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Housing Evaluation

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5 minutes ago, Hikoru said:

Location: Floor 21

House Name: The Shadow’s Den

Base Cost: 86,000


Basement: 10,000 (1 Floor)

  Reveal hidden contents

First Floor:
Dining Room (10,000 Col)

  Reveal hidden contents

Living Room (10,000 Col)

  Reveal hidden contents

Second Floor:

Bathroom: (10,000 Col)

  Reveal hidden contents

Bedroom (10,000 Col)

  Reveal hidden contents

Storage Closet (10,000 Col)

Basic Kitchen (10,000 Col)

  Reveal hidden contents

Attic [Storage] (10,000 Col)

  Reveal hidden contents


Advanced Slime Farm (35,000) [2 Yard Slots {Max}]

Total: 201,000 Col

Approved @Hikoru

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Old House Here House Name: Black Raven Location: F26 ??? Description: An old airship that once used to be a merchant vessel, but has been repurposed by one that used it to storm the towers of

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Note:  using the 15$ donor house (Townhouse 2 rooms) and upgrading to Two Story Home.


House Name: Benedictus Pacem

PK Accessable

Location:  Floor 2




Plot Size: Two Story

#1  Master Bedroom - Second Floor.  A simple Bedroom large enough for two players to live comfortably together.  There are two beds, a window, instrumental song crystals, two paintings, night stand, chest, rug, a bookshelf, small closet for vanity clothes, and several glow crystals hanging off the walls lighting the room.  Itzal and Zandra are assigned.

#2  Master Bathroom - First Floor.  A small bathroom with a sink, toilet, shower and bath.  The door can be locked and sealed (only players assigned to it may unlock the door).  Assigned to Itzal and Zandra.

#3  Living Room - First Floor.  The first room you encounter when coming in.  There is a small three person couch, two seats, a small table, shelves, windows, bookshelves, chests, paintings, instrumental song crystals, rug, and several glow crystals hanging off the walls lighting the room.  Assigned to Itzal and Zandra.

#4  Basic Kitchen - First Floor.  A simple kitchen with a counter, oven, stovetop, chest, cabinets, seasoning shelves, tool drawers, and several plates, bowls and utensils, and several glow crystals hanging off the walls lighting the room.  Assigned to Itzal.

#5  Storage Closet - Basement.  A small room in the basement that has several shelves, racks and chests meant for storing..  Well anything.  There are several glow crystals hanging off the walls lighting the room.  Assigned to Itzal.

#6  Attic Storage - Second Floor.  A room on the far end of the second floor with several shelves, bookcases, chests, cabinets, racks, and other storage containers all arranged neatly and organized for easy storage, and several glow crystals hanging off the walls lighting the room.  Assigned to Itzal.

#7  Basement - Basement.  A stone room under the house, resting as the foundation.  Inside are many filled tool racks, barrels, chests, crates and shelves for storing, and several glow crystals hanging off the walls lighting the room.  Assigned to Itzal.

#8  Extended Workshop - Back Porch.  While the front porch is made of wood, the back porch has a fire pit built in with a roof designed to filter out the smoke.  There are three chairs with several folded chairs resting against the wall of the house.  In a chest against the wall are several instruments Itzal can choose from.  He prefers to craft when having a perfect view of the scenery.  Assigned to Itzal.

#9  Familiar Chambers - Second Floor.  A very small room that connects to the Master Bedroom.  Designed so that only flyers can get in unless a familiar opens the ramp, allowing guest familiars to visit their humble abode as well.  Inside are cushions that function as beds, places they can bring food to, and several toys of their own design, and a glow stone that provides light.  No effects, pure rp flavor.

#10  Guest Room - Second Floor.  A simple room with a bed, nightstand, small bookshelf, small chest, small closet for vanity clothing, and a small rug and window, and several glow crystals hanging off the walls lighting the room.


Yard Slot: 

Mega Slime Farm - Backyard.  A section built into the forest, where slime monsters can spawn at random locations.  Slime monsters can take any shape or form.  There are several stages or levels of difficulty by level.  1, 10, 20, 30, etc. are all difficulty settings.  Both Stats and Intelligence have their own option.  Slimes never drop any loot.

Room Upgrade(s): Master Bedroom, Bathroom, Extended Workshop, Mega Slime Farm. 
Upgrade to Two Story House Plot = 9,500
Upgrade to PK Access = 15,375
Total House Upgrade Cost = 24,875 col
Rooms/Room Upgrades Cost = 15,000
Total Cost:  39,875 col

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9 minutes ago, Itzal said:

Note:  using the 15$ donor house (Townhouse 2 rooms) and upgrading to Two Story Home.


House Name: Benedictus Pacem

PK Accessable

Location:  Floor 2


  Hide contents


Plot Size: Two Story

#1  Master Bedroom - Second Floor.  A simple Bedroom large enough for two players to live comfortably together.  There are two beds, a window, instrumental song crystals, two paintings, night stand, chest, rug, a bookshelf, small closet for vanity clothes, and several glow crystals hanging off the walls lighting the room.  Itzal and Kasier are assigned.

#2  Master Bathroom - First Floor.  A small bathroom with a sink, toilet, shower and bath.  The door can be locked and sealed (only players assigned to it may unlock the door).  Assigned to Itzal and Kasier.

