Spencer 0 Posted October 27, 2017 #81 Share Posted October 27, 2017 (edited) Spencer looked at the man as he turned around, smiling a bit as he mentioned his name and talked about the rest of the people, being the best penguin costume out of the ones who weren't in penguin costumes. "Well, thank you. I've tried very hard to be the best penguin. Also, nice to meet you Ryo." He smiled brightly and took in his costume. This man does look good in this costume. Is that weird to think? Nah, he probably won't ever see me again so might as well think he is good looking. The only problem is, he was getting too comfortable with talking to people all at once so he decided to say it out loud. "You're the best looking batman I've seen." He smiled, then paused, blushing lightly. "Well, I mean, not saying you look hot or anything, just a nice costume is all." He paused again, shaking his head internally. "Not saying you are ugly either, you are an attractive man." He paused, putting his head in his hands. He looked up and sighed. "So, how far do you think my foot has gone into my mouth so far?" He laughed with a red face, in a full body penguin costume. @Ryo Edited October 27, 2017 by Spencer Link to post Share on other sites
Calrex 0 Posted October 27, 2017 #82 Share Posted October 27, 2017 It seemed that the festivities of the Halloween event that had spawned on the tenth floor was already in full swing, almost the point that the bluenette almost didn't feel like showing up. After some previous events encountered on the tenth floor, he usually tried to make sure he kept his visits scarce. Falling into The Void left the constant known effect of soft whispers while on the floor, something that was to some level unsettling. Nonetheless Calrex walked towards the rusted fate he gave a small sigh, seeing the matching eerie decor to suit the time of the year. Scratching the back of his head as he remained clothed in his casual combat outfit he glanced up to see Roc materialize before landing on his shoulder, "Well, not exactly dressed for the..." "'Tis a shame, Poor Soul, you could have had a shot at something fantastic today. Still, do be sure to enjoy yourself." The Ultramarine Knight couldn't help but feel a bead of sweat form on the side of his head as he had stepped through the gates. From what he could tell, the guest NPC for the event observed the entering players to see if they were dressed up in costume. Giving a defeated sigh he gave a nod, "Sure thing, I'll be sure to do so..." "Back in the real world this and the Grand Chariot would probably be costumes, but I guess that's not gonna pass this time around." Entering into the foyer he began to look around, seeing some familiar faces, but a lot more unfamiliar, "A lot of people deciding to leave the Starting City. I guess making headway on the frontlines really is starting to help bring some courage to the others trapped here. Good to see." "Well, we're probably gonna be here a while. Feel free to fly around, but don't go causing any trouble. I'm sure if there are any vermin sneaking around the mansion they don't need your help with getting rid of them." Roc gave an acknowledging blink before taking off, Calrex giving a small smirk as he moved over to a vacant corner of room, putting his hands into his jacket pockets. Received Candy Guard Link to post Share on other sites
Lee 0 Posted October 27, 2017 #83 Share Posted October 27, 2017 (edited) Spoiler Another player would finish teleporting into the hollowed area though the appearance would surely be that of an unnoticeable individual. The usual short haired man would now be sporting a blue hat that held far longer hair than usual for the man. Though, this would surely be the least of the sights for someone to take notice of as he was missing an assortment of limbs to boot and was sporting rather odd replacements. His legs from the foot up to the middle of his shin was gone and replaced with wooden pegs. His right hand from the wrist down was replaced by a cup-like object which ended itself in a hook which itself was carrying a blue bucket. Last of the missing parts of what would be placed on a normal human being was the man's right eye which he now sported a black eye-patch. The outfit itself was fair in its design with a white shirt with red stripes on it and simple blue pants and an ornate overcoat to finish the set. Lee had come to the floor due to a message from a 'Jack' and it seemed to be something worth trying as he loved most festive seasons and Halloween was no exception to this. Upon his arrival, he was met by a, what he would assume to be an NPC and the one that invited the players. He would note Lee's attire and would give him an item to which Lee would place in his inventory and would inspect it later. "Yharg, Me'thinks I'll be lookin for me mates." Edited October 27, 2017 by Lee Link to post Share on other sites
