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Two Girl Rekting Crew <The Traveler> <PP-F5>

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<<The Traveler>>

This quest takes place on Floor 5
This quest is repeatable

A mysterious NPC wearing a thick cloak that wraps around her entire body, including her face, approaches and explains that she has precious cargo in the depths of the deserts, hidden beneath the sand. She has become weak with sickness, and must rest. However, the goods must be recovered within two days. It's up to you to find it.

The trip into the desert will take a day and a night, so you must be prepared to survive. Once in the desert, you lose 10 points of health every time you roll a 1 on your crafting die due to the wind and the sand. If you manage to survive this quest and find the cargo, you will be gifted with the <<Survival>> extra skill.

This skill will give you the ability to survive harsh areas.


-At least two [2] Pages (21 or more posts)
- The cargo must be found
- Repeat completions will not reward the player with additional skill points.


  1. Survival: (Extra Skill) No Ranks. Passive. Effect: Increases the health you regenerate per post to 20 when out of combat. Survival also gives immunity to damage dealing environment effects.
  2. 1 Skill Point
Parties or Groups are encouraged and all party members participating can earn the skill. Health recovery items recommended.

Recommended Level: 10

Guardians of the New Dawn, was, well, in part, her guild. Eatos was the co-founder, and knew that it was her responsibility to help the weaker players level up. However, the manner upon which she did this would be different to Stryder, the other leader. She knew that he would be taking them out on quests that directly involved combat, stuff like the child one and the elf. He would have no issues with quests like that, after all, he could easily do them alone, so bringing some players with him was no hard time. However, she was in a rather different boat. While Stryder had put his points into combat skills, Eatos had put her skill points into more supportive skillsets, that being healing. Even with a perfect weapon, she barely was able to deal any damage, and so, she opted for another use. She would take the guild members onto non-combat quests, such like that. And the Traveler quest was one such one. The only 'risk' was that the sand Could lower someones HP

That is why, on the 5th floor, she was waiting. She hated this floor, loathed its very exsistance. She hated hot weather like this, and so, well, this floor was hell on earth for hte blacksmith. But she sucked it up as she sent a message to one member of the guild. To her knowledge, one of the weaker members, and someone she wanted to meet. Fae. 

'Hey Fae, its Eatos from the Guild. I was wondering if you'd like to do a quick quest with me, it'll help boost your level up a little. I'm on the 5th floor, just by the teleporter'

After sending it, she looked at the animal huddled in her arms. Angel, her Familiar, was cowering away from the sun. Even in the shade, the heat was blistering and she hated it, so she couldn't imagine what Angel was going through. She hoped Fae would come soon...Otherwise she'd just have to do it alone. 


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Fae had been doing her usual stroll through the Town of Beginnings and was just as joyful as usual when she received a message from one of the founders of the guild she had just joined recently, The Guardians of the New Dawn. It was from Eatos, and she had asked if Fae wanted to do a quick quest on Floor 5. Oh boy, floor 5. Fae hated that floor too, as much as she liked having fun in the sun, floor 5 was just a bit TOO hot for her. Fae still wanted to meet Eatos, so she decided to go and this quest with her.

As soon as Fae stepped out of the teleporter of floor 5, the heat kicked in right away and Fae already started to feel uncomfortable. She opened her menu and unequipped all of her clothes, save for her underwear and her cloak for the sake of dignity. Fae cooled down a lot more after that and tightly covered herself with her cloak. Fae looked around and immediately spotted Eatos standing a bit away from the teleporter. "Hi! Eatos! Fae is here!" Fae called out as she ran up to the blue haired player and looked up at her. "Fae is here reporting for duty!" Fae said, giving a quick salute as she did so.


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The Husky puppy in her arms barked, and Eatos petted the small creature. She knew Angel hated this weather as much as she did, but, well, on the chance that Fae didn't come, at least she had someone with her. After all, this quest was somewhat tedious and she'd rather have Angel than nothing at all. The sun sucked! But, she'd just have to suffer through it damn it all. 

Thankfully, her fears were wrong as she spotted the young girl exiting the teleporter onto the floor. Her worry of doing this quest alone, and not having someone to do it with, both were removed. She was very taken aback by watching the girl remove majority of her clothes, something she was not prepared for. While the weather was indeed hot, Eatos hadn't thought to strip down, and wouldn't either. Yet another thing Eatos didn't fully understand abotu Fae, was her talking in third person. She didn't understand, but maybe it was damage from being trapped in this game.