#3  Living Room - First Floor.  The first room you encounter when coming in.  There is a small three person couch, two seats, a small table, shelves, windows, bookshelves, chests, paintings, instrumental song crystals, rug, and several glow crystals hanging off the walls lighting the room.  Assigned to Itzal and Kasier.

#4  Basic Kitchen - First Floor.  A simple kitchen with a counter, oven, stovetop, chest, cabinets, seasoning shelves, tool drawers, and several plates, bowls and utensils, and several glow crystals hanging off the walls lighting the room.  Assigned to Kasier.

#5  Storage Closet - Basement.  A small room in the basement that has several shelves, racks and chests meant for storing..  Well anything.  There are several glow crystals hanging off the walls lighting the room.  Assigned to Kasier.

#6  Attic Storage - Second Floor.  A room on the far end of the second floor with several shelves, bookcases, chests, cabinets, racks, and other storage containers all arranged neatly and organized for easy storage, and several glow crystals hanging off the walls lighting the room.  Assigned to Itzal.

#7  Basement - Basement.  A stone room under the house, resting as the foundation.  Inside are many filled tool racks, barrels, chests, crates and shelves for storing, and several glow crystals hanging off the walls lighting the room.  Assigned to Itzal.

#8  Extended Workshop - Back Porch.  While the front porch is made of wood, the back porch has a fire pit built in with a roof designed to filter out the smoke.  There are three chairs with several folded chairs resting against the wall of the house.  In a chest against the wall are several instruments Itzal can choose from.  He prefers to craft when having a perfect view of the scenery.  Assigned to Itzal.

#9  Familiar Chambers - Second Floor.  A very small room that connects to the Master Bedroom.  Designed so that only flyers can get in unless a familiar opens the ramp, allowing guest familiars to visit their humble abode as well.  Inside are cushions that function as beds, places they can bring food to, and several toys of their own design, and a glow stone that provides light.  No effects, pure rp flavor.

#10  Guest Room - Second Floor.  A simple room with a bed, nightstand, small bookshelf, small chest, small closet for vanity clothing, and a small rug and window, and several glow crystals hanging off the walls lighting the room.


Yard Slot: 

Mega Slime Farm - Backyard.  A section built into the forest, where slime monsters can spawn at random locations.  Slime monsters can take any shape or form.  There are several stages or levels of difficulty by level.  1, 10, 20, 30, etc. are all difficulty settings.  Both Stats and Intelligence have their own option.  Slimes never drop any loot.

Room Upgrade(s): Master Bedroom, Bathroom, Extended Workshop, Mega Slime Farm. 
Upgrade to Two Story House Plot = 9,500
Upgrade to PK Access = 15,375
Total House Upgrade Cost = 24,875 col
Rooms/Room Upgrades Cost = 15,000
Total Cost:  39,875 col


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House Name: Beat’s Eats

Location: Floor 21 Right next to the hot Springs

Description: Beat’s house is a little different in that his business kitchen is in the front and actually extends into the kitchen in his home, separated by a wall and a door. With the housing patch changing housing, it made sense to have his business and his home in one place. Japanese architecture and a comfortable stylish interior make his restaurant and his home welcoming  and his business inviting. Being located right next to the hot springs, he has easy access to the relaxing attraction and his business sees plenty of foot traffic.

Plot Size: Two-Story Home


Basement- Beat

Storage Closet - Beat

Living Room - Beat & Shield

Basic Workshop (Chef’s Kitchen) - Upgraded

Basic Kitchen- Beat

Attic (Bedroom- Searching) - Beat

Bedroom -Beat

Bathroom- Beat

Slime Farm- Upgraded


Room Upgrade(s):

Mega Slime farm - Beat

Extended workshop- Beat


Total Cost: 206,000 col

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21 minutes ago, Beat said:

House Name: Beat’s Eats

Location: Floor 21 Right next to the hot Springs

Description: Beat’s house is a little different in that his business kitchen is in the front and actually extends into the kitchen in his home, separated by a wall and a door. With the housing patch changing housing, it made sense to have his business and his home in one place. Japanese architecture and a comfortable stylish interior make his restaurant and his home welcoming  and his business inviting. Being located right next to the hot springs, he has easy access to the relaxing attraction and his business sees plenty of foot traffic.

Plot Size: Two-Story Home


Basement- Beat

Storage Closet - Beat

Living Room - Beat & Shield

Basic Workshop (Chef’s Kitchen) - Upgraded

Basic Kitchen- Beat

Attic (Bedroom- Searching) - Beat

Bedroom -Beat

Bathroom- Beat

Slime Farm- Upgraded


Room Upgrade(s):

Mega Slime farm - Beat

Extended workshop- Beat


Total Cost: 206,000 col


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House Name: Lovers Den
Location: Floor 22



Plot Size: Estate (free because of donation)
Rooms: (8/15) +20,000 col (6 rooms free because donation): 
-Bedroom -Upgraded-
-Bathroom -Upgraded-
-Basic Workshop(Pharmacy) -Upgraded-
-Storage Closet -Zandra-