Domarus 0 Posted October 27, 2017 #84 Share Posted October 27, 2017 Domarus heard Hestia asking about his guild and he grinned on the inside. He had dropped it as a minor thing, as a mere hope, and just as he was suspecting she bit the bait cleanly. If Domarus tried to gain any members for his guild by direct methods, asking directly if they would like to join his guild, it would drive more players away and reduce his reputation. However if he managed to slip it into conversation, then it allowed players to be drawn to it out of curiosity, and allow him to indirectly invite players to his guild using their curiosity against them. Heh heh. Curiosity killed the cat. At any rate she had asked and he would be very much obliged to inform her. Before he could however, Embers returned with a drink, and asked him about his guild, sounding more surprised than angered. Domarus chuckled when she finished, asking how he never told her anything. Not only that but he would be able to make an attempt to lure Embers further into his grasp now. "Sorry about that Embers, the topic never actually came up in conversation. And I didn't join a guild. I started it. And to answer your questions Hestia, the name of the guild is Kyriarchía Énosi. The want to help the players of Aincrad to the best of our abilities and we have three segments in the guild to do so. One is for the front lines, however no one is there at this point, so I'm attempting to focus on gaining levels, gear and the right skills so that I can aid them, as well as help others get on their feet to help as well. Another is for players who are unable to join the frontlines just yet. These players are essentially mercenaries. They help players with quests, gathering, grinding, looting, anything that doesn't harm players in any way. We also keep our members from exploiting players out of their rewards. Finally for players unable or unwilling to participate in combat, we hope to have a market place with players who've worked on their profession who sell items for cheap. Mercenaries and other members of the guild can and should gather materials for the marketplace. However since we only just started, we are lacking in players and thus don't have the means to help anyone right now." He did not, of course, tell her about his inner circle of players whom he trusted enough to share his darkest goals of all, which was basically domination. She then asked him about Keres and how she didn't say anything. Domarus would look at Keres first before looking at Hestia again. "This is Keres, and she.. Well.. Is an interesting case..." Keres giggled and spoke up. "I asked Domarus in the real world back in high school if I could serve him... I begged him actually. Took half a day to convince him. He tried to ditch me once or twice," she finished with a giggle and held his hand tighter. @Stryder @Hestia @Embers Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted October 27, 2017 #85 Share Posted October 27, 2017 (edited) I nod my head as i listen as it all sounds rather nice what Domarus is saying. Since this all seems rather aligned with my own wants. To help players as best as i can like i have been doing, and to grow stronger. However, i reserve judgement on deciding as i notice the symbol on this Domarus' person's name. As i recognize the fact that Itzal had one also, and is part of the Celestial Ascendants. Well your offer sounds rather nice Domarus, but i think i'll check what those Celestial Ascendants have to say about their guild. I'll keep yours in mind though since it seems like it could be what i am going for also, but i would also like to see what the Celestial Ascendants are about since they seem to have a similar goal to yours with their guild. That is what i have heard though, and have seen them put into actions by one of their players. I say with a gentle smile as i look over towards Keres with a curious look. So Keres what do you think of your master? Does he treat you well? I ask curiously wanting to make sure this servant girl who chose this life seemingly is at least being treated well. @Stryder Edited October 27, 2017 by Hestia Link to post Share on other sites
