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Old House Here House Name: Black Raven Location: F26 ??? Description: An old airship that once used to be a merchant vessel, but has been repurposed by one that used it to storm the towers of

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Estate Name: Oscar-Meyer Mansion
Floor Location: Floor 7
Plot Size: Estate {Safe Zone}
Rooms: 9/15 | Yard: 2/3
Main House: Master Bedroom - Oscar  | Master Bathroom - Oscar | Living Room - Oscar & Cordelia  | Expanded Workshop - Chef's Kitchen - Oscar | Dining Room - Oscar & Cordelia | Basic Kitchen - Oscar | Expanded Workshop - Chef's Kitchen - Cordelia | Guest Room - Spooky Amenities - Oscar | Attic (Storage) - Oscar
Yard: Mega Slime Farm - Oscar | Mega Slime Farm - Cordelia

Building Basic Workshop - Pharmacy [Assigned to Warren] 10k Col
Upgrading Basic Workshop - Pharmacy -> Extended Workshop - Pharmacy [Assigned to Warren] 15k Col
Building Living Room [Assigned to Warren] 10k Col
Building Slime Farm [Assigned to Warren] 10k Col
Upgrading Slime Farm -> Mega Slime Farm [Assigned to Warren] 15k Col



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4 hours ago, Oscar said:
  Reveal hidden contents

Building Basic Workshop - Pharmacy [Assigned to Warren] 10k Col
Upgrading Basic Workshop - Pharmacy -> Extended Workshop - Pharmacy [Assigned to Warren] 15k Col
Building Living Room [Assigned to Warren] 10k Col
Building Slime Farm [Assigned to Warren] 10k Col
Upgrading Slime Farm -> Mega Slime Farm [Assigned to Warren] 15k Col




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b0NzNqX.pngHouse Name: NIGHT's Residency
Location: Floor 1, Town of Beginnings
Description: Somewhere along the East wing of the Town of Beginnings stands this minor estate, attempting to blend in with the city’s architecture. A contemporary building, it is one of the few elements of the game under NIGHT’s possession that acts as a reminder of home, and the life outside her virtual prison. While the house’s front appears unassuming at first glance, when approaching the back, the home opens up in space, making room for a large yard.
Plot Size: Estate
Room(s): Living Room, Storage Closet, Bedroom, Bathroom, Attic (Storage), Kitchen, Workshop (Artisan), Slime Farm, Guest Room | All assigned to NIGHT
Room Upgrade(s): Extended Workshop, Mega Slime Farm
Total Cost: 224,000col


Cost Breakdown: 
 -20,000col | Donor Reward: Studio Plot
124,000col | Estate Plot
  10,000col | +Living Room [1/15]
  10,000col | +Storage Closet [2/15]
  10,000col | +Bedroom [3/15]
  10,000col | +Bathroom [4/15] 
  10,000col | +Attic [5/15] 
  10,000col | +Kitchen [6/15]
  10,000col | +Guest Room [7/15]
  25,000col | +Workshop, Upgrade to Extended Workshop (Artisan) [8/15]
  25,000col | +Slime Farm, Upgrade to Mega Slime Farm [1/3]

#if the donor reward deduction isn't accurate let me know!

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17 hours ago, NIGHT said:


b0NzNqX.pngHouse Name: NIGHT's Residency
Location: Floor 1, Town of Beginnings
Description: Somewhere along the East wing of the Town of Beginnings stands this minor estate, attempting to blend in with the city’s architecture. A contemporary building, it is one of the few elements of the game under NIGHT’s possession that acts as a reminder of home, and the life outside her virtual prison. While the house’s front appears unassuming at first glance, when approaching the back, the home opens up in space, making room for a large yard.
Plot Size: Estate
Room(s): Living Room, Storage Closet, Bedroom, Bathroom, Attic (Storage), Kitchen, Workshop (Artisan), Slime Farm, Guest Room | All assigned to NIGHT
Room Upgrade(s): Extended Workshop, Mega Slime Farm
Total Cost: 224,000col

  Hide contents

Cost Breakdown: 
 -20,000col | Donor Reward: Studio Plot
124,000col | Estate Plot
  10,000col | +Living Room [1/15]
  10,000col | +Storage Closet [2/15]
  10,000col | +Bedroom [3/15]
  10,000col | +Bathroom [4/15] 
  10,000col | +Attic [5/15] 
  10,000col | +Kitchen [6/15]
  10,000col | +Guest Room [7/15]
  25,000col | +Workshop, Upgrade to Extended Workshop (Artisan) [8/15]
  25,000col | +Slime Farm, Upgrade to Mega Slime Farm [1/3]

#if the donor reward deduction isn't accurate let me know!


