front of him. "You are Dwarven Technology" The goblins had been taking more powerful technologies, and now they had a guard force. He charged forward, preparing to attack and counter quickly. The Robot sliced quickly with its sword, but Jonathan was talented with his shield and managed to easily smack the sword away. Rage smited through him from the remorse of Beatbox's death. His energy furiously crackled around his body, his sword becoming encased in a sparking blue light. He slashed quickly, making multiple blows straight into the body of the robot. His blade sparked and clanged every strike, but the robot took damage. Much of it as well. 


Dwarven Robot Guard

  • HP: 1500
  • DMG: 300 (325-350)
  • T3 Bleed II (8-10)
  • 3 ACC
  • -3 EVA

BD:10+6 - 17*11=187 DMG Given
MD:1+4 - 0 DMG Given

Morgenstern- Golden Paladin  <> 1145/1145 <> 100/110

Dwarven Robot Guard <> 1313/1500

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The blond stood there, his energy remaining strong but the robot appeared unfazed as it stepped forward, its large steel blade prepared for attack. Jonathan felt a flare of anger as the robot stood in his way and finding the killer of his friend. "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" The blond charged forward, his blade crackling with a dark red energy aura. The robot creaked and swung its sword, the sharp blade aimed straight at his head. His blade struck first, sending several arcs of energy and sparks flying around the battlefield. The robot made no movement from the attack, but instead finished its attack, its steel blade making contact with his face. He flew off his feet and rolled, taking several points in damage from the blow. A long red gash seeped pixels on the side of his face. His anger seeped off his body in a red aura, blazing. "You have made a grave mistake. Just know I will be crumpling you into sheets of metal and returning you for inspection by Itzal" He tightented his grip on his sword and on his vanity shield. 


BD:10 17*11=187 DMG Given
MD:10 350-151=199 DMG (BH:57 HP)

Morgenstern- Golden Paladin  <> 1003/1145 <> 90/110

Dwarven Robot Guard <> 1126/1500

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Anger blazed through Jonathan and his normal blue eyes became reddish in color. "TO HELL WITH YOU!" he charged forward, his blade seething with energy. The robot brought his own blade forward and their blade collided and dust  rolled off the ground, creating a dust storm around them. He slashed and hacked at the robot but it managed to block each one.He threw himself backwards, the dust concealing him. He focused his energy, and then charged forward a final time, his blade holding more energy then it had before. He found the figure of his target and slammed his blade into its side. The robot shuddered for a moment, but then swiped its blade, this time grazing his chest. His thorns struck the robot, but his sword held the majority of the damage. He stepped back, taking a quick breather. He was using his second aura form, the one that absorbed his personal energy faster. His movements were actually starting to move a little slower again, but he had to defeat this robot first. It was his own personal mission to do so, and he was not going to stop until he was finished. Robot first, Death Adder was somewhere down the same road. 


BD:9 16*11=176
MD:7 300- 151 = 149 DMG (21 Thrn, 57 BH) 

Morgenstern- Golden Paladin  <> 875/1145 <> 80/110 <<T3 Bleed 2/3>>

Dwarven Robot Guard <> 929/1500


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His attacks and movements were beginning to slow down, his body starting to feel the pressure that the robot was inducing from the battle. They were killing machines, which meant that something needed to happen before the Goblins realized exactly how to work and control these things. He shook the thought out of his head and charged in forward, his body straining against the sheer weight of his armor, but him using it as if it were light armor. He hacked and countered with his sword and shield, fighting with good force and enough to keep the robot nimble and on its feet. He slashed with precision, hitting the creature's joints and dealt some damamge, but then struck back at him. He deflected the first blow off of his shield, but it kept swiping with his blade, eventually striking his chest, a blow that would deal more than a hundred damage.  The robot was out of most of his level's league, but he was a master tank, and was able to defend himself. He was also actually dealing a bit of damage, and would cut down the enemies HP bit by bit. His skills were rathered honed and he was quite sure of himself from it. 

BD:3+6 DMG:15*11= 165 (36 Bleed)
MD:4+4 300-151=149 DMG. (BH-57, Thorns 21)

Morgenstern- Golden Paladin  <> 747/1145 <> 70/110 <<T3 Bleed 1/3>>

Dwarven Robot Guard <> 743/1500

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This was the first battle in some time that he had taken a significant amount of damage, and that he was glad for. Being a tank, he hadn't neared death for quite some while, and while he was thankful that he wasn't almost dying every other day, t got rather boring that he did not have competition. Anyway, at the moment he wanted a hard fight, he expected Death Adder to deal close to 400-500 damage with Darkness Blade which was quite high for a player at this time, but with proper buffs, he would be able to take that with some ease and be able to focus on some damage. Death Adder would be an interesting fight, but he would prevail. He was reentered into reality from a hard blow into his shield, staggering him back a bit. He grimaced but then retaliated, his hand on precision point, guiding his blade into his foe several times. He made a great strike several times, mauevering in and out to create a whirlwind of destruction. With one final leap, he moved into the air and brought down all of his might from the top of the machine. The robot made no falter and instead struck forward with its fist, a single blow to the gut. Then it moved quickly, swiping his chest with its blade to. Jonathan rolled back, coming back into a crouch. He stood slowly and pointed his sword forward. He was draining its HP faster than it was draining he. 

BD:5   DMG:15*11= 165 (36 Bleed)
MD:7 149 DMG. (BH-57, Thorns 21)

Morgenstern- Golden Paladin  <> 619/1145 <> 70/110 <<T3 Bleed 0/3>>

Dwarven Robot Guard <> 557/1500

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  • 2 weeks later...

His physical energy strength and span was now fading, his body moving slower, but as his enemy was not animal nor human, it did not tire. Just creaking noises filled the air. It made another sift blow at him, one Jonathan ducked under instead of using his strength to stop the sword. He slashed with a hard uppercut, but it was parried and quickly countered. The robot's blade slashed up his chest and Jonathan rolled back, sustaining the damage with a grimace. "You are state of the art, aren't you?" Jonathan charged forward, slamming his shield into the oncoming sword before striking the robot's chest. The metal was becoming weaker, giving more and more to his blade's built up pressure. He kicked with his foot, sending it back a few feet to give him some room. He was beginning to breathe heavier, but he still had a few more attacks to go before he was able to crumple his enemy. 


BD:2+4=6 165 DMG Dealt.
MD:10. 350-151-57=142 HP loss. 

Morgenstern- Golden Paladin  <> 477/1145 <> 60/110 <<T3 Bleed 3/3>>

Dwarven Robot Guard <> 392/1500

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Jonathan clashed again with the robot. Its parts seem to begin to become overheated, the structure itself becoming red hot. it struck again, and Jonathan put something into his final motion. He dodged and swiped down, removing the blade from its hand before hacking at its body. Soon, it was a dented pile of metal. Falling to his knees, his sword clanged to the ground. His body and mind were exhausted out. "To hell with you Chaos. I am becoming strong, day by day. Soon, I will face you in the steel of battle. I will cut you down" He coughed and began to gasp for air. Breaths were quick and short. He would collapse to the ground, brow covered with sweat. 'What the heck was that robot though? I better show it to Itzal. He will be getting interested. The scholars of the goblins will be able to work these, and then if given a while, they might learn a bit of the technology. Even a piece of such knowledge would prove fatal to many striving players" He sighed and stood. "So much to do, with not enough time" 


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