Piera 0 Posted October 27, 2017 #86 Share Posted October 27, 2017 (edited) Piera had nearly forgotten about the upcoming holiday until a message from an NPC was sent Aincrad-wide to all players inviting them to a gathering. Admittedly...she hesitated even thinking about going, considering what happened the last time they had gone to a Halloween party. Though it had been....damn, two years now that she really thought about it. Last Halloween, they stayed safely at home in a safe zone, not having forgotten so easily considering how recently they had been rescued. But this year...she was considering it. She didn't say anything aloud though. Lee was the one to suggest it. Time to get out and see people again. She hid her anxiousness with the query of what they would go as and they debated about it for a while before deciding to take use of a few items they had acquired through various quests and drops, cobbling together pirate outfits. They had some left over and Piera immediately thought of Teion. They never got to go out like they had planned, but Piera had found out why through messaging and word of mouth. The player that she had a crush on, whom Teion wanted to go on a double date with...was dead. Beatbox never got to testify to what Ariel had revealed to him. Piera had sunk into a deeper depression, now believing that Lowenthal would never be able to get the justice he deserved. She still tried to keep in contact with her friends...but failed more often than not. So she thought maybe finally meeting up with one of them would make up for it somehow. Mailing Teion the outfit, the alchemist also sent her a message. Spoiler TO: @Teion FROM: Piera SUBJECT: trick or treat? Hey Tei Tei~ Lee and I are actually getting off our butts and going out. I'm sure you've guessed where by now. The usual Halloween party. Used to be my favorite holiday. Thought I'd try to revive some of my holiday spirit. Wana join our pirate crew? If ya do, I sent you an outfit! I'm sorry I haven't been very chatty lately. I should've been there for you more. I hope you can forgive me eventually. It would be really nice to see you again in person. Appearing shortly after Lee, Piera's eyes roamed the area where they had appeared. She hadn't visited floor ten before, but it certainly seemed to have the right atmosphere. The mansion looked very haunted. Instead of her usual purple dress or armor, she was sporting a tattered reddish brown dress complete with corset. Over it she wore a heavy, long and decorated leather coat, complete with shoulder pad tassels. Her boots weren't anything too fancy but she was most proud of her hat. It was rather glorious if she did say so herself. Big golden skull and crossbones on the front with huge fluffy white feathers coming out the back. It went rather well with her familiar who was perched atop her shoulder. Even Jareth was in costume. The snowy owl griffon having an eyepatch on. Now if only she could get him to sound like a parrot... Watching her love interact with the odd and creepy NPC, she stepped up next. "What a nice costume! It is great to see you here at this event. Here's your item for showing and I hope you enjoy yourself." It..He? said. Tipping her hat, the woman replied, "Never turn down some booty." Inventorying the item, she then linked arms with her fellow pirate, her heels and his peg legs clacking on the cobblestones. "What be our first order of business first matey? Regale the crowd with chanties? Grab some grub? Find the rest of the crew?" [+1 Candy-Guard!] Spoiler Edited October 27, 2017 by Piera Link to post Share on other sites
Illia 0 Posted October 27, 2017 #87 Share Posted October 27, 2017 The girl continued to stare about the party, in appearance everyone seemed to be having fun though a few of the male parties had taken to the outskirts of the party. An NPC then approached her as he offered her a strange little trinket '[+1 Candy Guard]' a brow quirked in bewilderment as she took note of the name of it. It was quite the unusual event most of the holiday festivals that took place had strange floor bosses that came out to try and kill us. This seemed different, just a normal event planned by a few players that happened to have the non player characters floating about with gifts. She supposed that it might have been for candy, their very own jack-o-lantern box for storing candy as they went trick or treating. She was accustom to the tradition though she imagined that fewer people would have among this side of the world. It was a strange pagan celebrated ritual after all. A shrug would cast aside those thoughts as she now wandered over to a nearby area to sit and watch. It was a safe distance in case players started performing a congo line or a dance. Her hood still gently pressing upon the scarlet hair. She herself was now examining a few of the party guests contemplating her own involvement. Two had just received their own candy guards meaning they were still new to the festivities. Perhaps it was best to approach them when the time came for further involvement. Two seemed to have been pirates, a smirk waxing over her face as she hid a fit of laughter. It was nice to spectate others and relationships. "I forgot how much fun it was to watch others." Link to post Share on other sites
