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Housing Evaluation

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Hidden amid the remnants of ancient structures which dot the Forbidden Lands of Floor Nineteen sits a particularly unkempt heap of scrap and timber which compose an unlikely hovel. Supposedly once a magnificent, mobile manor which skulked the expanse with is imposing mechanical appendages, its gears now remain fixed and its core dormant. When Oz overtook the home, he hadn't a clue as to how one could maintain it. The mechanics and their inner workings evading his understanding, and the sheer volume of space seemed overwhelming to keep in order. And so the structure stopped moving, then started falling apart, inside and out. Even today it continues to degrade further and further, and Oz wouldn't even know where to begin in any wayward attempts to restore it to a glimmer of its former glory. 

It once belonged to a Frontliner of great repute, one who knew what needed to go into its upkeep, who only gave it up as part of a lost wager against Oz in a game of bocce (in which Oz cheated, of course). How does one cheat at bocce? Your guess is as good as anyone's. It's a secret kept close to the vest and, for that reason, why nobody was able to call Oz's bluff and render the wager moot.

ozcastle4.jpg.0025b73a528f563b6bdd97f3fbfec5c6.jpgUpon first entering the abode, visitors will find themselves blessed by a surprisingly presentable kitchen and dining room setup. Every surface is still filled to the brim with clutter, and dust bequeaths every nook and cranny with an unsightly veneer of grunge. Dirty dishes pile high, countless scrolls and books and other artifacts fill the breadth of the dining table, and random food is strewn about with wild abandon.

ozcastle5.jpg.6dc80bdc9a8298453e68d70e36286c02.jpgIn fact, it might be said that the longer one looks, the more the bedraggled mess unfurls itself right before their eyes. For you see, though he takes pride in his win, Oz has never known how to take care of a place of such magnitude. It is why its mighty gears rot is disrepair, and every corner appears to be piled high with more stuff than any reasonable person could know what to do with. Oz was always poor, and always went without, and hardly ever had anything.

ozcastle7.jpg.d5ad6109522cc82e39f23e067b470ab0.jpgAnd for all the flaws one might point out regarding the otherwise pleasant lodgings, this is only the beginning. Only a madman would lay the true depths of their depravity within view of the front door. As far as Oz is concerned, the state of his kitchen is acceptable, and any who might think otherwise are simply too haughty or snobbish to "get it." Not the sorts of folks he'd like to spend his time with anyway. There is, however, one standout amongst the filth.

ozcastle6.jpg.7932aebe186430ee22140ffe710f33b0.jpgThe furnace sits as the solitary well-kept area in the lounge. Partially due to the hazards clutter around the fire might present, but also because it is a centerpiece that Oz is most fond of. If and when he escapes from the floating castle of Aincrad, he has every intention of pouring his life's work into possessing an identical centerpiece of his own. An eye-catching nucleus which draws attention away from the myriad flaws and onto something attractive and breathtaking. Something which provides as much warmth as it does strike a sentiment of beauty in the beholder.

ozcastle3.jpg.fef7b1ec68d7e8bc9204db74e2557a83.jpgRounding the corner, newcomers will find themselves graced by Oz's home office. In stark contrast to the office tucked away in his bar, warm light fills the room and illuminates further dilapidation brought upon through Oz's inaction. Being where he conducts personal business as opposed to public, he nary imagines a prying eye coming to witness the cluster of books, scrolls, documents, and other knick-knacks which push the space further and further into abject claustrophobia.

ozcastle2.jpg.eb2fde2d3498146956b703cb37636801.jpgUp the stairs which sit adjacent to the home office, one will find a hallway with various rooms off to either side. To most, not a single one of them would appear livable, as the clutter here vastly exceeds anything witnessed on the first floor. What's interesting to consider, is that things only started to devolve to this point after the attic found itself filled to the brim. Now Oz lives and sleeps among countless things which occupy virtually every space in his home. 

ozcastle9.jpg.9c2b2e6b2e5b47ff8ddef331cccceb16.jpgMoving the mess, cleaning it up, or dispersing it more evenly throughout the home would mean either putting in countless hours or days of effort, or making it more visible to any visitors (of which there are virtually none). A look into the rooms of Oz's hovel may give one a glimpse into an equally cluttered mind; one of a man filled with shame, personal neglect, and a longing to find something that makes him feel whole again.