"Hey there Fae. I'm glad you came. We're doing the Traveler quest, so its a lotta hiking i'm afraid. But it should be safe, they're arn't any monsters on the route" 


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Fae had thought she had covered the fact she was only wearing her underwear by covering herself with her cloak, but Eatos somehow had noticed it. Fae didn't really care too much, and just kept her big smile. Even if this weather was terrible, Fae would still try her best to make the quest at least somewhat enjoyable.

Eatos had thanked Fae for coming and told her that there would be plenty of hiking, to which Fae excitedly nodded. "Okey dokey! Fae loves hiking anyway, so this could be fun! Good to hear there is no monsters on our hike, Fae doesn't like 'em at all!" Fae said as she tied a knot on her cloak to make sure it stayed on tight. Fae then looked at Angel in Eatos's arms and patted the puppy on it's head. "What a cute little doggy! How long have you had it?" Fae asked, looking back up at Eatos.


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Angel, upon recieving attention that Wasn't from her owner, perked up and barked happily at Fae, wagging its tail which was wacking Eatos in the face until she let the pup down. Free from Eatos, Angel went up to Faes feet and barked some more, wanting attention.

Eatos let her familair do what she wanted, after all, Angel had always been her own free spirit. "A few months now, I got her on the 4th floor with a friend. She's wonderful, helps me around the store a ton" She was lucky. Her Familiar was trained, meaning whenever she was crafting in her smithy, Angel was by her side and helped her out. While she did also have an item to help crafts, but no longer used it.

"A merchant out the ways lost their stuff in the sand, we're gunna go get it. Now, the sand can damage you if we're unlucky. Thankfully, i'm a healer so even if it does damage you, i'll be able to keep you healed up nicely" 

This quest was somewhat dangerous, but well, passive health regen, plus her own abilities to heal others, should make it impossible for anyone to be injured on this quest. 


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Fae knelt down a little bit and continued to pet Angel on the head as the puppy had walked up to her feet, clearly wanting more attention. Fae listened to Eatos describe when she had gotten Angel, to which Fae nodded understandingly. Fae wanted her own familiar as well, but never could really find the time to do the quest.

"It must be cool to have a dog like this. Fae never really got to have one or be around them since Fae was highly allergic back in the real world. The game must have taken out allergies and things like that, 'cause Fae' nose isn't even tingly at all." Fae said as she continued to pet Angel. Eatos then explained that the sand could damage them if they were unlucky, but she could easily heal both of them, and Fae nodded in response. "Okay then, how long do you think it'll be before we get back?" Fae asked standing back up and looking up at Eatos. Fae was still significantally shorter than Eatos, just like everyone else.


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Eatos looked down at Fae, she was short. Eatos could only guess her age, and it wasn't a guess that filled her with any form of comfort, knowing a kid was trapped here. She looked out over the desert, and sighed at the girls question "Honestly? It is meant to take at least one whole day. So it may be a while until we return" She was honest, after all, deciet over something so minor wasn't worth it. 

She whistled, and Angel quickly came back to the blacksmith. She scooped up her pup, scratching her head before looking back at Fae "Oh, i forgot to mention. This quest has a unique reward, basically it'll allow you to regain health outside of combat faster." She started walking towards the outskirts on the town, where the hiking would have to begin "I'll admit, this weather is far from what i enjoy...Hopefully it doesn't get any warmer" It wasn't going to get any cooler, she knew that for a damn fact. She'd been out on the desert once before with Stryder, practising their co-ordination. It had been hell then, and it was hell now! Whoever made this floor could burn in hell! Which would probably be a lot cooler than this floor!

"Any questions before we get going?" 


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Fae got a little bit excited that they might be gone the whole day. "So if it takes a whole day, do we get to go camping out there then? Or is it gonna just be night time by the time we get back?" Fae asked. Either worked really well, but Fae kind of wanted to go camping in the desert. Maybe it wouldn't be as hot in the night, that's what Fae thought at least would be the case.

Eatos then stated that the quest reward was a skill that helped regen health out of combat, and Fae nodded. "That sounds like it would be helpful on this quest. But more regen would be nice. Fae brought some towels for us, just in case it gets a bit too hot." Fae said as she opened her menu and got out two small towels, and put one of them on her shoulder, while handing the other to Eatos. "There you go. Fae doesn't have any questions, so lead the way!" Fae exclaimed, raising one hand up.


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Well, the only bright side is that Fae seemed excited about the hike. Eatos herself wasn't in the slightest. This was going to suck, a lot. But, oh well, nothing she could do about it now. It was the burden of leadership, doing that which you hate. Eatos lead Fae out of the town, and it wasn't long before Eatos could see only sand. Endles bouts of it, urgh, this place was hell. What made it worse than just infinate plains of sand, was the wind. Which blew the sand everywhere, and Eatos raised one hand to cover her eyes. The other hand was holding Angel, the Husky Puppy Familiar curled up in the girls jacket away from the sand.