Ryo 0 Posted October 27, 2017 #88 Share Posted October 27, 2017 Ryo rubbed the back of his neck at the penguins compliment. "Thanks. My butler made it for me." He said half jokingly. Which was a partial truth, Pennyworth is so most of the work, Ryo just made the designs and had to go through the trouble of explaining who and what a 'batman' was. But the party was filled with few heroes. There were one or two, but there were a lot of 'theme' costumes. Pirates, ninjas, and other things that aloud a person to throw on a hat and be that. But then Spencer began speaking again. First saying he was the best Batman he's seen, shortly followed by a direct flirt. The exact wording escaped Ryos mind as he just focused on the event that had happened. Ryo bit his toinge trying to hold back what he wanted to say, but Spencer made it eaisier for him. Ryo began to laugh, which started off ,as more of a spot take. "I'll take the compliment, my tall Aquarian friend. But yes, that flipper of yours must be tasty from how fast you ate it." He said, joking with the man. "As flattered as I am, I apologise. I'm not into men." He said plainly. "But I am a fan of parties, and I am more than willing to enjoy this party with you. Say, I have an idea of a game." Ryo said, motioning for Spencer to lean in close. Let's go to each pirate in costume here, and tell our best pirate puns. If they laugh, it's one point, if they don't it's none. If you win, I'll tell you a secret of mine. Deal?" Ryo asked, taking a few steps into the party. Finding the nearest pirate wasn't all that hard. He could hear the commotion from a mile away, even in the dense pack of people. A pirate couple seemed to, be locked in arms doing a dance. "Okay, I'll go first." Ryo said, taking the lead. He approached the female pirate first, her black and gold outfit catching the lights made a shimmering light. "Ahoy." Ryo said as he approached. "So, what's a pirates holiday?" He said, waiting for thier response. "Arrrrrrrbor day." He said, half haunched. @Lee @Spencer@Piera Link to post Share on other sites
Teion 0 Posted October 27, 2017 #89 Share Posted October 27, 2017 Walking beside the taller brunette, Teion felt the need to ask herself for the fourth or fifth time now, 'Why am I actually doing this?' She and Aereth continued along through the tenth floor's cavernous landscape, following a path towards the coordinates they had each received earlier that night. She was dressed in a pirate's garb--an off-white pinstripe shirt, the lower half of which was concealed by a dark leather bodice tied up the center. Three layers of solid red, sheer veil, and wavy black fabric made up her asymmetrical skirt. With a myriad of accessories, from a cosmetic dagger strapped to her thigh to a captain's hat emblazoned with a jolly roger and accented with a bundle of black and red feathers, the look was completed with a pair of white stockings and heeled boots featuring a red flare at the cuffs. Her long violet hair was tied back in a ponytail, but the woman's expression held more annoyance than excitement to be on the way to a Halloween party. She gave a sideways glance at the brunette walking beside her. "Honestly, yours just looks lazy in comparison." She teased him with a scoff. Despite her banter, the woman held back a sigh as the outer gates of the mansion stood close by. 'Really, what am I doing here?' She asked herself yet again. She didn't want to face Piera. Or Ryo, whose message she had received not long ago. Or anyone, really. Was she crazy to consider attending, or was it Aereth who was crazy for accepting her invitation? As the pair arrived at the entrance to the manor, a tall, shadowy figure stood to greet them. With a jack-o-lantern head, the NPC looked each of them over before an item was deposited into each of their inventory, paired with a scripted greeting and compliment. "Pfft." Teion didn't bother holding back another scoff, as if she hadn't expected the man's outfit to register as a 'costume'. @Aereth Spoiler Link to post Share on other sites