-Dining room -Upgraded-
-Attic (Storage) -Zandra-
-Slime farm -Upgraded-
-Basement -Zandra-
Room Upgrades: (5 upgrades) +75,000 col:
-Master Bedroom -Avilon and Zandra-
-Master bathroom -Avilon and Zandra-
-Extended worksgop -Zandra-
-Dining hall -Avilon and Zandra-
-Mega slime farm -Zandra-

Total Cost: 95,000 col

Edited by Zandra
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On 2/26/2018 at 4:18 AM, Zandra said:

House Name: Lovers Den
Location: Floor 22

  Reveal hidden contents

Plot Size: Estate (free because of donation)
Rooms: (8/15) +20,000 col (6 rooms free because donation): 
-Bedroom -Upgraded-
-Bathroom -Upgraded-
-Basic Workshop(Pharmacy) -Upgraded-
-Storage Closet -Zandra-

-Dining room -Upgraded-
-Attic (Storage) -Zandra-
-Slime farm -Upgraded-
-Basement -Zandra-
Room Upgrades: (5 upgrades) +75,000 col:
-Master Bedroom -Avilon and Zandra-
-Master bathroom -Avilon and Zandra-
-Extended worksgop -Zandra-
-Dining hall -Avilon and Zandra-
-Mega slime farm -Zandra-

Total Cost: 95,000 col


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(Using top tier donor reward - estate plot with 6 free rooms)

House Name - Forest Haven
Location - Floor 8

Description - A large wooden home, two stories tall plus an attic, with vines growing down each of the walls.  It has a large back yard with all sorts of different flowers, and all the butterflies and other insects that come with them.  The insides are plain and spartan.  A messy workshop that is in a sun room next to the porch is the only exception, overflowing with half finished projects.  The porch and workshop look out into the forest areas that surround Florenthia, and a cool breeze weaves its way around the building in the afternoon. 

Plot Size - Estate

Rooms (6/15) (All with Benjamin as the occupant) (All costs included with donation level)

Basic Workshop (First Floor) - An open room next to the porch with sunlight coming in from the forest.  One door in the back leads to the main hallway, and the other leads outside.  There's always a few half finished projects stacked up on the tables around there.  

Basic Kitchen (First Floor) - A counter and a few pantries with basic amenities in them.  There's a few sets of wooden plates and utensils for eating.    A small bookshelf in the corner has a pile of recipe books on it. 

Attic Bedroom (Third Floor) [Utility skill - Search]- A small bedroom that takes up the entirety of the third floor.  There's a pile of Benjamin's personal items strewn about messily and an unmade king size bed with green fluffy covers.  The walls have different sketches of area maps, as well as a bunch with facts about the different insects of the forest.  A single round window lets light into the otherwise dim room. 

Dining Room (First Floor) - A large wooden table painted white, with four tall chairs around it.  The dishes are stored in a drawer under the table, and the walls have cheery floral patterns on them.  Cheery and cozy. 

Slime Farm (Yard Slot) - A fenced in area in the back yard, next to the garden.  The insects tend to snack on the slime they leave around, making it a popular area. 

Basement (Basement) - Crowded and plain stone room with large storage shelves for items to be placed safely.  There isn't much there yet, so plenty of room to expand.

The rest of the house is bare, with room to expand.  It looks scarcely lived in quite yet. 

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  • 4 weeks later...


House Name: Morning Star Manor
Location: Floor 19/Ralberg
Plot Size: Estate

"Rested" [-1 EN to the first two expenditures of combat]
 [The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)]
"Hard Working" [+2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day]
"Filling" [Spend a number of materials (1 for Uncommon, 3 for Rare, 5 for Perfect) to create a food item of the same Tier of materials used. Items created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 3 items created per thread.]
 "Item Stash" [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot]
"Delicious" [Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.]
"Relaxed" [Increases HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts]
"Skylight(Skill)" [+1 Expertise to declared utility skill.] 
Note: Accessible via  pull down stairs
 "Advanced Training" [+2 SP per Month]


Bedroom - A large spacious bedroom with a King Sized bed, a desk for night reading or studying, and windows that overlook the fountain in front of the entrance to the estate. 

Effects: "Rested" [-1 EN to the first two expenditures of combat]

Bathroom - A large bathroom with marble tile floors, separate area for the toilet and an large circular bath with the ability to control water heat to exact temperature.
Effects: "Clean" [The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)]

Alchemical Workshop - A large private room with various alchemy items. This room is strictly off limits to all layers except Jonathan, as it contains all of his alchemical research and alchemy books. In the corner is a small library consisting of two bookshelves, containing all books over alchemy. At night, the room instead of being lit by candles, is lit by the glowing stones from the second floor goblin cave as a reminder of the time he and Itzal met. Note: Not even the maids come in here to clean

Effects: "Hard Working" [+2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day]

Basic Kitchen - A large kitchen fit in with two oven's, a three sink kitchen sink, cabinets for kitchen ingredients, counters, and a draw out cutting table. Note: Remelia is the maid that does the cooking. 

Effects: "Filling" [Spend a number of materials (1 for Uncommon, 3 for Rare, 5 for Perfect) to create a food item of the same Tier of materials used. Items created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 3 items created per thread.]