"Fae...I've gotta ask this. How old are you?" Eatos didn't know the other girls age, and she wouldn't lie and say she wasn't curious about it. She seemed to short, maybe she was just that young also? 

CD: 8 <No dmg>

Eatos: 300/300 HP

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Fae's excitededness about the hike faded as they started to walk through the sound. The sand was too much for Fae, as the sand blew everywhere on her. She pulled up the hood on her cloak and covered most of her head with it, and covered her mouth as well, as she didn't want any more sand to choke on and just end up going in her mouth in the first place.

"Fae can see what you mean by this place being torture. Sand goes everywhere! It reminds Fae of Egypt, with all the dunes they have there that blow the sand around." Fae said as she tried to keep up with Eatos. Fae kept stumbling in the sand thanks to her height, which made it difficult for her to keep up. Eatos then asked how old she was, and Fae had her answer. "Fae is 9 years old, but Fae kinda lost track of time ever since we got stuck in this game. Fae thinks she turns 10 soon." Fae answered Eatos while she raised an arm over her eyes to block the sand.

ID: 89427 CD: 2 (No Damage)

Fae: 80/80 HP


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9 years old, nearly ten. Eatos stumbled and fell facewards into the sand. She lifted herself up, and looked at Fae. She was, a kid. Not even in her teens, and trapped in a death game. If the girl, speaking in third person, was her coping mechanic to deal with the stress, well, she could understand. She was 20, she had ten years over Fae yet she had, well. Broken. She'd spent months not speaking, terrified of doing anything. A dark time in her life. 

She picked herself up, and brushed the sand off an angry Angel who barked at her. She laughed and petted the dogs head "Hush Angel, i'll clean your fur up later so don't worry yourself" she said to her familiar, who barked back. She couldn't not start laughing at the pup. She turned her attention back to her travelling companion, Fae. 

"Sorry if that was an, odd, question. I just find it interesting, all the different people in this game. Who, this crazy, stupid game, brought so many people together you know? If not for this, i wouldn't have met Stryder, or you. It's a cursed blessing, you know?"

Right as she spoke, the wind picked up and she didn't have the hands. With both holding up her familiar, the sand whipped across her face hard. She let out a hiss of pain as her HP dropped by 10, the girl pausing to cover her face with a hand she pulled up quickly. 


Id: 89500

Cb: 1 <10 Damage taken>

Eatos: 290/300

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Fae giggled slightly upon seeing Eatos trip in the sand. Fae shut herself up right away though, not wanting to get her mad. Fae didn't want to spend the whole hiking trip with someone mad at her. "Are you okay miss Eatos? That looked like a bad fall." Fae asked concerningly as Eatos stood back up.

Fae laughed a little bit more when Angel barked, but Fae covered her mouth to keep it from being heard. Eatos then told Fae that is was a bit of an odd question, but Fae didn't really find it to be an odd question. Then she brought up the idea of this whole game being a cursed blessing, because of all the people that Fae got to meet. Fae nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah, Fae liked getting to know other people. Fae can't find anyone else her age, but you and the others in the guild are nice." Fae said as she did a brief twirl in place, then continued to walk.

ID: 89524 CD: 11

Fae: 80/80 HP

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Eatos nodded her head to Faes question. While she may have lost some HP, she had 300. Ironically, the smiled. Had this happen before she'd met everyone, she'd of broken down fearing death was looming in. That was her before she understood this game, but now, well, death still terrified her beyond comprehension, but she knew she wasn't going to die where hse was currently. 

"I'll be fine Fae, but, thank you for your consideration" She was certain she'd heard Fae giggling, and if she was honest, she couldn't blame her. After all, if she had been in Faes position, there was every possibility she'd of laughed also. The blacksmith turned her attention to Angel, who barked at the girl once again. "Well i wasn't gunna leave you at the shop Angel, i know its hot but when we get back home, you can play in all the snow you want" The familiar barked back at her and Eatos smiled at her pet. It was no real life Husky, like she had before, but Angel was as close as she could get and she loved her. 

"Most people are my age, or a little younger. I'm sure there are a few players you age somewhere.." She didn't want to say that, well, there was every chance they were dead already. It was a miracle how Fae was alive at all, but, well, Eatos was just thankful she seemed in high spirits. 

ID: 89561

CD: 10

Eatos: 290/300

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