Havok 0 Posted October 27, 2017 #90 Share Posted October 27, 2017 Taro was not in his element at all. But people had been raving about the party and the event. He could scarcely contain his excitement at getting new gear or candy. He had also spent a long time thinking about a costume. He had not had a lot of earning potential, so he went with something simple. A were-wolf. It was not the most elaborate of all costumes, but he had fun cutting out the mask and trying to get some kind of fur. He was actually tempted to visit an artisan and have them do it, but COL was precious and something he could ill afford to waste. Not after buying yet another piece of gear from Macradon. Admittedly it would be a cool spear, something inspired by Celtic legends, but it was not quite finished yet. More importantly, he could not go boss hunting yet! As he maneuvered a small milling crowd, he made his way to the front door. There an NPC, befitting the holiday, gave him a look over before commenting: "What a nice costume! It is great to see you here at this event. Here's your item for showing and I hope you enjoy yourself." Taro smirked and almost said something smart ass, but he knew the NPC was just following a script. "Thank you Jack, I appreciate the invitation and consideration. I plan to enjoy myself fully." With little more fanfare, Taro moved into the party, looking desperately for anyone he might know. +1 Candy-Guard Spoiler Link to post Share on other sites
Aereth 1 Posted October 27, 2017 #91 Share Posted October 27, 2017 Aereth sighed. Even after the talk at the campfire, Purple still refused to leave him alone. Resistance futile. The day before yesterday he was trying to get himself killed, and now he was here. A freaking Halloween party. "What the actual f*ck am I doing?" Teion was dressed in a cute pirate custom, while Aereth resorted to a thick black cloak, totally not the one he wore everyday, and a borrowed scythe from Teion's shop. Azrail, Reaper, Death, whatever you wanna call it.... Aereth turned his head to face Teion. Only the black hole now staring at Teion. Annoyed, Aereth activated his searching skill, and his eyes flickered in a red color for some moments as he replied in a dark voice. "What was that?" They got greeted by the NPC and Teion let out a scoff, probably still because of his lazy costume. "Hey, the NPC liked it. And its not like I didn't suggest something else..." Aereth simply replied, thinking of the bitchslap he received when he suggested to go as a hangman. "You're just lucky I'm orange...." Thankfully her battleaxe was out of reach at that time.... +1 Candy-Guard @Teion Link to post Share on other sites
Jevi 0 Posted October 27, 2017 #92 Share Posted October 27, 2017 From what she could gather, it seemed like Ruby thought that the man in the clown mask was staring at her partially exposed ass as she bent over to play the game, which was not the case. She was not even sure if the man even noticed Ruby behind her. Jevi's face had turned red as she looked at Ruby with wide eyes. ~"W-w-wait he wasn't.. .and I didn't - well I.. didn't mean.. ." Though expected, Ruby was not mad at Jevi from grabbing onto her rear, in fact she seemed rather happy about it. Jevi exhaled, the bronze color of her cheeks returning to normal. One of Ruby's arms slipped through Jevi's at the elbow, gesturing for her to lead the way to the next activity. The tribal dressed woman nodded, with a french maid on her arm, she walked forward. The party had pretty much doubled in size at this time, more players in various costumes filling up the large size of the Great Room. As the two walked, taking in the sights, they passed a large fountain where their guildmate in a penguin costume was conversing with a mask less Batman and a couple of pirates. Jevi walked with Ruby up to the boy, placing a gentle hand on his back. ~"Well, looks like you're enjoying yourself." she said with a small giggle, looking around at the rest of the group. She looked to the pirates, two of which seemed somewhat familiar to her, ~"I like your pirate outfits, my friend is somewhere over there with his own pirate costume.. You can't miss him with that long green coat." @Ruby@Spencer@Ryo@Piera@Lee Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted October 27, 2017 #93 Share Posted October 27, 2017 Spencer got shot down, but that didn't really bother him all that much. Luckily for Spencer, he hadn't had much experience in relationships so getting shot down didn't bother him. He just shrugged and smiled, this man seemed to at least be a