Storage Closet - A closet full of essentials, whether that be cleaning supplies, extra potions, or equipment.
Effects: "Item Stash" [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot]

Dining Hall - A large spacious room able to sit and feed many people or hold meetings. The room is kept tidy and well lit by chandeliers.  

Effects: "Delicious" [Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.]

Living Room - A Large quiet room lit by a fireplace and chandeliers. Couches and chairs surround a large coffee table where player may lounge, relax, or read. 

Effect: "Relaxed" [Increases HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts]

Bedroom Attic - A storage area found above Jonathan's bedroom for storage purposes. May also look up at the sky and ponder a skill to gain a bonus.
Effect: "Skylight(Skill)" [+1 Expertise to declared utility skill.] Note: Accessible via  pull down stairs

Mega Slime Farm - In a small area at the back of the house there is a small garden area will slime mobs will randomly appear. 
Effects: "Advanced Training" [+2 SP per Month]

The Aincradian Library of Dawn

Image result for grand library

A quarter of the estate is taken by one of the largest libraries in Aincrad. Much knowledge is possessed here about almost everything that has happened in Aincrad when it comes to Bosses, quests, large sections of history. Of course, the library contains in detail recollections of the past, but it is always months behind current statuses as Information brokers have yet to bring the recounts. Player's do not have to go through the main entrance into the building to get into here, but instead there is another door that players will be led to by the guards on the side. Any non-shady green player may enter under the supervision of Ramelia, meaning if players want they can roleplay inside the library. Players have to have personal connections and permission with Jonathan to be unsupervised in the library. Weapons are forbidden inside the library. Any players to disrespect Ramelia or the library will be removed by the guards. Roleplay in here responsibly or your permission will be taken away. Do not roleplay having conversation with Ramelia as she won't speak to any players as to not bother them.  

[Yes - Based off of Re-Zero. Get over it!] 

image.jpeg Ramelia

Ramelia is the quieter of the two maid twins. She usually has a stern look on her face, doing only what she asked to or needs to do. She is uncomfortable around players that she hasn't met before and it is hard to impress her correctly to not come off with a bad judgement. She usually will not start a conversation with someone, unless said person verbally attacked either Jonathan or her sister, Remelia, in which case she will tell them to remove themselves or she will remove them herself. Jobs are: household dusting and cleaning, keeping shrubbery outside well trimmed, cleaning Jonathan and guest rooms after every night, serving dinner, and keeping an eye on any unknown or untrusted players that have been permitted to come and visit the Library. 


Remelia is the kinder of the two maid twins. She usually has a warm and ind smile on her face, going of her way to help guests even if it means shirking her duties. Even if she is uncomfortable with a player, she upholds a standard of politeness and kindness to everyone. She has a submissive personality, and will take harsh comments and a bowed head, replying "I'm sorry" after every sentence. Her duties contain: Cooking Breakfast and dinner, waking all players at 8:00 A.M with a knock at the door, assisting female players into dresses if needed, washing dishes, helping Ramelia serve dinner, serving the guards with food, kindly assisting any of Jonathan's personal guests. 



Sylestia is a young woman with respect and kindness. She took up a sword with the sole purpose to help protect people. She ould rather not see anyone get hurt and would rather resort to ending a commotion with words instead of steel. She guards the front gate, permitting or denying players access into the Library. She is also the guard to walk them to the door and inform Ramelia that the guest is present. 



Vanir is a respectable young man. His number one virtue is confidence and took up the sword to save people's lives instead of destroy them. This being said, he isn't afraid to take up his sword and cut down a threat as necessary. He guards the gate as well, but prefers not to talk even though he is full of energy and eccentric. Unlike Sylestia, he also has a carefree attitude and unafraid to have a good laugh. He also keeps an accurate record of usernames that visited the Library within the day, even the player falsely identified themselves. 

Total Cost: 


(To be paid here soon)

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On 3/20/2018 at 11:33 PM, Benjamin Bookworm said:

(Using top tier donor reward - estate plot with 6 free rooms)

House Name - Forest Haven
Location - Floor 8

Description - A large wooden home, two stories tall plus an attic, with vines growing down each of the walls.  It has a large back yard with all sorts of different flowers, and all the butterflies and other insects that come with them.  The insides are plain and spartan.  A messy workshop that is in a sun room next to the porch is the only exception, overflowing with half finished projects.  The porch and workshop look out into the forest areas that surround Florenthia, and a cool breeze weaves its way around the building in the afternoon. 

Plot Size - Estate

Rooms (6/15) (All with Benjamin as the occupant) (All costs included with donation level)

Basic Workshop (First Floor) - An open room next to the porch with sunlight coming in from the forest.  One door in the back leads to the main hallway, and the other leads outside.  There's always a few half finished projects stacked up on the tables around there.  

Basic Kitchen (First Floor) - A counter and a few pantries with basic amenities in them.  There's a few sets of wooden plates and utensils for eating.    A small bookshelf in the corner has a pile of recipe books on it. 

Attic Bedroom (Third Floor) [Utility skill - Search]- A small bedroom that takes up the entirety of the third floor.  There's a pile of Benjamin's personal items strewn about messily and an unmade king size bed with green fluffy covers.  The walls have different sketches of area maps, as well as a bunch with facts about the different insects of the forest.  A single round window lets light into the otherwise dim room. 