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Guild Name: The Tarot
Guild Owners: Lessa and Bahr
Guild Hall Name: House of Cards
Location: Floor 20 - Mountains


Description: In the furthest reaches of the Sunshine Forest on Floor Twenty, nestled within the mountainous terrain that lurks at the outermost edges of the floor, it is rumored that a temple exists. Those who venture out in search of the fabled tomb find themselves where they began, save for those who know the path. Members of the Tarot - a secretive and elusive guild - are the only ones who have memorized the trail and learned to command the hidden space it guards.

The guild hall is comprised primarily of stone. Thick vines and lush flora that cling to its surfaces allow it to blend into the surrounding vegetation, making it somewhat difficult to spot even if you know where to look. A small body of water rests at the foot of its moss-covered steps, equally shallow as it is deep, with chaos at the bottom and order at the top. One can walk across it without the water so much as reaching their ankles, yet the lure of a fishing rod will descend into the murky darkness below.

Marble edifices of varying shapes and sizes surround the primary structure, leading the way. Ancient inscriptions are carved into them, but are indecipherable. They too have been slowly reclaimed my nature. Adorned in curtains of green, cracked and chipped, sunken and tipped. There are ancient magics at work here, felt by the energy that hangs in the tepid air between the pillars. It is equally perplexing spatially as it is temporally. Proceed with caution, traveler, for you haven't so much of a modicum of understanding of the forces at work in this space.


Type of Guild: Leveling Guild [PK Accessible]
Rooms: Storage Vault, Guild Bank, Training Room, Treasury
Total Cost: 155000 col

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15 minutes ago, Bahr said:


Guild Name: The Tarot
Guild Owners: Lessa and Bahr
Guild Hall Name: House of Cards
Location: Floor 20 - Mountains


Description: In the furthest reaches of the Sunshine Forest on Floor Twenty, nestled within the mountainous terrain that lurks at the outermost edges of the floor, it is rumored that a temple exists. Those who venture out in search of the fabled tomb find themselves where they began, save for those who know the path. Members of the Tarot - a secretive and elusive guild - are the only ones who have memorized the trail and learned to command the hidden space it guards.

The guild hall is comprised primarily of stone. Thick vines and lush flora that cling to its surfaces allow it to blend into the surrounding vegetation, making it somewhat difficult to spot even if you know where to look. A small body of water rests at the foot of its moss-covered steps, equally shallow as it is deep, with chaos at the bottom and order at the top. One can walk across it without the water so much as reaching their ankles, yet the lure of a fishing rod will descend into the murky darkness below.

Marble edifices of varying shapes and sizes surround the primary structure, leading the way. Ancient inscriptions are carved into them, but are indecipherable. They too have been slowly reclaimed my nature. Adorned in curtains of green, cracked and chipped, sunken and tipped. There are ancient magics at work here, felt by the energy that hangs in the tepid air between the pillars. It is equally perplexing spatially as it is temporally. Proceed with caution, traveler, for you haven't so much of a modicum of understanding of the forces at work in this space.


Type of Guild: Leveling Guild [PK Accessible]
Rooms: Storage Vault, Guild Bank, Training Room, Treasury
Total Cost: 155000 col


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House Name: N/A 
Location: Floor 1, Town of Beginnings
Description: Tucked into the corner of the Town of Beginnings where the city walls stop and the forest grows verdant rests Titan's estate a block from the entrance that he received from a dying NPC that seemed to take a liking to him when he first started the game had incredible foliage but an even more astounding four level interior with a spacious yard. Surprised and bewildered, Titan graciously accepted this piece of parcel under his name with absolutely no idea what to do with it. 
Plot Size: Estate
Room(s): ( All Assigned to Titan)
- Pharmacy | <Working (Alchemy)> +2 EXP per crafting attempt
- Slime Farm | <Basic Training> +1 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month.
- Bedroom | <Rested> -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
- Bathroom | <Clean> The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
- Living Room | <Relaxed> Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
- Attic (Bedroom) | <Skylight (Searching)> +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. (will only utilize once I purchase the level 1 search utility skill)
Room Upgrade(s): n/a
Total Cost: Donation

