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(PP-F21) Unwinding in the Springs

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Kotone was tired as she usually had been. This time it wasn't from her training, she had taken a break from that. This time it was just her material hunting. She had gotten some materials to trade off to make some money, but she figured she would get to that some other day. For now, Kotone just wanted to unwind.

She had already been on the 21st floor while on her hunt for materials, and she had heard about some hot springs from the local NPCs. It was not too long of a walk, so it wasn't too difficult to get there. No monsters showed up when she was out of the safe zone, although she did catch a few in the distant caves every now and then.

Once she arrived at the hot springs, Kotone was surprised to see that there was no one here today. She expected there to be a player or two, but nope. Kotone unequipped everything except her underwear and walked into the water. It was a safe zone in the springs, so Kotone decided to close her eyes for a bit as she sat down in the warm water.


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