Dining Room (First Floor) - A large wooden table painted white, with four tall chairs around it.  The dishes are stored in a drawer under the table, and the walls have cheery floral patterns on them.  Cheery and cozy. 

Slime Farm (Yard Slot) - A fenced in area in the back yard, next to the garden.  The insects tend to snack on the slime they leave around, making it a popular area. 

Basement (Basement) - Crowded and plain stone room with large storage shelves for items to be placed safely.  There isn't much there yet, so plenty of room to expand.

The rest of the house is bare, with room to expand.  It looks scarcely lived in quite yet. 


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On 4/15/2018 at 7:34 PM, Morgenstern said:


House Name: Morning Star Manor
Location: Floor 19/Ralberg
Plot Size: Estate

"Rested" [-1 EN to the first two expenditures of combat]
 [The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)]
"Hard Working" [+2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day]
"Filling" [Spend a number of materials (1 for Uncommon, 3 for Rare, 5 for Perfect) to create a food item of the same Tier of materials used. Items created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 3 items created per thread.]
 "Item Stash" [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot]
"Delicious" [Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.]
"Relaxed" [Increases HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts]
"Skylight(Skill)" [+1 Expertise to declared utility skill.] 
Note: Accessible via  pull down stairs
 "Advanced Training" [+2 SP per Month]


Bedroom - A large spacious bedroom with a King Sized bed, a desk for night reading or studying, and windows that overlook the fountain in front of the entrance to the estate. 

Effects: "Rested" [-1 EN to the first two expenditures of combat]

Bathroom - A large bathroom with marble tile floors, separate area for the toilet and an large circular bath with the ability to control water heat to exact temperature.
Effects: "Clean" [The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)]

Alchemical Workshop - A large private room with various alchemy items. This room is strictly off limits to all layers except Jonathan, as it contains all of his alchemical research and alchemy books. In the corner is a small library consisting of two bookshelves, containing all books over alchemy. At night, the room instead of being lit by candles, is lit by the glowing stones from the second floor goblin cave as a reminder of the time he and Itzal met. Note: Not even the maids come in here to clean

Effects: "Hard Working" [+2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day]

Basic Kitchen - A large kitchen fit in with two oven's, a three sink kitchen sink, cabinets for kitchen ingredients, counters, and a draw out cutting table. Note: Remelia is the maid that does the cooking. 

Effects: "Filling" [Spend a number of materials (1 for Uncommon, 3 for Rare, 5 for Perfect) to create a food item of the same Tier of materials used. Items created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 3 items created per thread.]

Storage Closet - A closet full of essentials, whether that be cleaning supplies, extra potions, or equipment.
Effects: "Item Stash" [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot]

Dining Hall - A large spacious room able to sit and feed many people or hold meetings. The room is kept tidy and well lit by chandeliers.  

Effects: "Delicious" [Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.]

Living Room - A Large quiet room lit by a fireplace and chandeliers. Couches and chairs surround a large coffee table where player may lounge, relax, or read. 

Effect: "Relaxed" [Increases HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts]

Bedroom Attic - A storage area found above Jonathan's bedroom for storage purposes. May also look up at the sky and ponder a skill to gain a bonus.
Effect: "Skylight(Skill)" [+1 Expertise to declared utility skill.] Note: Accessible via  pull down stairs

Mega Slime Farm - In a small area at the back of the house there is a small garden area will slime mobs will randomly appear. 
Effects: "Advanced Training" [+2 SP per Month]

The Aincradian Library of Dawn

Image result for grand library

A quarter of the estate is taken by one of the largest libraries in Aincrad. Much knowledge is possessed here about almost everything that has happened in Aincrad when it comes to Bosses, quests, large sections of history. Of course, the library contains in detail recollections of the past, but it is always months behind current statuses as Information brokers have yet to bring the recounts. Player's do not have to go through the main entrance into the building to get into here, but instead there is another door that players will be led to by the guards on the side. Any non-shady green player may enter under the supervision of Ramelia, meaning if players want they can roleplay inside the library. Players have to have personal connections and permission with Jonathan to be unsupervised in the library. Weapons are forbidden inside the library. Any players to disrespect Ramelia or the library will be removed by the guards. Roleplay in here responsibly or your permission will be taken away. Do not roleplay having conversation with Ramelia as she won't speak to any players as to not bother them.  

[Yes - Based off of Re-Zero. Get over it!] 

image.jpeg Ramelia

Ramelia is the quieter of the two maid twins. She usually has a stern look on her face, doing only what she asked to or needs to do. She is uncomfortable around players that she hasn't met before and it is hard to impress her correctly to not come off with a bad judgement. She usually will not start a conversation with someone, unless said person verbally attacked either Jonathan or her sister, Remelia, in which case she will tell them to remove themselves or she will remove them herself. Jobs are: household dusting and cleaning, keeping shrubbery outside well trimmed, cleaning Jonathan and guest rooms after every night, serving dinner, and keeping an eye on any unknown or untrusted players that have been permitted to come and visit the Library. 