cool guy and maybe a cool friend. Spencer shook his head with confusion. This was a game he never really heard of before, but he was hoping his best that he could beat the man that challenged him, getting a secret from him if he did beat him. What on earth is going on, and how did I get involved with a Pirate Pun War with batman, how the conversations have changed in my head ever since I've joined this game. Welp, let's do this. Ryo walked over to a couple of pirates, and he smiled, laughing a bit at the horrible pun that Ryo told the girl. He shook his head and scanned the crowd, Ruby and Jevi walking up to the small group that has been made. He smiled at them, keeping an eye out for more pirates, than Ruby mentioned something about Jomei being in a pirate costume. He gasped and turned to spot him. "Thank you Jevi! You're the best!" He ran off without any explanation. Now, running was difficult in this costume, so he basically Sped Waddled over to Jomei, standing next to Telrenya. "Jomei!" He yelled and got to them. "Why did the pirate refuse to say, "Aye, Aye, Captain"? Because he's only got one eye." He laughed and ran off, waddling quickly towards the group, hoping Jomei laughs to the joke. He turned back around and watched Jomei, watching to see if he laughed at the joke. Come on Jomei, help me out here. Laugh D*mn you @Ryo @Jevi @Ruby @Jomei @Lee @Piera @Telrenya Link to post Share on other sites
Telrenya 0 Posted October 27, 2017 #94 Share Posted October 27, 2017 The couple had moved throughout the Great Room, from examining the items on display for the raffle, to grabbing a drink. Jomei had just asked the blonde if there was anything she was interested in doing and Telrenya's brow wrinkled as she frowned in thought. She had never been much of a party-goer in any stage of her life, and besides the friends she had arrived with, there weren't many players she was familiar with or thought of seeking out. That's when a familiar voice called out Jomei's name. The sight of Spencer hurrying over to them, crossing the room in as fast a waddle as the tall man seemed able to manage in his full-body penguin costume, Telrenya blinked in surprise. Simply watching him approach made the girl bring a hand to her mouth, stifling a laugh so as not to be rude towards her friend. When he approached, he simply told them a joke. Specifically, a pirate-themed joke. The sandy-haired man had laughed and turned away, waddling back across the room as quickly as he had come. Her bottom lip twitched behind her fingers. She simply couldn't withhold her laughter. Telrenya doubled over, clutching her stomach with her free arm as she giggled at the penguin-man's display. "S...Spencer, what...?" She got out between small gasps for air. After a few more seconds, Telrenya brought a gloved hand up to the corners of her eyes, wiping away the small beads of moisture that had formed. Link to post Share on other sites
Jomei 0 Posted October 27, 2017 #95 Share Posted October 27, 2017 Jomei looked at Telrenya from under the giant hat on his head, waiting for some sort of response from Telrenya about what interested her at the party. That was until out of the corner of his eye, he spotted what seemed like a giant penguin waddling towards them as fast as it could. Turning his head to look at the giant arctic bird, he realized it was just Spencer in his costume, a grin on his face holding something in that he could not wait to tell the two. Jomei snorted, trying to hold in a laugh, Telrenya doing the same. Once Spencer was in front of the two, without any context, he told the two a joke.. a terrible..terrible pirate themed joke. The man felt a bead of sweat drop down his jawline in the silence that followed, rubbing the nape of his neck and giving him a small chuckle. However, before he could ask what the joke was for, Telrenya seemed to double over with laughter, her laugh louder than he had ever heard her voice get before. She held her stomach with her free hand as she bent forward. Apparently my girlfriend loves bad puns... Jomei thought to himself, before realizing how funny it was to see Telrenya laughing like that. Watching the girl, he began to laugh himself, her giggle-fit becoming contagious as Jomei began to crack up as well. By then, the penguin had retreated, again without context, leaving the couple to wipe tears from his eyes "Spence, w-what the hell was.." His chuckling came to an immediate stop when he noticed the group that he stood with, which were also dressed as pirates.. and one Batman. One of the woman he did not recognize, one with purple hair. However, the other two he immediately recognized, the spectacles on one and the scruffy face on the other gave it away. Jomei gestured for Telrenya to follow him down the stairs, which he hurried down rather quickly. As he reached the group, he walked threw his arms around the two who he recognized as Piera and Lee. "Where the hell have you two been?!" he said as he embraced two of his oldest and closest friends. Link to post Share on other sites