House Name: Enrilth Hold
Location: Floor 19 - Forbidden Lands
Description: See above
Plot Size: Estate

  • Bedroom: Assigned to Oz.
    • -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat.
    • Replaced by Master Bedroom.
  • Bathroom: Assigned to Oz.
    • The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down).
    • Replaced by Master Bathroom.
  • Basic Workshop: Alchemist - assigned to Oz.
    • +2 EXP per crafting attempt.
    • Replaced by Extended Workshop.
  • Basic Kitchen: Assigned to Oz.
    • Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
  • Storage Closet: Assigned to Oz.
    • +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot.
  • Dining Room: Assigned to Oz.
    • Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
    • Replaced by Dining Hall.
  • Living Room: Assigned to Oz.
    • Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
  • Attic (Bedroom): Skylight Searching - assigned to Oz.
    • +1 Expertise to declared utility skill (Searching). Cannot boost a skill without ranks, or increase a skill past its maximum rank. Cannot boost a skill the user has not learned yet. Ranks obtained using this buff will make the mods of that rank available for purchase. Mods obtained this way are unusable if this buff is removed until the skill is returned to the appropriate rank by way of SP purchase.
  • Fishing Pond: Assigned to Oz.
    • +2 Fishing EXP per fishing attempt
    • Replaced by Ornate Fishing Pond.
  • Slime Farm: Assigned to Oz.
    • +5% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.
    • Replaced by Mega Slime Farm.
  • Basement: Assigned to Oz.
    • Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll.

Room Upgrades: 

  • Master Bedroom: Assigned to Oz.
    • Replaces Bedroom.
    • -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat.
  • Master Bathroom: Assigned to Oz.
    • Replaces Bathroom.
    • The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down).
  • Extended Workshop: Alchemist - assigned to Oz.
    • Replaces Basic Workshop.
    • +2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day.
  • Ornate Fishing Pond: Assigned to Oz.
    • Replaces Fishing Pond.
    • +2 Fishing EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to fishing attempts.
  • Dining Hall: Assigned to Oz.
    • Replaces Dining Room.
    • Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
  • Mega Slime Farm: Assigned to Oz.
    • Replaces Slime Farm.
    • +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.

Total Cost: Estate Plot and 6 rooms paid for with Donor perks.
Remaining Cost: 50000 col (5 additional rooms) + 90000 col (6 room upgrades) = 140000 col



Edited by Oz
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7 hours ago, Oz said:



Hidden amid the remnants of ancient structures which dot the Forbidden Lands of Floor Nineteen sits a particularly unkempt heap of scrap and timber which compose an unlikely hovel. Supposedly once a magnificent, mobile manor which skulked the expanse with is imposing mechanical appendages, its gears now remain fixed and its core dormant. When Oz overtook the home, he hadn't a clue as to how one could maintain it. The mechanics and their inner workings evading his understanding, and the sheer volume of space seemed overwhelming to keep in order. And so the structure stopped moving, then started falling apart, inside and out. Even today it continues to degrade further and further, and Oz wouldn't even know where to begin in any wayward attempts to restore it to a glimmer of its former glory. 

It once belonged to a Frontliner of great repute, one who knew what needed to go into its upkeep, who only gave it up as part of a lost wager against Oz in a game of bocce (in which Oz cheated, of course). How does one cheat at bocce? Your guess is as good as anyone's. It's a secret kept close to the vest and, for that reason, why nobody was able to call Oz's bluff and render the wager moot.

ozcastle4.jpg.0025b73a528f563b6bdd97f3fbfec5c6.jpgUpon first entering the abode, visitors will find themselves blessed by a surprisingly presentable kitchen and dining room setup. Every surface is still filled to the brim with clutter, and dust bequeaths every nook and cranny with an unsightly veneer of grunge. Dirty dishes pile high, countless scrolls and books and other artifacts fill the breadth of the dining table, and random food is strewn about with wild abandon.

ozcastle5.jpg.6dc80bdc9a8298453e68d70e36286c02.jpgIn fact, it might be said that the longer one looks, the more the bedraggled mess unfurls itself right before their eyes. For you see, though he takes pride in his win, Oz has never known how to take care of a place of such magnitude. It is why its mighty gears rot is disrepair, and every corner appears to be piled high with more stuff than any reasonable person could know what to do with. Oz was always poor, and always went without, and hardly ever had anything.

ozcastle7.jpg.d5ad6109522cc82e39f23e067b470ab0.jpgAnd for all the flaws one might point out regarding the otherwise pleasant lodgings, this is only the beginning. Only a madman would lay the true depths of their depravity within view of the front door. As far as Oz is concerned, the state of his kitchen is acceptable, and any who might think otherwise are simply too haughty or snobbish to "get it." Not the sorts of folks he'd like to spend his time with anyway. There is, however, one standout amongst the filth.

ozcastle6.jpg.7932aebe186430ee22140ffe710f33b0.jpgThe furnace sits as the solitary well-kept area in the lounge. Partially due to the hazards clutter around the fire might present, but also because it is a centerpiece that Oz is most fond of. If and when he escapes from the floating castle of Aincrad, he has every intention of pouring his life's work into possessing an identical centerpiece of his own. An eye-catching nucleus which draws attention away from the myriad flaws and onto something attractive and breathtaking. Something which provides as much warmth as it does strike a sentiment of beauty in the beholder.