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13 hours ago, Titan said:


House Name: N/A 
Location: Floor 1, Town of Beginnings
Description: Tucked into the corner of the Town of Beginnings where the city walls stop and the forest grows verdant rests Titan's estate a block from the entrance that he received from a dying NPC that seemed to take a liking to him when he first started the game had incredible foliage but an even more astounding four level interior with a spacious yard. Surprised and bewildered, Titan graciously accepted this piece of parcel under his name with absolutely no idea what to do with it. 
Plot Size: Estate
Room(s): ( All Assigned to Titan)
- Pharmacy | <Working (Alchemy)> +2 EXP per crafting attempt
- Slime Farm | <Basic Training> +1 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month.
- Bedroom | <Rested> -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
- Bathroom | <Clean> The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
- Living Room | <Relaxed> Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
- Attic (Bedroom) | <Skylight (Searching)> +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. (will only utilize once I purchase the level 1 search utility skill)
Room Upgrade(s): n/a
Total Cost: Donation


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Initial Application: Here
Room(s) Being Sold:
Bedroom (Kityuisa)
Basic Workshop - Pharmacy (Kityuisa)

Room(s) Being Added:
Bathroom (Bahr)
Basic Kitchen (Bahr)
Storage Closet (Bahr)
Dining Room (Bahr)
Attic - Bedroom [+1 Expertise to Extended Mod Limit] (Bahr)
Fishing Pond (Bahr)
Basement (Bahr)
Guest Room <<Spooky Amenity>> (Bahr)

Room(s) Being Upgraded:
Bedroom (Bahr) >>> Master Bedroom (Bahr)
Bathroom (Bahr) >>> Master Bathroom (Bahr)
Basic Workshop - Tailor (Bahr) >>> Extended Workshop - Tailor (Bahr)
Dining Room (Bahr) >>> Dining Hall (Bahr)

Room(s) Being Re-Assigned: None
Total Cost: 
Added Rooms: 80000 col
Upgraded Rooms: 60000 col
Sold rooms: (-15000 col)
Total: 125000 col (Sent to Banker.)

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3 minutes ago, Bahr said:

Initial Application: Here
Room(s) Being Sold: Bedroom (Kityuisa), Basic Workshop - Pharmacy (Kityuisa)

Room(s) Being Added:
Bathroom (Bahr)
Basic Kitchen (Bahr)
Storage Closet (Bahr)
Dining Room (Bahr)
Attic - Bedroom [+1 Expertise to Extended Mod Limit] (Bahr)
Fishing Pond (Bahr)
Basement (Bahr)
Guest Room <<Spooky Amenity>> (Bahr)

Room(s) Being Upgraded:
Bedroom (Bahr) >>> Master Bedroom (Bahr)
Bathroom (Bahr) >>> Master Bathroom (Bahr)
Basic Workshop - Tailor (Bahr) >>> Extended Workshop - Tailor (Bahr)
Dining Room (Bahr) >>> Dining Hall (Bahr)

Room(s) Being Re-Assigned: None
Total Cost: 
Added Rooms: 80000 col
Upgraded Rooms: 60000 col
Sold rooms: (-15000 col)
Total: 125000 col (Sent to Banker.)


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Initial Application: Here
Room(s) Being Added: 
Basic Workshop (Alchemist) | Assigned to Bistro
Room(s) Being Upgraded: 
Basic Workshop (Alchemist) --> Extended Workshop (Alchemist) | Bistro
Bedroom --> Master Bedroom | NIGHT
Bathroom --> Master Bathroom | NIGHT
Total Cost: 55,000col | Sent to Banker.

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11 hours ago, NIGHT said:

Initial Application: Here
Room(s) Being Added: 
Basic Workshop (Alchemist) | Assigned to Bistro
Room(s) Being Upgraded: 
Basic Workshop (Alchemist) --> Extended Workshop (Alchemist) | Bistro
Bedroom --> Master Bedroom | NIGHT
Bathroom --> Master Bathroom | NIGHT
Total Cost: 55,000col | Sent to Banker.


