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[PP-F11] A Big Fan (Ryo)

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Ryo seemed a bit more distressed about the revealing of this mass PKers name, which took Jomei by surprise. "You know him?" Jomei knew that this man must have been gaining some sort of a reputation, especially with all of those close to Beatbox. However, his name had always remained mysteriously shrouded in shadows, at least, until it was revealed to Jomei on the Monument of Life. Jomei sighed and shook his head when Ryo asked rhetorically why he was doing this. Jomei knew that Ryo was not asking Jomei that question, however he still felt obliged to answer, "I don't know... but he's calling himself the new Hero of Aincrad.. and him attacking me was as a warning to not be a hero.." Jomei stopped his answer there, not wanting to speak on it any farther. He was having enough trouble keeping himself from visibly trembling from the thoughts of earlier this week. "I don't want to talk about him anymore..." he said, placing his face in his hands, trying to hold back both the fear and anger he felt from that day.

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Ryo turned his open hand into a fist. "Damn him." Ryo said to himself. How dare Death Adder go around calling himself a 'hero'. "He doesn't know the meaning of the word." Ryo said angrily. Lowenthal was a hero, and in some regards, Zelrius was a hero. But Death Adder was not. He was a murderer abusing his power for his selfish reasons. And the thought of that made him sick. Ryo would need a plan for his future encounter with the man. Jomei mentioned that he was done with the subject, and wished to stop talking about it. Ryo sighed, calming down. "As you wish." He said, taking in breaths through his nose. Ryo let his mind run wild as to how to beat the man, but he was going to need more info about him if he was going to have any plan on beating him. "Well, I'll leave you be. And I wish you safety, and the best wishes amongst your travels." Ryo said, standing up. "And if you need me, or my resources feel free to ask." Ryo said, extending an open hand. 

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"Yeah.." Jomei said in a soft, disturbed tone. He was not upset with Ryo, or any of the questions he had answered. However, this was the first time talking with anyone about the situation other than Telrenya.. and the fact that the same man had been known to kill more people made Jomei feel even more scared and worthless... Yet, at the same time, it ignited a flame inside of him that would help bring out the downfall of this man. Jomei rose up from his chair, his olive eyes remained fixated towards the ground, not looking in Ryo's direction. It was not until he stood just before the door did he stop and take in a deep breath. The entire room seemed silent for a moment before he turned around, "He means business... and is not someone to take lightly... So when you find the means to take him down... let me know." His hands, which hung at his sides, curled into tight, shuddering fists. "I have a score to settle with him...Not for myself, but for Tel.. and for Beatbox." The man turned to look over his shoulder at Ryo, his eye glimmering from the tears that had begun pouring down his cheeks. "I'll be in touch... And Thank you... for having me talk about Lowe. It hurt.. but it was good to talk with someone who truly knew him."

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Ryo stood with the ginger man and again thanking him for his time. "When I do, you'll be the first to know." Ryo said, still thinking about how to possibly beat Death Adder. He couldn't promise Jomei that he'd at least get a turn, as there were no pain receptors in the world of Aincrad, and the ferocity of the man wouldn't let an opening for something of the like. Capture was out of the question. So that left only a few more options left in Ryo's repertoire. Perhaps poisoning his food, but that would require him getting close. Ryo shook his head, clearing his thoughts free so that he may properly talk to the man in front of him. He didn't notice the subtle tears at first but noticed them quickly. Jomei said it was hard to talk about, but it was a good feeling. Did Teion feel that way when she remorse over Beatbox that day? She made it look so easy. Ryo didn't remember how he felt when he learned that Lowenthal had died. "And thank you for coming to Jomei." Ryo said again, thanking the man for his time and energy. Ryo escorted him to the front door, and lead him out.

"Did you get everything you needed, sir?" Pennyworth asked Ryo, appearing behind him as Ryo closed the door. Ryo turned and walked back towards the staircase. "Yes Pennyworth, and we're going to have to work extra hard to pull this plan off."

"Yes, sir. I figured as much." Pennyworth said, agreeing with his young master.

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