Remelia is the kinder of the two maid twins. She usually has a warm and ind smile on her face, going of her way to help guests even if it means shirking her duties. Even if she is uncomfortable with a player, she upholds a standard of politeness and kindness to everyone. She has a submissive personality, and will take harsh comments and a bowed head, replying "I'm sorry" after every sentence. Her duties contain: Cooking Breakfast and dinner, waking all players at 8:00 A.M with a knock at the door, assisting female players into dresses if needed, washing dishes, helping Ramelia serve dinner, serving the guards with food, kindly assisting any of Jonathan's personal guests. 



Sylestia is a young woman with respect and kindness. She took up a sword with the sole purpose to help protect people. She ould rather not see anyone get hurt and would rather resort to ending a commotion with words instead of steel. She guards the front gate, permitting or denying players access into the Library. She is also the guard to walk them to the door and inform Ramelia that the guest is present. 



Vanir is a respectable young man. His number one virtue is confidence and took up the sword to save people's lives instead of destroy them. This being said, he isn't afraid to take up his sword and cut down a threat as necessary. He guards the gate as well, but prefers not to talk even though he is full of energy and eccentric. Unlike Sylestia, he also has a carefree attitude and unafraid to have a good laugh. He also keeps an accurate record of usernames that visited the Library within the day, even the player falsely identified themselves. 

Total Cost: 


(To be paid here soon)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Guild Name: Celestial Ascendants
Guild Hall Name: Ascendant Hall
Location: Mountains of Floor 22


Building Type: Guild Hall
Guild Type Front Line
Base Cost 75,000 Col
PK Cost 20,000 Col
Rooms Storage Vault 15,000 Col
  Guild Bank 15,000 Col
  Treasury 15,000 Col
  Meeting Room 15,000 Col
Total Cost 155,000 Col

Meeting Room



Guild Bank






Storage Vault




Edited by Shield
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  • 4 months later...

House Name: Mujuushin Kenjutsu Dojo

Location:  6th Floor - Waterfall of the Sage
Location Description: 
The most calming area of the entire floor, an area where rain never raises... a place where stress is released, a place where happiness never sleeps. It serves as a attraction for many players for dates, or for a place to just calm down after the events of this game. It is said though on players arrival to the waterfall they are found in their minds to fight against their biggest threats... the demon's that lay in their minds. Warnings are given to players to not touch the ones that stand in place in the area as they are in a state where they wont answer anyone no matter how hard you tried and are temporary immortal objects.
Plot Size:  Estate
Room(s): (Six in total/ All attuned to Black)

Image result for Japanese fantasy art palace

3rd Floor:

Image result for Anime fantasy  art room

Attic (Storage)


Cannot have more than 1 Attic type. Requires 2 or more stories.

["Col Stash"]

+5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chest


2nd Floor:


Bedroom    1 ["Rested"]    -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat

Related image


1st Floor:


Living Room


Limit 1 per floor.


Increases HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.

Extended Workshop


Chef's Kitchen

["Hard Working""]

+2 EXP per crafting attempt + 1 Craft attempt per day

Extended Workshop






Requires 2 or more stories.


Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

Related image

Yard Slot: 

Fishing Pond


Uses a Yard slot


+1 material gained when fishing


Image result for anime pond

Total Cost:  $25 Donator

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4 hours ago, Black said:

House Name: Chillzone
Location:  1st Floor
Plot Size:  Estate
Room(s): (Six in total/ All attuned to Black)


3rd Floor:

Attic (Storage)


Cannot have more than 1 Attic type. Requires 2 or more stories.

["Col Stash"]

+5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chest


2nd Floor:

Basic Workshop


Chef's Kitchen


+2 EXP per crafting attempt

Extended Workshop


Bedroom    1 ["Rested"]    -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat


1st Floor:


Living Room


Limit 1 per floor.


Increases HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.






Requires 2 or more stories.


Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

Yard Slot:

Fishing Pond


Uses a Yard slot


+1 material gained when fishing


Total Cost:  $25 Donator


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Maths: 259,000-124,000(Estate Cost)=135,000 Col. ANS * .75=101,250 Col
101,250+31,000=132,250 Col received from house. 







House Name: Morning Star Manor
Location: Floor 19/Ralberg
Plot Size: Estate

"Rested" [-1 EN to the first two expenditures of combat]
 [The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)]
"Hard Working" [+2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day]
"Filling" [Spend a number of materials (1 for Uncommon, 3 for Rare, 5 for Perfect) to create a food item of the same Tier of materials used. Items created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 3 items created per thread.]
 "Item Stash" [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot]
"Delicious" [Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.]
"Relaxed" [Increases HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts]
"Skylight(Skill)" [+1 Expertise to declared utility skill.] 
Note: Accessible via  pull down stairs
 "Advanced Training" [+2 SP per Month]


Bedroom - A large spacious bedroom with a King Sized bed, a desk for night reading or studying, and windows that overlook the fountain in front of the entrance to the estate. 

Effects: "Rested" [-1 EN to the first two expenditures of combat]

Bathroom - A large bathroom with marble tile floors, separate area for the toilet and an large circular bath with the ability to control water heat to exact temperature.
Effects: "Clean" [The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)]

Alchemical Workshop - A large private room with various alchemy items. This room is strictly off limits to all layers except Jonathan, as it contains all of his alchemical research and alchemy books. In the corner is a small library consisting of two bookshelves, containing all books over alchemy. At night, the room instead of being lit by candles, is lit by the glowing stones from the second floor goblin cave as a reminder of the time he and Itzal met. Note: Not even the maids come in here to clean

Effects: "Hard Working" [+2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day]

Basic Kitchen - A large kitchen fit in with two oven's, a three sink kitchen sink, cabinets for kitchen ingredients, counters, and a draw out cutting table. Note: Remelia is the maid that does the cooking. 

