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[OP-F1] Musical World

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Miaki walked through a field on the first floor which had various plants around him. He was trying to identify them and figure out if any of them were useful to him with being an alchemist. He started to hear a familiar melody. Not part of the background music he was used to hearing from sword art online, but something from the real world.

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I heard someone near, yet knew he had been here, I kept with the music. Finishing it eventually, gathering an audience... The chirping of birds came to a small melody, and falling of small rose petals around her... The soothing of water around them had now ran, throughout the air, as she finished the song. She also had an violen, yet she felt no need to use it... She loved one song, and missed listening to them in the real world. She sighed, then dreamt about hearing the music once again. She sighed. She grew sad... She knew she was never gonna make it back, even though her sister had promised it. She wondered what her mother was thinking. and she grew worried of her mother. She knew her mother would hang herself if she were to continue never waking up.

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Miaki, not wanting to interrupt the music played by the young girl he recognized as Kya, kept away from a short distance. The music was lovely and very comforting for him. It reminded him of the outside world. Something he never thought of too often. Unlike most people, Miaki was completely at peace in SAO. He enjoyed this new world and was in no rush to leave.

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She wanted for herself, and Cia to go back home. And to stay away. She suddenly stopped and looked up, the sun going down she decided to play a song to cheer herself up, she put her flute away and she got out her violin...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf6LD2B ... 61D7503BC2

This song had reminded her of loving memories of family, and friends... It was her favorite because when she was born (Few seconds after her twin, Cia) This song had been on... as her mother had said. Thats how she got her favorite song...

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Miaki quietly approached Kya as she played on her violin. He chose one of the few trees that was around and sat down against it humming to the tune that was played. The music was lovely and soothing to Miaki's mind.

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The midnight animals came out. Owls swooped and flyed... she yawned... and finally sat down. She got up, walking towards a village nearby, over a hill.... She started to take out some col to pay for a room. She hadn't seen Miaki. Only heard...

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