Hidden 1 Posted October 28, 2017 #96 Share Posted October 28, 2017 Hidden strode through the area and turned to the door to find Nicholas Blackshade standing at the door, wearing a hood. She heard Jack welcome him, rather disappointed that the man wasn't wearing a costume. The boy's eyes flicked up towards her and they locked eyes for a moment. The boy had been staying at her shop for some time now as h had been kicked from his guild, but she hadn't gotten around to finding out exactly why he had been removed. Nicholas finally came forward, stopping a few feet away. "Find anything?" she asked quietly. The man shook his head. "I am afraid the target managed to escape, but he wasn't alone" She nodded. "Well then, you have done well. Enjoy the rest of your night, you could have at least dressed up" The boy snickered. "Nah, I'll just go find some other quieter players to talk to, perhaps I might find out some interesting information" The dark haired boy adjusted the black handled sword, Zaroc, on his back and moved to the outskirts of the building. She shook her head, finding Domarus in a small crowd of people. She put on a smile and walked forward leaning on her scythe as she walked forward. "Hello everybody!" She spoke, looking towards @Domarus who was in a Slenderman costume. Keres, seemed like a helpless little girl. Now around her was 3 players she had never met. "Hmm, Keres, why are you dressed as the one who is supposed to be frightened?" She giggled, knowing that Domarus and Keres would pick up on her fake personality almost immediately and know to call her Elucia, while the other players had no knew what her true nature was to call her faking it. @Stryder @Embers @Hestia Link to post Share on other sites
Embers 0 Posted October 28, 2017 #97 Share Posted October 28, 2017 Wait…he, started a guild? Well, the name itself was just weird. Embers had no idea what the hell it meant, and weren’t guilds names like, important? Another damn title to hide behind. Still, the guild… Embers let out a sigh, she hadn’t ever thought about guilds if she was honest with herself. Her original plan was to simply wing it on her own, after all, surely there was nothing in this world she couldn’t do alone. Unfortunately, she knew that was far from the case. Her real life skill didn’t move over to the game, and the damn level system meant that she was crippled until she got more. But, were guilds an option to get levels? Embers put it into the back of her mind, because if a guild would help her level up, then why the hell not use it? Knowing Domarus had one helped, surely he owed her enough to let her join, if she wanted too. She went back to her drink, another pang of annoyance at the lack of a buzz, when another girl rocked up. This one, well, it was a reaper, but very different to her own. Embers reaper was dark and broodying, including fake wings. This girls, was, well. Ember could see the ‘cutesty’ look on this other girl, which wasn’t bad. After all, she wasn’t hard on the girls eyes. She seemed to know Domarus and Keres, but Embers kept one eye on the new girl regardless. But, opted to silence. Mostly because, well, she could speak, but there was nothing fun to talk about. Plus she only really knew, well….She let out a hum, how well did she actually know anyone here? She’d only ran into the Kid like, twice, and similar with Dragon-Boy. She grinned just a little, ohhh, how much fun could this group be? @Domarus @Hestia @Stryder @Hidden Link to post Share on other sites