Effects: "Filling" [Spend a number of materials (1 for Uncommon, 3 for Rare, 5 for Perfect) to create a food item of the same Tier of materials used. Items created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 3 items created per thread.]

Storage Closet - A closet full of essentials, whether that be cleaning supplies, extra potions, or equipment.
Effects: "Item Stash" [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot]

Dining Hall - A large spacious room able to sit and feed many people or hold meetings. The room is kept tidy and well lit by chandeliers.  

Effects: "Delicious" [Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.]

Living Room - A Large quiet room lit by a fireplace and chandeliers. Couches and chairs surround a large coffee table where player may lounge, relax, or read. 

Effect: "Relaxed" [Increases HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts]

Bedroom Attic - A storage area found above Jonathan's bedroom for storage purposes. May also look up at the sky and ponder a skill to gain a bonus.
Effect: "Skylight(Skill)" [+1 Expertise to declared utility skill.] Note: Accessible via  pull down stairs

Mega Slime Farm - In a small area at the back of the house there is a small garden area will slime mobs will randomly appear. 
Effects: "Advanced Training" [+2 SP per Month]

The Aincradian Library of Dawn

Image result for grand library

A quarter of the estate is taken by one of the largest libraries in Aincrad. Much knowledge is possessed here about almost everything that has happened in Aincrad when it comes to Bosses, quests, large sections of history. Of course, the library contains in detail recollections of the past, but it is always months behind current statuses as Information brokers have yet to bring the recounts. Player's do not have to go through the main entrance into the building to get into here, but instead there is another door that players will be led to by the guards on the side. Any non-shady green player may enter under the supervision of Ramelia, meaning if players want they can roleplay inside the library. Players have to have personal connections and permission with Jonathan to be unsupervised in the library. Weapons are forbidden inside the library. Any players to disrespect Ramelia or the library will be removed by the guards. Roleplay in here responsibly or your permission will be taken away. Do not roleplay having conversation with Ramelia as she won't speak to any players as to not bother them.  

[Yes - Based off of Re-Zero. Get over it!] 

image.jpeg Ramelia

Ramelia is the quieter of the two maid twins. She usually has a stern look on her face, doing only what she asked to or needs to do. She is uncomfortable around players that she hasn't met before and it is hard to impress her correctly to not come off with a bad judgement. She usually will not start a conversation with someone, unless said person verbally attacked either Jonathan or her sister, Remelia, in which case she will tell them to remove themselves or she will remove them herself. Jobs are: household dusting and cleaning, keeping shrubbery outside well trimmed, cleaning Jonathan and guest rooms after every night, serving dinner, and keeping an eye on any unknown or untrusted players that have been permitted to come and visit the Library. 


Remelia is the kinder of the two maid twins. She usually has a warm and ind smile on her face, going of her way to help guests even if it means shirking her duties. Even if she is uncomfortable with a player, she upholds a standard of politeness and kindness to everyone. She has a submissive personality, and will take harsh comments and a bowed head, replying "I'm sorry" after every sentence. Her duties contain: Cooking Breakfast and dinner, waking all players at 8:00 A.M with a knock at the door, assisting female players into dresses if needed, washing dishes, helping Ramelia serve dinner, serving the guards with food, kindly assisting any of Jonathan's personal guests. 



Sylestia is a young woman with respect and kindness. She took up a sword with the sole purpose to help protect people. She ould rather not see anyone get hurt and would rather resort to ending a commotion with words instead of steel. She guards the front gate, permitting or denying players access into the Library. She is also the guard to walk them to the door and inform Ramelia that the guest is present. 



Vanir is a respectable young man. His number one virtue is confidence and took up the sword to save people's lives instead of destroy them. This being said, he isn't afraid to take up his sword and cut down a threat as necessary. He guards the gate as well, but prefers not to talk even though he is full of energy and eccentric. Unlike Sylestia, he also has a carefree attitude and unafraid to have a good laugh. He also keeps an accurate record of usernames that visited the Library within the day, even the player falsely identified themselves. 

Total Cost: 


(To be paid here soon)



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/6/2018 at 8:18 PM, Morgenstern said:

Maths: 259,000-124,000(Estate Cost)=135,000 Col. ANS * .75=101,250 Col
101,250+31,000=132,250 Col received from house. 







House Name: Morning Star Manor
Location: Floor 19/Ralberg
Plot Size: Estate

"Rested" [-1 EN to the first two expenditures of combat]
 [The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)]
"Hard Working" [+2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day]
"Filling" [Spend a number of materials (1 for Uncommon, 3 for Rare, 5 for Perfect) to create a food item of the same Tier of materials used. Items created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 3 items created per thread.]
 "Item Stash" [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot]
"Delicious" [Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.]
"Relaxed" [Increases HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts]
"Skylight(Skill)" [+1 Expertise to declared utility skill.] 
Note: Accessible via  pull down stairs
 "Advanced Training" [+2 SP per Month]


Bedroom - A large spacious bedroom with a King Sized bed, a desk for night reading or studying, and windows that overlook the fountain in front of the entrance to the estate. 