ozcastle3.jpg.fef7b1ec68d7e8bc9204db74e2557a83.jpgRounding the corner, newcomers will find themselves graced by Oz's home office. In stark contrast to the office tucked away in his bar, warm light fills the room and illuminates further dilapidation brought upon through Oz's inaction. Being where he conducts personal business as opposed to public, he nary imagines a prying eye coming to witness the cluster of books, scrolls, documents, and other knick-knacks which push the space further and further into abject claustrophobia.

ozcastle2.jpg.eb2fde2d3498146956b703cb37636801.jpgUp the stairs which sit adjacent to the home office, one will find a hallway with various rooms off to either side. To most, not a single one of them would appear livable, as the clutter here vastly exceeds anything witnessed on the first floor. What's interesting to consider, is that things only started to devolve to this point after the attic found itself filled to the brim. Now Oz lives and sleeps among countless things which occupy virtually every space in his home. 

ozcastle9.jpg.9c2b2e6b2e5b47ff8ddef331cccceb16.jpgMoving the mess, cleaning it up, or dispersing it more evenly throughout the home would mean either putting in countless hours or days of effort, or making it more visible to any visitors (of which there are virtually none). A look into the rooms of Oz's hovel may give one a glimpse into an equally cluttered mind; one of a man filled with shame, personal neglect, and a longing to find something that makes him feel whole again.




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House Name: Enrilth Hold
Location: Floor 19 - Forbidden Lands
Description: See above
Plot Size: Estate

  • Bedroom: Assigned to Oz.
    • -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat.
    • Replaced by Master Bedroom.
  • Bathroom: Assigned to Oz.
    • The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down).
    • Replaced by Master Bathroom.
  • Basic Workshop: Alchemist - assigned to Oz.
    • +2 EXP per crafting attempt.
    • Replaced by Extended Workshop.
  • Basic Kitchen: Assigned to Oz.
    • Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
  • Storage Closet: Assigned to Oz.
    • +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot.
  • Dining Room: Assigned to Oz.
    • Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
    • Replaced by Dining Hall.
  • Living Room: Assigned to Oz.
    • Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
  • Attic (Bedroom): Skylight Searching - assigned to Oz.
    • +1 Expertise to declared utility skill (Searching). Cannot boost a skill without ranks, or increase a skill past its maximum rank. Cannot boost a skill the user has not learned yet. Ranks obtained using this buff will make the mods of that rank available for purchase. Mods obtained this way are unusable if this buff is removed until the skill is returned to the appropriate rank by way of SP purchase.
  • Fishing Pond: Assigned to Oz.
    • +2 Fishing EXP per fishing attempt
    • Replaced by Ornate Fishing Pond.
  • Slime Farm: Assigned to Oz.
    • +5% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.
    • Replaced by Mega Slime Farm.
  • Basement: Assigned to Oz.
    • Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll.

Room Upgrades: 

  • Master Bedroom: Assigned to Oz.
    • Replaces Bedroom.
    • -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat.
  • Master Bathroom: Assigned to Oz.
    • Replaces Bathroom.
    • The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down).
  • Extended Workshop: Alchemist - assigned to Oz.
    • Replaces Basic Workshop.
    • +2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day.
  • Ornate Fishing Pond: Assigned to Oz.
    • Replaces Fishing Pond.
    • +2 Fishing EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to fishing attempts.
  • Dining Hall: Assigned to Oz.
    • Replaces Dining Room.
    • Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
  • Mega Slime Farm: Assigned to Oz.
    • Replaces Slime Farm.
    • +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.

Total Cost: Estate Plot and 6 rooms paid for with Donor perks.
Remaining Cost: 50000 col (5 additional rooms) + 90000 col (6 room upgrades) = 140000 col



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House Name:
Location: Floor 8 / Ellesmera
Description: Located on the edge of Ellesmera, just within the city's Safe Zone, the castle is the home of the newly anointed Duchess Lysandra, who recently came into great wealth and came to prominence after purchasing her title and this castle. While much of the castle is occupied by her and other elves belonging to an organization that she runs that is dedicated to researching the Outworlder phenomenon, rooms were set aside in one of the towers for one of those very Outworlders.
Plot Size: Estate
 - Bedroom (Hanzoku)
 - Basic Workshop (Hanzoku)
 - Basic Kitchen (Hanzoku)
 - Living Room (Hanzoku)
 - Herbalist Hut (Hanzoku)
Room Upgrade(s): (Optional) (Include assigned player(s))
 - Extended Workshop (Hanzoku)
 - Greenhouse (Hanzoku)
Total Cost: 
Estate - 124k
Bedroom - 10k
Extended Workshop - 25k
Basic Kitchen - 10k
Living Room - 10k
Greenhouse - 25k
- - - - -
Total: 204,000col