Domarus 0 Posted October 28, 2017 #98 Share Posted October 28, 2017 Domarus had a hook on her. It was in her eyes. Hestia liked the description of his guild. And why wouldn't she? However he knew better than to believe that she would join him upon describing his guild. When she finally spoke, she had mentioned him and his offer. What offer? All he had done was described the guild and how they wouldn't be getting anywhere just yet. When she mentioned checking the Celestial Ascendants his eyes narrowed, not showing through the white mask he had on. She was interested in those pathetic mongrels? He was getting really tired of being compared to that guild. At any rate, she would keep his in mind. He was certain that once she saw how the Celestial Ascendants was doing nowadays, she'd reconsider and join Domarus. In the meantime. He nodded with a smile. "I understand Hestia. I have no intentions of pushing you to join any guild, least of all mine. If you are interested at any point, you can send me a message." She then turned to Keres, giving her a curious look. So she was going there he thought to himself. Some people were upset with the relationship, but they would soon realize that it was inevitable. What no one would ever see however, was his cruelty that he released on Keres in the dark. He needed someone to lash out all his frustrations and hatred onto, someone to vent on. And Keres sought pain and suffering, enslavement. Even with Domarus' cruelty, she truly did have to beg him to make her his servant. She was the only one who had ever persuaded Domarus to make a major change to his plans. Keres smiled cutely to Hestia. "Yes he does~ Unlike others, he doesn't take advantage of me. He always considers me in anything, and always asks me if I'd like to do so. I'd do anything he wanted me to do of course, but he insists on asking rather than telling me. I think he sees me as a friend, or sister? Hee hee. It's really hard for someone like me to tell really~" And she was telling the truth, mostly. He couldn't take advantage of her when she was literally asking Domarus what he wanted her to do, begging for him to do his worst. At the same time, there would be times where he asked her rather than commanded. This was when he wasn't in a bad mood. There would be no hint of deception on her face either. Then another player approached them, and he recognized her immediately to be Hidden. He knew that she kept tabs on him because he knew what she looked like. This was what he was pleased with since it kept her closer to him, which meant he could control her easier. He nodded to her. "Hello Elucia. How are you doing?" Keres giggled at Hidden's question. "Not unless the child in the picture was too ignorant and innocent. Good to see you Elucia~" Domarus then noticed Embers grin. What was it she was thinking now? @Hestia @Stryder @Embers @Hidden Link to post Share on other sites
Vigilon 0 Posted October 28, 2017 #99 Share Posted October 28, 2017 Vigilon smiled when he noticed that the compliment went well. When Krysta said that she didn't recognize him, probably because of the costume, he remembered that he was indeed in costume. Oops, forgot to reintroduce. The male player in the conversation seemed to be wishing he wasn't in the conversation, or just plain uncomfortable. "Must be more extreme of an introvert than I am. Or something else that I don't know yet." Either way, he decided to give him his space for the time being. The child dressed as a chicken complimented on Vigilon's costume, introduced herself, then asked for him to introduce himself. The only player in this conversation that Vigilon recognized was Krysta, so, fat chance that he and the child were acquainted. "In costume, I am here at this party as Corrin, the protagonist of the game Fire Emblem Fates. In this game," He gestured all around him. "I go by the name Vigilon. It's nice to meet you, Fae." @Krysta @Fae @Pinball Link to post Share on other sites
Dazia 0 Posted October 29, 2017 #100 Share Posted October 29, 2017 Dazia was growing tired of just standing there in a dark corner while conversations bloomed and otherwise almost no activity. Couldn't have there been something she could do? From the looks of it, probably not, unless butting into one's conversation was an option. Tired of doing absolutely nothing, she looked around, and caught sight of some darts meant to be thrown at pumpkins. She walked over, went around the group having a conversation, and grabbed a dart. She caught sight of a pumpkin. She held her dart firmly, ready to throw. She stared at the pumpkin for a minute or more, and threw her dart. It whizzed softly in the air as it made it's way towards the target. Drat. Just two centimeters from the exact center. Then again, she now knew what angle would be required for the next shot. But before that, she would see if she could possibly join the conversation happening beside her, having heard a few words here an there while she aimed, despite that the gaps between words caught by her ear were too far apart for her to understand it. "Mind if I jump in?" @Domarus @Stryder @Hestia @Embers @Hidden Link to post Share on other sites
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