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House Name: The Snow Estate
Location: [Floor 3/ Lakeside near Flora]
Description: The Snow Estate is smaller than what most would consider an estate plot. Given the homely atmosphere of the floor, many inhabitants live one with nature to reduce their invasive impact on the land. The plot alone measures about 3 acres framed with a three foot tall wall comprised of stone and mortar. Much of which is covered in part by moss and sproutlings of local flora. A small creek cuts through the closest corner of the plot where a pond filled with fish and lilies stands then tapers off to feed into the nearby lake. Flowers, shrubs, and local trees moderately fill the front. Directly behind the home is fair stretch of open plains and wildflowers, leaving the final third of the plot as natural forest.

The home itself appears similar to most as a starter home; a single-level ranch-style home with stone and mortar walls and clay shingle roof. The roof's pitch stands sharp and high for better runoff during the wet and cold seasons. Several chimneys jut up along its silhouette, boasting just as many hearths for warmth in bad weather. Vines occupy the south end of the home, leading to the woods plains. These vines cover several windows nearly invisible from the outside. A singe archway of woven, green flora allows passage between the home's living room and the back yard. Moss and fallen leaves pepper the clay shingles atop the roof. A short rotunda guards the front door with two tall, rectangular windows and face toward Flora. Several similar windows accent the other sides of the home to be propped open on nice days for a cool breeze and offer a beautiful view over the city’s lake.

Plot Size: Estate
Room(s): Assigned to Snow: [5/15 Room Slots] [1/4 Floor Slots] [1/3 Yard Slots]

[First Floor]
[1] Bedroom “Rested” -1 EN on 1st two combat uses per thread
Snow's bedroom is minimal with a full size bed framed in a backboard and four elegant metal posts. From the posts are draped and lashed lace webbing to protect her from insects on nights she decides to leave the windows open for a breeze. Along one of the walls sits a powder desk and mirror. She uses this to make sure she appears decent for the day as well as a private work area or reading area. Several other rustic wooden dressers line the walls filled with her stored attire and vanity items. In the corner, her spears lay loosely propped and a mannequin donning her armor stands guard.

[1] Chef’s Kitchen (Basic Workshop) “Working” +2 EXP per Craft
Cold and grey stone makes up a large working counter space for her craft, cooking. Several iron and copper pots and pans hang on a wrought iron wrack above a floating island in the middle of the kitchen. Opposed to the basin within that island are several rustic, wooden stools for company or a quick meal before heading out. Under the cabinets, just above the counter, are small rustic appliances and decorations; a bread box, knife block, cutting board, oven spade, woven mits and pads, etc.

[1] Dining Room “Tasty” Turn two identical food items into a Lesser Feast to feed 4 in the thread it was created.
The dining room is sparse and loosely part of the kitchen. Several feet from the central island is a thick, hardwood table that comfortably seats four but has adequate room for up to six. Small hand-made seat pads rest on the wooden chairs around its perimeter. All but one chair is tucked tightly against the table's edge. The one chair being for the only tenant of the home.

[1] Living Room “Relaxed” Out of combat regen (5HP* Tier) 2 turns instead of 3 for EN recovery
The living room is divided by a wall with two archways that lead to the kitchen and dining area. The wall that divides the two is similarly stone and mortar with several wood posts feet apart to support the baffles and sharply pitched roof. The living room itself is spacious and calm with several variations of wooden or fabric chairs placed around a wood stove and open hearth style fireplace. Snow spends most of her time here, cozied up to a fire and staring out the nearby window. It comfortably could entertain up to eight, but allows Snow several options for lazing around.

[1] Bathroom “Clean” - 20% DoT on first application for each turn during a single thread.
Small and quaint, the bathroom features one high window, as to avoid prying eyes, but to allow circulation for hot baths or showers. The tub is free standing with a halo suspended from a high beam. A sheer curtain hangs at the back and from view since Snow typically prefers to lay in a hot bath over a quick shower. A long neck extends from the brass spigot to give her the option for a quick rinse should she need it. Besides the obvious toilet, a small porcelain vanity stands with a small round mirror above it. A lantern hangs nearby for visibility at night.

[1] Fishing Pond “Angler” +1 Material when fishing
The stream that feeds into the pond and terminates into the same lake Flora was built beside allows the occasional fish from the lake to work their way upstream. Fortunately, their journey keeps them content in the still waters and promotes breeding in its isolated safety. Several variations of fish in several stages of life life in its clear waters and from time to time, they move on and return to the nearby lake. Snow enjoys feeding and watching them on nice days, but occasionally borrows a few for her kitchen experiments. Don't worry, she feels bad about it too.

Room Upgrade(s): N/A

Total Cost: Tier 6 Donation

Edited by Snow
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