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7 hours ago, Hanzoku said:



House Name:
Location: Floor 8 / Ellesmera
Description: Located on the edge of Ellesmera, just within the city's Safe Zone, the castle is the home of the newly anointed Duchess Lysandra, who recently came into great wealth and came to prominence after purchasing her title and this castle. While much of the castle is occupied by her and other elves belonging to an organization that she runs that is dedicated to researching the Outworlder phenomenon, rooms were set aside in one of the towers for one of those very Outworlders.
Plot Size: Estate
 - Bedroom (Hanzoku)
 - Basic Workshop (Hanzoku)
 - Basic Kitchen (Hanzoku)
 - Living Room (Hanzoku)
 - Herbalist Hut (Hanzoku)
Room Upgrade(s): (Optional) (Include assigned player(s))
 - Extended Workshop (Hanzoku)
 - Greenhouse (Hanzoku)
Total Cost: 
Estate - 124k
Bedroom - 10k
Extended Workshop - 25k
Basic Kitchen - 10k
Living Room - 10k
Greenhouse - 25k
- - - - -
Total: 204,000col

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House Name: Shizuka
Location: Floor 24; (Massa Region)
Description: A two-story home reminiscent of something from the real world, brought back to life. Small whispers of sound, barely audible, seem to hover over the area, as if calling out to any who approach and attempt to reside within.
Plot Size: Two-Story Home

Room Assigned To
Master Bedroom Nymoria
Atelier (Extended Workshop) Nymoria
Greenhouse Nymoria
Storage Closet Nymoria
Living Room Nymoria
Attic (Storage) Nymoria

Total Cost: 191,000

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34 minutes ago, Nymoria said:



House Name: Shizuka
Location: Floor 24; (Massa Region)
Description: A two-story home reminiscent of something from the real world, brought back to life. Small whispers of sound, barely audible, seem to hover over the area, as if calling out to any who approach and attempt to reside within.
Plot Size: Two-Story Home

Room Assigned To
Master Bedroom Nymoria
Atelier (Extended Workshop) Nymoria
Greenhouse Nymoria
Storage Closet Nymoria
Living Room Nymoria
Attic (Storage) Nymoria

Total Cost: 191,000


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Guild Name: The Trackers Alliance
Guild Owner: Morningstar
Guild Hall Name: The Trackers Alliance Headquarters
Location: Floor 11 / Taft

Welcome to the Trackers Alliance Headquarters—a home base built for bounty hunters, adventurers, and scouts alike. Designed with a focus on both function and comfort, this place has everything a Tracker needs to stay sharp and ahead of the game.

The main floor opens into a spacious, open area where guild members can gather and exchange intel. A widescreen holographic display keeps everyone in the loop with the latest bounties and rumors. Down the hall, there are private, there is a storage room and some private offices.

Upstairs, you'll find closed-door meeting rooms, an armory stocked with gear, and a space for merchants and crafters to work and experiment. In the back, you'll find the treasurer's office and guild's secure and reliable vault.

The bottom floor serves as a rest area, offering washrooms and dormitories for any guild members needing a place to lay low. An NPC is stationed at the mini bar from the late afternoon to early morning, and a pool table is stationed at the back of the room for winding down.

Type of Guild: Mercantile
Rooms: Storage Vault, Guild Bank, Trading Hall, Treasury
Total Cost: 135,000 col

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4 minutes ago, Morningstar said:

Guild Name: The Trackers Alliance
Guild Owner: Morningstar
Guild Hall Name: The Trackers Alliance Headquarters
Location: Floor 11 / Taft

Welcome to the Trackers Alliance Headquarters—a home base built for bounty hunters, adventurers, and scouts alike. Designed with a focus on both function and comfort, this place has everything a Tracker needs to stay sharp and ahead of the game.

The main floor opens into a spacious, open area where guild members can gather and exchange intel. A widescreen holographic display keeps everyone in the loop with the latest bounties and rumors. Down the hall, there are private, there is a storage room and some private offices.

Upstairs, you'll find closed-door meeting rooms, an armory stocked with gear, and a space for merchants and crafters to work and experiment. In the back, you'll find the treasurer's office and guild's secure and reliable vault.

The bottom floor serves as a rest area, offering washrooms and dormitories for any guild members needing a place to lay low. An NPC is stationed at the mini bar from the late afternoon to early morning, and a pool table is stationed at the back of the room for winding down.

Type of Guild: Mercantile
Rooms: Storage Vault, Guild Bank, Trading Hall, Treasury
Total Cost: 135,000 col



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