Effects: "Rested" [-1 EN to the first two expenditures of combat]

Bathroom - A large bathroom with marble tile floors, separate area for the toilet and an large circular bath with the ability to control water heat to exact temperature.
Effects: "Clean" [The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)]

Alchemical Workshop - A large private room with various alchemy items. This room is strictly off limits to all layers except Jonathan, as it contains all of his alchemical research and alchemy books. In the corner is a small library consisting of two bookshelves, containing all books over alchemy. At night, the room instead of being lit by candles, is lit by the glowing stones from the second floor goblin cave as a reminder of the time he and Itzal met. Note: Not even the maids come in here to clean

Effects: "Hard Working" [+2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day]

Basic Kitchen - A large kitchen fit in with two oven's, a three sink kitchen sink, cabinets for kitchen ingredients, counters, and a draw out cutting table. Note: Remelia is the maid that does the cooking. 

Effects: "Filling" [Spend a number of materials (1 for Uncommon, 3 for Rare, 5 for Perfect) to create a food item of the same Tier of materials used. Items created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 3 items created per thread.]

Storage Closet - A closet full of essentials, whether that be cleaning supplies, extra potions, or equipment.
Effects: "Item Stash" [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot]

Dining Hall - A large spacious room able to sit and feed many people or hold meetings. The room is kept tidy and well lit by chandeliers.  

Effects: "Delicious" [Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.]

Living Room - A Large quiet room lit by a fireplace and chandeliers. Couches and chairs surround a large coffee table where player may lounge, relax, or read. 

Effect: "Relaxed" [Increases HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts]

Bedroom Attic - A storage area found above Jonathan's bedroom for storage purposes. May also look up at the sky and ponder a skill to gain a bonus.
Effect: "Skylight(Skill)" [+1 Expertise to declared utility skill.] Note: Accessible via  pull down stairs

Mega Slime Farm - In a small area at the back of the house there is a small garden area will slime mobs will randomly appear. 
Effects: "Advanced Training" [+2 SP per Month]

The Aincradian Library of Dawn

Image result for grand library

A quarter of the estate is taken by one of the largest libraries in Aincrad. Much knowledge is possessed here about almost everything that has happened in Aincrad when it comes to Bosses, quests, large sections of history. Of course, the library contains in detail recollections of the past, but it is always months behind current statuses as Information brokers have yet to bring the recounts. Player's do not have to go through the main entrance into the building to get into here, but instead there is another door that players will be led to by the guards on the side. Any non-shady green player may enter under the supervision of Ramelia, meaning if players want they can roleplay inside the library. Players have to have personal connections and permission with Jonathan to be unsupervised in the library. Weapons are forbidden inside the library. Any players to disrespect Ramelia or the library will be removed by the guards. Roleplay in here responsibly or your permission will be taken away. Do not roleplay having conversation with Ramelia as she won't speak to any players as to not bother them.  

[Yes - Based off of Re-Zero. Get over it!] 

image.jpeg Ramelia

Ramelia is the quieter of the two maid twins. She usually has a stern look on her face, doing only what she asked to or needs to do. She is uncomfortable around players that she hasn't met before and it is hard to impress her correctly to not come off with a bad judgement. She usually will not start a conversation with someone, unless said person verbally attacked either Jonathan or her sister, Remelia, in which case she will tell them to remove themselves or she will remove them herself. Jobs are: household dusting and cleaning, keeping shrubbery outside well trimmed, cleaning Jonathan and guest rooms after every night, serving dinner, and keeping an eye on any unknown or untrusted players that have been permitted to come and visit the Library. 


Remelia is the kinder of the two maid twins. She usually has a warm and ind smile on her face, going of her way to help guests even if it means shirking her duties. Even if she is uncomfortable with a player, she upholds a standard of politeness and kindness to everyone. She has a submissive personality, and will take harsh comments and a bowed head, replying "I'm sorry" after every sentence. Her duties contain: Cooking Breakfast and dinner, waking all players at 8:00 A.M with a knock at the door, assisting female players into dresses if needed, washing dishes, helping Ramelia serve dinner, serving the guards with food, kindly assisting any of Jonathan's personal guests. 



Sylestia is a young woman with respect and kindness. She took up a sword with the sole purpose to help protect people. She ould rather not see anyone get hurt and would rather resort to ending a commotion with words instead of steel. She guards the front gate, permitting or denying players access into the Library. She is also the guard to walk them to the door and inform Ramelia that the guest is present. 



Vanir is a respectable young man. His number one virtue is confidence and took up the sword to save people's lives instead of destroy them. This being said, he isn't afraid to take up his sword and cut down a threat as necessary. He guards the gate as well, but prefers not to talk even though he is full of energy and eccentric. Unlike Sylestia, he also has a carefree attitude and unafraid to have a good laugh. He also keeps an accurate record of usernames that visited the Library within the day, even the player falsely identified themselves. 

Total Cost: 


(To be paid here soon)



Approved. Please note estate refund is 46,000 Cool, so you receive 147,250 Cool total.

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